“I’m Asking You A REASONABLE Question!” | Julia Hartley-Brewer GRILLS Palestinian Journalist

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first up though I do want to talk to another guest we finally got her on the line and that is Waffa Al udeni uh she joins us she's a Palestinian journalist in Gaza uh good afternoon to you can waffer are you on mute just we can't hear you waffer you're on mute waffer can you hear me yeah good afternoon thank you so much I do apologize we don't have much time to talk to you sadly because we've I've treding to establish that link with you can you just give us the latest on what what is going on in Gaza from your perspective as a journalist there yeah actually the situation here is really terribly terribly difficult uh canil we are talking here about massive destruction everywhere about massacres like is being committed by the Israeli occupation War plans around the clock like so many we are talking here about nearly 2,000 Palestinian and 700 have been murdered during these AA strikes nearly 7 100 of these of those uh who got killed during these air strikes are from the kids uh and according to the Ministry of Health they say that nearly 1,000 Palestinians are still under rles they are trying to rescue them and pull them out of the rles okay uh and according also to the honor where they say that uh nearly there is a million Palestinians uh have been displaced uh after the Israeli a strikes of their homes and their residential buildings uh and now we are talking about so many massacres is being committed here in in you use the word use the word Massacre waffer um the Israelis their argument would be we we warn in advance when we're going to uh uh strike a building uh we warned people to get out we told people to evacuate that deadline was on Saturday they've extended it and extended it um there wasn't a warning from Hamas uh to the Israeli Festival goers or people sleeping their beds Saturday the 7th of October when they were attacked I think most I mean as much as I think most of us are horrified most right thinking people by any innocent civilians in Palestine um so apologies in in Gaza uh dying as a result of these air strikes is it right to call it a massacre in fact uh you don't know like uh I'm not really sure if uh your correspondent here told you that there is no warning at all there is war plans that just Target the homes and the everything the residential buildings shops pharmacies that because Hamas Hamas fire weapons from those from those civilian apartment build no no you know if if this is a true uh you can't find like most of the victims are from the civilians there is no a military uh leader among those who got killed all of them all of them according to the Ministry of Health they said that all of them are civilians Israelis claim they've actually managed to kill the leader the man who masterminded the attack on on the isra of the Israeli Massacre you know as well as I do that Hamas are completely and utterly embedded in the civilian you know apartment blocks and hospitals and everywhere they have that is how they've sought to protect themselves by providing by by basically basically using the Palestinian PE people um uh as as as a defense by by putting themselves in apartment buildings putting their Weaponry in apartment buildings yeah actually I just want to add something uh you know like you just said that there is a place is safe here in Gaza here in Gaza we don't have shelters we don't have Sirens to to warn us from any Israeli attack everyone is a direct Target to the Israeli warplanes they're targeted indiscriminately they without warning that's why why we have the the so many people who get killed I'm just telling you that we have nearly 2,700 Palestinians among them nearly 700 or even I think the the number is rising right now because today another massacres were committed and they told the people to move from the south to the north but in fact they commit also they targeted so many homes in the north as well as in the South just yesterday just just today today um just a few minutes ago as I was talking to you a few minutes ago they targeted a home in Rafa killing at least 20 Palestinians from the same family and are still pulling out the the other family members from under the has considered from the north you know okay so people told to move from the north to the South but they're still being targeted I understand that can I ask you why you're still in Gaza City why have you chosen not to leave why to leave this is my homeland if someone ask you to leave your home are you going to leave your home if someone said they were going to bomb me and my family to death well if that's you know you saying a and they told me to leave yeah I would leave yeah I think I would you would leave your country if someone is is going to take your they're not asking you to leave your country out they're asking you to go to the South so that they can tackle the hamus fighters actually actually this is like Israeli propaganda when they say to to the people just move from another place to another actually they target everywhere here in in Gaza they just say this because they know that the media will take this and they say that they are warning the people so when they commit massacres they will say uh but they WN the people and they those people didn't evacuate from their homes and but in fact they targeted you know like they asked the people to evacuate from the the South to the north but why they targeted them in yeah from the north to the South but why they targeted like a truck and two cars while those people were leaving that's as you know that's disputed and the the IDF claimed that that was actually a a bomb booby trap bomb left by hammmer can I ask you just just finally um in the wake of that Massacre of Israelis on October the 7th what to you would be a proportionate and reasonable response from the Israeli Armed Forces to that that Massacre of their Nationals what would be what would be you think reasonable I didn't get your question can you say that again given given the massacre of 14400 people Israelis women children The Taking of hostages 199 hostages all of that all of the horrific atrocities involved in that Massacre by hammers what do you believe as a Palestinian journalist living in G City what would be a proportionate and reasonable response from the Israelis to that you know what what is the sad the saddest thing here is that uh you know we only he the ministry Media or the media no no no no no no please waffer please answer my question what you're saying that the response of the Israelis right now is unacceptable you're calling it a massacre what would be a reasonable response cleansing okay so what would be a reasonable response you know like we have been suffering uh have been subjecting to the Israeli occupation of brutality and oppression since nearly 75 what would be a reasonable response and even we have 5,000 Palestinians are still in the Israeli occupation jails we have 170 Palestinian kids that are still in the Israeli jails we have nearly 40 Palestinian women inside the is wa you're a journalist you're a journalist I'm a journalist I'm asking you from the perspective as a Palestinian woman living in Gaza City what would be if you if you think the Israeli response is unreasonable disproportionate it's wrong what would be the right proportionate reasonable response to, 1400 your people being massacred what what would what would be acceptable to you for them to do other than say oh well never mind we'll just carry on as usual which is clearly not going to happen what one final chance what would be the reasonable response yeah you're just saying that we we are journalist and I'm a Palestinian journalist yes living here under this harsh condition to you not think that's a reasonable question to ask you listen it's the question I mean like you didn't know that they committed like uh since we here in Gaza since nearly 17 years I do know that have been isra stop telling me what I don't know and answer the question yes why is that such a difficult question to answer sorry I'm answering your questions here because you know you just just look to the the Israeli side and you I'm not looking at just the Israeli side is happening I'm asking you a reasonable question what's a proportionate reasonable response to that Massacre you know like listen I'm just reporting what I see as a journalist from here from from Gaza I saw that the Palestinian people are suffering in a daily basis because of the Israeli brutality against them the occupation because of hamas's brutality Israeli occupation they are using fph forus pums do you know that they are using I asked Israeli person about that only last week yeah they are using internationally B still not answer to my question should we give up should we just give up you're not going to answer the question we'll have to leave Collective punishment what is happening here is collective punishment so what would be the correct response but look at the the very beginning when they who started this who we were living like I'm a Palestinian refugee I used to live in I'm gonna wa I'm going to interrupt I'm GNA leave it there because if any conversation of this it ends up going back to I mean let's go back a thousand years Waffa um Al Udi I'm so sorry I it took a long time to get you on the line I was waiting speak to you we've got less time if you're not going to answer my question then um we'll have to leave it I do appreciate you joining us thank you for joining us
Channel: TalkTV
Views: 1,209,055
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: debate, free speech, freedom of expression, live, live news, news, politics, talk radio, talk radio live, talk radio tv, talk tv, talk tv live, talkTV, talkradio, talkradio tv, talkradiotv, talktv live, uk, conflict, israel palestine conflict, israel crisis, israel, netanyahu, israelis, hamas, hamas group, attack, war crimes, armed conflict, retaliation, offensive, crime against humanity, dispute, peace, diplomacy, israel state, attack on humanity, condemn attack, hummus, hummus attack
Id: aG0Zd2X8YJY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 22sec (622 seconds)
Published: Mon Oct 16 2023
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