10 Optical Illusions that Will Blow Your Mind

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Nice little demo of how an optical illusion was used in LOTR [7:30 mark]

👍︎︎ 1 👤︎︎ u/OB1_kenobi 📅︎︎ Oct 19 2019 🗫︎ replies

did I just got a mindjob?

👍︎︎ 1 👤︎︎ u/Panjojo 📅︎︎ Oct 19 2019 🗫︎ replies
they say that seeing is believing but what happens when you can't believe what you see here are the top 10 optical illusions that will blow your mind number 10 the Hermann grid illusion this illusion tricks your mind into believing that the white dots at the intersection of the squares are shifting in color the dots appear to change from white to dark gray as you stare at the illusion this illusion was discovered in 1870 by a physiologist named Loup de Mer Hermann and was therefore named after him the illusion demonstrates a phenomenon known as lateral inhibition all of the dots are white we only perceive them to be change in color so in actuality we are seeing something that isn't even there there are no gray dots number nine the kinesia triangle this optical illusion leads you to believe that there are three circles and two triangles but in reality there are no triangles there are only incomplete lines Italian psychologists Gaetano kanessa discovered this optical illusion in 1955 the illusion uses one of the laws of perceptual organization called the law of closure we tend to perceive pieces of objects as part of a whole when they are grouped together therefore we close the gaps in the objects to try to make the image cohesive our brains are essentially closing the gaps and making triangles out of this optical illusion so that we can make sense of the picture number 8 the lie lock chaser this crazy optical illusion also known as the pac-man illusion has to do with something called negative retinal afterimage for this optical illusion to work you need to stare at the black cross in the center of the circle for about 20 seconds after about 20 seconds you will start to see a green circle moving through the lie lock once the green circle will start to erase the lie lock circles but as soon as you shift your eyesight you will see the lilac circles again the hues of the lilac and green circle are complementary colors and exist on a neutral background with time our brains integrate the images of the circles until we see only one object moving around the green dot the lilac dots are of course still there our brains just refused to see them before we move on be sure to subscribe to daily toptenz with notifications on so you don't miss any of our videos number seven the Ponzo illusion in this popular optical illusion called the Ponzo illusion two lines that are the same length appeared to be different lengths the line that is closer appears to be shorter than the line that is further away the illusion is named after Italian psychologist Mario Ponzo because he was the first person to demonstrate this illusion in 1913 the illusion relies on something called linear perspective the vertical lines grow closer as they move away which suggests to our minds that the top line is further away we believe that the top line would need to be longer if it were further away to be the same length as something nearer in reality though the lines are the same length number six the poggendorff illusion in this illusion the blue line on the Left appears to be lined up with the black line whereas the black line on the right appears to connect to the red line however the lines in both pictures are exactly the same and are connected in exactly the same way the only difference is that the rectangle in the image on the left is a darker shade and blocks out part of the lines this optical illusion is named after Johann poggendorff who first discovered it in 1860 he used this illusion to try to describe how our brains perceive depth oddly enough though his optical illusion has never really been fully explained no one knows exactly how this optical illusion works or why we think the two lines are connected differently when they are number five the impossible Trident at first glance this optical illusion may not look like much there appears to be three prongs that connect into two at one end but the more you look at this illusion the more impossible it seems in fact if you stare at it long enough the lines become disorienting this illusion initially appeared as graphic art on the cover of Mad Magazine in March 1965 also known as The Devil's fork or the impossible fork the impossible Trident relies on our brains desire to reconstruct 3d imagery we are trying to make the 2d drawing into a 3d structure but it's an impossible endeavor and harder we try to turn it into a 3d picture the more confusing the image becomes number four the curvature blindness illusion this fairly new optical illusion was discovered in 2017 by experimental psychologists Coast Gate akka Hoshi in Japan the lines in the white area and the black area appear wavy or curvy but to most people the lines in the gray area appear both wavy and zigzagging like most optical illusions though you are seeing something that isn't actually there in reality all of the lines in the picture are simply curvy the lines in the gray area are exactly the same as the lines in the white and black area there are no zigzaggy lines so what's happening here takahashi suggests that our brains are in conflict when we view this illusion he claims that we have more corners in our everyday lives than we do natural curves so our brains are more accustomed to seeing corners than they are to seeing curves so when we look at this picture we are forcing our brains to see corners or zigzags we are essentially forcing the curvy lines to become zigzagged number three the Ames room illusion in this mind-blowing illusion two people are standing in the same room but one person appears to be much larger than the other person however the two people are actually very similar in size the illusion is named after the Ames room in the Villette Science Museum in Paris the picture was taken there and then uploaded to social media but the illusion has nothing to do with the people in the picture it has to do with the size and shape of the room the room appears to be square shaped and the two people appear to be standing in the same depth field however the room is trapezoidal shaped so the man in the picture is standing much further back in the room than the woman is this is a useful optical illusion and it is often used in movies in fact in the Fellowship of the Rings this very illusion is used in early scenes to make Gandalf seem like he's much bigger than the hobbits they are in the same room but it's really just an optical illusion number two my wife and my mother-in-law this optical illusion was drawn by British cartoonist William Ely Hill in 1915 it has since become one of the most famous optical illusions of all time and although there are other optical illusions where two different pictures or images can be seen my wife and my mother-in-law actually reveals something about the viewers viewers either see an old woman the mother-in-law or a young woman facing towards the back the wife but researchers in Australia wanted to learn more about this famous optical illusion so they gathered data from 393 participants in 2018 the results were published in the scientific reports participants ranged in age from 18 to 68 the participants on the younger side of the age range saw the wife while the participants on the older side saw the mother-in-law this suggests that who you see in the picture is directly related to your age furthermore participants had a hard time seeing the other picture the picture they initially saw was the dominant picture suggesting on some level that our perception is somewhat dominated by our age number one ninio's extinction illusion if you have seen this image before in social media you're not alone the ninio's extinction illusion has claimed social media fame as viewers try to sort out how many black dots there are in the picture the picture is comprised of a grid of vertical horizontal and diagonal lines in the picture there are 12 black dots at various intersections but your brain will not allow you to see all the 12 black dots at once so when you look at the picture it becomes almost impossible to count how many black dots you are seeing because the black dots keep shifting the illusion is named after French scientist Jacques Ninio the theory behind what is happening when we look at this picture is a source of contention as neurologists don't know for sure why we can't see all the dots but one theory is that we have more neurons at the center of our vision so we can't see things as well in our peripheral the black dot then is solid when we look right at it but it becomes invisible in our peripheral which is why the dots are constantly appearing and disappearing depending on where we look knowing that there are 12 black dots but being unable to see them all is both frustrating and fun which is why ninio's extinction illusion has earned the top spot on this list of top 10 optical illusions that will blow your mind check out our previous videos on the top 10 abandoned real-estate developments that fail and the top 10 most haunted roads on earth and remember to subscribe to daily toptenz with notifications on so you don't miss any of our videos
Channel: DailyTop20s
Views: 3,639,677
Rating: 4.8092127 out of 5
Keywords: Optical Illusions, cool optical illusions
Id: _t2ePlwTeBQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 41sec (641 seconds)
Published: Fri Sep 13 2019
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