10 Most Terrifying and Disturbing Serial Killers

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forensic psychologist Tom Powell sees in Israel Keys a psychopath obsessed with controlling whatever or whomever he could welcome to watch Mojo and today we're counting down our picks for the 10 most terrifying and disturbing serial killers the timer case was an Awakening for Milwaukee in many ways an Awakening that that there were people who were missing who were not followed up on for this list we'll be looking at the most notorious serial killers whose terrifying stories will keep you up late at night who's the scariest serial killer you know of comment their name below number 10. Robert Hansen as a teenager Robert Hansen would take part in hunting to escape his rough home life but as he got older his victims went from animals to human beings the dense and rugged Alaskan Wilderness provided the perfect cover for a Fierce and sadistic killer he would abduct women often sex workers and assault them before driving or flying them out to the Wilderness here was where he would hunt them down like prey toying with their lives nicknamed The Butcher Baker by the media Hanson was confirmed to have assaulted and killed at least 17 women in his confession Hanson described how he would take his victims into the woods and hunt them as prey in 1983 a teenage sex worker named Cindy Paulson was set to be on that list however she managed to escape when he was stalking his plane and alerted the authorities who would arrest him he received a sentence of 461 years and died in prison after serving 31 years after his sentencing Hanson accompanied Troopers into the field to find more of his victims represented by exes on his map number nine Israel keys what's most terrifying for the police and the public is a killer with no mo but to make things worse how about one who was also trained by the U.S army this was the case of Israel keys remote area kind of go to a remote area that's not anywhere near where you live that other people go to as well across the country Keys had set up kill kits which gave him access to equipment wherever he decided to attack someone after he killed 18 year old Samantha Koenig the FBI was able to track his bank account use and make an arrest following the demand for a ransom police arrested 34-year-old Israel Keys 4 000 miles away in Texas once he was in custody however it was discovered that Keys was responsible for the murder of multiple victims we did spend a fair amount of time talking about his crimes and his offenses as as well and those were those times were definitely very chilling to hear him talk about what he has done before he faced trial in 2012 Keys took his own life and taking with him information that might have been used to solve other crimes number eight John Wayne Gacy one pretty common phobia is clowns and the case of John Wayne Gacy certainly didn't help ease any of those fears 36 year old John Wayne Gacy was a popular socialite who spent his weekends dressed as a clown entertaining children Gacy regularly performs in a clown Persona at parties and events but behind the scenes he was a rampant killer of boys and men in 1978 after suspecting the police were onto him a paranoid Gacy would confess his crimes to his lawyers the police had what they needed to search his house where they would find several remains in his crawl space 29 bodies buried in that house of his on Summerdale a crime of horrendous proportions in the crawl space underneath bodies covered with lime and encased in plastic dug up a few days before Christmas and carried into the December cold he was charged with the murder of 33 young men and would spend 14 years on death row before being executed by lethal injection it was a circus we were in a room at some point and we saw a television screen and we saw thousands of people lined up at least a mile down the street at the prison with signs kill the clown kill Gacy number seven Marcel petio with France under German occupation in the 1940s Marcel petio a doctor preyed on those attempting to escape persecution later claiming he was working for the resistance even though there was no evidence petio set up a fake Escape Route under the name Dr ujin in the midst of the German occupation during World War II petio is considered a hero for operating a secret Escape Route for Jewish people attempting to leave Paris he gave those running a fake vaccine containing cyanide before stealing their valuables and disposing of their bodies with 23 remains discovered petio was executed in 1946. his last words gentlemen I ask you not to look this will not be very pretty he's thought to have claimed around 60 victims in all number six Jeffrey Dahmer from his late teens Jeffrey Dahmer began a horrific Killing Spree his victims were all men or boys and many of his later crimes involved unspeakable acts to the bodies Jeffrey Dahmer was responsible for killing more than a dozen people the majority of those murders happened in an apartment near the Marquette campus in 1991 Dahmer enticed Tracy Edwards back to his apartment with the promise of beer and payment for photographs however Edwards realized something was wrong and managed to escape after he flagged down police officers Dahmer's apartment was investigated and Grim evidence was found leading to Dahmer's arrest his macabre 13-year crime spray finally ended when this man Tracy Edwards brought the police to the infamous apartment like the others he had gone there with the promise of money he was listening to my heart because at a point he told me he was going to eat my heart at that point he was convicted of 15 murders and sentenced to life imprisonment however in 1994 he was fatally attacked by fellow inmate Christopher scarver there were a number of people felt that Jeffrey Dahmer got exactly what he deserved and I called his mother she said well now everybody got what they want the monster is dead and then she said when he was my son he was my boy number five David Parker Ray sometimes Killers go that extra terrifying Mile with their modus upper end eye David Parker Ray modified a trailer that would be labeled his toy box the trailer was sound proofed and filled with instruments for his violence this was equipped with all sorts of torture devices pornographic pictures it he called it the den of Satan he would abduct women abuse them for months in the trailer and presumably eventually end their lives sometimes with accomplices one of them being his girlfriend Cynthia hendy in 1999 a woman managed to escape the toy box after three days and get help from a neighbor that's what I went through these people to know what happened the police immediately arrested Rey and hendy on a plea deal Rey was sentenced to 224 years in jail while hendy who testified against her former partner got 36 years it's unknown how many women Ray killed but some estimates are upwards of 60. he claimed to have abducted 40 women from across the U.S since nobodies were ever found he was never charged and he never will be Rey died in prison in 2002 by heart attack number four Fred and rosemary West occasionally serial killers come in pairs you're talking about two people who literally would Plum the depths of human depravity while Fred had murdered in the past before meeting Rosemary let's Rose's first victim was purportedly Fred's step-daughter the two then went on a rampage assaulting and killing nine other people together including West's first wife Catherine Costello and their daughter Heather West many of the bodies were buried on their properties even though they were not alive he wants access he wants to feel that he can actually be part of this area and they are part of this area this is his private graveyard after investigating assault charges against the couple the police found evidence of the violence although officially charged with 12 killings altogether that number is estimated to be higher in 1995 before his trial West took his own life and lets was sentenced to life in prison and I was absolutely gutted I wanted him to pay the proper price and just like took his own way out and had his own way about what happened to him he was in control right to the end number three Albert Fish nearly 100 years ago New York had a killer on the loose nicknamed many things including the gray man and even the boogeyman honestly it's not too far off Albert Fish was a disturbed individual who targeted children while we can't exactly list off the crimes toward them just know they're terrible to make things even more disturbing the unhinged fish sent the mother of one of his victims a letter describing what he did Ten Years After fish began his ax he was captured in 1934 after Witnesses claimed to have seen him with missing children fish would admit to the murders but would also claim he had over 100 victims at his trial the following year he was sentenced to execution which was carried out in 1936. number two Harold Shipman doctors are meant to be people we all trust this makes the case of Harold Shipman especially chilling he was a general practitioner in England who took people under his care only to end their lives five of the 15 women he's been convicted of murdering died in his surgery normally doctors of No Such death he signed seventy percent of his death certificates normally it's no more than 30 percent in 1998 one of his patients suddenly passed away and a will one that the family knew nothing about gifted a lot of cash to shipment police investigated the doctor and found evidence of forgery he falsified computerized medical records he entered false information on his victim's death certificates and lied to their families upon further examination they found that many of his patients seems to pass from overdoses of diamorphine in 1999 Shipman was charged with the murder of 15 patients many of whom were older women he was sentenced to life in prison and in the aftermath there were thought to be as many as 250 victims now he's taken his own life he was found in his prison cell at 6 20 a.m before we continue be sure to subscribe to our Channel and ring the bell to get notified about our latest videos you have the option to be notified for occasional videos or all of them if you're on your phone make sure you go into settings and switch on your notifications number one Pedro Lopez what's worse than a serial killer well how about a known one authorities can't currently locate born in Colombia Pedro Lopez Was a Serial murderer across South America and was nicknamed the monster of the Andes it seemed impossible that one man could have carried out so much violence Lopez was telling the truth he'd rank among the most prolific serial killers in history in 1980 after attempting to abduct someone Lopez was arrested in Ecuador he was soon charged with 110 homicides however Lopez reportedly confessed that his victims could total more than 300. Lopez it seemed hoped to gain a twisted kind of immortality foreign in 2006 the Guinness World Records actually named him the most prolific serial killer before it was taken down in bad taste unfortunately Lopez was released for good behavior in 1998 and was declared sane but as of 2002 after being linked to another murder his whereabouts are unknown he went back into the countryside he knew so well to The Killing ground where he had found so many victims that was the last time anyone reported seeing Pedro Alonso Lopez [Music] foreign
Channel: WatchMojo.com
Views: 809,698
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Keywords: albert fish, crime, criminal, disturbing killers, disturbing serial killers, fred rosemary west, harold shipman, israel keyes, jeffrey dahmer, john wayne gacy, killers, list, mojo, pedro lópez, prolific serial killers, robert hansen, serial killers, shocking crimes, terrifying killers, terrifying serial killers, top 10, true crime, watch mojo, watchMojo, worst crimes, worst criminals, worst serial killers
Id: VF4bWOwk8hU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 13sec (793 seconds)
Published: Fri Sep 30 2022
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