10 Male Hygiene Tips You Need To Know

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hey y'all welcome back to my channel if you are new my name is kobe lomax and i am the ceo of curly hair but today uh is not a curly hair video for those of you guys who don't follow me on instagram you don't know but i have been talking about like kind of just like branching out a little bit not only solely doing curly hair videos but like you know opening it up a little bit and so today i want to bring you guys 10 male hygiene tips that you need to know my friend and also this video is a collaboration with listen legit my blood sister alyssa lomax um here on youtube so after you finish watching this video go over to her channel and check out that video she's going to be dropping some feminine hygiene tips and i know a lot of ladies don't really watch my channel like that and a lot of ladies might not be watching this video but gents you knowing this information could be very helpful for you okay so go over to her channel i'll leave the her video linked down below go over to her channel and check her video out because you will like you will learn some things that you know may come in handy one day i'm just saying there might be some useful things for you over there definitely go over there and check her video out oh and make sure you subscribe to my sister's channel too [Music] you know growing up i was always a super clean kid a lot of boys especially when they're going through puberty they have a there's a learning curve there but you know me as a kid you would never ever catch me stink you would never ever catch my breath stink i was very like aware of like you know just my personal like hygiene like how i was you know and how i smell and like i don't know just how i showed up to the people that i was around um and i don't know my mom always talked about that she was like you know one thing about you i never had to deal with like you being dirty you know all right the first tip we're just gonna get straight into it clean your craft as i was like kind of doing some research for this video trying to see if there were any tips that i might have been missing this was definitely one that i didn't know was like a thing but apparently a lot of men don't clean their butt crack not cool clean it okay a lot of other countries they use a bidet uh which is like this thing that it like squirts uh water at you after you use the bathroom to like clean you up you know because all we do is like wipe it with the tissue here in america for the most part um and if you don't carry like wet wipes to do or something like that it can get very dirty down dirty down there and especially if you're not especially if you're not cleaning down there like when you're in the shower and you're just letting it build up and like that's just gross like if your butt is if your crap ever itches that's a problem okay you need to go clean it so yeah i didn't i didn't really know people didn't do this but now i do and so hopefully this helps somebody out there also to ask that tip if you take like a little shaver and you just like you know shave down there like clean that area up a little bit it definitely helps you get it cleaner a lot cleaner because a lot of times like even when you're cleaning down there there could be a bunch of hair in the way and like so all you're doing is cleaning the hair and you're not really like cleaning down there you know what i'm saying um same for your front you know what i'm saying if you just keep it clean it's a lot easier to clean you know what i'm saying so just keep it clean please it takes a couple seconds in the shower just keep it clean all right another one to change your towel often so when you get out the shower and you dry out for the towel i would say you can use the same towel at the most for a week because like you're getting out of the shower you're clean already so it's not like it's getting very dirty but i mean it's still it's i still would i wouldn't just use one same tower for a whole month or a whole two weeks or it's a lot about every week to change up the town get a new towel because if you're using the same towel and your towel is getting maybe a little musty it has a little smell to it and then like you're drying off with that towel you're drying your clean body off with that towel you're going to have that smell on you and it stinks another thing is if your laundry sits in the laundry machine for too long and it gets that like smell on the on the towels and you're drying yourself off with those towels and smell like that you're going to smell like that and it's not pleasant to everybody around you maybe you don't really notice like that but everybody else does so please change the towel just about every week if you if you want to do every day so be it but at least at least once a week just swap that towel out get something to do and i'll i would also recommend for your face like using a different towel every day like just a little like you know one of those little hand towels this is one of those or they even have like single use ones that you can like or you can use paper towel honestly um because you just don't want any extra bacteria especially on your face because that can lead to breakouts and things like that and you want your skin to be looking good my guy all right my next tip is to uh check your steak i want to get demonetized on a daily basis and in doing this it might be very smart so you know keep it trimmed down there because you need to know what's going on if something's going on down there and you don't know about it like that could be very dangerous to your health just taking a couple seconds while you're in the shower you're cleaning down there just look just look around examine like see if there's anything different because there's something different it might not be something to panic about or go crazy over but it definitely is something to know like oh okay there's a bump right here that wasn't right here before or oh there's a little rash right here that i didn't have yesterday you know like stuff like that because that stuff can just easily be lost especially if you don't feel it like if you don't feel anything you're not feeling any pain or anything like that it's very easy for that to just like go for days and weeks you know maybe even months and then you look down and you're like wait what happened here or or you're starting to feel some real pain and you're like whoa something's not right you know so just check down there it doesn't hurt it takes a couple seconds and you can just do it while you're while you're cleaning down there you know there's a bunch of hair in the way you might not be able to see so like i said keep it trimmed nice and clean down there now another thing that's really important is to make sure you're cleaning very good down there and also make sure you're letting it dry okay there's a lot of little nooks and crannies and crevices down there so you want to make sure you're getting it clean right and then what you also want to do is make sure that it's able to dry so one of the things that i do is whenever i get out the shower i put my you know my towel over me and i just like i let myself dry off before putting on any clothes putting on the underwear or anything like that like dry off completely or if i'm going to sleep like i'll put on some like basketball shorts or some like gym shorts and with no underwear and i'll just like sleep like that because like i just said there's a lot of nooks and crannies down there and when you let water just sit in there bacteria can grow in the water and that's what what leads to like itching down there and stuff like that if you find yourself itching a lot like there's probably a lot of bacteria down there because you're not letting it dry you're getting straight at the shower still wet down there you're putting you know your underwears on you're getting dressed like let give yourself some time after you get out the shower to let it completely dry off it will save you a lot of itching uh save you a lot of discomfort and um it'll keep your downstairs happy all right my next step has to do with skin care find you a good skin care regimen routine and stick to it do it diligently don't be putting bar soap on your face don't be putting body wash on your face like get yourself a skin care routine my favorite skincare brands are um fenty skin and rotator fields those are the brands that i use a lot and i will have like different regimens linked down below um for if you have a specific skin concern like if you've got sensitive skin as well as one for acne one for a little bit of like dark marks or discoloration that you want to get rid of but between those rotator fields and fenty skin those are my favorite skincare products i've tried a lot of stuff those still sit at the top and then i also would recommend you guys using a face scrub to exfoliate get the dead skin off your skin because what happens is sometimes you can be washing your face and doing your skincare but it's not really on your skin because there's dead skin in the way and so you're just kind of wasting product it's not really doing much for you and also the dead skin can like clog your pores and the clogged pores lead to acne and breakouts and things like that so making sure that you're exfoliating like literally even if you don't get a skincare routine exfoliate i'll have my favorite egg sauer link down below also from rotator fields it's called microdermabrasion paste i've showed it to you guys on this channel before pretty much what it does is it's a sugar and salt scrub so it is really good at getting all that dead skin off gently um it also has vitamin c in it which helps brighten up your skin so while you're rubbing it in you're infusing that vitamin c into your skin to help your skin brighten up and sometimes the results are literally instant like i'll put a clip in here of me using it and then like rinsing it off and you guys will see like there is a dramatic difference before and right after immediately after so definitely exfoliate it helps prevent breakouts and acne it makes your skin care products work better and it just makes your skin glow so highly highly recommend all right the next step is to keep your breath fresh um and what i mean by that is brush your teeth every morning and night oral care is a really big thing for me i recommend doing twice i literally do it right after i wake up like literally i get out of my bed go to the bathroom brush my teeth and then uh before you go to bed is the most important time to brush your teeth because all the stuff that's been on your teeth throughout the day you're getting it out so that you're not sleeping with your saliva like kind of cleans off your teeth throughout the day when you're going to sleep with your mouth closing that stuff is just sitting in or on your teeth all night so it's very important to brush your teeth at night and then also y'all don't forget when you're brushing your teeth like brush your whole mouth don't just do this you always tell sound effects and then be done like that's this poor job don't be doing it when you're brushing your teeth get your gums get the root for your mouth like oh here get the insides get down in there and also brush your tongue your tongue is where the most bacteria is held your tongue is where most of the bad breath comes from is your tongue clean your mouth like clean it good and clean it every morning and every night also another thing i like to do is keep sugar-free gum because gum with sugar in it is actually very very very bad for your teeth so keep sugar-free gum somewhere i keep a pack of sugar-free gum in my backpack at all times you just never know what you might eat that day or who you might need to meet that day and your your breath just needs to smell good i also keep mints in my car you just never know so just always have that quick access to something that can help you freshen your breath up quickly in a moment's notice because you just never know you know you never know who you're going to meet who you're going to talk to you just don't know so just keep it fresh all right my next tip is to whiten your teeth regularly a lot of people don't do this a lot of people don't get their teeth whiten uh and a lot of you guys ask me about how my teeth be so white and shiny and bright and i mean they're not honestly they're honestly not as white as i would like them to be yet but um snow teeth whitening company i'll leave a link to their teeth whitening kit down below they have the number one teeth whitening kit on the market they their founder josh snow is really dope he really shows you like his whole journey of building his company and like he'll dm you back and like he's just really dope but they have these like little like uh pods that have the formula in it and this is the extra strength one my favorite you know and you just like crank it up through the little thing and then you paint it on your teeth right then what you do is you take the mouthpiece and you put it in your mouth and you plug the mouthpiece into your phone and it lights up it's like a led light and you just leave this on for about 30 minutes you can do this every day not honestly sorry i don't know alexa cut that out i didn't ask you for all that sorry alexa stop you can do this every day i probably should do it every day because i want my teeth to be whiter but doing this for about 20 30 minutes at least once a month i can really help in like this over time getting your teeth nice nice and white pearly wet all right my next tip is when you get out the shower moisturize your body after you get out the shower i have been doing this and sometimes i get a little lazy with it but my mom used to do it to me as i was a kid every single time i got a bath religiously and then once it was on me i just kind of stopped just kind of kind of got lazy but taking care of your skin is very very very important your skin is the largest organ on your body uh and so you know you definitely want to take care of it once you're taking the shower you know you're you're washing all the oils and everything off of your body as well as all the dirt which is good but you are also stripping your skin on your body of you know natural oils and things like that and so just to replenish that stuff with a good lotion or moisturizer um is going to be really helpful for you all right my next tip is to keep one of these on you this is a cuticle clipper and oh my goodness i can't tell you how much this thing has saved my life you know how you get a little hangnail on those little hang nails on your nail and it's just the most annoying painful thing you try to bite it and then you rip it up too high and your fingers bleeding and your fingers just look nasty you know keeping one of these in your bag i keep in mind in my backpack and every time i get a little hanging or something i just grab this clip it off clip and it's done it's a done deal it doesn't get nasty my hands stay very nice and like sort of looking manicured you know when you're going for a handshake and you got a bloody thumb that doesn't look good you know what i'm saying so i highly highly i'll leave one of these linked down below this is a game changer that you wouldn't even know you needed highly highly recommend everyone keep one of these in your bag in your car somewhere where you can have access to it so i want a little nail pops up you can just clip it off and be done all right my last tip is to keep your hair together as most of you guys know i make tons of curly hair videos curly hair is a really big thing for me um and if you have curly hair i have tons of videos that can help you with that if you don't have curly hair i can't really help you with that but figure out a routine or something that you can do with your hair regularly just to keep it looking nice you know what i'm saying if you have hair it's a big like it's a big part of like your appearance how you show up to people so just take care of it like just keep looking nice it's just another thing too is you just never know who you're going to run into i hate those days when i i don't do anything with my hair and it looks crazy and then i meet somebody that i'm like why did i have to meet you today you know and like i said if you have curly hair i have tons of videos that can help you with that i even have a curly hair video for dogs with curly hair and that wraps up this video thank you guys so much for watching i hope some of these tips were helpful if you enjoyed it be sure to give it a thumbs up as it really does support the channel and if you are looking forward to more videos like this to make sure to subscribe and hit the bell so that you get a notification every time i upload a new video for more than behind the scenes stuff you can find me on instagram at kobe lomax as well as on tick tock at copylumps i have definitely been stepping up my tick tock game and that's a wrap thank you guys so so much once again for watching this video tuning in spending some time here with me on the internet i really really really do appreciate it and now would be the perfect time for you to head over to my sister's channel and check out her video this video was in collaboration with her and i highly highly recommend you check out that video for the third time thank you so much for watching and i'll see you in my next [Music] video [Music]
Channel: Koby Lomax
Views: 12,584
Rating: 4.9753466 out of 5
Keywords: 10 male hygiene tips you need to know, male hygiene, male hygiene tips, male hygiene must haves, male grooming, mens hygiene tips, mens grooming, mens hygiene
Id: erZ_HC9KDek
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 23sec (923 seconds)
Published: Wed Oct 14 2020
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