10 Point Roll Cage Install in the Turbo LS S10 from S&W Race Cars (Part 1)

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[Music] what's up guys oh man it's good to be back so right now it's currently like six a.m because i got to get up before the heat supposed to be 113 degrees today and i gotta be welding and grinding and cutting and stuff in the garage all day today and that sun is bright but yeah like i was saying i have a project for this weekend and it's right over here on the ground as you can see there picked up a 10 point cage from s w race cars and it's going in the s10 because next weekend i plan on taking this thing to the track and i didn't think this was going to show up in time i had ordered it and they said they were 20 days out so i wasn't expecting it to be here i was just going to take it down see if i get through tech you know talk my way through tech saying that i didn't know what it was going to run and see if i could run it fast enough to get kicked out but now the cage is here i want to get it in before i take it just so that there's no reason that they won't let me run because i've got to drive down tucson to run this thing our local tracks are still like iffy about opening up and they don't have a track day for another couple weeks and i'm itching to run this thing so i'm going to take this thing down to tucson next weekend for a little test and tune and uh should be fun i'm excited sun is terrible i can't there's nowhere in here to stand get over here out of the sun but anyways so that's the plan for this video when i was looking at cages and stuff like that i don't know if you guys know the history or not or if i explained it i don't remember but i had already ordered a competition engineering cage from like summit racing competition engineering is like a um side brand or a sister company of moroso and that cage was like it was supposed to be for you know pre-bend for an s10 but it was pretty generic and these s10s are kind of tricky for mounting the cage just because where a normal cage would go back here where a normal cage would kind of land back here and up in the front for the front bars there's body mounts so they take a little bit of i don't know i could have scooted that cage forward but then it would put the halo like almost in front of my head which isn't right so the competition engineering cage the way it was like designed and bent the the rear seat bar the seat bar for your harness and everything behind you is just a straight bar and since that body mount is right where you would typically put the halo you have to scoot it further forward and miss those body mounts to be able to attach it to the frame on outriggers and that would have moved my seat forward like probably four or five inches where this s w race car cage the rear harness bar has a bend in it you can see it's this one right here right right here it has a bend in it so that the the halo bar can be moved forward but your harness bar and your seat can still say stay back tight against the firewall because i'm a big dude i need that room in that cab this little cab i need as much room as i can get that cage was just kind of a generic cage it didn't fit very well in the truck i didn't like it so i ripped it out and i was gonna have a local shop you know a guy that i know by the name of trevor white panda built build me a custom cage for it and i'd actually given him a deposit to do it but then i changed jobs and you know i just there's a lot of money for a cage for it was a lot of money for me to have a cage put in but i knew it would be right and the dude's got some of the best welds in the world i don't care who you are this dude can weld like no other but like i said it was just at the time i just i couldn't afford it it was a lot of money i just changed jobs so i backed out on that and i really planned on having him do it later on but when i started adding it up it just this was more affordable for me to just to just buy this pre-bent cage and get it installed so sorry trevor i really wanted to have you put this cage in for me i don't know if you watch these videos or not but i really wanted you to put this cage in for me but this is just the way i gotta go all that mumbo jumbo aside let's get started on this cage and we'll see where we get i just fired up my portacool it's been sitting here so long now it smells like a giant fart in here oh it's disgusting but i need it i need it all right so here's all the bars laid out as you can see you've got your main hoop here your harness bar the two braces that go down to the floor your upper hoop for like the roof and then your your down bars your front bars these are the rear bars that go out the back window i'm probably not going to put those on yet just because i don't want to take the rear glass back out but eventually i'll put those back on and then you've got a dash bar and then your two door bars that go diagonal from here to here so they're supposed to be there is another box that you know fedex being fedex delayed so i think that's the box with the outriggers in it and i also ordered the swing out door bar kit so it probably has the outriggers and the swing outdoor bar kit in it and like i said fedex being fedex delayed that box everything else got here but that so that's not going to be here till tuesday and i want to get this thing in so i've got some of the outrigger boxes from the last cage that i bought so i'm going to run to my storage unit grab those so that we can get going on this all right guys switched over to the gopro it's just gonna make this a lot easier to film so i apologize that the audio and video is terrible but it seems to work for cletus so should work for me but as you can see i got the truck up on jack stands supported i got level you know front to back side to side that's that's really crucial when you're putting in a cage like this you want to make sure the vehicle is level because everything is going to be going off of that so got it up on jack stands supported by the frame not by the suspension so that as i'm getting in and out of it it's not moving or getting out of level so um got the seat out as you can see told you guys i'd show you how i kind of did my seat mounts never mind the the black paint i ran out partially way through painting this thing but anyways i just kind of went off of the the factory it's kind of hard to see the factory bolt for the bench seat and then just kind of built this this riser i have it tacked right here right now but that's going to have to get cut off because i know the my halo bar is gonna go through the floor right here so that will get chopped off it was just tacked there to uh kind of help hold it for me while i was getting it all set up so that can be cut off because it's supported by this riser right here also here and all that kind of stuff but yeah i don't know this should work for now i really want to build like some bars off of the cage to do this but these s10s are tricky because the floor rises up right there and you can't really get the seat super low because of this unless you were to cut the floor out do a bunch of stuff like that but yeah just a couple mounts there there and then once the cage is in and the harness bar i'll bring a support off the back to support the back of the chair too so but anyways that's it for talking because it's already like i don't know 95 degrees let's see what it is it's 8 o'clock right now and it's 91 degrees so i gotta get [Music] [Music] moving [Music] so [Music] by the way this is a real pain in the ass to do by yourself but i'm all i got it's actually an inch longer on this side than it is this side so good thing to check that yeah so it's a good thing i checked that because it's actually an inch longer on one side than the other so if i would have cut just went and cut a half inch off both sides it still would be crooked and then it probably ended up being too short by the time i leveled it out so so instead of taking a half in i'll probably just take one inch off that side and hopefully it's not too short i can fine tune it with the outriggers a little bit but i don't want them hanging down below the body i don't want them to be seen so i guess if i have to i could fine tune the levelness of this with those but i don't know we'll see [Music] [Music] all right guys i really hope you can hear me with that cooler running um but got the cage in here kind of sort of mocked up right now um holes cut through the floor so this is what i was kind of talking about on these s10s is you can see these plates that i welded in for the first cage which by the way is not the way you're supposed to do it i after i did this i found out that it has to be attached to the frame in order to be like certified 850 can be attached to just the body so but as you can see where that other cage wanted to be down here is the body mount directly below it so what s w does is the hoop comes forward with an outrigger off the side of the frame there just in front of the body mount and then they use this bent harness bar so that you can move the hoop further forward but not lose your room for the seat so it bends back and gives you that extra room so you can scoot your seat back because these cabs are so small and for guys that are over six foot like me you need that room so that's one thing i really like about this cage and that's why i went with it a couple of you viewers or subscribers recommended s w um and then one of the one of my subscribers his name is jamie sent me a few pictures of his install and i really liked it so that's the reason why i went with this cage so like i said right now i've got it just kind of mocked up i need to trim a little bit off it is long it's uh it's too tall it's hitting the roof it's hitting here it's real tight so i got to take i'm going to take like half inch off at a time on both sides so that i can you know fine tune and sneak up on the height that i want it's kind of hard to measure because you're going through the floor and stuff like that and i'll be honest i'm usually the kind of person that uh you know measures once cuts twice and it's still too short so i'll just take a little bit off at a time and try and sneak up on it so that i can get this where i need it and then we'll get it tacked up we'll get the harness bar in tacked up and then we'll move on to the the roof halo and the down bars and such all right guys so got the main hoop in all tacked up back up so you can see kind of level this way level that way got the like i'm just leaving it all tacked you want to you want to just tack as you go and wait till you have the entire thing done before you start fully welding anything but like i said it's all tacked in and i'm getting ready to put in the the harness bar which i have over here and one thing i want to point out about these cages is they use a like a cnc plasma to notch these so you want to make sure you go and clean all that dross off before you start welding take like a flat disc or an angle grinder or something and clean that up really good you don't want any of that dross on there from the plasma cutter when you're welding so i'm going to clean that up i'm going to get it tacked in here put my seat back in make sure hopefully my seat fits i don't have to move it at all and then we'll go from there [Music] all right so i've got the harness bar tacked in place and when you're putting this bar in you want it 0 to 10 degrees below your shoulder line max 45 degrees but they don't recommend more than 10. it's looking good right there just barely below my shoulder level so that's going to work great um not a lot of room between the top of my head and this bar definitely have to be running some padding there especially once i get a helmet on but i'll just keep on moving okay so i've got the the top hoop set up here on my table and basically i'm just getting it cut down to size and i don't have a tube notcher or anything like that i'm doing this with minimal fabrication tools you know i've got my cut off wheel flat disc um you know my mig welder so so basically what i'm doing is i've got a couple pieces of scrap uh tube here and i'm just using my flat disc and just beveling this out until i get a good nice fit and then i've got this bar here that is kind of simulating the hoop that's inside so i'm just going to keep test fitting that until i get a fit that i like and then i'll throw it in the truck and if i like it in there then i'll tack it up and uh get it in place but yeah like i said i'm just i'm just taking my time and just beveling these out with my flat disc and just going slow you know so i don't go too far i'm just sneaking up on it so i get the fit that i like [Music] all right so it's almost five o'clock i just took a break to have some lunch you know five o'clock having lunch but uh let me show you what i've got done the hoops in the harness bar is in when i say in i mean tacked and then i also got the the roof halo tacked in i still got the strap up here just kind of holding it in place but it is tacked in um now i'm going to gotta cut a hole up here this is a plate that was still from the last roll cage i gotta i gotta cut those tack welds get that plate out but i need to cut holes here because right here is the body mount so i'm going to kind of kind of the same deal as back here is i'm going to cut a hole just in front of the body mount here put an outrigger on the frame and then we'll put in our bars that the front support bars there and then probably there's also these bars here so this is like the only bar that will go to this is the only bar that would kind of go to a plate that's welded on the floor but these go in here and they need a little bit of work to get them to fit because you know they're not perfect so that will go in there down to the plate there um but i'm going to leave these off i'm going to leave these off [Music] and i'm gonna leave and i'm gonna leave the the door bars off for now because once i get this front support bar in and everything tacked up the way i like it i'm gonna break the tack welds on all four uh outriggers and drop the cage down so that i can get up here and weld all the way around these bars up here that are real tight to the roof and so that's the game plan hopefully it works out the way i'm thinking so that i can get up in there and weld all that but so it's a it's about 117 right now five o'clock in the afternoon it's it's really hard to get going again after taking that break inside and you know got full belly now but i'm gonna keep pushing so today's saturday it's a three-day weekend monday's labor day so i'm hoping by monday hoping by tomorrow actually that this thing is is done but man if you guys haven't ever put a cage in a truck before it's it's a lot of work it's it's not like it's hard work it's just time consuming because especially when you don't have a notcher or you're not very experienced like me it just takes a lot of time fitting cutting grinding fitting cutting grinding fitting cutting grinding and then finally tack it in place but anyways like i said guys i'm gonna get going on these front support bars and i will keep you guys updated all right guys so i realized that i have way more footage than i thought i did on this roll cage and it's such a long process that instead of just making one really long video i think i'm gonna break it up into sections so the videos aren't too long and not too boring um so with that being said i'm gonna end this video here and then keep your eyes out for part two and maybe even part three we'll see how long this takes me but everything's going good and as always i want to thank you guys for watching thank you guys for being patient with me i know i haven't put out a video for quite a while so hopefully we're back into the swing of things and uh we get this s10 out and get some actual seat time in it so i'm pretty excited about that but i added a new feature to the channel it's the applaud button i'm not 100 sure how it works but i think if you click it it allows you to give like a small donation towards the channel so if you guys feel like donating some way there's a way to do it a lot of you guys have asked if i have merchandise and stuff like that which i don't yet but maybe in the mid in the future but for now you guys that are wanting to donate towards the channel i put that little option there i think it's next to like the thumbs up thumbs down buttons but it should say applaud um but yeah go ahead if you guys are up to it um i appreciate all the support you guys give me so hopefully like i say we get out and get some seat time in this truck but till then keep watching keep doing what you're doing and i'll see you on the next one [Music] [Applause] you
Channel: Robby V's Garage
Views: 13,805
Rating: 4.9673471 out of 5
Keywords: s10, race truck, drag truck, drag s10, prostreet, race cars, s&w race cars, s&w performance, drag racing, high performance, turbo ls, ls swap, ls swap s10, ls s10, v8 s10, chevy s10, chevy truck, chevy only, roll cage, s10 roll cage, roll cage install, how to install a roll cage, how to, beginners, must have
Id: ayi3BeFNiFg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 24min 6sec (1446 seconds)
Published: Sun Sep 06 2020
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