OAHU TRAVEL GUIDE: Everything You Need to Know

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this is everything you need to know to go to aahu all right let's go the first thing you should know is just some general information about aahu it is the third largest of the Hawaiian islands and it's well known for its beautiful beaches its stunning rainforest and its worldclass surfing but it's more than just that it's really a metropolis by the beach there are over 1 million residents that call aahu home and there are highrises abound restaurants shopping there is a lot of life and energy on Oahu it is my favorite of the Hawaiian Islands but then again Chris is a little bit of a city boy but I like the city that is by the surf it is often known as The Manhattan of the Pacific but even though it's got a big city feel the island itself is pretty small 44 M long and 30 m wide makes it feel like you can see most of aahu on a week's trip you can drive around most of the island in a day though you'll find there's plenty more to do than just a week's worth of stuff if you want to stay for even even longer the second thing to know some information to help you get oriented to aahu aahu is broken down in roughly five different regions there's Honolulu the NorthShore the leeward Coast the windward coast and Central hon Lulu where I'm standing right now home to W Kei also the capital of the state of Hawaii most of the residents in aahu live in Honolulu W Kei is to Hawaii as the strip is to Las Vegas loud busy and very touristy W is also home to most of aaho H hotels think large high-rise Resorts shopping nightlife restaurants all within a couple blocks of the beach Wy key attracts 70,000 visitors daily that's almost 50% of the visitors across all of the Hawaiian Islands if you're looking for a low key trip or an uncrowded Beach Wy key and Honolulu probably not the place for you Honolulu is also home to Diamond Head one of a Wahoo's best hikes that we'll talk about when we get into things to do downtown Honolulu is also Hawaii's government Center you'll find museums restaurants shopping there oh and a Chinatown too now heading up to the north part of the island this is called the North Shore known as the surfing capital of the world it's an easy hourlong drive from Wei and it'll bring you up to lovely Hala town where the NorthShore begins it has a 7mile stretch of worldclass surf breaks and Hawaiian country Vibe the NorthShore is where worldclass Surfers go when the winter waves reach their Majestic Heights be sure to stop at the Bonsai pipeline where you can see Surfers make their way through the middle of a wave wame Bay and Sunset Beach are also quite famous on the NorthShore the months between November and February are the best times to see big wave surfing it's also home to the Polynesian Cultural Center we'll talk about that in things to do as well the windward Coast on the east side of the island tends to get the most rain leading to lush tropical rain forest kind of like what you'd see in the movie Jurassic Park because it turns out this is where Jurassic Park was filmed FM it's also home to some of ao's most Serene beaches and uncrowded beaches with many beaches and Bays the scenic 30m Windward Coast offers up some of the most stunning natural beauty in Hawaii one of my favorite off the beaten path sites is on this side the bioto in Japanese Buddhist temple the leward coast on oahu's West Side is a sunny and dry region without much major tourism past the coolina resort area just 30 mi from W Kei the region is quite opposite from W ke K where you'll see small beach towns and really just kind of how locals live a normal life you're also going to find this to be the home of the Disney hotel the Alani and finally Central aahu as the name might suggest this is the middle of the island the most famous part of it being Pearl Harbor a gigantic military base that has a memorial to the lives lost during the Japanese attack you'll also find big sporting events and a great swap meat at Aloha Stadium and up in the middle you can experience Hawaii Farm life with a visit to the Dole Plantation where yes they still grow pineapples or a visit to the Botanical Garden the third thing to know is about getting into aahu and most people get in here by flying flying into hon Lulu International Airport it is the biggest airport of the Hawaiian Islands it has 60 Gates spread across three terminals it is kind of a weird airport because much of the airport is actually outside like the common areas are not that they're exposed to the sunlight they're covered but they're outside into the open air so you're going to want to dress cool when you're around the airport because much of it can be really quite warm you'll find all of the big North American carriers operating here United Delta American uh Southwest is now operating a ton of flights into Hawaii you'll find the big Asian carriers operating in here as well Japan Airlines Asiana etc etc if you're looking to save a few bucks coming into aahu consider Southwest Airlines that I mentioned earlier you generally have to go to their website to find their prices and book also consider Hawaiian Airlines the air carrier of the state if you're picking up a rental car it's pretty easy to pick up rental cars now they've built a gigantic new Consolidated Rental Car Center that requires no shuttle you can just walk across the street from the airport to the rental car center I quite like it it's quite nice now now to get into the city the airport is quite close to YY K just 9 miles the drive without traffic is about 20 minutes if you were going to take a ride share or taxi uh it's going to cost you about $40 the cheapest way to get into y key key is to take bus route 20 it's about three bucks will get you in here it's just going to take a little longer than if you had a car all to yourself oh and if you are going to take the bus from the airport beware they don't allow any large luggage on the bus only carry-on siiz luggage on the bus and there are some shared ride shuttles that operate from the airport to various hotels I'd avoid those it's not worth the money saving and they take way too long to get you to your destination now the second major way people get into aahu is by cruise ship there are two cruise ship docks both of them in the downtown Honolulu portion of the City Pier 2 and Pier 12 they're not really walkable to any of the major beaches of the area but you can walk to some of the downtown sites including the Hawaii state capital and Palace I also like the neighborhood of kakaako which is right near the cruise ship terminals it's a pretty funky neighborhood with a lot of street art trendy restaurants and shops before I leave the airport I always like to pick up some tourist brochures they've got them down baggage claim in like the Hawaii state tourist information kiosk check these out so you've got some reading in your room about local activities and even coupons to pick up Pro tip about picking up brochures and looking for coupons if you're walking around uh and you see Japanese tourist guides pick these up too because they'll have different coupons in here than uh in the English coupon books and just because you don't read Japanese doesn't mean you can't you can't use the coupon the fourth thing to know is about getting around and first let's start with public transport port and yes there is a train no it's not really useful for tourists it doesn't really go anywhere tourists want to go right now in 20125 it's supposed to go to the airport that'll be nice but it still won't go to y k ever in like 2030 it's supposed to get near Alana anyway just you know if you're watching this like 5 years in the Future the train might be a good option for you until then your other public transportation option is the bus and the good news is that aahu actually has a really good bus Network and it is legitimately called the bus it is $3 a ride it covers most of the island it's just slow that's what you're going to have to deal with cheap slow good coverage yes Uber and ride share are plentiful uh but if you are going to take a lift during Uber and you're going to take it to some remote place the island make sure you have cell service to call one to come back that's bit one or two tourists here in the past for now I generally rent a car when I come to Oahu because I'm doing a lot more than just staying around Wy in my hotel I really like to get off the beaten tourist path uh for the best prices I typically rent my car through Costco Travel uh and then there any one of the major rental car companies at the airport rental car center if you're renting for a long time the airport usually has the best prices uh if you just need a car for a day or two then consider renting one from your hotel like many of these hotels in y k including the Marriott and the Hyatt and the Hilton Hawaiian Village all have rental car companies on property they'll probably cost you twice as much per day as if you rented it from the airport but if you just need it for one day for a day trip then you don't have to pay for parking and so you might be saving yourself some money in the long run just renting the car from the day or two from your hotel and not for your whole state another rental car Option is turo it is a like peer-to-peer car sharing application it's really popular here on Wahu particularly in the rental car crisis that happened a couple of years ago during co uh I personally don't have experience using turo but I've heard good things from many of my fellow explorers now however you're getting around you're going to be getting around on the roads and you should know that aahu traffic is epic uh it's really bad for morning rush hour it's even worse for evening rush hour 3: to 6:00 p.m. is the worst time to be driving um you know if you're on the H1 the main Highway you'll probably going 5 or 10 mph you should also know that when you're driving here the lanes they're really narrow they're much narrower than the rest of the USA cuz I think there's just not that much land here and so they've made the lanes narrower to get more cars on the speed limits are also often quite low on the highways there might even be speed limits as low as 35 mph you know sometimes there's this phrase that when you're in Hawaii you're on the islands you're on island time everything operates just a little bit slower so so slow down get used to it don't expect to get anywhere in a rush because it won't get you anywhere any faster uh if you're in traffic you know they generally are pretty good at letting one car in and the other car in if you want to be polite and thank someone for letting you in then you throw up the shock assign to say thank you very much the final option for getting around are guided tours uh you can like sign up at a guided tour any one of the major tourist hotels that'll take you to some other major tourist attractions around there's also like Hop On Hop Off tour buses that operate in Wy ke one of the major ones is the Wy key trolley it'll take you to various destinations and Alam Moana if you want to do some shopping the fifth thing to know is about the weather and when to go and the weather pretty much all year round in aahu is hot and humid the daytime highs range from somewhere in the low 80s to somewhere in the high 80s aahu really only has two seasons the wet season and the dry season the wet season gener con insides what people would think of as winter so like November to February and then the dry season is the summer June July August those are also going to be the hottest months in the summer and the coolest months in the winter the nighttime low drops about 10° from the daytime high so if the daytime high is 85 then the nighttime low is 75 so the question is when should you go well that depends do you want the warmest water temperature in that case come in the summer but the summer it's pretty busy my favorite time to come to Hawaii is the time right after Thanksgiving and before Christmas nobody's here during that time that's when you'll find the room rates are lowest lots of people come starting around Christmas and into the New Year's January and February is when all of the snowbirds from the Northeast like think New York City and Boston they get really cold and then they say I need to go find someplace warm and so I need to go to Hawaii um but really anytime of year you come is not a bad time uh it does even though there's a rain in a dry season it rains all the time um so do bring an umbrella when you come cuz you might need it but the rain usually isn't a torrential rain out all day unless you're here when there's a tropical storm if you do see a tropical storm forecast where it's just going to be delusion on the island you might want to reconsider your trip because if it's uh constant rain constant wind you're not really going to enjoy sitting out by the beach oh by the way where is this view uh this is from one of the balconies at the Weston Moana Surf Rider and I want to say hi to Al the valet Parker in the front of the hotel uh a fan of yellow Productions and said hey as I was walking over here so hey to you Al the six thing to know is about the beaches on aahu and aahu has a ton of great beaches and it's a great Beach destination because the water is always pretty warm uh the coolest really the ocean water gets is 76 Fahrenheit and it goes up to 81 Fahrenheit the hottest time for the water is going to be in September with the coldest time being in February uh for people who do Celsius that's about 24 to 27° C you really don't need a wet suit any time of year uh you'll find the protected beaches like this one in Wy ke where there's a little um seaw wall to protect it are some of the most warmest places for the water because when the sun comes out it definitely warms the water up in the morning it's going to be the coldest because the sun also hasn't had a chance to warm the water up now when you do go the beach you're going to want to be careful because they're not all sandy beaches Wy ke is a great Sandy Beach coolina is a great Sandy Beach kyua is a great Sandy Beach there's a beach called Sandy Beach which is a great Sandy Beach but you'll want to be careful there because that one has a really strong shore break if you're a World Famous Body Surfer uh check out Sandy Beach cuz they have a great body surfing wave but if you're an amateur do be careful because big waves break right on the shore and so with that note you know people can often kind of like ruin their Hawaii vacation when they get hurt in the water if you're not familiar with the water just go ahead and be careful find a beach that has lifeguards swim near them and that'll make sure you have a good vacation in the end now if you're looking to do some snorkeling one of the best places for snorkeling on a waho is at Hana Uma Bay but you have to make a reservation in advance and pay a $25 admission fee and they're only open about 5 days out of the week but trust me the snorkeling there is worth the admiss fee why do they do that to make it so that it's not too busy so that you're not competing with too many people to see the ocean life and it's closed a couple days a week to give the ocean life a chance to recover now speaking of that where some of the best ocean life is is around coral and rocks and so many of oahu's beaches uh have a coral bottom or a rock bottom be really careful around those because the coral and the rock is really quite sharp so if you're just a beginner Beach goer stick to the beaches with the Sandy Bottom you're go going to some of the coral or Rock beaches you'll probably want to bring some water shoes so you don't end up cutting your feet oh and one beach pro tip if you're going to spend like a lot of time out here at the beach definitely make sure you reply your sunscreen every 90 minutes after you go in the water the sun in Hawaii can be pretty strong and one of the worst things that can happen to you too is if you don't put on enough sunscreen and then you turn into a lobster on day two then it hurts to be outside so make sure you're put your sunscreen in your hotel room before you get out here reapply roughly every hour the seven thing to know is about shopping and aahu has a lot of shops and a lot of shopping malls whyi is home to quite a number of shopping malls one of the best is the Royal Hawaiian center right here right behind or in front of the Royal Hawaiian Hotel there are 150 shops in this three-story mall uh you will also find a pretty neat food court up on the second floor and this is home to Cheesecake Factory if you want to visit Hawaii's largest shopping mall that is Alam Moana the Alam Moana Center is really more of a high-end shopping mall it's really quite impressive but even more impressive than Alam Moana in my opinion is the food court I think their food court is the best Mall food court in all of the USA so if you're looking for something for the whole family to eat and you like food courts definitely check out the Alam Moana food court if you're looking to pick up some aloha shirts consider Costco Costco has really good aloha shirts you'll also find a ton of Aloha shirt stores just anywhere on the Wy key main shopping street they won't be the cheapest but there will be a lot of them and if you're looking for some cheap souvenirs and groceries one of my favorite stores in aahu anywhere really is Don kote it is like the Japanese version of Walmart or Target kind of like a Japanese everything store it's a supermarket plus a big box store plus souvenirs uh donot has about three locations in aahu and all of them are a blast I have a whole walking tour just through a donot if you want to see what that looks like before you go there oh and you should know that if you're shopping for like sandals in Hawaii they call them slippers this store Island slipper doesn't sell slippers like you might know them instead they sell sandals AKA flip-flops another great spot for quick souvenirs and also snacks are the ABC Stores they're sort of like a Hawaiian version of a 7-Eleven you'll find a loha shirts here sunscreen also tons of cold drinks great sandwiches and some breakfast options you can bring back to your room oh and spam mubi that you can pick up in a pinch as well if you want to pick up something particularly Hawaiian pick up the Le leing mui it's salted dried plum that's sweet sour and salty all at once uh if you've never had it it's worth a taste the eighth thing to know is about hotels and where should you stay and most of the hotels on aahu are in W Ki I've stayed at most of the oceanfront hotels here and let me tell you some of my favorites starting on that side the the Hilton Hawaiian Village the biggest hotel in Hawaii it is really this like Resort that has tons of towers tons of pools everything you need right there and a big wide sandy beach in front of it the Sheran right on the water big tower um I just like it is like literally on the water you can have a room you look down and you see ocean the Royal Hawaiian this pink building that I'm sitting right in front of right now is just a old classic hotel but probably one of my favorite classic hotels is the Weston Moana Surf Rider the first hotel here in Wy key if you're going to stay there definitely consider staying in one of the classic rooms in the Classic Building super cool spots in front of the Banyon tree to just sit and chill out and enjoy the beach the hotel in Wy key I end up staying at the most cuz I'm a Marriott titanium Elite is at the Marriott um y key key I like that one because the prices are often pretty decent and as a titanium elite member I get a pretty good free breakfast there I also like the Hyatt Regency you get some really great views out of those double Towers uh and if I'm going outside of Wy ke then I would recommend the hotels in coolina there's a Four Seasons that's pretty cool over there and that's where the Disney Alani hotel is if you're a Disney Enthusiast or you got kids and you don't really want to leave the resort and you want to have them play in cool pools and splash pads and kids activities that's a good one to check out and if you're heading over to the NorthShore uh and you want a nice resort check out Turtle Bay or if you're looking for something cheaper check out the courtyard on the NorthShore by Marriott hotels in aahu they're expensive they're going to run you know at least $200 a night for a decent hotel if it's less than $200 a night I would be worried as to whether uh it's going to be even halfway nice or not and if you're a military member you can consider staying on many of the bases for cheap also there is a military hotel in yiki it's called The Holly COA um and Military members can stay there as a morale uh perk for now we're on to my favorite section let's talk about food on aahu and aahu I think has the best food of all of the Hawaiian Islands cuz it's the city and so many different cultures have immigrated into here making a really unique food scene uh but before I get to the immigrated foods that have come in here let's start with some Hawaiian treats that you might want to get one of the Hawaii Specialties is the plate lunch and one of the classic places to get it is zippies which is where I'm at right now zippies has about 20 locations on aahu this one is the nimit highway location that I like to stop at going or coming from the airport cuz this is quite near the airport and what do they specialize in here well um plate lunches typically have some rice some macaroni salad and then some proteins today I've got the Mixed Plate which comes with uh their chili which has beans chicken KATU and also some teriyaki beef down under there and of course syrup with the Aloha soy sauce this uh soy sauce doesn't taste like kikoman or the Chinese or the Japanese one it has a unique taste in and of itself uh and so definitely make sure you get some soy sauce you're going to go ahead and put that on your rice and then Chow Down In addition to like the fast food area that they've got here U most zippies also have a bakery counter where you can get baked goods and then also a sit down section where they have like waiter service um kind of like Denny's has that sort of feel to it but really Z you know is it the best food in Hawaii I mean you could probably get better versions of everything that they sell here but it has a special place in uh Hawaiian heart people who live here and um it's quick and I think the pric is reasonable and it's a Hawaiian classic so you got to give it a try oh and zippies is open like nearly all the time now another really solid Bakery and frankly meal option right next to that zippies on nimit highway is Lily H Bakery they've got a few other locations AC cross aahu but they specialize in their Bakery I really like their cream pffs they come in a whole bunch of different flavors and their danishes you can also get breakfast lunch and dinner Hawaiian Diner style food here too so when you're in aahu you should definitely get the garlic shrimp and we're here at giovan's which I think is like the king of garlic shrimp in aahu they've got two locations the original Shrimp Truck on the NorthShore and then this one which is in the h Martin kako AO I like this one the best cuz it's close to the airport and close to Y ke for $16 you get the shrimp scampy plate that has shrimp with the peels on garlic on top of the rice and you know the way you eat this rice again is with the Aloha soy sauce peel it open it up and soy sauce right on top of the garlic all right and some people tell me that they just eat the whole shrimp with the peel on I like to peel it cuz I'm not a PE heel eating kind of guy and then just go ahead and pop this delicious shrimp morsel right in here M it's good it's garlicky like some garlic shrimp you get places that aren't legitimate you can't taste the garlic at all and then for True garlic fiend like me that like to keep the vampires away it's on top of the rice delicious now let's talk about some of the imported Cuisine into aahu and one you're going to find a lot of his Japanese food cuz there's a lot of Japanese immigrants that have moved here many of them second third even fourth generation on aahu uh and there's a lot of Japanese tourists and so they like their Japanese food while they're here one of my favorites is tonkatsu Ginza byon in yiki this place serves uh breaded fried pork cutlet super delicious I got a whole video review on this place if you want to see more oh and two spots to check out for dessert after that cotu is shave ice at lahina shave ice right next door for some of the best burgers on the island check out AA sandwich this is in historic Hala town on the NorthShore they come in 1/3 and half PB options definitely get it with avocado and bacon on top another great option is Teddy's Bigger Burgers they've got a few more locations Central indulu if you're heading over there make sure to get one with pineapple and peanut butter now after that Burger from Kua AA or Teddy's both actually in h Eva Town you'll want some dessert and the classic dessert to get here is sha ice from mamoto they've been serving shave ice here for nearly 70 years and it's pretty reasonable prices about four bucks to they you small bowl shaved ice you pick your syrups that you want on top Super tasty and it's in a little like kind of upscale recently made down scale mall I don't know how to describe it but check out the other shops around mamoto while you enjoy your shave eyes and if you find the line from mamoto too long right across the street is AIS and they've got pretty solid Shave Ice as well now another type of eating establishment you're going to find a lot of in aah who are food trucks they roam around everywhere though in Hala Town there's an extra number of shrimp trucks uh I ateed giovan's earlier their original truck is here but there's a few more and so I decided to try the big wave Shrimp Truck there's a picture there of it was in guyer's Food Network top 25 shrimp trucks $16 here's going to get you some shrimp some garlic this one comes with pineapple and green salad uh and let's give this one a try M hot fresh not quite as garlicky as the ones at giovan's so if you're not as much of a garlic Bean check this place out that's still pretty solid and check out the other food trucks too in it's really tasty Japanese food you'll also find a lot of really good Korean food on aahu and some of it even comes in the form of a food truck they serve a little bit differently here where they do Korean barbecue Hawaiian plate lunch Styles so you'll get your meat like your Cal your two scoops of rice maybe a little bit of cabbage or Salad on the side another option is yummies it's a chain of kind of Korean barbecue fast food kind of like Panda Express just Korean Wahu does have a lot of food trucks it doesn't have a lot of street food per se but there's a couple of stalls right here in front of the Royal Hawaiian Center in y k I really like this one for the sugar cane juice this is a $9 M cup of sugar cane with a pineapple on it fresh squeezed out of the sugar cane when it's hot here you're definitely want to drink some beverages in the couple hours I've been out in the sun today I think I've gone through like 60 oz of drinks and then there's also a really good Shave Ice place over here and then upstairs if you like dim Su check out this place called Tim hoan uh they have dim suum all day uh for lunch and dinner it's one of my favorite dimsum spots on a walk and this spot that's got a little tiny sign is Henry's place they specialize in tropical flavored ice cream think like mango and guava super good ice cream you can tell by the crowd sitting out in front know when you're in aahu you should definitely get some malasadas what are malasadas they are Portuguese Donuts that have been Hawaiian ified with some uh kind of like tropical fillings in the Royal Hawaiian Center there's this place called Penny's malasadas that's apparently won Hawaii's best malasadas uh another mocada spot That's a classic is Leonard's Bakery you're going to have to drive at a YY key but that one's pretty solid too so I ran into a couple of explorers from Canada Ken and Emily and they're going to share with you a couple of their favorite spots they ate at and their tips for visiting aahu Ken take it away first tip I have is Momo Sun by Mor Moto for ramen best ramen I've ever had being from Vancouver we have uh awesome Japanese food and this was it was up there went for udon marugame fantastic must try and Emily's got something to share with you as well thank you I think my my biggest tip for when you're coming to Hawaii is just eating as much food as you can and then just going to the beach and just taking it all in and just relax and have a good time yeah where are we sitting right now Emily we are sitting right near y keiki Beach on the lovely um rocking chairs on the Surf Rider so gorgeous day thank you very much thank you thank you and the 10th thing to know is for things to do on aahu besides going to the beach all right I've got five of them for you one of my first favorite things to do visiting aahu besides going to the beach is going for a hike and one of my favorite hikes to do is Diamond Head it's that volcanic crater that you can see from y key key because this is one of Wahoo's most popular hikes you do have to make a reservation uh it cost $5 a person and $10 per car you can make them 30 days ahead uh it is a short but deceivingly difficult hike particularly when it's hot and humid because the volcanic crater blocks the wind you drive into the center of it and then hike up from the center to the top but you're rewarded with some amazing views of y key ke and beyond my favorite time to do it are in the morning around Sunrise when it's cooler or to do it around Sunset right before they close because you'll find the least amount of people there if you pick the 4: to 6:00 p.m. entry time my second favorite hike is to take the makapu lighthouse Trail this one is on the south part of the island free parking No Reservations it's a really neat Trail along the Coast that brings you up to this Lighthouse and this Scenic Viewpoint I've got a whole video on both of those hikes if you want to check those out later now the second thing to do potentially is to go for a luau I get this question all the time about Chris what's your favorite luau on a waho and I've been to a lot of them and honestly none of them are my favorite I mean like wherever you go they're about the same in my opinion they're pretty touristy design things where you get some food usually on a buffet and then you get some dinner dancing entertainment fire dancing that sort of stuff if there's one at or near your hotel just go ahead and do that what I'd really recommend you do though maybe even instead of the luau is to visit the Polynesian Cultural Center uh it is just on the tip of the North Shore in LA and this place is like a Polynesian themed amusement park really focused on shows and understanding uh Pacific Islander culture and they've got a great luau experience and they've got an amazing nighttime show so it's worth at least a half day to head out to the Polynesian Cultural Center definitely stick around for the nighttime show that show with fire dancing and Polynesian dances is way better than what you're going to see in any other luau around Wy Kei or around your hotel the third thing you should do particularly if you want to get off the beaten path is check out the beodo Inn this is a replica of a Japanese Temple in Japan well this Temple is on aahu uh but the original Temple is in Kyoto Japan and it's just super super cool to be in Hawaii with this backdrop of the Jurassic Coast of the island uh and this neat Japanese Temple like down to the like uh wood wood beams it looks just like the one in Japan the fourth thing you should do and this is definitely on the beaten path is in YY ke to walk the main street at night uh it is very different at night than in the day in the daytime it's kind of hot and everybody is either going or coming to the beach but at nighttime uh like when the Torches come on and the lights come on Wy key turns into like an allout party so definitely make sure you allocate a couple hours to walk the main street in Wy ke at night and the fifth thing to do is to check out the fireworks there are fireworks in front of the Hilton Hawaiian Village on Fridays 7:45 or 8:00 p.m. depends upon the time of the year and sunset time check it before you go there um but it's a neat fireworks show you can get right out on the sand and watch it from up close that's definitely worth checking out and the last thing to know is I've got a ton more videos on Hawaii you'll find links up here in the screen if you're heading to aahu check out my aahu guide right here where we'll dive even deeper on this island but I've got videos on the other islands and more as usual I won't say goodbye cuz I'm going to see you in one of those videos
Channel: Yellow Productions
Views: 15,943
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Yellow Productions, oahu, hawaii, oahu hawaii, waikiki, honolulu, oahu travel, travel oahu, hawaii travel, oahu guide, travel hawaii, hawaii oahu
Id: QgELq-mN33g
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 32min 15sec (1935 seconds)
Published: Fri Dec 22 2023
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