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hey y'all what's up it's mikayla and welcome and welcome back to my youtube channel so today i have such a fun video i'm doing a my feminine hygiene routine plus a couple tips for like internal and external care to make sure that you are fresh and smelling right so before we get into it i have three things that i want to address and you can skip over if you want but i just want to say that they're pretty important so please listen number one this is a very pro woman channel and we respect other women around here so please do not come in the comments section bashing other women for like not knowing how to take care of themselves or this or that because being a woman is hard so i hate when i watch other females bash other females like like you know how hard it is to be a girl so like why are you bashing other girls especially if it's for the approval of men uh-uh we don't do that wrong here i understand that society has kind of pushed onto women that they should already know how to take care of the body the second that they are pushed out of the womb but that is not the case we are not given a manual we are not taught step by step on how to always clean ourselves and take care of ourselves especially people that don't have maybe a feminine figure that raise them so i hope this video can be some kind of guide for you guys to not only learn how to clean yourself but also learn how to love yourself i just wanted to put that out there if you're going to come in the comment section and bash out the girls this is not the channel for you and i don't think this ever will be the channel for you because i am very pro woman and i'm out here to love my fellow girls because you know like if we don't love each other who gonna love us last thing i'm gonna mention before i hop into this is that the female body is such a cool thing she is so dope she is god made so she is perfect so do not be ashamed of her do not be embarrassed about her learn to love her because she is you so with that being said i am going to hop on into the video if you guys have any comments don't be afraid to comment down below so i did write down my tips and my routine and my phone so if you see me looking down that is why i just didn't want to miss anything but the first thing i want you guys to understand is that you are going to have a natural scent and that is perfectly normal you actually shouldn't smell like peaches and fresh baked cookies you know what if you do good for you good for you i'm not here to bash anybody but i'm just saying that if you don't smell like that that is normal and nobody naturally smells like that everyone scent down there is going to be completely different the only thing i will say is that it shouldn't smell foul so you shouldn't be sitting there like i don't know doing your homework and being able to smell down there if that makes sense so that means your odor is pretty pungent and it might either be because of you're not cleaning yourself you're not changing yourself or maybe you do have something that you do need to check in with your gynecologist remember when i was younger i like i had a natural scent and i didn't understand that i thought that meant i smelled bad i thought i had to smell like roses and that was just something that was completely fed to me as a kid and it's not true do you want to put out there that i do recommend that you guys get to know your body so do not be afraid to close your door lock your door uh lock a bathroom whatever you need to do but get a mirror and look down there open your legs look down there and get to know what your body looks like because it is your body so the first reason why i'm telling you to look in in the mirror and look at your vagina is basically one i want you to get to know her and know what she looks like but two i want you to look for build up and the reason why we're looking for build up is we want to know what we should be cleaning if that makes sense it's kind of like before you clean underneath your arms like if you look underneath your arms you're gonna see like oh i got some deodorant right here i know to scrub right there that type of thing so you wanna look in the mirror and look to see if there's any type of builds up if you have any type of like white stuff anywhere if you do have something like that you want to take it off before you even get into the shower just so when you do actually get into the shower it's easier to clean so basically what i'm gonna show you guys i'm gonna grab my wallet okay so you're in front of the mirror right and this is your legs when it's closed you got these two little lips right and then you're gonna open your legs and then you have you know the side walls yep this side and this side and then you have the actual hole which is gonna be let me pull this down you have the actual hole right so you got the actual like hole right and then this is your um it's a really really sensitive spot so be careful to not like hit it super hard when you're cleaning or anything basically you're going to be in front of your mirror you're going to be looking inspecting yourself see if you have any build up on the sidewall see if you have any build up around your area if you do what you're going to want to do is take a q-tip you're just going to take a regular smegular q-tip and just gently clean down there especially if you're cleaning around your clay area it's very very sensitive so make sure you clean very gently so what you're gonna do is just take your q-tip you can just wipe the side walls definitely around like the clay area and a lot of the time build up is not from products but it's mainly from sweats just natural bacteria just all building up down there so it's very very normal but you're just going to clean that out but yeah so the whole reason why we're looking in the mirror is one to gain confidence and to learn a little bit about ourselves but two to watch out for build up the next thing is you're just gonna hop into the shower and just let your body soak underneath the water you're gonna do your hair care you're gonna do i don't know if you like to shave your arm shave your legs put on your body wash body soap um do any of your hair regimen do all that first because we are going to save um cleaning downstairs and cleaning your behind for last so you want to make sure that you're like cleaning your downstairs area when i say downstairs i mean both the front and the back you want to make sure you're cleaning your downstairs area last um just because if anything like any type of conditioner did kind of skim over it um you're at least getting all of that out and number two you want to save it for last because you just wanted to soak in the steam of the hot water especially if you take really hot showers like me um the steam helps open up your pores so it's gonna be easier to clean and especially if you like to shave down there it's gonna open up the hair follicles so i'm actually not going to be talking about in depth of how i shave down there just because this video would be three hours long this video is probably already gonna be two and a half hours long so we're not going to talk about how i shave down there i can make a complete separate video if you guys want to see it so i'm going to hop straight on into how i actually clean down there so the products that i personally use are a baby washcloth these ones are from target and then some baby dove soap so i do want to credit chloe yasmine she's one of my favorite youtubers and i love her because i love how open she is to talking about this stuff let me tell you something i was in high school and i didn't know how to do a damn thing and i would go on youtube and there wouldn't really be anything so i'm really glad that she's making those youtube videos and i wish that i had somebody like her growing up but with that being said i do use the baby dub this is the tip to toe wash it looks like this it's the rich moisture one there's a whole bunch of different ones but i just like the rich moisture um it smells super super clean smells just like a baby's butt it smells really really good um i really like this soap and i'll take this and then i'll take a baby washcloth these ones are from target um they come in a pack of five first thing i do is i open up my legs i do not have a detachable shower head but if you do that's perfect you can take off your detachable shower head but i just opened my legs i let the water kind of run through and then i would take a baby washcloth and then i would take my dove soap and i would do like four to six pumps like i do a lot of it and then i will just clean down there so i usually have one leg that's kind of stepped onto the shower um and what you're going to do is you're going to want to clean the outside which is called the vulva so it's the part that grows hair i'm going to clean the outside and then you can start to clean the inner portion but um i want to be wary when i say that do not clean the inside of the actual hole you can clean what's like the side walls of the lips but you cannot clean the actual hole does that make sense i'm gonna use my wallet again so let's say you open up and you know how you have these side walls um you can clean the this area it's actually really good to clean this area because that's probably where most of like the bacteria is growing um if you ever see like white down there this is probably where it is but do not clean the actual hole if you have started your period um basically what i'm saying is don't clean that hole where the blood comes out i'm really trying to emphasize that is because i feel like a lot of people especially me growing up i thought when people said don't clean the hole they meant don't clean anywhere like inside um and they you can clean inside you just cannot clean the actual hole that makes sense so once i've cleaned everything i would do it again so um i do it about two to three times usually twice is enough for me um you can do it three times if maybe this is like your first time ever cleaning yourself down there but usually twice is enough so then i go in probably i'll do like two to three pumps this time i use less soap the second time and then i'll just do the exact same process so when i'm cleaning back there i will use the dove deep moisture i love this soap it's like one of my favorite soaps of all time and i would use that to clean back there just because i feel like i need something a little bit stronger this is not strong at all but it is stronger than the baby dove so i do like to use this one on my behind and i will use an actual rag um i used to use the baby wash cloths to clean back there but i just felt like i needed something a little bit more rough so i would take this and then put it on a rag and just clean up my behind to use the baby dove to clean down there but there are a whole bunch of different options that you have and i also want to mention that i don't like when people shame other people for using different stuff down there if somebody is using just bar soap down there that is perfectly fine if somebody's using badges so down there that is perfectly fine as long as they are using something that is curated for down there i don't see why we are shaming other girls but other than that there is no reason for other people to call other people dirty for using certain stuff so i clean down there twice and then i clean my behind like three times um just because i don't play about that so i clean it like three times and make sure you use like an actual rag i find that it's better if you are sensitive back there you can use a baby washcloth you'll still get clean don't worry but me personally i can take it so i like to use a rag so now that you're all done cleaning down there just run down there with some water make sure that you get rid of all the soap even though this is um like vagina safe soap you still don't want it like lingering down there because it can create build-up and then you can get super super irritated so make sure that you just wash down there with some water so now that you're all washed down there with water you're going to hop out of the shower and immediately pat yourself dry with your towel you want to make sure that you're using a clean towel try to not reuse your towels that often i understand that like maybe your family is tight on a budget and you can't always do laundry um but try to make sure that your towels are pretty clean just because we are going to take the towel and we're really going to pat down there you want to make sure that you are completely dry just because water will create a lot of moisture and moisture can sometimes create um smells so definitely make sure that you are 100 clean dry down there with your clean towel after you are all clean down there you can lotion up the rest of your body i would not put lotion down there if you do want to moisturize down there i would only moisturize with like coconut oil this is the coconut oil that i use it's literally the best one it's the spectrum organic virgin coconut oil i got this from walmart it's literally my favorite smooth like butter i'll say i would probably talk to your gynecologist if it's okay for you to put coconut oil down there my specific gynecologist recommended that i put coconut oil down there for my specific body um so i do she told me not to put it inside the hole like do not internally insert coconut oil but just to put it on the outside so that's what i do but anyways i do put coconut oil down there but i know not everyone will like the feeling it does feel a little bit moist you know down there so what i do is i put the coconut oil and then i will get a towel and i will pat dry any of the excess oil just because i want it to be moisturized down there but also i don't want it to feel like oily i personally love putting coconut oil down there and i feel super clean with it especially since it is like an antibiotic i just like to put it down there so now as for underwear if i'm going to sleep i do not sleep with underwear so i personally don't mind sleeping bare i just been doing it for years now so it's completely like comfortable for me but i completely understand that if this is like your first time sleeping bear that you might not feel comfortable so what you can do and what helped me was wearing really loose shorts just like normal shorts that you would wear to bed and just don't wear any underwear on it so that way your body still feels like there is something on you so you will still be able to sleep uh but also since it is loose your vagina is still able to breathe i just want to say that like with the whole thong conversation since we're already bringing that up i don't recommend that you guys wear thongs unless you are trying to feel good for yourself like you're going to the grocery store if you're going to go to the mall if you're just hanging out with friends i don't really recommend that you wear thongs just because it is super tight on you when you're walking around it does kind of get in there and it's like moving in there like flossing in there so i just don't recommend it just because it's super tight on your body and it causes you to produce sweat i would say just to wear cotton underwear if you are trying to feel good for yourself or if you're going like out in like to the club and like a really tight dress and little thong like it's completely fine but i just would limit like the amount of times you wear a thong i know in high school it was common for girls to wear thongs every single day and just like to pull it up a little bit i just wouldn't recommend it stick to the granny panties they're they're becoming cute now okay the granny panties are getting cuter so don't worry so if you are going out and you are ovulating i would recommend that you guys use candy liners these are the ones that i use they're just from cvs they come in a pack of 120. i know some people like to use panty liners every day and that is perfectly fine for you i personally feel like i don't like wearing them every day i just feel like i can't really breathe um but that is like my body i will only wear them if i'm ovulating because if i'm ovulating it is extra discharge down there and so like i really feel like i need to wear a panty liner i also want to bring up discharge real quick because i remember when i was younger i had discharge and i didn't even know what that was and i was scared because i thought i was the only person with it so it not only is a natural lubricant for your body but also it is a way for your body to clean itself if you've ever heard the term of like a self-cleansing oven that is what your body is doing it is cleansing itself when it's releasing discharge i know there was like a challenge on twitter where it was like girls were taking pictures of their panties and being like hashtag no discharge and i'm like girl please okay so now i'm going to be moving into like the internal tips of how i keep myself clean first thing i do and you're going to hear from a million different people and it's because it is true and it's because you need to do it if you hear it this often you need to do it you need to drink a lot of water um if you've ever had like a uti which is a urinary tract infection if you've ever had one and you've seen your doctor she will tell you hey you need to drink a lot of water because your body needs to rid itself of its toxins and the same thing goes even if you don't have a uti so you need to make sure you're drinking a lot of water so your body can cleanse itself out okay so the next thing i have is my favorite drink i make this drink every single day there's not a day where i go by and i don't drink it just because it is a bomb and it is so good for you it is pineapple juice and apple cider vinegar i used to try to drink apple cider vinegar um with hot water i did not like it i could not drink it i would like drink half of it and it just like it did not taste good so i saw a girl where she said instead of doing hot water do pineapple juice game changer because i was already drinking pineapple juice and just adding the apple cider vinegar to it since pineapple juice is so acidic you don't even taste the vinegar i personally will add the apple cider vinegar but sometimes like if i already had it that morning and i don't want to constantly drink apple cider vinegar so throughout the day i'll just drink pineapple juice on its own um it's really cheap from the store you can get it for like less than a dollar at target so i really recommend that you drink up on your pineapple juice another thing that you're going to want to drink up on is your cranberry juice i love cranberry juice i've been drinking juice since i was like a little little kid it was like one of my favorite juices to buy my mom would just always buy it for me as a kid so i loved it cranberry juice and cranberries in general are just a great way to fight off utis i have a glass at least once a day sometimes i'll even have more i also take cranberry gummies right now i'm using this brand this is the spring valley brand looks like this i like the azo one i tried that one and it tastes a lot better um i don't know how they compare like actual like content-wise like which one has better um supplements in it but this is the one i'm using right now but i will say the azure one tastes a little bit better you also want to make sure you are taking your probiotics my probiotics are downstairs but i will like put in a little clip of the ones that i take i think they're by a brand called um love wellness um they are a little bit expensive about 25 from target so the next thing is to definitely uptake on your fruit i can eat fruit like there's no tomorrow like call me freely the banana girl because i love me some fruit you definitely want to make sure that you're eating a good amount of fruit because you want that natural sugar you don't want to get your sugars from all these like i don't know like fruit roll lips soda like these artificial sugars try to get your natural sugars from fruit and the last thing for like internal health is to eat a lot of yogurt because those have natural probiotics you do want to get like the natural natural yogurt i personally cannot handle that so i get the yogurt where it's like extra added probiotics in it i'm gonna like clip in which one it is because i forget the brand but i will say that i cannot personally take natural natural yogurt it just tastes like sour cream to me i love sour cream but i would never like eat like a spoonful of it so if you guys know what i'm talking about natural yogurt is very very strong um it's kind of like natural cranberries so now i'm going to talk about just like plain tips that i have so the first tip is clean yourself with water after you pee i know a lot of us can get lazy and we just want to get in and out of the bathroom we just want to use our tissue but if you are at home i recommend that you keep like a cup or like a bucket near your toilet and clean yourself with water after you pee if you really like sit there and think about it toilet tissue is just like super dry and it's just like i feel like it's just mixing like you know rubbing it in and i just i don't know so it's not like a pretty thing to think about so just imagine actually doing it so if you are at home i would recommend that you just get some water wash down there super quick it takes like five seconds to clean yourself with water down there and then you can take your toilet tissue and just pat dry the next tip is to make sure that you are properly wiping yourself make sure that you are never wiping back to front um just because if you have any part even if you didn't go like still make sure you're not like back to front because you don't know what kind of germs are still lingering so you want to make sure you're always wiping front to back so the next tip i have is to use baby wipes so these are the baby wipes that i use these are the parents choice i get like a bulk of them from costco i love these baby wipes it's like 96 count and i just keep this on top of like my toilet seat head if you're going number two please don't just use tissue you gotta use a baby wipe baby listen to me you gotta use a baby wipe now i understand some of us are on the go we cannot plug around this entire thing of baby wipes with us i completely understand um so i got you girl i got you uh should i say summer's eve got you this is the summer's eve cleansing cloth this one is in the sunset oasis i like this one the most this look like this they're just little feminine wipes in this little packet so i usually will put like two or three in my bag and they're just super simple they're super discreet um if you go to school you can just slip this into your backpack like nobody will know i remember in high school i used to have like not this thick of a version but like just the tinier versions in my backpack and i just hated it so i really wish i would have known about these back then so the next tip i have for just keeping yourself fresh and clean down there is if you can to try to keep yourself groomed and i'm not saying to completely shave yourself bald but just groans let's talk about this one real quick never let somebody pressure you into thinking that you have to groom yourself or shave down there you do not have to shave down there to be clean okay you can have hair down there and still be very clean okay you just need to make sure you're cleaning yourself but that's why we already talked about it okay we good we good and i even remember that i just did not like shaving but i did it because i felt like i had to and i felt like all the other girls did it but you know i'm sure there's other girls that felt in the same exact predicament that i fell into but if you personally would like to do it um you don't have to completely shave yourself bald you can just keep yourself groomed so what i would do is i would get um like a fine tooth comb like really really fine tooth and kind of brush it up and as you can see the hair through the comb and then you just get a tiny tiny like where are they okay here um these are the ones that i i have a separate pair you want to make sure you keep your scissors designated for certain things don't use the same scissors that you use to cut your hair like your actual hair to cut down there you need to have designated ones these are the ones that i use for my eyebrows but they just happen to be right here so if you want to get a pair of scissors that actually looks almost exactly like this they're very tiny you can get them from walmart you can get from target anywhere they're super tiny but they're super pointy that's why i say to make sure you use a comb so you don't poke yourself um and just cut down there and that's how you keep yourself groomed groom does not mean that you have to shave yourself bald but if you do want to keep yourself groomed that's how i recommend doing it you can even use one of these i use this sometimes this is the venus gillette electric razor just um but you still need to make sure you're clipping yourself clipping yourself don't clip yourself you want to make sure you're clipping your hair first and then going over with this um this just keeps the hair short it doesn't make you completely bald but it just keeps it short so the next tip i have is to watch what you eat but i say this very loosely because i don't want you guys to feel like you can't enjoy the simple things of life just because like it might make you smell um because i feel like this is one of the lower things on the list like if you clean yourself and you like take your probiotics and you do everything else you drink your water like it's okay if you have garlic you know what i'm saying one of those foods that i refuse to give up is coffee coffee does not work well with body chemistries um but it's just one of those things where i really enjoy coffee so like i couldn't see myself giving it up but there are certain foods that you do need to watch out for one of them being coffee red meat dairy garlic um asparagus like certain vegetables um onions like you know certain things do make you smell so you can limit that intake or you can just say screw it and just eat it anyways okay the next tip is to avoid products that are not specifically meant for down there i want you guys to be wary of products that are not meant for down there so be wary of please bath and body works victoria's secret just using those type of products down there just because they are not meant for down there so they will strip you and they will make you burn number eight is that if you are on your period make sure you are changing your tampon your pad whatever you use there's no shame in whatever you use um use what works for you but make sure you are changing them often because that is what will make you smell is if you are on your period and you are just letting blood sit there because blood on its own is a very strong smell but period blood has like i don't know if the iron in there is extra strong but you need to be changing your pad and your tampon and there's no shame in saying that period blood smells i remember in middle school like girls were like oh my period doesn't stink so just make sure you are changing and plus you do not want toxic shock syndrome if you use tampons um that is what happens if you leave a tampon in for way too long um so please make sure you are staying on top of changing everything so the next thing on the list is if you are sexually active this is specifically for you guys who is like weary about saying this because i don't want anybody to feel like you have to be sexually active or that i'm promoting that those things where it's like i'm not your mom so like you're gonna do whatever you wanna do so i wanna make sure that you guys are at least being safe type of thing so if you are sexually active i really emphasize that you guys pee after sex if you guys do not know that there is so much bacteria and you must pee afterwards and that is just to save yourself from a uti and the next thing is if you're sexually active to make sure you are getting tested regularly um you don't gotta get tested every week i'm not saying that but get tested regularly um even if it's just you and your partner you want to make sure that you guys are both just being safe so the next thing that i'm going to recommend is to see your gyno see your gynecologist if you feel comfortable enough to especially if you are over the age of 18 or if you are sexually active please see your guy now i know it's kind of scary to make that appointment or just to have somebody look at your body but it's super important especially if you feel like something is wrong down there but even if you're not like sexually active or you feel fine down there it still is important to see your gynecologist just to make sure that everything is okay because they can spot things like like months in advance so if there is something unfortunately like wrong down there um they can spot that even if you can't see it so the next tip that i have is to look at your discharge and to make sure that it you know it's looking right okay i just want you to make sure you look at your discharge it shouldn't ever be like green or just like like cottage cheese cottage cheese material like material cottage cheese like texture like it should not be that it should not be like these weird out there colors like i said like a green color or chunky um so make sure like you can google like what like normal discharge looks like i'll like show you like an animation chart i just want to put that out there that your discharge can tell you a lot about what's happening on the inside of your body so to definitely make sure that you are upkeeping on how your body is basically the last tip that i have and the last tip for this entire video is to get to know your body i already emphasized this in the beginning but i really just want to put that out there to get to understand what your body is like what is good for you what isn't good for you summer's eve may be good for you summer's eve may not be good for you dove may be good for you dove may not be good for you being red meat may make you smell eating red meat may not make you smell like a whole bunch of different things find out what is good and what isn't good for your body um get to know what your body looks like so you can see the signs of when things aren't right i want to say it one more time the female body is so dope like she is she's that girl she's that girl she's really cool get to know her i think you'll like her so anyways that is it for today's video i do hope you guys enjoyed it if you guys have any questions don't be afraid to comment down below if you guys want more videos like this i would love to do them just because this is something that like like i said i want to be a part of what normalizes this topic so if you guys like this video or if you like me don't forget to give me a thumbs up and subscribe down below if you have any tips that you'd want to share with me or with anybody else watching it feel free to comment down below and i will talk to you guys very very soon i love you bye
Channel: Mikealla Wegner
Views: 1,307,196
Rating: 4.973033 out of 5
Keywords: hygiene, hygiene routine, hygiene tips, feminine, feminine tips, feminine hygiene routine, how to smell good all day, how to smell fresh, how to smell fresh and clean, how to smell like a snack, feminine hygiene
Id: TbsXCQfBv3c
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 28min 14sec (1694 seconds)
Published: Sun Feb 07 2021
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