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Getting to work in a gas-guzzling V8 Mustang  doesn't get you the style points it used to.   Now it's all about going green, but a conventional  bike is so boring – not to mention hard work. To stand out, you need to think outside  the box. We're here to help with our top   10 Most Innovative Personal Transports  Currently In Development for 2021. Want something with more stability  and protection than a motorbike   but still able to filter through traffic jams –  laughing as you pass the mere mortals that are   car motorists? Then the Triggo is for you. It was initially made for Robo-taxi  systems and ride-sharing apps.   This two-person greater mobility quadricycle  is essentially the best of both worlds. While traveling along the road, it has a  wide, stable wheelbase, just like a car.   In this configuration, it's 5 feet wide  with a top speed of an impressive 56mph –   perfect for an electric vehicle  with city driving in mind. However, it has a useful trick. The  Triggo can retract its wheels in close   when it's bumper to bumper. Reducing its  footprint to just 2.8 feet and allowing   it to nimbly weave through the stopped  cars at 15mph – just like a motorcycle. This is perhaps the pinnacle in velomobile  technology. For the uninitiated, the Snoek   is an enclosed human-powered vehicle that uses  aerodynamic efficiency to reduce wind drag. It comes in at a meager 44lb, half the weight of  similar velomobiles, thanks to strong, lightweight   materials like carbon fiber. It comes with a  built-in side mirror to assist with lane changes   and does have a rudimentary front and rear  suspension system for a smoother ride. This armor-plated recumbent bicycle  can hit a max speed of 37mph –   keep in mind, it's all pedal power with  no electric assist (or at least, not yet). It will outperform a traditional  racing bike on a flat road – a   distinct advantage in the notoriously  flat countryside of its native Holland. The EKOOTER is the world's first eBike with  a cylinder fold concept. Think of it as a   less powerful electric scooter that you can  fold up and pull behind you like luggage. When not in use, the wheels are positioned  side by side in the void created by the seat,   looking like a big lollipop. The carry  handle retracts to further compact the   EKOOTER until it takes up no more room than  a spare tire. Such a small frame makes it   easy to store behind the door of your office  or tucked away out of sight inside a closet. Unlike other eBikes, there are no  pedals. The electric motor inside   is pretty powerful for what it is, able  to tackle inclines of up to 18 degrees.  The best part is that you won't get  to work a red-faced, sweaty mess.   Or smell like a football player after practice. Looking to take advantage of the  bustling electric vehicle market,   the Series C Café Racer is an electric  motorbike with a model to suit all needs. The entry-level Omega has a 33.5hp  electric motor, a range of up to 75 miles,   and a battery life of 2 hours runtime –  perfect for the commute to and from work. The intermediate Delta model  increases power up to 53.5hp   and packs 100-foot pounds of torque for that  little extra oomph to overtake cars on the   road. The battery is also bumped up to allow  90 miles of travel and 3 hours of runtime. When only the best will do, there's the Alpha -  better in every single way. The motor has 80.5hp   and 132-foot pounds of torque and can do  0-60mph in a blisteringly quick 3.5 seconds. Who said guilt-free travel was meant to be slow? Driverless ride sharing is the future – the  technology is here and ready to be rolled out.   The EZ10 is the most deployed driverless passenger  shuttle in the world, and for good reason. It's a fully customizable base to suit a company's  needs and purposes. There is an option to install   a solar panel up top to act as an auxiliary power  source and further reduce their carbon footprint. It seats up to 15 passengers  comfortably and safely,   with fully autonomous driving being employed  along a fixed route with good network coverage. It can currently be operated legally  within business parks, college campuses,   and gated residential communities, with many  countries trying its effectiveness in a live   traffic environment. It won't be long now  until you see the EZ10 on a street near you. Bit of a change of pace now, with an electric  bike built for a specific purpose. The Kalk AP   was developed between sanctuary park rangers  in South Africa and the CAKE bike production   team to make this premiere anti-poaching  vehicle to assist them with their work. 18-inch wheels with 3.5-inch tires can navigate  the harsh terrain of the savannah, with 3   specific driving modes controlled by software  linked to the engine and suspension systems. The Kalk AP comes with a portable solar  charging station comprised of 4 panels,   able to charge 2 bikes simultaneously.   It's still in the concept phase, but prototypes  have reached top speeds of over 55mph. It's the vehicle of choice in an area  not conducive to gasoline-powered cars.   There are no roads, no places to  refuel, and the noise of the exhaust   pipe often scares poachers away  before the rangers can get to them. LEF is an electric 3-wheeler that  combines the slim profile of an   eBike, with the protection and  practicality of a quadricycle. Unlike other open-topped competitors, it has  a windshield to keep out the rain and weather   and not ruin your hair on the way to the  office. It's narrow enough to fit in a   motorcycle parking space and can just  as easily be parked on the sidewalk. It's super energy-efficient, too, consuming just   15 watts per hour – despite being 100%  electric and requiring no pedal assist.   A trio of small, lightweight batteries is  enough to give the LEV a range of 55 miles. It's limited to a max speed of 15.5mph  in order to fall into the eBike category,   so it doesn't require registration  or a license to operate. One of the significant drawbacks of electric  vehicles is the time it takes to charge   them. It's a bit of an inconvenience  for those who just want to get going   and not have to wait for their ride to juice up. The Aptera 3 is quite possibly the  world's first commercially available   solar electric vehicle. It can achieve  a range of 45 miles on solar power alone   before dipping into the onboard batteries to  go a whopping 1,000 miles between charges. It packs a high output high-efficiency  liquid-cooled electric motor that uses   regenerative braking to conserve  battery. Using an Aptera 3 daily,   the average motorist can reduce their carbon  footprint by over 14,000 pounds per year. It's built of strong but light carbon fiber.  An aerodynamic design makes it 65% more   fuel-efficient than a regular car and 30% more  energy efficient than other electric vehicles. A few years ago, Narke produced the  first electric personal watercraft.   Now they've built on that foundation with  the GT95 electrojet – the guilt-free jet-ski. It has room for up to 3 people and packs  enough of a punch to tow someone behind   skiing or wakeboarding – impressive.   A 95hp engine can clock 44mph on the water – it  may sound slow, but we assure you – it isn't. Depending on how it's used or how much  fun you want to have, the battery lasts   up to 2 hours. A built-in fast charger means  it's only a 1.5-hour turnaround between uses. A 7-inch touchscreen displays battery charge,  distance traveled, and water temps to the rider.   It can even take incoming  phone calls via Bluetooth. Unlike gasoline-powered light pleasure craft,  the GT95 is basically maintenance-free. The EZRAIDER HD4 is what you would  probably use if getting to work involved   ripping through sand dunes, along a forest trail,  or across mountainous terrain. Or alternatively,   what you'd use instead of a quad  bike to have fun on the weekends. The design brief was simple – create a  tireless heavy-duty utility vehicle that   was electrically powered. But still had the  power, agility, and extreme navigability to   safely and reliably compete with gasoline-powered  competitors. Well, check, and double-check. The HD4 has a set of 4 huge offroad tires  capable of handling nearly anything.   Each is powered by its own  massive brushless hub engine   that provides instant max torque  and an output of up to 18,000 watts. It can handle a rider plus payload weight of  up to 440lbs thanks to a set of dual-piston   disc brakes all around and a patented 6 axis  360-degree floating long suspension travel system. It can go 45 miles at 28mph on a single  charge – even while towing a small trailer.
Views: 118,846
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Keywords: EZ10 Autonomous Electric Bus, EZRaider HD4 Personal Transport, GT95 Electrojet, LEF Tiny Electric Vehicle, Minds Eye Design, PERSONAL TRANSPORT VEHICLES, Series C Cafe Racer, Snoek Fastest Velomobile, Triggo Electric Vehicle, VEHICLES IN DEVELOPMENT, kalk AP Electric Bike, urban transportation, vehicle design, most innovative personal transports
Id: VWwF_aMZt00
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 53sec (833 seconds)
Published: Sun Feb 21 2021
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