10 Most Popular Cats

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another day another story this is a useful channel for you to rank and learn about everything in the world hello this is the world ranking pack I didn't know because there were a lot of people around who had dogs to the point where I feel that there are more Butlers who raise cats I realize that people became more interested in pet cats accordingly the market for cat products related to cats is also growing rapidly today we will talk about 10 popular cats although there are differences depending on various environmental and statistical conditions let's find out which varieties are popular in general if you're interested I hope you enjoy this video 10 most popular cats number 10 Berman cat Birman cats have very soft fur and have a very gentle personality it is known that he is very shy so it is difficult to get close easily unless he is the owner of course it can vary depending on the cat's personality the Berman cats is said to have been passed down to the west and lived in a sacred place in a Burmese temple the Berman cat which looks very much like a Siamese cat is a little darker in color and has impressive white feet Berman cats are strong round heads thick ears and blue eyes and Berry and hair length from medium to long mothers Berman cats are calm smart and curious number nine Bengal Bengal cats have more wild habits than other cats but they follow people well are gentle and cry exceptionally much in short Bengali cats talk a lot Bengal cats like to be with people the Bengal cat which was born by breeding wild cat and house cat it has spotted patterns and stripes and its sturdy muscles have an impressive Wild Beauty Bengal cats have a lot of igo-like dogs they are relatively gentle but they can attack them if they see small animals because it is full of energy a cat tower or a cat pole is essential in the house for the activity of Bengal cats Bengal cats are healthy but they have genetic diseases so when you raise them you should study in advance and take a good look at your usual condition number eight Scottish Fold the Scottish Fold cat was found in Scotland and was named the Scottish Fold because of its folded ears all newborn Scottish fold kittens have straight ears and they can tell if their ears fold in about a month folded ears are cute but you have to pay attention to the hygiene of your ears because they are folded I like the softest sound of a cat's cry and it's neat enough to be close to mysophobia the first Scottish Fold cat is considered a natural mutation their faces bodies and legs are short and chubby so they are very cute he has a quiet and gentle personality but he is surprisingly bold so he adapts well in unfamiliar places number seven Siamese Siamese cats are called the queen of cats it comes from the Siamese region and Siamese is the old name of the kingdom of Thailand a British Consul in Thailand brought Siamese cats to England and became known worldwide the Siamese cat which has a slim body and short hair has sapphire eyes the body is grayish white or yellowish Brown and the ears and tail snout are brown he is affectionate and smart and he is very sensitive so he likes to Pat the butler in general I act cute a lot but it depends on my personality Siamese cats like to see in place rather than touch or approach Siamese cats sleep less than other cats number six Sphinx the sphynx cat is one of the newest and rarest breeds recently more and more cat owners are raising this breed in the United States which is increasing in popularity this cat has a unique personality with big eyes and big ears Sphynx cats like to be noticed for their sociable personality so Sphynx cats always want their owners to be the center of what they do it is a playful and energetic breed it is said that the number is very small in the world and it looks like it has no hair but it has very short hair because of that I get hot or cold a lot and the graveyard has a lot of wrinkles on its head and the Kitty has a lot of wrinkles all over its body Sphynx cats have high intelligence and Affinity also he is very affectionate and friendly and he is popular because he is quick-witted and winsome number five Abyssinian these cats are smart curious and tend to explore their surroundings they are often difficult because they are curious Abyssinian cats have short hairs that naturally stick to their bodies it has long slender legs and features a wedge-shaped head Abyssinian varieties are easy to care for Abyssinian cats also get along well with other animals cats and children Abyssinian cats are faithful to their friendly personality and like to be with people it is the most favored Cat by people who live in private homes or houses with Gardens number four ragdoll Ragdoll is the second largest cat breed in the world after mankin these cats tend to droop in their arms when they are held the ragdoll cat was born by mating a very quiet Josephine cat with a cat that looks like Berman or burmesu Ragdoll has the meaning of sewing doll and it is named after a person who gives his body to a person when he hugs it Ragdoll has a long hard body and short strong legs ragdoll's blue eyes have drooping ends and the background color is usually white or creamy Ragdoll is also called a dog cat because he has the same temperament as a dog Ragdoll has a generally friendly personality and is a gentle and lovely cat Ragdoll likes to bond with people so he follows people around the house Ragdoll usually moves very slowly but he loves to play Ragdoll cats are very friendly and gentle and rarely live for more than 15 years because of their short lifespan Ragdoll hates being alone and likes music and watching TV number three main Maine is the largest cat breed among cat breeds Maine is also commonly called The Gentle Giant the Maine usually grows up to one meter tall so many people are surprised by the size and weight of the cat Maine has a rugged appearance and Shaggy fur Maine has the most affectionate and friendly personality of all cat breeds Maine is playful and lovely and if you want a big cat I recommend Maine Maine is a smart cat so she follows well in training they are independent but they are devoted to their owners always like to be around the owner or stay in a position where the owner is visible and watch number two Persian the Persian cat is the oldest breed of cat that has been domesticated even if you don't know cats well the cat that you might have heard of or seen on the screen as a Persian cat very long hair is attractive so it is popular with people all over the world it is a long-haired species with abundant thin and long hairs especially on the tail you should brush and take care of their hair often and their faces are wide round and chubby the ears are small and the big eyes are separated from each other and the nose is flat and sometimes the nose is wild Persian cats have a quiet and gentle personality and they are beautiful and relaxed it is a friendly cat breed and has been loved for a long time as the best cat the color and pattern of the fur distinguish the type of Persian cat and they like to play but they are not active number one American Shorthair American short hair is one of the breed of cats devoted to their owners the American short hair variety is famous for its ability to protect against mice and other pests they are very independent pets and have short strong muscular bodies American short hair has a gentle personality for children making it one of the most suitable varieties for families who work with them they get along well with other animals so it's a suitable breed even if you already have a pet American short hair is known as the most intelligent breed of cat in the world and is less depressed or lonely than other cats American short hair is a self-care cat and likes to be alone so American shoretie is also the easiest cat to handle they are clear and gentle in character and have a lifespan of about 15 to 20 years so far we learned about the world's most popular cat top 10. while making this video I realized once again that cats are so lovely and cute like dogs I hope this video will be useful information for those who are just getting a cat if you liked this video don't forget to press like button subscribe and set notifications thanks for watching
Channel: RankingPack
Views: 62,317
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: cute videos, types of cats, cats compilation, cat ranking, animal video, cat breeds, most popular pets, ranking pack, love furry friends, cat tv, tv for cats, cute cat videos
Id: mAuFakMul_8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 6sec (606 seconds)
Published: Mon Jun 05 2023
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