10 min Yoga for PSOAS - Stretch and Release to Help Low Back Pain

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hello everyone my name is joelle and welcome to this 10 minute yoga sequence to stretch out our psoas muscle so deep in the core for today's practice i would recommend that you have either one or two yoga blocks handy and you can just set them off to the side for now and we're going to begin on our backs so take your time getting there finding a comfortable position lying down and then once you've arrived we can pull the right knee in towards the chest we're going to hold on with just the left hand as we reach the right hand up and overhead so the back of the right hand is resting on the floor behind us so the psoas is a deep core muscle it joins the upper and lower body together and it can get really tight and short for many of us especially if we're sitting a lot and that can cause issues with posture it can cause lower back pain pelvic pain and so good for you for carving out some time today as we switch sides so the right leg goes out long the left knee comes towards the chest holding on with the right hand as the left arm extends up and overhead and you could close the eyes here start to settle into some deep breathing maybe flexing the right foot pressing that heel away from the body and just noticing any sensations that come up here beautiful let's release that left knee take hold of your block or blocks now as if you had them nearby we're just gonna lift the hips up in order to slide one or two blocks underneath the hips and once you're there you can keep the left foot planted on the mat and just press through that right heel to extend the right leg so two blocks might be a little bit much for some of us you might want to start with one or even sliding a rolled up towel or a pillow underneath can be a nice option as well and the more you press that right heel away chances are the deeper you'll feel this into the psoas and if you'd like to go a little bit deeper you can also lift the left knee towards the chest and hold on with both hands there and that'll probably deepen that sensation in the front of the right hip [Music] [Laughter] wonderful so let's release that left knee set the left foot down on the mat and then extend that leg out as you plant the right foot on the mat so again pressing that left heel now away from the body keeping the eyes closed if you'd like so the psoas is part of the hip flexors it runs from the vertebrae in our lumbar spine so our lower spine along each side of the spine and then attaches to the femur bone in the front of the body and if you'd like to you can now pull that right knee in towards the chest holding on with both hands deepening that stretch and the psoas basically helps to create the curvature of our lower spine which is why it's so closely linked to back pain that many of us suffer from on a regular basis beautiful let's plant both feet to the mat now lift the hips up just to slide the blocks up from out from underneath us rather i can simply roll over and we're going to make our way onto hands and knees so get there anywhere you'd like take your time positioning shoulders over wrists hips over knees and it might feel nice to just take one or two rounds of cat cowl here or maybe wiggling the hips a little bit just do whatever feels good intuitively and once you're ready we can flex the right foot and start to kick that heel up towards the ceiling so going at your own pace never forcing you decide how big or how fast you'd like these kicks to be i'm keeping just a little bit of engagement in the abs here so making sure that it's really the right leg that's doing all the work great and we can set that right knee back down shake it out a little bit and then with a deep breath we'll try the other side so now the left foot flexes just keep that left foot flexed as you start kicking up in towards the sky [Music] just noticing maybe if one side feels a little bit looser easier or perhaps more difficult than the other side felt just a little dynamic motion here [Music] great job you can set that foot down and we're just going to roll up to a kneeling position in order to step that right foot forward as if you were proposing marriage and we'll extend the arms out in front face the palms out and downwards we're going to twist towards that right knee and back to center so again find the pace that works for you today keeping the elbows straight wrists nicely flexed and this will probably provide quite a deep sensation into the left hip flexors especially as we twist away wonderful so now you might want to take hold of one or two blocks if you've got them nearby and we're going to come into lizard pose so you might want to scoot that left knee back a little bit we've got both hands now are on the inside of that right foot and you could stay up on a block up on the palms or if you'd like to go a little bit deeper there's always an option to bring the forearms to the mat and as always if this posture feels a little bit too intense for today there's always another variation so blocks are a wonderful tool for poses like this one wonderful plant both hands on the mat if you're down on the elbows we'll just come back to an all fours position shake it out and eventually stepping that left foot forward into our proposal pose extending the arms out flexing the hands down and this time we'll be twisting towards the left and back to center smiles are always optional but they do help as i have found and again keeping a little bit of engagement in those abs as well as in the glutes will help ensure that we're really feeling this where we should be as we place both hands down now to the inside of the left foot you might want to wiggle the foot out a little bit further to the left or wiggle the back knee back finding your expression of lizard maybe that's forearms onto a block maybe it's staying up on the hands [Music] maybe getting rid of the block i will also link in the description box down below to two further videos that i made for quad pain as well as hip flexor stretches which could be a nice compliment to this one because our psoas muscle can get so tight for so many of us it's not a bad idea to stretch it out on a daily basis beautiful now we can step back now place one block towards the middle of your mat as you just walk the hands back we'll roll up the standing now for a little bit of a challenge so coming to step the right foot on top of our block here and you might actually want to come closer to a wall here to help with balance once you're there just start swinging that left leg forwards and back so the more activity we keep in the abs here the more that will help with balance you decide how far up and down that leg swings for today little balance exercise as well as we keep that psoas muscle engaged and you can step off now dance it out a little bit and we'll try the other side see how it compares so the left foot steps up onto a block we hold on to a wall or a chair and the right leg starts to swing forward and back and this was my my tougher side today you could also do this without standing on a block it just helps to have a little bit of extra space to swing that leg find that motion wonderful and then we can step off of the block and let's stretch the arms up for a full body stretch here holding onto one wrist and then the other and 10 minutes has made a difference for you and your bodies and minds today so wonderful job i hope that you enjoyed this sequence i would love to hear about it in the comments down below please do hit the like button and subscribe for two videos a week thank you so much for joining me today and i hope to see you soon namaste
Channel: Yoga with Joelle
Views: 68,060
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Keywords: 10 min yoga for psoas, yoga for psoas, yoga for the psoas, yoga for the psoas muscle, yoga psoas, psoas yoga, psoas yoga sequence, yoga psoas stretch, stretch the psoas, release the psoas, yoga stretch for psoas, yoga stretch for psoas muscle, yoga psoas release video, yoga for low back pain, psoas low back pain, psoas lower back stretch, psoas lower back pain, psoas release, psoas pain, yoga for psoas pain, yoga for psoas muscle pain, 10 minute yoga for psoas, psoas, yoga
Id: 3ldvYlJD0D8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 32sec (632 seconds)
Published: Mon Sep 21 2020
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