10 Questions PRO-Palestinians Can’t Answer (Can You Prove Me Wrong?)

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here are 10 questions Pro Palestinians can't answer why do you care so my first question is one that I've asked in the past but still never got an answer to why do you care so much about the Palestinians there are so many demonstrations in support of Gaza hundreds of thousands of pro Palestinians are Marching through the streets of major cities yet nobody is Marching for the people of Yemen and Syria not the Arabs and other students in Western University ities and I'm asking you why there are 800,000 dead in Syria and Yemen and you are silent and there are 20,000 dead in Gaza half of them terrorists and you are outrage now you have two possible answers to this question neither is great but as I said you don't have any other good options the first answer is that you expect more from Israel than you expect from the Arabs now if you expect more from Israel that means you expect less from the Arabs and that makes you a racist I'm not sure you want to be put in that box another option is that you are a hypocrite it is cool to be prop Palestinian so although you know that far greater atrocities are happening not far from here you choose to ignore them by the way you don't have to limit yourself you can be both a OCR and a racist if you have a better answer please share it with me I want to understand why you are outraged when talking about Israel but Syria and Yemen and Sudan oh it's a humanitarian crisis what can we do let's move on to the next question the oppressed people of the Middle East let's say you woke up this morning in Berlin Madrid or Wisconsin and you thought to yourself I want to support press people in the Middle East well I'm with you I think it is Noble that people generally want to help people they don't know on the other side of the world and there are so many minorities that are suffering oppression in Muslim countries there are the copics in Egypt and there are Christians in Lebanon and Iraq whose numbers are decreasing at a genocidal rate there are the balak people and the zaratras in Iran who no one cares about but the first group that should spring to mind when talking about oppressed Muslims in the Middle East is of course the Kurds unlike the Palestinians the Kurds have a very long history as a nation unlike the Palestinians who have never missed an opportunity to miss an opportunity to establish peace and an independent state the cours did all they could to establish their own state but were ultimately betrayed by the colonial Powers the Cs have suffered immensely in Muslim countries like Iran Iraq and turkey and no one cares about them well are all the Freedom Fighters when it comes to the courts let me give you a crazy crazy example of just how little the world cares about them have you heard about the halabja masaca the Iraqis attacked halabja with chemical weapons it was the worst chemical weapon attack on civilians ever 5,000 cords died many are still suffering from the consequences of the attack which took place in 1988 I guess that most of you have never heard about it seeing as nobody ever bothers to mention it let's have a look at Google there are about 50,000 results for the halabja chemical attack how many results do you think that the Battle of deia will have this was a tiny tiny battle that took place 75 years ago in 1948 when Israel conquered the village of diin and around 50 to 100 Arabs died diin has more than 400,000 results how can you make sense of the fact that a tiny 75-year-old battle gets about 10 times more information published about it than the worst chemical attack on civilians ever my answer is that if Muslims die and you can't blame Israel then it just isn't that interesting nobody cures not even the Muslims do you have a better answer stolen land now the we have established that in my opinion Pro Palestinians don't really care about the real atrocities in the Middle East or about the oppressed people who are fighting for Freedom let's Dive Right into and talk about the Palestinian specifically I often get comments about the Jews stealing Land from the Palestinians if it is true that the Jews stole land then give me the name of one Jewish settlement that was built on Arab land before November 1947 when the Arabs re rejected the partition plan rejected peace and the establishment of an independent state and started a war to wipe out the Jews give me some give me some names you will not find a single case of Jews stealing land from Arabs when the Arabs started a war yes they lost some land that's what happens when you start a war by the way I can give you the names of many places that Arabs stole from the Jews before war broke out in 1948 there was a Jewish community living in Gaza until 1929 when the local Arabs back then they didn't call themselves Palestinians stole their property so if you claim to be Pro Palestinian and know the history of the conflict just give me one name of a Jewish settlement that was established on Stolen Arab land before they started a war why wasn't an independent Palestinian state established between 1948 and 19 1967 so the Arabs started a war and lost after the war the Gaza area was held by the Egyptians and Judean Samaria which came to be known as the West Bank were held by the jordanians why didn't the Arabs who at this point have started to call themselves Palestinians established a state back then they had a whole 19 years to do just that in 1967 the Arabs once again threatened to eliminate Israel and again they lost this time they lost the Gaza script and the West Bank only then did the world start to get interested in the Palestinian and their independence this I find interesting when the Palestinians were under Arab rule nobody talked about a Palestinian state in Gaza and the West Bank and suddenly after Israel won the War in 1967 the Palestinians became one of the most interesting people on planet Earth so my question is why didn't anybody talk about the Independence of the Palestinians and 1967 and let me remind you that the 1950s saw the independence of Morocco Algeria and Libya so with the idea of Arabs establishing independent state was not a new thing my answer to this question is simple the Palestinians are not interested in having a state in Gaza and the West Bank alongside Israel they are interested in wiping out Israel and I have undeniable proof the PLO that Palestinian Liberation Organization was established in 1964 with the self- declared objective of eliminating Israel so in 1964 which was 3 years before the occupation began before there was one settlement they clearly State their desire to eliminate Israel not to be freed from Egypt and Jordan rule but to eliminate Israel do you think I'm wrong please illuminate me on this one Egypt staying with Egypt let say that everything I said is wrong Israel is terrible the Palestinians are mostly poor civilians who are suffering under the cruel Israelis and many well-meaning people in the west and in the Muslim World want to do all they can to help the poor souls in Gaza my question is why is no one mentioning Egypt Egypt has a Bor with Gaza Strip Egypt can simply open the gate and allow Palestinian refugees in how many people from Gaza did Egypt allowed in zero that's strange look at the Europeans Poland Germany and many other countries open their doors and their hearts to people from Ukraine it was a really Noble response what about the Egyptians and the Arab world where are they Egypt is five times bigger than Israel and it has plenty of R to spare oh so did I say five times bigger I meant to say Egypt is 50 times 50 times bigger than Israel Egypt could open its border and all the rich Arab countries could help them but no one mentions this option Arabs helping other Arabs no that's a crazy idea Pro Palestinians are doing the anti-israel part really well but why not actually helping the Palestinians by focusing on Egypt genocide now this is an easy one Israel is often accused of committing genocide if Israel is committing genocide how come there are more Palestinians every year from 1948 to 2023 there have been more Palestinians every year how do you reconcile that with the word genocide I'm dying to hear how you can justify the word genocide when talking about the Palestinians blacks and Palestinians the Palestinians like to present themselves as the indigenous dark skinned people of the land and we the Jews as the white European colonizing power first of all I find it funny and pretty pathetic that the Palestinian want and actually get the sympathy of black people in South Africa and black people in the US do you know what the Arabs called people with black skin AB ABD which means slaves it was the European Colonial Powers who pressured Muslim countries to abolish slavery and that only happened in the 20th century if you have never heard about all this it is not your fault those who like talking about colonialism don't like to talk about the way in which Arabs historically treated black people as slaves and they definitely don't like to mention the fact that the main Force putting an end to slavery in Arab countries was the European Colonial Powers it doesn't fit the narrative and those who talk about colonialism prefer narratives to the simple truth as a to guide I can tell you that one of the poorest settlements in Israel is called Jara it is an Arab Village or town and a lot of the Arabs who live there are black people who originally came from Sudan and who experienced racism on account of their skin color and there are many stories like that Arab Society is extremely racist towards black people in some Arab countries slavery was still legal 60 years ago black Palestinian solidarity is about as smart as qu for Palestine by the way Jews in the US were the biggest supporters of the Civil Rights movements in the 1960s somehow the BLM movement and the student movements in the US tend to forget that fact as well as the fact that the Arabs were all in with selling buying and using slaves but let's go back to the pal alians and their claims first of all most of the Jews in Israel today 50 years ago and 150 years ago were from Arab countries in the long history of the Jews in the land of Israel a 3,000 year old history there were only about 30 years during which Jews from Europe numbered more highly than Jews from Arab countries and in any case Jerusalem and the land of Israel was already the homeland of all Jews some 1500 years prior to Islam even been established in the 7th century and my question here to all the prop Palestinians is if the Palestinians are the indigenous people how is it that when you go to archaeological sites you never find Palestinian artifact but Jewish artifacts 2,000 year old Hebrew texts texts that I can read have been found in Israel 3,000 year old Jewish coins have been found so if you find zero Palestinian artifact and thousands and thousands of Jewish artifacts then who are the indigenous people the state of Palestine the next question is more of a question for your imagination let's say we wake up tomorrow and from The River To The Sea Palestine is free of Israel and Jews the Palestinians have a state what do you imagine this country would be like based on how the Palestinian Authority and Hamas govern today I think it would be like all its neighboring Arab Muslim countries a country where gay people are thrown into jail if they are lucky and thrown from rooftops if they are not so lucky a country with no human rights where women don't enjoy the same rights as men no democracy a failing economy no I might be wrong this is a theoretical question I'm basing my assumption on the way they have functioned up until now if you think differently please let me know what you think the Palestinian state would be like and what you you are basing your assumptions on the rward I can talk a lot about the conflict and I actually do this is my life now and I'm going to keep on doing it because it is important but there is one very clear way to judge who is on the side of morality and who's not women look at how each side treats women the Palestinians have assaulted hundreds of Israeli women and how many Palestinians women have been subjected to the award by Israeli soldiers zero as a feminist I think that this tells the whole story if there are tens of thousands of Israel soldiers fighting the Hamas rist IM in Gaza not a single Palestinian woman is assaulted that tells us a great deal about Israel and the Israeli soldiers here I'm not even going to ask you to prove me wrong because nothing you can say about it is smarter than what I just said in Hebrew there is a saying tell me who your friends are and I will tell you who you are I assume that the same phrase exist in many other languages because it is so true now let's have a look at the Israelis we are accused of colonialism a part height ethnic lensen and genocide and we also have a terrible heavy accent when we speak English I mean we must be the most terrible people on Earth yet if you go to Pro Israeli rally in Berlin London or Wisconsin you will see Zero violence nothing Israelis don't burn shops and cars they don't participate in riots they don't beat up cops they don't burn the national flags of the countries they live in they don't shout hateful slogans now look at propan Ries for people who like to be seen as victims they are pretty violent so if you are pro Palestinian please explain to me how is it possible that Israelis are blamed for the worst crimes ever if they are so peaceful outside Israel and the Palestinians and their Arabs and Muslim supporters are how to put it nicely are quite the opposite if you're Pro Palestinian please enlighten me with your smart answers to the questions I just asked my next videos will be response video to the comments I get if you're pro Israel and you like this video then please give this video a like subscribe and feel free to share it a lot of prop Palestinians accuse me of being in the pay of the Israeli government I wish the Israeli government were smart enough to pay me because I have a thousand video ideas but I don't have the money or the resources to make them I am a private individual working by myself for myself if you want to support me please share this video there is a share button below the video or you can copy the URL and paste it into Twitter Facebook or Instagram I try my hardest to make the best videos I can if you want to see my channel grow it is up to you to help me spread the word please share my videos on other platforms I would really appreciate it see you next week yala by
Channel: travelingisrael.com
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Length: 17min 32sec (1052 seconds)
Published: Sat Jan 13 2024
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