10 Movies That RUINED People's Lives

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Tony here's your quarterback all right you protect his Blind Side when you look at him you think of me welcome to watch Mojo and today we're counting down our picks for the top 10 movies that ruin people's lives I think he's just tired of it you know he's 29 years old and they're wanting him to talk about when he was 16. you know he's been through a Super Bowl he thinks that's probably more interesting than than a movie that's been out for seven years for this list we'll be looking at the most detrimental effects a Film Production had on one or more people what other stories of ruinous Motion Pictures have you heard join the discussion in the comments number 10 sideways Merlot Growers and if they want to drink Merlot we're drinking Merlot no if anybody orders one low I'm leaving Alexander Payne's dramedy about two wine connoisseurs touring Santa Barbara County had a surprising ripple effect audiences seem to have been paying close attention to the wine preferences of Paul giamatti's character miles why are you so into Pino I mean it's like a thing with you ah I don't know I don't know um it's a hard grape to grow well sales of Pinot Noir which he loved saw a significant bomb those of merlot which he detested they'll buy two percent this proved financially disastrous in California's wine country where Merlot accounted for around 20 of sales it took nearly two decades for the market to bounce back in that time many winemakers found their livelihoods compromised by one single movie just don't give on all right you're gonna make it half my life is over and I have nothing to show for it nothing so I was maybe widely acclaimed but it doesn't have as many fans in the wine industry as you'd think number nine The Goonies Sandy Preston [Music] hey first you gotta do the Trump do it come on let's do it the Walsh house in Astoria Oregon is The Treasure of adventurous Goonies fans around the world one such fan a woman named Sandy Preston bought the property in 2001 but realized that her dream was actually a nightmare the house soon became overwhelmed with visitors some of whom even stole her wallpaper Preston subsequently became much less welcoming thankfully without resorting to the Fratelli's attitude towards trespassers [Music] she just briefly forbade visitors following the film's 30th Anniversary event in 2022 Preston listed the house for 1.65 million dollars and was sold in just six days while that might not make up for over 20 years of intrusion we hope the new owners get a better return on their investment duties around the world just know this this is our time it's our time right now number eight Deliverance the people of Rabun County talk about genetic deficiencies here the groundbreaking Thriller Deliverance practically made Georgia a highly sought after Film Production destination however the movie still has a more mixed reputation among the residents of Rabon County where it was shot I went down we can talk this thing oh what is it you require well we uh require that you get your goddamn ass up and they'll move all right now look yeah okay all right sure the economy flourished from tourism along the chatuga river but the local population has had to suffer overcrowding in their community and ruin his stigma Beyond Deliverance has been credited with widely popularizing degrading frightening stereotypes about the Deep South that persist today the people of Rabon County are of course facing this Fallout more directly I'll come back up here you don't have to worry about that sure Evangel Boy Billy Redden may still encourage his community to embrace their place in film history for many of his neighbors though that's not worth Decades of negative perceptions can you play the banjo for us nope you can't play it at all nope number seven The Blind Side Michael Orr for every fan of the sports biopic The Blind Side there's a Critic of its questionable racial representation one of them is Michael Oher himself whose life the film is based on and I promise that I will be at every game cheering for you every year every game the former NFL live man felt that the movie belittled his intelligence and agency in his athletic career he also alleged that this negatively affected his status on the field uh when I could have dropped out in six seven grade man and when somebody else get that credit yeah it pisses you off it pissed me off or tried to set the record straight with an autobiography that elaborated on his disappointment in The Blind Side and its offensive Liberties but by then the damage was seemingly already done it's really really sad [Music] I think you just found something to write about Michael just goes to show that even an Underdog Story with the best of intentions can apparently blindsided subject number six The Conjuring Gerald helfrick and Norma Sutcliffe play hide and clap the parent family may have dealt with Supernatural Intruders in 1971 but Gerald Health Frick and Norma Sutcliffe were later haunted by many physical ones we have no longer have any sense of Peace no privacy is totally gone Ed and Lorraine Warren's paranormal investigation in the parents Farmhouse was the basis for the 2013 Smash Hit The Conjuring this launched a film franchise and horror fan pilgrimages to the Rhode Island plot then owned by hellfridge and Sutcliffe the couple not only dealt with trespassers but vandalism and threats of violence naming some 500 incidents they sued the film's producers for damages in 2015. it is harassment stalking and that's how it comes across to us four years later helfrich and Sutcliffe finally sold the house to paranormal investigators who converted it into a museum the nightmare was over with a family driven out of their home of 32 years number five Aaron Brockovich Aaron Brockovich what can I do for you Aaron well believe it or not I'm on the prowl for some water records you come to the right place I guess I did single mother and paralegal Aaron Brockovich saved a lot of lives by exposing groundwater contamination in Hinckley California the Julia roberts-led film about her Crusade was a massive success and made Brockovich a celebrity environmental activist this newfound status however came to be a major burden and I could see that it was affecting my children my relationship my friends I could see jealousy coming up I could see anger I could see frustration I could see people's agendas exhausting public pressure and professional obligations frequently tore Brockovich away from her children she even struggled to find time to support her daughter Elizabeth through struggles with substance use disorder what happened was it became more important to earn that next paycheck it became more important oh I have to do an interview then it was to see that I had a kid maybe in trouble more than 20 years later Brockovich is still fighting the good fight in the public eye her family is also in good health but as tough as their lives were before they became movie stars Fame apparently didn't bring much Fortune that's how old my other daughter is eight is the age of my son two is how many times I've been married and divorced 16 is the number of dollars I have in my bank account 850-3943 that's my phone number and with all the numbers I gave you I'm guessing zero is the number of times you're gonna call it number four the message Benet brith hostages Muhammad when I hunt the desert at night I know God is not kept in the house by the 1970s misrepresentation of Islam was becoming widespread in Western media Syrian American filmmaker Mustafa akkad responded with an epic dramatization of the religion's founding the prophet has seen you you're not the Rope or drive to business they'd have broke us cut them loose the message was both critically acclaimed and controversial the Waka was careful to avoid directly depicting the prophet Muhammad the extremist hanafi movement mistakenly believed that Hollywood star Anthony Quinn was cast in the part they retaliated with an armed Siege of the Washington DC chapter of the Jewish Service Group b'nai brith this resulted in the message being temporarily pulled from theaters and failing at the box office worse the hostage crisis ended in the loss of two lives an unimaginable trauma even today the horror of it all still causes me feelings of pain and anxiety despite a cod's noble intentions this tragedy shows the consequences of any movie's message being misconstrued number three Le Mans David Piper this isn't just a thousand to one shot this is a professional Bloodsport and it can happen to you and then it can happen to you again as an avid Motor Sports Enthusiast Steve McQueen was heavily invested in the production of his 1971 film about the racing tournament 24 Hours of Le Mans the project was plagued by multiple difficulties and eventually bombed the box office with polarized reviews this was by no means its only tragedy veteran driver David Piper participated in one of the racing sequences and crashed his signature Porsche 917 in the process the resulting injuries were so severe that one of his legs had to be partly amputated their lives shouldn't it be for something very important better be Piper would go on to race again years later but what should have been a small movie part essentially turned out to be a life-threatening tragedy as it really meant yes it does but you're going to quit anyway yeah but not this way number two War Games Aaron Swartz wouldn't you prefer a good game chess later let's play chlorable thermal nuclear war the dangers of computer hacking went mainstream with the 80s cult classic war games it even influenced the United States Computer Fraud and Abuse Act the punitive measures the bill outlines might not be unreasonable for a hacker who nearly triggers a nuclear war alas its broad definition of unauthorized computer access meant tragedy for internet activist Aaron Swartz I mean what believe needs to be done to modernize that law well at the moment that law makes it a felony for you to give your password to HBO to a friend that has to be changed in 2011 Schwartz was charged with hacking into mit's Network to download academic articles the university didn't want to file charges but with Federal prosecutors taking over Schwartz was likely to face devastating fines and prison time just before his trial he took his own life it believe that if the criminal justice system hadn't failed Aaron do you believe he'd be alive today without question hacking may be no game but this was just the most high profile of many extreme legacies of the so-called wargame scare before we continue be sure to subscribe to our Channel and ring the bell to get notified about our latest videos you have the option to be notified for occasional videos or all of them if you're on your phone make sure you go into your settings and switch on notifications number one Citizen Kane William Randolph Hearst hello jeded Diane I didn't know we were stupid sure we're speaking Canada you're fired newspaper Tycoon William Randolph Hearst was considered one of the most powerful Americans of this day few of his yellow journalism stories were a sensationalist as Tales of his own corruption and villainy this was the main influence for the tragic lead in Citizen Kane I don't know many people I know too many people I guess we're both lonely Hearst was highly offended by this project particularly Charles Foster Kane's lonely demise as he reportedly had an acute fear of death despite his best efforts to suppress its release Citizen Kane has become recognized as one of the greatest films ever made just as its source feared the high society's secret about his true character had been published Hearst lived the rest of his life in luxury but Citizen Kane sealed a negative spin on his fate and Legacy know Mr Bernstein if I hadn't been very rich I might have been a really great man did you enjoy this video check out these other clips from WatchMojo and 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Channel: WatchMojo.com
Views: 583,953
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Drama, Film, Movies, best movies, biopics, citizen kane, classic movies, controversial biopics, controversial movies, deliverance, erin brokovich, le mans, list, mojo, movie accidents, movie controversies, movie injuries, movies that ruined lives, movies that ruined peoples lives, ruined lives, sideways, the blind side, the conjuring, the goonies, the message, top 10, wargames, watch mojo, watchmojo, william randolph hearst
Id: 1PBFbYrL5k0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 33sec (813 seconds)
Published: Mon Jun 12 2023
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