10 minutes ago! 10 Iran's Most Advanced Warship "Abu Mahdi" Scorched Sunk By US Laser Drone
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Channel: MiLsim UWC LRR
Views: 3,776
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Keywords: Iran, Israel, Iran israel, perang israel iran, perang israel, perang, perang israel hamas, ukraine war, hauti, Hypersonic weapon, Yaman, perang israel terbaru, perang amerika vs irak, amerika serikat, AS, Ukraina, arma 3 pl, ARMA 3, arma 3 gameplay, Sniper Elite, perang dunia ke 3, perang dunia, war, perang jepang, perang korea utara, konflik, MiLsim UWC LRR, Penyerangan, weapons of the vietnam war, senjata jarak jauh, Hamas, israel hamas, Rusia, rusia ukraina perang
Id: _gEx4lnDJv8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 30min 38sec (1838 seconds)
Published: Sun May 12 2024
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