10 more Tableau tips and tricks you should know | sqlbelle

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hi i have 10 more tips for you if you're using tableau so let's dive in [Music] the first one is about tableau's default behavior of putting the labels at the bottom when you have a vertical axis let's say you have a view like this and all the labels are at the bottom this poses some challenges because whoever's looking at your chart will need to scroll down and may even miss the labels so to move the labels up we can go to analysis table layout go to advanced and from here we can uncheck the default property to show the innermost level at the bottom of the view so once we uncheck this it's actually going to move all the labels up it's right here at the top the second one is quite interesting i know a lot of people who have spent a lot of time on this it is about putting a header on a single measure text table the challenge with a single measured text table is at first glance you have no idea what you're looking at we don't know what measure this is one of the tricks that you can do is to double click on a second measure and remove that measure that you just added so on filters click on edit and then uncheck the one that you just added what this has done is it has introduced the measure names and also replaced the original measure with measure values and measure names and measure values allow tableau to display multiple measures and label them accordingly i've gotten questions on this next one a lot as well how do you remove the abc so it is this abc right here that we want to remove one way you can do that is to create a calculated field i'm just going to call mine blank and this is going to be just an empty string we take this calculated field and we drop that to text and your abc disappears i'll show you how you can add quick totals and subtotals in tableau let's say we have this table the easiest way to add all totals and subtotals is to go to the analytics tab double click on totals and by default it will add all of the corresponding totals and subtotals so in this case what we're seeing is a subtotal for country another subtotal per continent and at the very bottom of your screen you also have a grand total should you want to remove some subtotals you can simply click on that dimension so for example if we didn't want the totals by country we can go to that pill and then uncheck subtotals do you know that you don't have to have the same aggregation as the rest of your numbers for example if you have a sum but your totals are showing a minimum or a maximum let's say you have this text table what you have is the total profit or the sum of profit for each of these values and by default tableau will use the sum of profit as well for your totals but you can change this for example if we simply wanted to get the minimum or the maximum of these values you can simply click on your measure pill on the drop down you have total using and by default this is automatic but should we want to change it we can change that aggregation so for example i'm just going to select minimum so in here drop down total using minimum and now what we get is actually the minimum of the sum so in here we see the 81 cents and that's what's showing up now if you are going to do this you have to change the labels because otherwise this is going to be pretty confusing so we can right click on this total we're gonna format and in here we just simply change this so instead of total we're just gonna call this minimum i'm hoping that you're finding this useful so far if you haven't subscribed yet please consider subscribing when you're creating highlight tables with multiple measures you can have separate color legends for each measure let's say you have a text table that has multiple measures to convert this into a highlight table we're going to take this measure values that's currently on text we're gonna copy that ctrl drag copy that onto color and then we're gonna change our mark to square the problem with this particular view is all of the values are being compared against the maximum value of your profit so if you take a look at your caller legend there is one gradient one range of colors from two dollars to 2600 which means all of your other values for example price even though the range for this column is really just between the four and the five dollar mark the caller is still going to be based against this one range so what we can do is we can click on the drop down of the measure values that's currently on caller and there is an option in here to use separate legends and what this does is it actually creates a different color gradient for each of your measures so you can simply double click on a measure so for example average profit if we wanted to change the color we can change this let's say average price let's say set that to gray and at least now each color gradient is based only on the values of that specific measure you can view underlying data in tableau at different levels the grid on the sidebar allows you to see the underlying data for your data source so this is all of the records my underlying data if you wanted to see the underlying data for the view you can go to analysis and from here you can view data what you will find is both a summary tab and a full data tab last but not least you can click on a mark and from here you're also going to see this grid icon that allows you to see the underlying data just for that mark so you're still going to see the summary and the full data tab but this one it's only for that particular mark there is a find feature in groups did you know that there is an easy way in tableau to create groups based on substrings for example let's take a look at track name this field has as many as almost 2 000 members so let's just take a look at all the values and perhaps we wanted to get a group of these values based on some keyword let's say night let's right click on track name choose create create a group and in here in the create group window we can see that there is actually an option for find this allows you to choose certain keywords when you're creating your groups so let's expand on this and the options that you have when you're finding your members might be based on contains or starts with or maybe an exact match so here if we're looking for night we can simply type that in find everything that has this keyword and we can select group and you can see in here it has automatically found anything that has some keyword that resembles what we've typed in this next one is all about dual axis charts the visual cue on how you can easily identify a dual axis chart and also how to create it i'll show you a few ways let's create a time series graph to demonstrate this concept let's right click drag invoice date and choose continuous month and let's choose profit if we wanted to create a dual axis chart we first must know where our measure axis is our measure axis right now is the sum of profit and this is on your vertical axis it's this one if you wanted to create a dual axis chart one way you can do it is simply by taking another measure and dragging it to the opposite side of your measure axis let's give this a try let's say price drag that over once the pill is closer to the edge you're going to see a dashed line and you're going to see a symbol that resembles a half ruler once you see this release your mouse and this creates our dual axis chart notice in here though one of the visual cues of a dual axis chart is you now have a fused pill so the two pills that you have in rows they're not two individual pills they're actually one big pill and you can see that there's a straight line in the middle so let me undo this another way to create the dual axis chart is by simply dragging your second measure right beside the first measure and once you have this side by side if you click on the drop down on the first pill this is the usual option that you see however the second pill will have a new option called dual axis and just for demonstration i'm going to drag one more measure right beside our second measure so the way tableau works is the moment you have multiple measures on your shelves your succeeding measure pills will have a dual axis option so if we select a dual axis option here it's going to fuse this pill to the previous fill however you also have an option of selecting the dual axis from the third pill which means it's going to fuse this pill with the pill to its left let's take a look at that on the drop down dual axes and you can see that this spill is actually that chart that has the two axes just a quick note about dual axis charts when you have dual axis charts you're going to have two axes so this is one and that's the second one with these two axes you can also have two different ranges the first range we can see is from zero to about 240. the second axis has a range from 0 to 90. should you want this to have different units you can also have different units the dual axis chart also enables you to have multiple marks this price pill actually has its own marks card which means you can control the mark separately from the other pill so the profit has its own marks card as well and once you have multiple measures in your shelves you're going to get an extra marks card called all that allows you to control both of the marks together if you use calculated fields if you use formulas i think this next tip is for you it is the last but definitely not the least i have a time series graph in here let me add a quick table calculation for percent difference one way to get to know some of these auto-generated formulas that you get from tableau is by opening up a calculated field editor so from here on the drop down let's create calculated field and you can simply drag the pill that has the new formula onto this calculated field editor and this will show you exactly what was generated when you created that quick table calculation and you can also do the reverse way you can select your formula or even portions of your formula for example in here i can decide to get the denominator and drag that back into my shelf and it generates another ad hoc calculation for me this is definitely one way you can use to get to know your table calculations better take a look at what the expressions are underneath the hood try to understand it a little bit better and then experiment a little bit more there you go those are all the 10 tips 10 additional tips hopefully you found it useful hopefully there's something that you learned if you haven't seen my previous 10 tips i'll link it up in the card thank you so much for watching and i'll see you next time
Channel: sqlbelle
Views: 6,413
Rating: 4.9887953 out of 5
Keywords: tableau tricks, learning tableau, tableau tips and tricks, tableau training, how to work with tableau, tableau for beginners, tableau basics, text table hacks, how to add totals in tableau, how to add subtotals in tableau, dual axis charts, calculated fields, tableau tricks and tips, tableau cool tricks, advanced tableau tricks, tableau tips and tricks for beginners, Tableau tips adn tricks for beginners
Id: Yi_LvYgzxzw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 55sec (715 seconds)
Published: Fri Oct 02 2020
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