10 Most Insane Military Planes

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B-52 B.U.F.F. (Big Ugly Fat Fucker) Excellent aircraft and outlived it's original life estimate by quite a while. It's currently been in service for 65 years.

The B-1 Lancer was supposed to replace the B-52, but didn't quite supplant it as B-52's are still in service.

A-10 Warthog. When you care enough to send the BRRRRRRRRRRTTTTT!

👍︎︎ 1 👤︎︎ u/MeGrendel 📅︎︎ Jan 22 2020 🗫︎ replies

Quite a number of ex WW2 Stuka Pilots were actually consulted in the design of the A10

👍︎︎ 1 👤︎︎ u/TheZigRat 📅︎︎ Jan 22 2020 🗫︎ replies
looking back to the time when the first airplane was invented and then comparing those aircraft to what was available in World War two and now our new technologically advanced military aircraft will simply leave you astonished for example imagine for a moment taking a modern aircraft carrier and sending it back to World War two like in the movie the final countdown if you think about it a single f-22 Raptor could possibly take out a 1940's enemy squadron all by itself if it had enough weapons loaded or maybe a single modern bomber can win an entire war alone if you think that sounds impossible then check out these insane military aircrafts xb-70 Valkyrie the xb-70 Valkyrie was the prototype version of the plan b-17 nuclear-armed deep-penetration strategic bomber for the United States Air Force which was designed back in the 1950s it was designed by North American Aviation and had six jet engines which were capable of cruising for thousands of miles at speeds Mach 3 plus an altitude of 70,000 feet because the aircraft flew so fast it was stopped at the xb-70 would almost be immune to any other jet aircraft trying to shoot it down the aircraft was so fast that it would only spend only a few minutes over a particular radar station flying out of range before the controllers could position their fighters in a suitable location for an interception and the high altitude could not be matched by any Soviet jet fighter at the time but the introduction of the first Soviet surface-to-air missiles in the late 1950s put the near invulnerability of the b70 in doubts therefore missions were flown at low-level altitudes which offered no advantage over the b-52 bomber it was supposed to replace and the project was scrapped only two of these 750 million dollar aircraft were produced with one that crashed as it collided with a smaller aircraft the last remaining Valkyrie bomber is in the National Museum of the United States Air Force near Dayton Ohio North American x-15 like many x-series aircraft the x-15 was designed to be carried aloft and dropped launched from under the wing of a b-52 mothership and at you - reaction motors XLR 11 liquid propellant rocket engines enhanced to provide a total of 16 thousand pounds force of thrust but by November 1960 reaction motors was able to deliver the XLR 99 rocket engine generating 57 thousand pounds force of thrust the XLR 99 used anhydrous ammonia and liquid oxygen as propellants and hydrogen peroxide to drive the high-speed turbo pump that delivered propellants to the engine it could burn fifteen thousand pounds of propellant in just 80 seconds the x-15 official world record for the highest speed ever recorded by a manned powered aircraft said in October 1967 when William Jane Knight blue Mach 6.72 at 100 2,100 feet that's a speed of four thousand five hundred and twenty miles per hour and has remained unchallenged as of the making of this video during the x-15 program 13 flights by a pilots met the Air Force Space Flight criterion by exceeding the altitude of 50 miles thus qualifying these pilots as being astronauts 3 X 15s were built flying 199 test flights the last on 24 October 1968 810 Thunderbolt 2 moving on to something that is more current and an actual use no military plane list would be complete without the a-10 Thunderbolt 2 or more commonly referred to by the nicknames warthog or just hog the Aten was designed for close air support of ground troops attacking armored vehicles and tanks and providing quick action support against enemy ground forces the warthog entered service in 1976 and is currently the only production built aircraft still serving in the United States Air Force that was designed solely for close air support it is outfitted with what many call the gun and for good reason the 30 by 173 millimeter gau-8 /a Avenger autocannon is one of the most powerful air cannons in the air and it fires large depleted 30-millimeter uranium armor-piercing shells the GA you is a hydraulically driven seven barrel rotary cannon designed specifically for the anti-tank role with a high rate of fire those seven barrels are seven and a half feet long and each one weighs 70 pounds along with an ammo drum that weighs 4,000 pounds it's rate of fire is 50 rounds per second increasing to 70 rounds per second and has saved many ground soldiers lives and thankfully the a-10 Thunderbolt 2 is to remain in service until the year 2021 Chengdu j-20 China has put the world on notice with this newly developed Chengdu j-20 it is a single-seat twinjet all-weather stealth fifth-generation fighter aircraft developed by China's Chengdu aerospace corporation for the People's Liberation Army Air Force it is the world's third operational fifth-generation stealth fighter aircraft and the first in Asia most of the plane's avionics are top secret and even the radar type of the jet fighter is unknown but what is known is that the main weapon bait is capable of housing both short and long range air-to-air missiles while the two smaller lateral weapon Bay's behind the air inlets are intended for short-range a AMS these Bay's allow closure of the bay doors prior to firing the missile thus enhancing stealth with most of its weapons carried internally the engines are also unknown but the prototype is believed to be initially powered by ws 10 and or the al-31f engines China is currently working on an advanced domestic turbofan engine similar in performance to the pratt & whitney f119 coated ws 15 to take the j-20 to a higher performance level in the future like the ability to super cruise mitsubishi X to Shenzhen the Mitsubishi x2 tschh engine is a Japanese experimental aircraft for testing advanced stealth fighter aircraft technologies while it might not look like much many consider this aircraft to be Japan's first domestically made self fighter Japan originally wanted to purchase the f-22 Raptor for air defense however the US Congress had banned the exporting of the aircraft in order to safeguard the secrets of the aircraft's technology such as its extensive stealth this led to Japan having to designed its own stealth fighter the single pilot aircraft equipped with two low-bypass turbofans that have a thrust of 11,000 23 pounds with afterburner and a maximum speed of mach 2.25 however this is all that is known about the aircraft the x2 shin shin is only an experimental test plane for the Mitsubishi ADT x of which there is only a model but if the real thing will look anything like the model Japan will have one good-looking stealth fighter rockwell b-1 lancer the b-1 lancer was first envisioned in the 1960s which would combine the Mach 2 speed of the convair b-58 hustler which was the first operational jet bomber in the world capable of Mach 2 and have the range in payload of the b-52 Stratofortress it is one of three strategic bombers in US air force which is still in service the b-1 lancer has a blended wing body configuration with a variable-sweep wing and Ford turbofan engines the B one's variable-sweep wings and thrust to weight ratio provided with improved takeoff performance allowing it to use shorter runways than previous bombers it's been refitted with a new smart weapons interface to enable the use of precision guided conventional weapons the Lancer has an enhanced capability for delivery of up to 30 cluster bomb units per sortie with modifications made to 50 bomb racks in total it can carry 125,000 pounds of ordnance to get it and its payload off the ground it is powered by four general electric augmented turbo fans delivering 17,000 390 pounds of thrust each that pushes the aircraft to a max speed of Mach 1.25 or 835 miles per hour b-2 spirit many of you are probably familiar with the Northrop Grumman b-2 spirit stealth bomber it is a flying wing design with a crew of two that looks like something out of a futuristic sci-fi movie and the destructive capabilities of the B to match its awe-inspiring design the bomber can deploy both conventional and thermonuclear weapons such as eighty-five hundred pound G guided bombs or 1620 400-pound b83 nuclear bombs the b-52 is the only acknowledged aircraft that can carry large air-to-surface standoff weapons in a stealth configuration and is capable of all altitude attack missions up to 50,000 feet with a range of more than 6,000 nautical miles on internal fuel and over 10,000 nautical miles with one midair refueling the b-2 spirit has been in service since 1997 and is only the second aircraft designed to have advanced stealth technology after the lockheed f-117 nighthawk attack aircraft though designed originally as primarily a nuclear bomber the b-52 was first used in combat dropping conventional non-nuclear ordnance in the Kosovo war in 1999 it later served in Iraq Afghanistan and Libya the zhengyang j31 also known as the shinyang FC 31 this fighter is a twin-engine midsize fifth-generation jet fighter under development by shinyang Aircraft Corporation the j-31 is smaller than the Chengdu j-20 the fighter has two internal weapons bays that can each carry two medium-range missiles along with two heavy hardpoints and one light heart point on each wing the engines of the plane will actually have once the design is finalized is top-secret but it's currently using two powerful Russian design klimov rd-33 which are used on the mig-29 but china has a similar jet engine the guize off WS 13 the aircraft can carry 17,000 637 pounds of munitions with for internal munitions that keep the aircraft stealthy but it can also carry bombs under its wings on hard points but gives away its signature to radar primary armaments include the PL 10 short-range missile and SD 10 a medium-range air-to-air missile the appearance of the j-31 raised concern about a potential arms race in Asia as some of China's neighbors are pursuing the development of their own fifth-generation aircraft the Russian su-35 Russia's potent Sukhoi su-35 flanker II is a single-seat twin-engine super maneuverable aircraft and was first designed during the nineteen it was an improvement on the su-27 and was known as the su-27 em the interesting thing is that the aircraft was not mass-produced because of the dissolution of the Soviet Union and it was made to attract export orders with China and Indonesia ordering the aircraft the canards which are small lifting surfaces the head of the wings allow the airframe to sustain 10g manoeuvres and the su-35s thrust vectoring system and integrated flight and propulsion control systems allow the aircraft to maintain super maneuverability and enable it to perform post stall maneuvers at low speeds the aircraft employs the powerful and 0:35 ervice array dart which is capable of detecting an aerial target up to 250 miles away it is armed with an internal 30 millimeter autocannon with 150 rounds which isn't much considering the GS age 31 has a rate of fire of 1,800 and after those 150 rounds the barrel has to be replaced however the Sukhoi has 12 hard points and carries a wide variety of missiles and can carry 17 thousand six hundred and thirty pounds of ammunition enough to wipe out a small city on its own but can it beat the United States Air Force f-22 the USAF f-22 Raptor the f-22 Raptor is an incredible and feared machine in fact many countries have tried to buy this aircraft but the USA won't even sell it to its closest allies to protect itself technology and high-tech features it is an all-weather fourth-generation stealth tactical fighter aircraft designed primarily as an air superiority fighter but also has ground attack electronic warfare and signal intelligence capabilities when the aircraft was introduced the USAF stated that the aircraft was unmatched by any known or projected fighter the Raptors combination of stealth aerodynamic performance and situational awareness give the aircraft unprecedented air combat capabilities the aircraft's dual pratt & whitney afterburning turbofan engines are closely spaced and incorporate 2d pitch axis thrust vectoring nozzles with each engine developing 35,000 pounds of four it has an infrared and ultraviolet missile launch detector with active electronically scanned array and the plane has more than 30 antennas blended into the wings and fuselage for all-around coverage the Raptor has three internal weapons bays a large Bay on the bottom of the fuselage and two smaller base on the sides of the fuselage aft of the engine intakes an internally mounted m61 a two Vulcan 20 millimeter rotary cannon is embedded in the aircraft's right wing roots with the muzzle covered by a retractable door to maintain stealth there are so many advancements on this aircraft that it would take a video on its own to accurately describe it it is truly a remarkable aircraft NASA X 43 the X 43 was part of NASA's HyperX program and was a small unpiloted test vehicle measuring just over 12 feet long and only weighed 3,000 pounds the x-43a was designed to be fully controllable in high speed flight even when gliding without propulsion the craft was created to develop and test a supersonic combustion ramjet or scramjet engine an engine variation where external combustion takes place within the air that is flowing at supersonic speeds the x-43 did not take off on its own and was loaded on the belly of a b-52 Stratofortress bomber and then dropped from high altitude where it would then fire its pegasus booster separate from the booster and switched to the scramjet the first test failed as the booster moved off course and the craft was shot down for safety reasons in the second test in March 2004 the Pegasus fired successfully and released the test vehicle at an altitude of about 95 thousand feet the engine air intake was opened the engine ignited and the aircraft then accelerated away from the rocket reaching Mach 6.83 with this flight the x-43a became the fastest free flying air breathing aircraft in the world we hope you enjoyed the video and want to know which one of these was your favorite if you liked the video then click subscribe and turn on notifications and you'll be the first to know when a new video arrives thanks for watching and we'll see you next time you
Channel: Insane Reality
Views: 1,461,860
Rating: 4.3775005 out of 5
Keywords: planes, military, military weapons, jet, airplane, fighter jet, weapon, weaponry, secret, military secrecy, fighter aircraft, air force, military technology, technology, Insane Military Planes, top 10 military airplane, aviation, aircraft, f-15, secret techn, top secret, airplanes
Id: coGRR1aiDvQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 23sec (923 seconds)
Published: Wed Oct 16 2019
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