10 MONEY SAVING WAYS TO HAVE A LOW COST, FRUGAL & FUN SUMMER! #frugalliving #budgetfriendly

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[Music] welcome sweet friends to the channel Frugal money saer my name is Emmy my husband is Paul we're so happy you have joined us today today we are going to be sharing 10 ways to have a fun Frugal lowcost summer summertime activi can be expensive if we let them there are so many things to do in the summertime there are fair there are festivals amusement parks water parks the list goes on and on but our Frugal life doesn't change just because the activities do what we're going to show you how to have a ton of fun save money and really come out financially ahead throughout this entire summer season so sit back relax and let's get right to it number one I want you to stay organized throughout the summer months make yourself a control Journal if you do not have one already this is my Control Center and I encourage you all to have some place where you can jot down everything you need in one spot I use a happy planner it's not a sponsored video video I just love them let me show you what I do this is why I love this format so much this is just a random week in June I use the same tabs and the same cover all the time I just buy refill paper on a weekly basis I can see the errands I need to do what I need to get done who do I need to call or answer emails to things that I need to make a note of what do I need to focus on and then this little top section right here Monday through Sunday I use for my meal planning and then whatever I have to do on every day comes here having a control Journal being organized is one of the best ways to save money just because it's summer we have to still keep up with basic Home Maintenance cooking our meals at home not eating out all the time keeping our pantry inventories our freezer inventories knowing what we have in the home to make meals out of when you are organized you're going to know when your bills need to be paid so there are no late fees you're going to know when you need to go to the doctors or if you have appointments so you don't get no show fees you just want to stay on top of everything things can get busy so the first tip I'm going want to share with you is stay organized throughout the warmer weather number two goes hand inand with being organized and that is keeping your budget throughout the summer hopefully everyone watching this video has a budget a budget is basically a plan that shows you how much money is coming in and how much money is going out and through this summertime we may get lack with budgeting cuz again and there is so much fun stuff going on I encourage you if you want to partake in vacations and fairs and festivals whatever it may be make sure you have a budget don't go to these events without having a certain amount allocated for those events you don't want to go with credit card in hand and just blow it it is very very easy to do set a certain amount aside and say this is what we're going to spend let's say you are going to a fair or a festival pack your own food if they allow you to bring in food in a cooler kept cold and then you can save that much more money on food while you're there maybe just get one special treat you need to have a cap on the amount of money you are spending it's just good Financial sense number three a lot of people opt for stations which means you take a couple days off stay home and do some local fun activities this is just such a great way to save money you are saving on lodging you are saving on food cuz you're still eating home or packing a picnic you're saving on gas or plane fair and I am going to show you the best way to find local events in your area what I want you to do is literally go to Google type in free things to do near me and Google will come up with a list of places that you can visit for free activities you can do for free so let me show you what's in our area I literally just typed in free things to do near me and a local County near us popped up there are so many fun ideas here they literally gave me 10 things to do right off the top bonus things and I could have searched even longer save yourself some money stay close to home and do some free and wonderful events number four and you knew I had to sneak this in here continue to meal plan during the summer please don't slack off on this let's go back to my control journal and let me show you what I do to make meal planning so much easier for me it really helps to know what you have in the home so you are always meal ready when you run out of something keep an ongoing list of what you need to pick up at the store shop those lost leaders those super great sales on the front of the flyer continue to stock your pantry with those lost leaders or your freezer so let me show you exactly how I continue meal planning throughout the warmer weather I have one full page here for meal ideas these are meals that I know I have ingredients for pretty much all the time and what I keep doing is adding to it the other day I realized I didn't have tacos on this list I didn't have sausage and onions and peppers have some place where you keep your meal plans that you can go back to over and over and look for inspiration look for ideas using ingredients that you know you have on hand this makes Meal Time effortless easy and you're always one step ahead of the game number five I want you to take advantage of lowcost savings on fruits and vegetables this time of year they are at their lowest prices so I want you to incorporate more meatless meals chalk full of yummy fruits yummy vegetables because not only are they really good for you and delicious but they will save you a ton of money as well Paul and I are going to share a recipe with you right now that is completely meatless Paul as you know is a meat and potatoes kind of guy he loves like a meat potato vegetable meal this is one of his favorites when I told him I wanted to film this he was like oh my gosh I love that we haven't had it in so long I don't usually make it in the winter time because you do Grill the vegetables but you can roast them in the oven as well I think I showed this recipe years ago it's time to revisit it so let's turn the camera around and get into the kitchen we are so excited to share this recipe this is a vegetarian recipe it can be made vegan by switching out the cheese and the Mayo so what you're going to need are vegetables of your choice that you know roast or grill well we're using one yellow squash one zucchini we're going to probably use a half of a sweet Vidalia onion we've got some red pepp pepper strips you could also use mushrooms you could use eggplant anything that you think would Grill well we're going to use some colby jack cheese on this sandwich as well and what we're going to dress the sandwich with is a little bit of mayonnaise fresh garlic and lemon juice so you're going to want to make this about an hour ahead so we're going to do that right now because it's just Paul and I I have less than 1/4 cup of mayonnaise here I'm going to add one clove of fresh garlic now you can go crazy with this and add more just remember fresh garlic is very strong and I'm just going to take about A4 of that lemon and add the juice so we've got some lemon juice we've got some fresh garlic and mayonnaise you're going to want to do this at least an hour ahead we want these flavors to all come together I'm going to cover this and put it in the refrigerator until it's time to eat here's all our vegetables I just slic them thin be careful when you're doing this the onions I did leave a little bit thicker I just transferred them all to a bowl and now I'm just going to take some good olive oil go all over with it and I'm also going to grate some Italian herb seasoning all over them as well just mix it together I will post a link to the original recipe down below Paul is going to grill them outside so let's join them okay these guys have been on for about 10 minutes look at the grill marks Coming Out Boy it smells so good out here I keep turning them so they don't overcook this way they're even these took just about 15 minutes to get soft and they look amazing we're going to be using my sour dough bread as the base but you can use any good quality bread for this we're going to take some of our mayonnaise that we infused with garlic and lemon and we're going to put it on the bread and we are going to build these [Music] [Music] sandwiches so here are two sandwiches we put the cheese on we are going to close the lid and let that cheese [Music] [Applause] melt oh I am so happy for dinner time tonight you have to give this a try number six another great way to save money during the summertime is to revisit your boredom Buster list let's go back to our control journal and show you what I mean another page in my control Journal are boredom Busters remember we did these way back in January for our no spend January things we can do to keep us busy instead of spending money instead of shopping well I updated it for summer our summer edition of Bor and Busters go to the library and shop for free DVDs music books museum tickets all free watch the sunrise or sunset go to a park and have a picnic attend free outdoor concerts have a samor night work in the garden read outside on the deck with an iced tea unplug from all your electronic devices your phone your TV your iPad make root beer float I haven't done that in years one of my favorite things to drink have a barbecue night these are things that would definitely go better in warmer weather just a fun list to keep in your control Journal of things to do instead of spending money instead of shopping number seven here are just some easy simple ways to save on electricity please don't forget to use your crockpot through the warmer months cooking with your crockpot is such an economical way to have tasty delicious food it doesn't heat up your kitchen it uses pennies of electricity and it is so versatile soups stews whole chickens I have cooked in mine another way we keep our cost down here in the Northeast it never really gets hot enough that we need central air conditioning most people in our area don't have central air conditioning we have window air conditioners that we take in and we pull out and one of the greatest tips that I can give you if you do use window air conditioners is shut the doors to the rooms you are not using the laundry room door will get shut if we don't have guests the guest room door gets shut this way you are not spending money cooling room rooms that you're not using just good Common Sense another great moneysaving tip is invest in some good blinds that keep the Sun out and in the winter they're great because they keep the heat in keep the radiant Sun out this time of year because there's no quicker way to heat up your home than having that sun come blazing in another tip to lower electric costs is can you go a degree or two higher on your air conditioning if you have Central AC now I'm not telling you to make yourself uncomfortable or sick or anything like that I'm literally talking one or two degrees that is it and a great way to move that air around whether it be ceiling fans like we have in our bedroom in the music room and right here in the kitchen or floor fans that will just move that air around around and make you feel cool number eight get outside and grow something if you don't have a large area of land remember on your patio or your Leni you can put some buckets of tomatoes basil wild flowers whatever you want to grow It's a Wonderful hobby it costs you barely anything and the results that you reap at the end of that growing season is phenomenal Paul's going to take us outside just give us some hints and tips on how we planted our wild flower seed Garden let's get outside with Paul I found this package of wild flower seeds at the dollar store and I figured these would be great to sew in an area of our yard that we no longer use for growing vegetables because the trees have grown so tall in our neighbor's yard it's just shaded out I also mixed in these cone flowers and black eyed susan seeds into the mix this is our old Garden if you remembered I planted horseradish in here and it's still there so we'll see how that is this fall I pulled all the weeds out and scratched it with a garden rake just to get the soil loose and ready for the seeds to be put down I sewed the seeds and then I used the rake once again just to gently cover them up also while I was in here I trimmed these two raspberry bushes and staked them up with some sticks just so they don't lay on the ground these raspberries are [Music] delicious and just remember growing your own vegetables fruits flowers anything you can use it pots or in a garden or a little piece of land somewhere it's just a great Frugal way to enjoy your summer [Music] number nine one of the most fun activities you can do if you're into flea marketing or thrifting is make a thrift or Flea Market Day a special occasion Paul and I had a date day the other day and we each took $5 to go to the thrift stores now could we have taken more Absol absolutely but did we want to take more no we didn't $5 was our limit and that makes the treasure hunting so much more fun and we also have a list of things that we're always on the lookout for now we don't just take the five and buy any darn thing just to spend money that's not what I'm talking about it's looking for something that you know will make you happy a little treasure to take home something you may need whatever it is but we each gave ourselves $5 limit this is a great Frugal way go out for a couple of hours and just have a good time let us show you what we found on our $5 a person date day the other day those of you who know me and know me well vintage tablecloths are a passion of mine my Frugal find for my $5 were two Christmas vintage tablecloths they were two $250 a piece this one is just amazing it's got the pine cones pine needles so festive the red background with the sprinkling of white snow and this one is just covered in those beautiful poinsettas red and white with the green background not a spot or stain on them they look like they had never ever even been used so for $5 score so here's my Frugal find I got this little lamp for $5 I think it was $4.99 and I just thought it looked really really cool I mean with the way the Bas is and the way this is I'm not too keen on this setup but we have a dark spot under our kitchen cabinet in the corner it's kind of dark over there and I thought that if I rewire this lamp with a low wattage bulb and come up with some sort of a nice little shade I might be able to just lighten up that dark corner and I think this lamp would be very very pretty over there of course it needs to be rewired look at this industrial plug I'm going to dig through my garage and look around and hopefully I can come up with a really really nice project here is the lamp all complete he did a beautiful job using items that were in the garage and in his work work Shop number 10 now we went and we brought three items into the home number 10 what do we do we declutter three items out and what we encourage you to do is continue to declutter through the warmer months go through everything you have in your closet winter summer what can you get rid of and donate so that someone else can benefit from your generosity we have things in our homes that we no longer need we no longer use honestly if you're bringing something into the home so our homes don't get overrun you need to get rid of some things and that's a positive how does decluttering save money first of all you know what you have you're not buying duplicate items of the same thing it also just gives you a feeling of lightness it gives you a feeling of control over your surroundings and when we are peaceful and we are calm we make better financial decisions we see the abundance of what we already have it just is a wonderful feeling to be able to give to others through donations or maybe sharing with neighbors friends family that can use the items we have so decluttering is really an essential part of the fruit lifestyle it just really gives you a lightness of spirit when you get rid of things that you no longer love you no longer like to look at you no longer need give them to someone else let someone enjoy them so we thank you so much for sharing this time with us we hope you enjoyed this video today's question of the day leave your answer down below give us your best summertime frugal tip or hint what would you consider to be your hands down best summer Frugal hint or tip share it with us because it will not only encourage us it'll encourage our viewers as well we thank you so much again for being here we ask that you please give this a big thumbs up subscribe if you haven't come on in be part of our Frugal family we would love to have you we ask you to be well we ask you to be safe and above all we wish you blessings until our next video may God greatly bless you
Channel: Frugal Money Saver
Views: 24,157
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Frugal Money Saver, Frugal Living, Budget Living, Save Money, debt free, budgeting, early retirment, Christian, Catholic, purposeful living, tightwad living, Budgeting, Homemaking, Christian homemaking, create a budget, financial goals, money saving tips and hints, contentment, Cook from scratch, inflation, frugal summer, loss leaders, Zero food waste, Frugal Cooking, old fashioned, depression era, Old Time, simple living, slow living, budget friendly, live below your means
Id: QeSjlCXMytQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 23min 11sec (1391 seconds)
Published: Fri May 10 2024
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