Tableau Certification - Desktop Specialist Exam Guide - Hands On Questions Walkthrough | sqlbelle

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[Music] in this video i want to walk you through the hands-on portion of the exam prep guide for the tableau desktop specialist certification tableau provides great resources if you're planning to take the certification exam and their exam prep guide already has sample questions and it also has the solutions at the back but sometimes it's different to read the solution and to see how the solution has been derived i hope you'll find this useful before we go through the actual walkthrough let's have a look at the exam prep guide that you can find in the tableau website tableau's exam guides are pretty comprehensive it walks you through what the exam is the awarded credentials the target audience additional learning resources and also the time format and the content for this particular exam there is a time limit it's 60 minutes mostly multiple choice and multiple response questions and a lot of the answers you're going to derive by doing hands-on work there are 30 questions and this is automatically scored so you will know right away the moment you submit the exam if you've passed or you've failed for this particular exam the passing score is 70 tableau is also fairly detailed as far as the skills that are being measured when you take any of their certification exams so for the tableau desktop specialist exam you need to be familiar with a lot of the foundational skills like how to connect to a data source how to modify data connections how to create different kinds of charts in order to answer questions that they post so for example creating bar charts line charts scatter plots how to add filters and how to create some basic dashboards and add interactivity in them some additional skills that are measured dimensions and measures discrete and continuous fields i do have a video on these basic concepts you may find them useful aggregation another key component in a lot of the tableau certification exams is timeliness you need to be able to manage your time you need to know how to prioritize the time and how much time you're going to allocate for certain types of questions to start the hands-on questions please download the excel file that can be found with the exam prep guide the first hands-on question which is question number six using stock's 2010-2013 table create a chart to see monthly change in volumes of stocks beginning of 2010 to the end of 2013. the question is all about two consecutive months that saw the least fluctuation in increase or decrease so let's connect to the excel file first let's drag this over to tableau for this question it's asking us to use stocks 2010 to 2013 so let's drag this over let's create a brand new sheet so for this particular question it's asking for monthly change which suggests that we need some kind of a time series graph i'm going to right click drag date choose continuous month and from here we're also looking at volumes of stocks and we have a measure for volume so let's just drag that over to rows now there's a couple ways we can answer this the suggested solution actually shows you that visually we can see the one that is pretty flat which means there is not a lot of change from the previous month for this particular data set we could probably see that because we don't have a lot of data points and we may be okay with it but i'd like to show you a different way of answering this particular question this second way however uses table calculations so if you haven't encountered table calculations yet i will have a video on that but for now i'm going to show you how it could work let's click on your measure on the drop down you are going to find a quick table calculation option in here and we are looking for percent difference because we're looking at the least fluctuation so from here quick table calculation percent difference we can change the mark type to bar makes it a little bit easier to see what the changes are and what we could do is we can show the filter for the sum of volume that has the table calculation if we show this filter i'm just going to drag this over to the middle area and from here by process of elimination we can start narrowing down what is being shown on screen so for example if we're looking at minus 5 to positive 5 0.05 then we can see some of the bars that are falling within this range and there is one really obvious one this is april 2012 which means the change from the previous month of march all the way to april 2012 is the least and we can see from our original graph that it actually did not change as much march 2012 about 4 million april 2012 also around that 4 million mark this way that i've shown you using table calculations will be helpful if you have more data points if you can't look at the trends one by one and if it's not very obvious where that pattern is so the answer for number six is letter b march 2012 to april 2012. question seven using stocks 2010 to 2013 table create a crosstab showing the sum of volume per company per year and then add grand totals to the view what was the total volume for apple in 2013 and the total volume for apple for 2010 through 2013 respectively so there's a few things in here it looks like we need company we need year and we also just need to look at apple so let's add company let's drag over here by default your date will be discrete let's double click on volume and from here in the analytics tab let's double click on totals and we're really just looking at apple so right click on apple and keep only so for the answer we are looking at 2013 values first which is about 25 billion and the total volume from 2010 to 2013 is 127 billion so the answer for question seven is letter a question eight using stocks 2010 to 2013 create a chart that shows percent difference in volume for each company by year and quarter how many quarters did biogen idec show a positive percent difference in volume so in here we're still looking at table calculation we're still looking at percent difference in volume we're also looking at it by year and quarter so you can choose to use discrete date or continuous date the question also suggests we need to have a filter for this particular company and for positive percent difference only i will right click drag date choose continuous date but this time around i'm going to choose continuous quarter fifth from the bottom let's take volume drag that to rows on the drop down quick table calculation percent difference i'm going to change the mark type to bar i will right click on company show the filter and i'm only going to leave biogen idec i'm just going to move this filter over since we want only positive changes i'm also going to show the filter for the sum of volume that has the table calculation so drop down show filter and from here i'm going to move this over again because we want positive changes i'm going to change the minimum value to just zero it looks like there are six bars in here instead of counting we can also look at the number of marks that are being shown at the bottom of your screen yet another way is going to the analysis menu at the top view data and this also shows us the actual numbers for each mark that is being shown on screen so the answer for question eight is letter d six question nine union this stocks 2010 to 2013 and stocks 2014 tables and then create a chart showing average close price by year and quarter for each company from 2010 to 2014. how many quarters was amazon's average closing price over 300 for this question we need to create a new connection to our excel file because this one requires a union so let's drag our excel file over and from here we're looking at stocks 2010 to 2013 and we want to add or union stocks 2014. now in here be very careful make sure that when you drag this over you're dragging it over right underneath until it says union otherwise when you see this line it's actually called a noodle it's a relationship in tableau so let's drag this so that it's union union means you're stacking all the records on top of each other so what you end up with is a longer data set if you wanted to double check you can hover over this logical table and it will tell you that this is composed of two tables double click this table to see the unions so in this case edit union we know that this is composed of both the 2010 to 2013 and stocks 2014. let's create a new sheet this question requires another time series graph you can choose to use continuous dates or discrete dates both will work so by quarter and by year for each company and it looks like we're also still filtering by a specific company in this case amazon and we're looking at the average closing price i'm going to right click drag date onto columns choose continuous quarter i'll drag company to rows and then close to rows in here we're looking at average instead of sum so on the drop down instead of sum we're going to change this to average we're going to keep only amazon and we can add a filter on the average close so on the drop down show filter and we're really only interested if the closing price is over 300 so we can set the minimum value for your filter as 300 and from here we can change the mark to bar and from here you can see that there's five bars you can also check at the bottom of your screen there's five marks so the answer for question nine is c there are five quarters where amazon's average closing price was over 300 for question 10 using the flights table create a bar chart showing the average of minutes of delay per flight broken down by carrier name and filtered by state to only show minnesota what was the average minutes of delay per flight for united in minnesota let's create a new connection this time around we're using flights in a new sheet so in this case we need carrier name we're looking at only minnesota so we can drag state onto filters and look for mn select only that let's drag minutes of delay per flight onto columns change this to average in this case i'm actually going to copy average minutes of delay onto label i'm going to set this one to highlighted and i will add a highlighter to carry your name so in here we're looking at united so for united the answer is 62.98 so the answer for question 10 is letter c so those are all the practical questions for the desktop specialist exam i hope you found that useful if there's other practical walkthroughs that you're interested in seeing in this channel please let me know in the comments below i'll see you next time
Channel: sqlbelle
Views: 8,370
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Keywords: tableau certification, how to prepare for Tableau exam, how to prepare for Tableau certification, Tableau certification exam, Tableau Desktop Specialist, Getting certified in Tableau, Tableau examples, tableau certification desktop specialist, tableau certification questions and answers, tableau certification training, tableau certification preparation, how to get tableau certification, tableau desktop specialist certification, data visualization tableau examples
Id: Sf1aJoKpXfE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 15sec (735 seconds)
Published: Mon Oct 05 2020
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