15 Weird Things Maine Coon Do

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Maine Coons are one of the most popular cat breeds in the world but there are a lot of weird things Maine Coons do Maine Coons are a unique and interesting domestic cat breed that has a very different history from the majority of other cats while this video aims to share some of the Main cat breeds most interesting things it may also leave you even more in awe of the mysterious lives of these large cats number one Maine Coons cross their paws some cats May relax or even sleep with their front paws crossed in front of them for some reason though many cat fanciers have noticed that certain breeds particularly Maine Coons are more likely to cross their paws than other breeds most cat owners posit that cats cross their front paws when they are especially comfortable if a cat's paws are uncrossed it can stand up to flee or fight more quickly whereas if their paws are crossed meanwhile it will take more time for them to activate their fight or flight instinct number two Maine Coons talk a lot one of the most incredible fun facts about Maine Coons is that these cats are quite vocal but they do not mean all like normal cats for some bizarre reason these cats typically chirp or Trill instead of mewing they make Quiet warbling Sounds more similar to a bird than a cat by comparison the Maine will engage in Friendly conversations with their owner where they may chirp or Trill in response to their name or they may become vocal if they need number three main Coon's eye color changes when a Maine kitten first opens its eyes it will be mesmerizing sapphire blue overtime however their eyes will undergo a magnificent change between the ages of three and eight weeks old their eyes will begin to change color and you can expect them to reach their full coloration by the time they are three months old number four you can train in Maine the main Coon's dog-like intelligence means these cats can even be trained to do a variety of tricks and tasks while many cats are similarly intelligent they're aloof independent nature can make it tricky for owners to train them Maine Coons however obey more readily than the average cat particularly if they are introduced to training at a young age number five some main Coons are lap cats Maine Coons originally became popular for their incredible hunting abilities most cats with high prey drives such as Siamese or Abyssinian are very dog-like and active but not necessarily cuddly Maine owners however often get the best of both worlds while not all Maine Coons are lap cats an incredible amount of cats from this Breedlove to be held and snuggled even less cuddly Maine Coons still love to follow their owners around from room to room and usually enjoy pets for a little while each day the cuddliest maine coons though would spend all day on your lap if they could number six Maine Coons wag their tails if you consider yourself an expert in cat behavior you may assume that Maine tail wagging is a sign of aggression many cats when angry or aggressive will lash their tail back and forth however cat behavior is complex and a single Behavior can have many meanings while cats most commonly wag their tails when they are angry they can also engage in this Behavior anytime they experience a strong emotion a cat that is incredibly playful or excited will also wag its tail and the incredibly social Maine may also wag its tail when it is excited to see its owners number seven Maine cats are good Travelers cats are creatures of routine and major changes to their schedule or environment can cause a lot of anxiety Maine Coons are incredibly easy doing cats though and many can be trained to enjoy exploring by introducing your Main to Adventure and travel at a young age you may be able to bring your beloved cat with you on all sorts of trips including camping or hiking number eight he gets on well with others the Main is a friendly breed it makes friends everywhere it goes and with everyone despite looking like something that might eat you if you disagree with him you will be surprised just how friendly this cat really is it doesn't mind kids other pets dogs or strangers that's a nice surprise from an animal type that doesn't typically get along well with others number nine he plays fetch yet another cool dog-like feature that the Main possesses is his desire to learn to play fetch you throw something the cat will retrieve it when I throw something in front of my cat he doesn't even bother to look at me when he does look at me it's with obvious contempt and annoyance that I've interrupted his nap or his rest or his quiet or that I've ruined his life by existing it could be a mixture of all of the above number 10 Maine Coons are fascinated with water one of the coolest things to know about Maine couldn't is their uncanny love of water it is common knowledge that most cats hate water and bath time in a cat household is usually a nightmare Maine Coons however not only tolerate water but actively seek it out Maine Coons originated in the cold snowy state of Maine where they had to develop a thick coat to protect them from the wetter number 11 Maine Coons follow their owners around many people particularly those who have never owned a cat assume cats to be aloof and independent it is quite common for cats to be pretty independent in nature and they tend to show affection in subtle ways Maine Coons however are anything but aloof these cats have a tendency to follow their owners from room to room but not in a cleaning or obnoxious way socially anxious or needy cats might follow their owners around while whining and constantly demanding attention number 12 Maine Coons are very loyal many people think of cat breeds as sharing similar size colors and body shapes what they may not realize however is that many cat breeds also share common personality traits one incredible personality trait often seen among Maine Coons is their Fierce loyalty toward their owners while Maine Coons are usually friendly and social to All Humans they develop a much closer bond with their owners number 13 Maine couldn't grow into massive sized cats when you look at a young Maine you may be shocked to find out that these cats actually grow up to be massive oddly enough this breed actually takes much longer to reach its full size than other cats While most cats reach a full weight at about two years old Maine Coons do not stop growing until they are between three and five years old the average cat weighs between 7 and 11 pounds but Maine Coons typically weigh between 8 and 25 pounds number 14 Maine Coons act like dogs perhaps one of the reasons Maine Coons are so popular is because they are incredibly similar to dogs in many ways while many cats are incredibly playful as kittens they usually outgrow this playfulness and become more calm and relaxed as they grow older similar to dogs however Maine Coons retain a kitten-like love of play well into their senior years these cats will chase anything that moves and some even learn to play fetch number 15 Maine Coons rarely bite or scratch owners the Maine Coon's incredible personality means these cats have historically been nicknamed The Gentle Giants of the catworld these cats are incredibly easy going and are especially popular among families with children or other pets this is because Maine cats are famously patient and do not mind tolerating a bit of extra noise or excitement
Channel: Cats Guide
Views: 274,390
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: 15 Weird Things Maine Coons Do, cats, maine coon, cat breed
Id: HZzN6px7FsM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 8min 17sec (497 seconds)
Published: Wed Jun 21 2023
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