10 MUST DO small PHP projects to include in Portfolio

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hello everyone my name is Zura and I'm  TheCodeholic. on this channel I share my 10   plus years of experience working as a professional  software developer so if you're new here consider   subscribing in this video I'm going to talk about  10 different PHP project ideas which can shift   your portfolio on the next level although some  of the projects are PHP specific most of them   can be also used for other programming languages  before we start hit the like button and let's jump   into the video the number one project is PHP MSC  framework nowadays no one basically Works without   working with Frameworks and understanding how the  framework works is fundamental building your own   custom PHP MSA framework will help you a lot to  understand how the most popular PHP MSA Frameworks   are working behind the scene like laravel or  Symphony or E2 I have a whole series of building   phpmc framework if you are interested I'm gonna  put the link in the video description by building   this project you will understand what is MSC  pattern how it works what are models controllers   how controllers and modals are connected to each  other so I really recommend build your own phpmc   framework and put that in your portfolio project  idea number two it's a very common task to Import   and Export data into application at your job no  matter if you're gonna work on PHP or on another   programming language you will you might have  to import some data into the application create   the import functionality or download the imported  data in some sort of format like Excel or CSV so I   really recommend to work to create a basic project  which can import the data from Excel for example   parse the data and import that into database and  then create also export which will generate Excel   and make it challenging make it complex like  create multiple sheets in the Excel try to put   right there charts as well because that's kind of  when you put that in your portfolio that's going   to show the people who is going to basically  hire you that you know very well how to work   data import and data export project number three  is PDF generation PDFs are used everywhere so if   you are gonna create an invoice you will probably  need to generate PDF if you are going to create   for example a resume generator you're going to  probably finally generate PDF so create something   on your own create an application which generates  invoices or resumes as I mentioned the main   point right here is that in your project you need  to show that you know how to generate complex PDF   files and try to make the PDF as complex as you  can and definitely make that available and put   this in your portfolio because that's gonna again  show the people who is going to hire you that you   know how to generate PDF files which will probably  be an essential task at every job project number   three is a mini shopping cart functionality  I'm not talking about the fully functional   e-commerce website no just create a products  table and output the products on the on your   website then try to add them into the cart so key  point right here is that when you add the items   into the cart if the user is not authorized you  should say that information in cookies and then   whenever user tries to authorize you should move  your cart items from cookies into the database   that's something really tricky and you have to  probably merge even cart items which you have   in the cookie and you have in the database as  well but because customer might have few items   in the cookie and few items in the database so you  have to basically merge them into into one project   number five is email sending it is as simple as  that at every job you might have to send some kind   of emails so try to create a small application  which will demonstrate how that you know how   to send emails how to provide body subject CC  BCC how you can attach files that's also a very   important thing project number six create simple  crowd application but add also pagination sorting   and filtering for all the fields basically which  is possible some of the fields might be drop down   values like if you're building a customers  table you might have a country which should   be a drop down for filtering okay try to make  the filtering inputs different types of inputs   like select and checkbooks for example you want to  filter all the customers who has a status active   right you tick the checkbox and it's going  to search those customers okay try to build   these kind of project and put this in portfolio  because that's gonna show everyone that you know   how to work with a database how to filter how to  sort the data how to paginate your data project   number seven is QR code generation nowadays QR  codes are used almost everywhere so try to create   small application which will generate QR code  for you try to generate for something meaningful   for example you can put some URL right there  and then generate cure code so that if someone   scans that QR code it will open that URL project  number eight is working with C URL or is known as   curl so C URL basically is used to communicate  with third-party apis and That's essential for   any kind of backend developer okay because you  might have to integrate with something else get   some information put some information there try to  create a simple application which will demonstrate   that you know how to send information to  third parties using C URL how to get that   information how to also probably put a binary  files images or PDF files in the third party or   download those binary files using crl and  save it in your local file system project   number nine is customer registration basically  I think every PHP developer should know how to   work with the customer the input data which  comes from the user the form data so try to   create a simple form if you make this form more  complex that's going to be even more even better   so try to there if there as much Fields as you  can like the customer information maybe billing   addresses shipping addresses try to put right  there credit card information and validate all   that kind of information and then finally make the  information like saved in the database or even you   can put this in the session storage so the main  point right here in this project is that you know   how to take the input data how to sanitize how  to validate the data and then save it somewhere   project number 10 is event management application  try to create a shared calendar on which anyone   basically can iterate their events and then  you save those those events in the database   the main point right here is that you need to  know how to work with dates and date types in   different time zones and that project I think  is really good to demonstrate your skills how   to work with dates and time zones I think I have  mentioned 10 and the last one which is bonus is to   create and deploy a composer package every PHP  developer basically needs to know how to work   with composer so create a composer package and  make it available on your GitHub and deploy it   on packages so that anyone basically can install  that and definitely prepare good readme for your   composer package because that's another skill for  every developer the developer should be able to   document his work alright guys that's it all  from YouTube today I hope you liked the video   if so hit the like button and help me by sharing  this video if you're new to my channel hit the   Subscribe button try to build these projects and  put them in portfolio that will definitely help   you to stand out from everyone else because you're  gonna have you're gonna demonstrate that you have   great skills alright I wish you good luck thanks  for watching and I will see you in the next time
Channel: The Codeholic
Views: 38,368
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: TheCodeholic, php, php tutorial, learn php, php project, php projects for beginners, php projects 2022, php project ideas, 10 php projects, 10 php project ideas, 10 php projects for beginners, php projects for portfolio, 10 awesome php projects, 10 awesome php project ideas, 10 project ideas, 10 projects, 10 php project ideas for beginners, build these php projects, php developer roadmap, php developer roadmap 2022
Id: ZEkSfymY6mk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 8min 0sec (480 seconds)
Published: Mon Oct 24 2022
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