10 Life-Changing SInging Tips For Beginners

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hey everybody welcome back again to ken Tamplin vocal Academy where everybody says the proof is in the singing that's right the proof is in the singing today we got a really I think a treat it's ten life-changing tips for beginners but before we get started I'm gonna do a shout-out to my notification squad how you guys doing out there good to see your mug on a beautiful Saturday morning and this is kind of cool man because people are finally starting to get you know be let out of their prisons here and there a little bit the world's starting to open up a bit which is nice and we're about to being able to walk about the country a little bit so that's that's kind of cool tell us your first name and where you're from that'd be great so I know who I have online and I want to do some early shout outs and see we got Tracy oh my Tracy my love she's the one that actually helps me helps me do some of my facebook out of the UK hi Tracy and I know that we've got we got Ella from Germany hi Ella I think we're also simulcasting to Facebook here simultaneously so that's awesome and I'm gonna do some other early shout outs now I'm gonna get to some questions at the end guys so hang in there because I know we always get quite a few and I'll do my best to answer it as many as I can we've got chief Noble I'm back we've got Wayne doughsay doughsay al Rudy from Houston most Shaheen from Pakistan how you done motion sorry we have got Karen King Karen Karen hi Karen Karen yeah the Karen meme it's it's floating around eat it's from France Conner's we got our red we got North Wales mark from North Wales we've got my D from Iran we've got Jun from Oahu a Jun hey Jun sorry anyway so they're just ripping by us we've got Malaysia hello mood look man look man we got one for Malaysia good man hey Brian from Indonesia we've got love from Libya oh that's kind of cool could that be a good song right or a good movie maybe a James Bond separate James Bond movie love from Libya anyway Argentina Canada Jim or Germany awesome hey a couple quick things before we get started I've had a lot of really interesting some more interesting comments that came in from our Q&A so all you guys out there that gave me a lot of good feedback from that we had a really good time please keep them coming because I think that was the best Q&A I think I've ever done because the questions were really you know like I said I use the word bonehead they weren't you know kind of dumb you know questions by the way no questions dumb but I mean it more in the sense that they were well thought out they were questions that I felt like I could answer from a technical and a responsible standpoint to really help you guys grow for what you're looking to do and the other interesting thing is that I've seen that we get a lot of people that log on that are not necessarily interested in singing they just like to hear the content of what's going on and want to know if they can ask questions unrelated to singing well yes you can except that what I really want them to be at least life discipline related questions or something don't ask me about what food I like to cook or if I like dogs or you know whatever like that try to keep it somewhat within the context of what we do at jtpa so I don't mind those kinds of questions and so no I wasn't ignoring you when you asked him but hey you might want to get started man right away on this so ten life changing singing tips for beginners now it's kind of interesting because what most people seem to be looking for when they hear the word tips is they're looking like for some secret trick right or some hack or some new revelation and sometimes there is that when new information comes out in the world and and we find something that is maybe a shortcut so to speak to infer make or using information to get a shortcut yeah it's it's nice to take a shortcut but most of the time people are looking for hacks and tips because they're kind of trying to cheat their way through something and not have to you know she read the material and want to take the test with questions that they just get handed to them you know right so our answers to questions that get handed to him so that's not the case because I think I want to do some things that are obvious and yes there are some tips to this that are maybe something that you hadn't thought of a different angle or perspective but let's be realistic about it if you want a tip I'm giving you life-changing tips not quick hacks that you know get you one inch compared to a mile okay so keep that in mind or going to time I'm a long-term kind of guy I'm one of these guys that really want one to see you guys achieve your goals and not just gonna throw you a bone or flip you a coin because I'm walking by the Wishing Well I just don't think that that's realistic so anyway so I want to point out we have a lot of people that say gosh you know I'm just kind of frustrated and I really like to sing and you know all these people are so amazing and I'm nothing blah blah blah so my very first tip is to remind all of us this very true fact and that's that everyone had to start somewhere everybody I don't care how good they are they started somewhere and that's kind of a weird concept when you think about it because it doesn't matter if it's a very advanced you know prolific violinist or pianist or if it's a soccer player or sports you know athlete or a scientist I mean it just doesn't matter a doctor they all started somewhere and so you have to ask yourself what did that look like when they first started right we're gonna talk about that in a second so there's a famous Chinese proverb and you all we all know this but I'm gonna repeat some of this stuff because I think it's worthy that the journey of a thousand miles begins with one step and I thought about that and I know that sounds like oh yeah you know it's a colorful you know poetic sort of thing to say you know but whatever for me that doesn't help me much well it should actually because if we just put one step in front of another in front of another and you guys remember the baby steps in that one movie I forgot what it was I forget it's funny movie but anyway just be little baby steps just one step and for the other and before you know it and I know if you guys have done this a lot but I'd like to I like to hike and walk and ride bikes and stuff and swim and it's surprising that if you're doing something that you love especially an exercise and I'm gonna not talk much about exercise here but I want to make this little sidebar note is that when I would swim I used to live in Hawaii as you guys know and I could swim for a solid hour and really not even realize an hour went by really I'm not kidding now if I were to go to the gym I'd be like every 10 minutes I'd be oh my gosh oh my gosh and the interesting thing about the swimming part is that a lot of times I'd push myself harder when I would take these beautiful long gorgeous Hawaiian swims swimming with dolphin or fish or turtles or whatever that was because it was a joy I picked an activity for our recreational activity you know for my workout so it wasn't so arduous so we're gonna talk a little bit more about this as we go so everyone started somewhere the journey of a thousand miles begins with a single step so if you find something that you love and you're moving on you look back and you go oh my gosh look how far I am I gotta I gotta swim all the way back to that because I came that far along because you didn't realize how far you'd come because the steps were a lot easier because you chose something that you loved so start to start by doing what is necessary then do what's possible and suddenly you're doing the impossible that's Saint Francis of Assisi so let me say it again I'm gonna repeat these because they go by too quick you don't really get it start by doing what's necessary then do what's possible just what's what's in your corner what's in your circle that you can have control over and suddenly you're doing the impossible st. Francis of Assisi s now what does it beginner look like because I thought about I thought this about myself you know when I was younger and I was you know trying to like kind of fuddle my way through stuff and a beginner is awkward very awkward they're gawky and this could be true for walking riding a bike I don't care what it is in this case we're talking singing or playing an instrument right there gawky there you're pitchy ray they're insecure big one think about that a beginning I mean I still know you know I'm not sure if I can do this or not right they're lacking knowledge that's another one big time ray unsure of their vision unsure of their endgame or goal can they get there how far will it how far will I really go in this can i really go all the way or what is halfway look like what is a quarter of the way look like be okay with that be okay everybody starts somewhere and everyone's awkward gawky attitude and secure lacking knowledge unsee unsure of where this is gonna take them how far they'll be able to take it and you know it's kind of funny because um when I think about you know having a direction of being unsure of a vision so stay with me for a second I remembered myself going well what is my end game look like like what do I really want to end up like and you know I picked out my favorite singers and it did affect early on it was guitar first that was my first instrument and then later singing and then I thought okay so these are the singers that I like or these are the guitar players that I like I'll talk more about this in a minute and so how do I get there and it just seemed like such a long way off and it kind of was I'm not gonna lie I just I didn't you know overnight flip on the switch and and get to be you know great at something right so but I had to be okay with that and it okay well I'm starting out I'm just starting out I'm got my pen in my hand and I just started to learn to write right and before I know it I got sentences paragraphs and I'm communicating in a whole concepts to paper in this case singing now do not wait until the conditions are perfect to begin that is so important everybody well I just don't have enough time my job I work my school you know forget that right beginning itself makes the conditions perfect beginning itself makes the conditions just starting start and then the conditions are right no matter what they're us no matter you can be in a snowstorm start right and once you get started the conditions are right because you've already started you already set in motion what it is you're looking to do you don't have to be great to start but you have to start to be great don't have to be great to start but you have you have to start to get great to be great don't let perfectionism become an excuse for never getting started and we all do that well you know I'm a perfectionist it's gonna take me a while I gotta set it aside enough time to to be you know we'll home ever wherever your greatest you know icon is your your you know your hero great just get started guys don't wait now how did I start I thought I thought the only fair thing to do is I'm going through this instead of giving you these text book answers or these cute poems there's quotes and sayings and stuff I want to put some flesh and blood on it and so I want to say well how did ken Tamplin start how did I start and you know it's kind of funny because when we when we think when I think of playing guitar singing right we're performing as an entertainer the first thing that comes to my mind is I was so inspired by music that I just couldn't live without I just I just had it you know I just got to have me a wildebeest you guys remember that I don't a lion king I just gotta have me a wildebeest I I just got to be able to play this song man I just got to be able to sing this song I've gotta find a way to do this straight up so finding the motivation of things that we love so much that they just overtake us they inspire us I mean we just can't imagine living without it so I thought of you know when I was six and I was playing it I wish I wish I wish I was an army man I wish I wish I wish I was an army man on a ukulele in the Attic of my parents house upstairs I was six years old and if I'm not mistaken it was a theme song or a song in the movie Rat Patrol I know this is in my newsletter that goes out for you guys I want to sign up for my newsletter where we talk about staying motivated and all these different things but I remember that was so moved by that I just saw that that theme song and I went upstairs an attic with an old out of two new khalili and started just bashing in that I'm sure I was horrendous I was awkward I was gone I was insecure actually I don't think I was insecure I think it just did it I was six you know really it's a gear when you're six but you know lacking knowledge and vision and all that stuff I mean I just I just couldn't help myself right so that's how I got started something that just move to me to where just I didn't have a choice in it right the second thing that's the first thing so the second thing is first of all the first thing let's remember is that everyone has to start somewhere and I was giving you some motivation for what that looks like second is be persistent right be persistent persistence and consistency is key now we can start something and a lot of people start stuff you know I mentioned this before but it's kind of worth noting again I was blessed I've been blessed to work with a lot of really cool people and one of the people that I had a business partner in a company I had called new game media I used to do a lot of music for film and television and my business partners name was Jerry Rothstein really cool guy and he owned at the time a really big company in Beverly Hills California that did promotion for movie stars and big corporations and whatnot we became business partners in my company new game media and he said something so prescient and so prolific to me I'll never forget it his company was called our M ideas and you might even still google it they're probably it's the vestige of what they were it's probably still around he sold a company awhile back but anyway and so then by definition the name of his company was called RM ideas interesting right the reason it's interesting cuz he said this he said there's a lot of good ideas out there lots I mean he has a staff of dead staff of 35 people six people something like that don't give me a good idea give me a mediocre idea and a person that will see it to its end he goes great ideas are a dime a dozen or maybe even the greatest ideas maybe some of times they're not but he said I don't care because if there's no one to walk it through there's no one to see the persistence see it to its end it doesn't matter it won't be successful I'd rather have a mediocre idea and know that I can trust that person is gonna see it to its end so how true is the tortoise and the hare here in this story about persistence so motivation is what gets you started but persistence is the only thing that guarantees your success a little action often Spurs a lot of momentum so in other words just getting started creates incredible momentum you say oh I'm on the bike down the hill but no seriously though you know so a little action creates a lot of momentum that's the coolest thing ever we just gotta get started right nothing in this world can take the place of persistence nothing is more common than unsuccessful men with talent did you hear that let me say it again nothing is more common than unsuccessful men and women with talent persistence and determination alone are omnipotent that's Calvin Coolidge very cool guy it's not nothing I love this next quote - it's not that I'm so smart it's just that I stay with problems a little longer Albert Einstein think about that it's not that I'm so smart so I thought I'm so great it's just I wrestle with the problems a little longer than the other guy that's Albert Einstein saying that he also said something else very cool he said that that example isn't a way to teach example is the only way to teach and I'm gonna talk about that in a minute and another one of these but anyway we are what we repeatedly do excellence then is not an act but a habit that's Aristotle let me say that again chew on this guy's like slow this down for a minute we're in no rush I'm hanging out with you guys for a little bit we are what we repeatedly do could be good or bad right it's kind of creepy then it is not an act but a habit excellence so excellence then is not just an act or a momentary thing that we do it becomes a habit that's how we get great next one perseverance is the hard work you do after you get tired of the hard work you already did Newt Gingrich isn't that cool excellent excuse me perseverance is the hard work you do after you get tired of doing the hard work you already did ooh I know that all too well from playing hours and hours and hours and hours of guitar what it took to get great at guitar to persist with a goal you must treasure the dream more than the cost of sacrifice to attain it think about that to persist with a goal you must treasure the dream itself what you really want the end game what you're really hoping for you must treasure that more than the sacrifice what it's gonna cost you to get to that that is what makes greatness that's what makes this great at something that's what gives us motivation perseverance consistency you know inspiration okay but how do we do that can these are all great you know clothes good for you you know you probably comb the internet to find this stuff some of them are kind of inbred that came with me along along my life's path of journey but how do we do that how do we stay motivated well as cheesy as this might sound for me again I had to ask myself the question how do I stay motivated I remember growing up and I've shared this once before and I remember when I was playing hours and hours of guitar and I'd wake up really early in the morning and I practice four five six seven eight hours a day and guitar I kid you not now sometimes you know I just turn on the TV and watch cartoons because there are these laborious scales you just go back and forth and it's really just about building muscle memory correct technique and so forth but anyway said you know do that but most of the time when I was ratcheting up a notch and I wanted to get better and better and really hone in on the things I wasn't good at like I did it's not good to just practice the things you are good at we know we're good at that but it's good to use that as the platform to practice the things were not good at very very important by the way but anyways so I would picture myself as cheesy as the sounds in the spotlight I don't know why and I never really wanted to be worshiped by men it wasn't about that it may be an acknowledgement of my peers or whatever that thing looked like to me but I had the spotlight on me and I just imagine if it was my time my turn you know to take give it my shot three minutes in the Sun whatever that is right and then all of a sudden I'm called on on called on to you know to perform and then what would that look like and I just kept envisioning just blown people's minds and doing the best that I could and being the best performer that I could be and honing in this excellence down to to the tee right so that's what it did it was visualizing what that looks like me for you it could be getting this spot in your church play or school play or whatever that is or theater or something it could be you know joining a band or being in a band or getting graded but you know better at a banner you know what I'm singing a song for your loved one or whatever that is singing the national anthem you know that's a pretty tough one right there like all these different things but just kind of in picturing that in your mind and I don't want to get to a satirical and metaphysical on you guys I'm not saying who visualize and it'll come but if you just think about it and all of a sudden appear like a genie in a bottle no it doesn't work like that but I'm just saying you know again vision envision what you want what your end game is and it's an incredible motivator to stay motivated so I just think about the venue that I'm gonna plan and so far then that's helped me a lot so I visualize my endgame and so as I picture what success looks like in my mind I walked towards it one step at a time I don't take I don't jump from one lily pad to the next and drown in between I take one step at a time and it's it's interesting because I say one step one note at a time one concept one thing that I'm just gonna get good at and not worry about not being good at the rest and this can be really frustrating the process because you go well gosh I still can't hit that note or darn it I still can't sing that song or darn it don't worry about that don't worry about that worry about the building blocks but what its gonna take to build your house so that when the walls go up and you start adding room additions then you're gonna go oh now I can sing that song I built the foundation to the house in such a way that now I can start adding on to that in different walls and different rooms where I can actually visualize and get to those spaces and places that I want to be very important how does ken Tamplin deal with persistence well it's kind of interesting too because this is the close of number two I just do it you know it sounds weird but I can't tell you how many times I oh man I just don't feel like practicing right now I just stuck the guitar in my hands or I started singing or whatever it is and before I know it there's also another old I think Chinese proverb that says you know when you when you face the mountain when you face it two-thirds of it melts away you start to climb it you face it you start to climb it two-thirds of it dissipates and that's the coolest thing ever because it's really the truth now I do a lot of push-ups right now I'm back in try to get myself in better shape and and and I do a lot of push-ups every other day and if I could just get my first set out just get it done boom it's so much easier to get the rest of my push up side but if I make it bigger in my mind that it really is to get started then it becomes a lot more arduous it becomes you know I just I discourage myself out of getting started I just don't do it so what do I do I just do it I just get started just try it try it just try it on for size just get started and see how well this works for you number three be okay with making mistakes wow is this so important everybody makes mistakes everybody makes mistakes you know it was funny I was uh I was at the playground with my grandson he day before yesterday and there's this kind of like thing that the kids grab onto and it spins around I hold onto the singing and kovat is all these kids are back in so the playground was finally open like the second it was open and it was cool because there was this really really tall guy there and he kind of looked familiar but I'm not a big basketball guy so I didn't recognize him come to find out he's a big NBA player but anyway so he had his kid there and so his daughter and so she's jumping up jumping up and and she finally grabs onto it like this and she slips and bam falls into the woodchips right and my grandson's trying to pile up the woodchips and climb up to see if he can jump on it too you know and he's really frustrated he's so upset he can't do it and I encouraged the little girl that fell he didn't say anything this big tall guy encouraged a little girl I said hey you know don't worry about it we all we all make mistakes you know and but just try it again you'll get so you know and then the tall guy says to be come to find out he's an NBA player I don't know if I'm allowed to mention his name but anyway he says that even happens in the NBA when they go to grab the who boom they fall right there trying it trying something different some news or maybe they've done it and maybe they make a mistake point is we all make mistakes it doesn't even matter at what level these guys are we all do it and if we don't make mistakes we're not getting anywhere right because we're not trying so it may be ok with mistakes everyone makes mistakes even the greatest ass greatest athletes and the greatest singers have one thing in common they are we all make mistakes no one is perfect but it's the picking yourself up and trying it again over and over that you head towards the perfection that you're looking for big time important what are some of the greatest mistakes that I've made and I thought about that one too and I thought you know I think the bad I think the first thing is I'll never forget this I was in this band called revival it was my band I owned the PA I booked the shows but apparently I wasn't that great because I had older players in the band and and there was a coup d'etat they've tried to throw me out of my own band that's why 11 you can't kick me out of the band right I love that song in school Iraq and so they approached me I kid you not and they said to me it can you know you're a great acoustic guitar player and you could do your little acoustic thing great but we need a rock guitar player now for those of you guys that know me ken Tamplin I've got 40 records on and I know him for my guitar playing early on it was known more for my guitar playing than my singing this is a true story it was singing I kind of developed age 19 20 21 later in life for me as growth spurts happen from musicianship later life and so anyway so they tried to kick me out of my own band I'm not kidding I wasn't good enough I wasn't good enough a guitar wasn't good enough as a singer at the time I was just before my 17th birthday I got five well that sucks and I thought well maybe I'm not that great you know I'd like to be great I mean what do I do and it was very very discouraging so what are some of the greatest mistakes that I almost listen to them can you believe that ken Tamplin was kind of discouraged and it kind of almost listened to him and then I thought you know what it's my PA I'm knowing bugging the gigs I'm kicking all you guys out of the bed I'll start my own bed I'm gonna go solo I had success with my first banyan I'm already going solo and it's funny for the other new professional musicians out there probably laughing at me right now but yeah I know that but anyway so um I was persistent and I said you know I'm still gonna do this why because I love it now I love it so much that I just couldn't help myself but something interesting has happened to a lot of people over the years and I get this a lot in fact I got it just this morning and I got it yesterday two days back-to-back we get a lot of email that k-e-t-v a help calm ken Tamplin vocal Academy helped calm a lot of people sent us email asking questions and it's fielded by you know I have a couple of assistants and you know why that that I don't see all of it but sometimes I'm late at night or early in the morning I'll see some stuff and I cannot tell you how many times I've seen I want to buy your course this is straight up I want to buy your course because I want to be a pop star like so-and-so and you know what I do I'm not kidding I don't need your money I don't want you in my course I don't want you in my forums go away if that's your sole motivation just because you want to be a pop star I can't help you I'm sorry go find someone else that will take your money and sell you a dream that you'll never live up to because we do this because we love it we do this because our hearts can't live without it we do this because we inspire inspires us and we want to inspire others we do this because it's life I kid you not it music is life and and and we just can't imagine so if your sole motivation is because you want people to look at you and worship you that is very short-lived and that's a very wrong motivation so anyway I didn't listen to them so my first mistake was starting to listen to other people and bad press and and I and I said you know what I don't care what people think because I'm not doing it to please them I'm doing it to please me and hopefully there's something I can contribute that can inspire other people along the way this is true life stuff because I'm just warning my down on my sleeve I'm not you know I'm not trying to pretend I'm something I'm not this is straight-up truth so I and then him then one more mistake that I made for you guitar player friends are you really appreciating this a long time ago I went to a school called GI tiga turns to tutor technology in Hollywood and I remember vividly Steve trovato's said something to me and he goes I was flatpicking and I'd learned how to flap pick the wrong way and when he flatpicking guitar right and i just learned it on my own well come to find out there's a thing called circular picking and I didn't know that if you're the speed and again this is microscopically incremental but if you you know are jumping the strings as you go to pick them there's a lot of wasted motion in that and there's a lot of sloppiness that can happen but if you've learned how to pick kind of circularly and then come back almost to like in our pages and stuff your life is so much easier so Steve said he goes you know you've pretty much hit the ceiling on how fast you're gonna be able to play the way you play you're gonna really need to relearn how you did circular picking and I'm thinking to myself oMG you've got to be kidding me I just spent my entire life learning how to flat pick and I was pretty fast at it pretty clean at it but as he was right as I struggled I just couldn't understand how inve could be so much faster how Lukather could be so much faster you know a paul gilbert oh my gosh and i'm listen to paul gear but i'm like wow he's just gifted or something come to find out there was a technique involved in it it made their lives so much easier and they're able to access this stuff so one of the biggest mistakes i did was i didn't get good quality training early on and and whatnot know back then it's not like today where you could just tune in on youtube and you got your favorite you know artists they're showing you step-by-step how to do stuff and then people still whining complaining i didn't rub you you know stuff right excuse me so that's laughable but anyway he said well how long is it gonna take me to relearn you know my picking technique he was probably a couple years a couple years you've gotta be kidding me I mean I wanted to crime like you what you know and I thought you know what I'm just gonna do it I'm just gonna start but this time I'm gonna start with correct information I'm going to get all the education I know that I need so that I don't embed bad habits and learn things improperly where it might take me years to unlearn to learn things correctly if I wanted to get to the next level so that would be the two things not listening to people and getting the quality information that I needed so I'm gonna talk a little bit more about this because oh and then I meant to go to number four sorry about this be satisfied that but this was a segue to that to be satisfied with your progress even if it's small so I remember you know incrementally like I said out little little games I was making when I was doing this but then all of a sudden it like a good stock on the stock market you know I made up its ups and downs but over the course of a year I look back oh wow I've gotten a lot cleaner and it's so much easier to do it also helped me with my practice time not being so rgeous because you know the other way I was doing it was so much more physical effort to so there was that but anyway be satisfied with your progress no matter how small make it diary if you can if you're into that kind of thing make a diary of your progress so you can look back to see how far you've come number five break it up into small pieces guys don't swallow the whole camel don't do it there's a funny book out called eat that frog just eat it just do it get it over with Baba well part of that's true but part of it isn't don't eat the whole frog cut it up into small pieces and just chew on it a little bit so you can kind of manage this to a point where it's doable otherwise it's very very discouraging now this is a good quote the hardest thing about getting started is getting started your that the hardest thing about getting started is getting started the secret of getting ahead is getting started the secret of getting started is breaking your complex overwhelming tasks into small manageable tasks and starting on the first one Mark Twain this is what I do this is what I do in my course is I set you guys up guys I take all this life information and I start you guys out in my singing course of building the basic building blocks so who cares if you can't sing your favorite song who cares if you can't hold the note that you want who cares if you crack here and there who cares who cares who cares if you're building the building blocks correctly little by little you're gonna add a wall then you're gonna add another wall then you're gonna add some rooms it's windows and it's gonna all start to come together for the house and the castle that you want to build for your singing voice that is the honest to goodness truth so start with the most simple exercises for me to give you guys idea for the building blocks I've talked about this over and over again you start with diaphragmatic support if you don't even sing I'm straight up if you don't even sing at all start with diaphragmatic support it is the Holy Grail it is the engine that drives your car and without it you are going nowhere fast so start with that just do the set of exercises seeing a little bit understand how that mechanism works so then stand up try to redo placate that and apply that you don't have to have pitch you don't have to be good at singing you don't have to have valve placement you don't have to have tone none of that just get that started so you start building these these building blocks sequentially these are built in a sequence you don't just pick and choose and cherry-pick I'll do a little of this a little of that love it no this should be needs to be done like building a car you build the chassis you pull you know this then you build the engine then you build a frame and it isn't above and then everything that kind of goes on top of it is icing on the cake but you've got to start with the foundation so you start with the most simple exercises and move in through this food chain starting focusing on dichromatic support and then moving up number six surround yourself with people that support you if you've got friends you know that are really cynical and negative you know with that who needs enemies right for friends like that who needs enemies get good quality people that will support you don't let negative cynical people rob you of your dream that's just nonsense so and even if you do have you know the cynics of friends or whatever just don't show them you know hang out with the people and interact and grow with the people that want to see you succeed and are happy for you that is really really important so the inspiration is you get support from others that are encouraging you now speaking of mistakes by the way number seven learn from your mistakes let me say that again learn from them don't sweep them under the carpet pretend they're not there don't keep making excuses well I just can't because I don't have the range or I'll never get the range or I don't have the power learn from your mistakes right don't keep repeating them over and over again take an honest inventory of yourself record yourself and listen back and see what you love and what you don't love or even what you just love a little right and also of the things you don't love it helps you go oh I need to be better at that right remember talking about it's not practice that makes perfect it's perfect practice it makes perfect and you don't want to only practice the things you're good at I mean you can do an extent but you want to practice the things that you're not good at focus on that first incrementally go through these things real small little by little start working on the things that you want to change right it's very very important number eight learn from others especially those that can demonstrate it for you that's why I said Einsteins you know great quote where he says you know example isn't a way to teach it's the only way to teach so demonstration or example isn't a way to teach it's the only way we learn we don't learn if you're if you're a young kid and you want to be a baseball player you know you watch guys that are good at baseball right you go wow what is he doing right it's so cute you know we got a chance to travel a lot I think I'm sure there's multiple times but I can share a little different snippets of the my story my history with my son and you know we live in Argentina we lived in Costa Rica he got to live in Brazil we lived in Italy and other countries around the world that are great soccer playing countries and it was so cute to see the kids doing all these soccer moves of their favorite soccer players now did they get to learn from them directly no but like the Savion I you know the wall passed all these different things they probably went to Stadium somewhere or TV probably right or even the video games now have their moves in the video games it's really interesting and they learn a go oh that's how he did it oh and then oh he crosses over that way oh he shifts his foot to that and they just his foot back he doesn't step too far out you know and they learn and they absorb this stuff so they're looking at their heroes they're looking at their their icons their legends are saying hey so how do you do that again that's why I emphasize over and over again the importance of finding a vocal coach that sings and sings well themselves and demonstrates students that sing and sing well and I know harp on this but I'm gonna harp on it again I see these guys in the Internet I'm just flabbergasted going the guy can't sing a note to save his life he's great at marketing and he might say all the right things or he might seem real you know a genuine or whatever but it's funny because they make these outrageous claims and then you find out oh wait a minute he paid that YouTube artist to be on his channel that never took his course to begin with but they make it sound like you know that they're doing the program when they're not they just say the importance of taking lessons is important but it makes it sound like it's him and then and and the guy doesn't sing at all and you're just going the smoke and mirrors are wild get past that get laser vision see through the malarkey and just ask yourself two questions does this person you want to learn from demonstrate really well and preferably in the style that you want to learn from and can they redo placate it do they have other students that do it and they're in answers your questions so learn from others especially those that can demonstrate for you get a good get good healthy advice from people that know how to do it not for people to just talk about it but people that can actually demonstrate it for you so I've said that before and that's it you know and the other thing too is you know don't rely on just their information I talked about these kids and the pueblos and different things that we want to use different countries you know they never got the benefit of okay let me back this up Lionel Messi one of the greatest center midfielders that's ever lived I don't care if you can argue that down and you could say Ronaldo Ronaldinho go ahead well it doesn't matter Puyol Beck's best defender all good when we were living in Argentina we lived in Buenos Aires for a while we moved to the south into place called Mar del Plata and my son played for the primavera division he got to practice with pal Lucy V one of the soccer teams in the south but in the north from Buenos Aires is a place called Rosario it's a really small pueblos very small that tiny little Pueblo is where Lionel Messi came from what coaches did he have who was pan holding his hand to make him great one of the greatest midfielders in the world right scored more goals I think than anybody right crazy any of it he had a growth hormone deficiency so he was short a lot of disadvantages lots and lots of disadvantages but that should teach us a lesson about that right and yet he goes on to be one of the greatest soccer players who did he learn from well he learned from a lot of the Argentine soccer players that were great right you know and so he looked to someone that was great and goes oh he does that and he did a little of this and he takes on these players like this and he does this fake out this way another fake out that way and before you know it this kid his owning planet Earth because he watched the grades if he didn't watch great you wouldn't be great if he just took information from something that just mined something in para did something he got from a textbook he's not going to be great so learn from people that are great but but don't expect a course my course anyone's course to carry you across the finish line that's your job my jobs to help you encourage you giving information but it's your dog for YouTube tenacity have the consistency have the persistence and all those things to take this very hard to come by information and apply it to yourselves don't whine because someone isn't sitting there holding your hand going through this whole process get off your butt and do something take some ownership of it take your own initiative of it know yourself right don't wait on others to tell you what to do or even who you are because remember that was one of my biggest mistakes I didn't I thank God I didn't have you know that the band that I was into told me I sucked and they wanted to fire me out of my own band that I didn't listen to them or that I took my own initiative going you know that's your opinion and I'm moving over here I'm going this way right so take your own initiative take your own pride in what you do and don't expect others to hold your hand through the entire process number nine pace yourself this is really important to take breaks when necessary to come back fresh unless you give your lest you get discouraged if you don't take breaks sharpen the saw I love that analogy sharpening the saw see the guy in the tree and it's taking him forever and he's extremely exhausted and yes just gonna sharpen that saw that thing will go down so much quicker if you're sharp and if you have a good attitude you come back fresh and sharp and you'll see gains like crazy rather than is gone with the saw right so oftentimes we do some things that we think we suck and we come back and we listen to a recording so sometimes we will do something let's say to get our phone out and we record ourselves some sync pace yourself right we record ourselves and we go that sucks but then we come back with a fresh perspective we listen to it again we go well actually you know it kind of sucks but I kind of like this part you know there's some of it that sucks maybe a lot of it sucks but there's a little golden nugget in there and I I can I can see the light at the end of the tunnel and it's not a train headed my way right no but seriously you know I can see progress and it's exciting it's encouraging it's inspiring it's really cool so and sometimes we may come back the next day and think something was great we go oh it really sucks but at least we were excited when we ended up with it we come back hill the reason we said it sucks is because we know in our heart we can do it better it's not that it's discouraging all I saw I'm done curtains for me no it's that we can do it better we know we have this instinct it's our guttural thingses man you know what that I thought it was cool last night come back wasn't as cool as I thought it could be you know it's funny David Coverdale Mike one of my favorite singers I guess when he sang this song mistreated he had done it the first time you know in the studio with deep purple and he said that he's it sucked so bad when he heard the tapes the next day he thought it was okay the night before and they worked till 3:00 or 4:00 in the morning or whatever it was he said he heard it the next day he literally started crying I don't think of macho David Coverdale as a crier but that's what he said he said it in an interview go look it up he said he literally started crying what did he do he said okay you know he got some advice Glenn Hughes was in the band he got Glenn's opinion in other people's opinion of singers that he trusted and and said well try a little too this and try a little of that and maybe not do this so much and don't try to kill it from the minute you walk out of the gate you know just let it flow and perhaps a little more soul and like this he went back the next time it did it first take and that my friends is the take that you hear on the album and it's killer isn't that crazy it's crazy it's crazy with a little mind you know I love that quote what a mind massage will do I love that that says a mind lift will beat a facelift any day that's so cool you know people know to walk around in their 50s it had a good life and they're happy that that will ves enjoy that resonates on their face bulges from their face beats a facelift any day some surgical you know hold some saran wrap around your face right to make you look like you know you're younger than you really are so a mind lift beats a face lift any day and that's true for singing so so we pace ourselves and objectivity be willing to look at ourselves in the mirror and continue to adjust for this mistakes that we made so that it'll inevitably make us better okay we're honing in on number 10 right now it's celebrate your successes find out what that is for you right could be a piece of chocolate cup of coffee hopefully it's not too much alcohol or something weird could be just going down a karaoke bar and singing the one song you work hard out or getting that solo in your church that you wanted or singing that song for your loved one or maybe even someone that passed that you want you wanted to sing a song for them at their passing or or whatever that is but that is amazing because if you celebrate your successes it keeps you motivated showcase what you've worked for you work hard for it don't be ashamed to do it even if it's not great you don't have to be perfect to do this guys really get started get out there do it hit it hit it you know just don't wait I remember my son was taking shots and on bold and he'd be so concerned but pretty used to be so concerned with waiting until he was in that right position and it was off to the right foot and I said don't wait because if you wait you are three players wrong you now now you got to lay it off to somebody else and go to space right forget that noise take the shot if you miss who cares you'll get another one how many professional athletes have we heard yeah you know I can't tell you how many times I have missed the shot but it was that a hundred and you know thousands in one shot that you know remember Edison and the one thing with Thomas Edison no matter how many times it take to find the right filament for a light bulb was a thousand and two two tries right like this goes on not about people to talk about this one of my favorites is I mentioned this to you but before already but in the u.s. open right about now a famous golfer girl thief was named in a minute Arnold Palmer you know when the when he got a hole-in-one he busts open in the end the guy says hey lucky shot yeah you know I've been doing this for 30 years down the more I do it the luckier I get all right all right so I know I've said that before but these things are they matter man these things matter so aim is showcase what you work hard work don't care about what people think take risks even if people don't celebrate your hard work in your success ultimately ultimately let's ask the question what do you think the guys that wanted to kick me out of my band think of me now now by the way we already talked about I'll show the whole world what guess what the whole world's not watching they have busy lives they don't care about your life so don't live to live that down but I'm just saying of the people all the record companies that turn me down all the bands that does all of that blah blah all the struggles offer who's laughing now right I get to do what I love I'm doing great in and I love it and I do this because I love it I don't do it cuz oh I want to be a star you know hey you know you'd think gosh we're coming up and I think 120 million views and close to a million subscribers right you think wow I've arrived I don't even look at that let's go you know I'm just getting to do it I love I'm enjoying this and hopefully that inspired 120 million people looking this it's probably the same for people looking at it over and over again and that's fine they're trying to get Volume one done and getting onto volume 2 I'm kidding but anyway seriously guys amazing amazing stuff and yeah we're these 10 revelations was this 10 hacks to life our secrets inner tricks on how to know this is honest perspective this is how we do it so number 10 celebrate your successes don't worry about what other people think get out and do it who cares what people think is you'll outlive them outgrow them outperform them they're gonna sit there with their arms crossed wishing they were doing what you're doing and you get to do what you love and success they might even be a little jealous and wishing that they done same but in the end you're not doing it for that reason you're just doing it because you love it so I'll take some questions right now guys we got us a little bit of time left and let's see here if you guys want to kind of dowel me in my port team they never know what I'm gonna stop with like all of a sudden lights but anyway Dahlia is mixed voice in this beginner tips video well let's understand what again Dahlia um you're asking about a very advanced concept so of course it's not going to be in a beginner video just like saying hey you know I'd like to know about let's say you're a mathlete and you want to know the most advanced parts of calculus well I've got to teach you the first part of calculus first before you can understand the advance party calculus the answer that would be no I struggle with my vocal talks about a train head boys and this net I cover this Dahlia in this in my course so I recommend getting it it will really help you I promise anyway I'm a baritone says I have to sing in my middle but I don't have a mix she says that don't push chest so this is the same so this is a very complex question if you want to put that in my singing forms guys we have almost 20,000 people in my free singing forums stop by sign up at ken Tamplin vocal academy.com and we can get you some at least more of a comprehensive answer to this but it's not going to be what you're looking for if you're not doing the course and don't understand the building blocks the fundamentals on how to get there George I can I struggle a lot when I try to belt the vowel any tips yeah actually I do I'll give you a tip on that because we don't sing pure ooh gonna go like Neil Diamond love on the rocks ain't a surprise pour me a drink right we don't do that we go oh oh oh right we use bow to get to you and then we quickly change it to the whose sound and we lean into that sound and that's how we get to a belting boo vowel and Joel visualizing the end game builds motivation to being persistent it all works hand in hand did I get it right yes you did that's correct that's right bill simply the best is whistle register bad for your voice yes it is it's very bad for your voice it's fact its cost a lot of people their voices including Mariah Carey David English when when life's broke your spirit how do you get back in the saddle singing is so close to our sense of well-being what to do when you just feel spent but want to rediscover the joy well that's a really really prolific and very expansive question to answer so I could literally spend an entire hour on answering that question alone I can tell you mine and then you can see if what I have experienced resonates with you I don't live even just to sing I don't live just to do music kind of trippy huh I live because I have a creator that loves me his name is Jesus Christ I'm a full-on Christian and I'm not looking to shove my faith down anyone's throat you asked a question I'm gonna give you my personal experience I live to want to honor the Lord with everything that I do in my life I love him he's brought me through so much I can't even tell you and he's just really ministered and showed his self faithful to me so I don't find my Joey's or all of my Joy's in this temporal life I find it in knowing where I'm going when this life is over and knowing that I'm doing everything I can to inspire others to be all they can be so my inspiration actually comes from my fountain being filled up by Jesus Christ filling up my fountain and it overflowing and spilling over in hopes to be able to spill over into other people's lives so I dedicated my life to that into helping people and doing a lot of other things beyond way beyond just music a lot of things beyond just music and it's a wonderful life it's a beautiful life and now I would encourage you speaking of it's a wonderful life I might have mentioned this to you guys I used to I went to UCLA it's a pretty famous school in Los Angeles and I studied film I have a degree in film and one of the films that I got the chance to colorize my father owned a company called colorization incorporated and we colorized a lot of old black and white films into color and one of the movies was called It's a Wonderful Life it's usually only played around Christmastime so here I'm gonna get back to your name so what I'd like for you to do David is David I want you to it's a homework assignment I want you to go and watch that movie and I want you to see what it would have been like if you hadn't lived at all kind of like you know Ebenezer Scrooge when he goes back and sees you know all the different scenarios of his life you know what what had happened what would have been different and I want you to ask yourself why you exist what's your reason for being what's your reason for living and it's got to go beyond just singing a great song when you do that and you answer that question and that's why I said I could spend a whole hour on this subject you will have struck at the very core and nature of why we live why we love to live why we want to live what what makes life worth living and so to say that you're gonna find inspiration that goes beyond yourself just serving yourself self-serving things and what I found I have a 501 C 3 by the way and it's called better to give and what I found is that it truly is better to give them to receive and every time I do it and I just feel wonderful it feels so good I give to you guys right now I'm spending my Saturday giving to you guys it's it feels awesome I love inspiring people I love the the the feedback and seeing people's lives change and in that your life my life changes as a result so hopefully that was helpful David that was pretty heavy but it's truth anyway Marcos Wow ken Tamplin next course how to be less lazy than everyone else actually that would be chief I know not 1.2 good stuff there you go thanks Marcos random guy Ken question how important is the air release while singing and how do we prevent air getting stuck in the throat when I imagine the air going into the room the more I push or less air I expel okay well the first thing those are multiple questions so it said how important is the air release while singing you mean how much air should you expand your let out that's I think the first question how do we prevent air from getting stuck in the throat well air doesn't get stuck anywhere you can compress it at the glottis of the vocal folds you can hold it in the lung like I'm doing right now and then you can mitigate or govern that amount of air from the lung through the trachea on up into the into the glottis itself so that's a question that we answer in the forms to some degree but it's actually part of more the advanced portion of the course about glottal compression so I recommend getting the course dude because it's a whole processional it's a whole series on how you have to build all of the muscle structure to be able to do that to accomplish that it's not a oh I can answer this one tip and you can run away with this and go go off onto that tangent Joris I'm singing rock and I have good distortion but I have one problem it's not loud enough because I if I sing louder my distortion goes away can you help me well yeah first as I say in a set a million times we have to learn how to sing with a bright crystal clear robust resonant tone first because if you're not doing that then chances are you're not singing distortion correctly so if we are you just constricting air in the glottis and that's probably what's helping you distort just like anybody that strains brother hey rather than doing it correctly so I suggest you watch my videos on good open throat technique building good clean round robust bright timbre of temporal sounds first and then start to learned only a lean into those sounds to get that distorted effect as you've built a healthy voice first that's what you need to do we'll do you remember commend the twang I use it to get residents in higher mix it helps a lot although I tend to look down when doing it it's hard to move the head while singing yes we've talked about twang a lot I'm going to give you my quick answer on that twang is more of the EH sound it's a very one-dimensional vowel it can help you get brightness and loudness and even distortion but it what you it's next to impossible to get out of that small tubular sound to get to other vowels and expand that into the rest of your vowels so while it may help you understand the concept it's not gonna understand you building the whole the whole engine or the whole house so I would recommend it's the law ah and I've discussed this a million times all vowel sounds stem from aa so build the avila firs twang or eh becomes could become a part of that rock girl seven seven seven hey good to see you again Rock girl seven seven seven can I identify as a background singer so maybe someday some health info tips are for background singers sure and actually I do have two cool videos on that one of them is how to how to how to blend when singing and so forth so you might want to check it out I do a Bee Gees song and I do some other stuff to show you how to get to those places and I hope I have a whole entire section in my singing course on that very subject Craig what is chest voice and head voice and which sounds better huh well I mean it depends on what you work and what you like umm chest voice is like we've talked about this many times there's many different definitions there is the Bel Canto appoggio or old operatic definition which just means anything that resonates it feels like it's emanating from your chest I like to I have coined my own phrases for this to help people understand this better and the easiest way to look at this is like this I'm gonna compartmentalize the voice for a second you have your speaking register that I'm speaking to you in right now then you have it what's called prima passaggio it's just like that yodeling that happens when you go from your chest voice into your falsetto register or in girl's cases they call it head voice whatever you go from chest to head yeah that chirping sound that happens from chest voice in head or your call register into head voice or falsetto they're interchangeable head voice in falsetto so those two things are the things that are compartmentalized so first we have prenup passaggio from our speaking register into our belting or our call register those are two different voice compartments let's call them so let's let's say that we can take that as one lump and not look at them in two separate parts speaking and call so that's hay hay right there's one long registration right and then we have the falsetto register well as we go through these the chest voice in Bel Canto terms mean anything that resonates in the chest for me I like to return have a redirect on the intermedia that saying that chest voice is your speaking and call register combined it's that that one component then your head voice to me is anything in the falsetto register anything that's reinforced falsetto falsetto you know and we build that to match the tonal qualities of your head voice so ah right we can have one long powerful note cover that in my singing course extensively Luka a quick exercise for diaphragmatic support Luka I've done this already so I could do it now but in the interest of time because we're winding this down just look at my videos on YouTube on diaphragmatic support I'll put them in the subject line when we're done or the the you know notations line and when we're done so that you guys will have that to refer to but a diaphragmatic support I think I have two really strong videos on that and it covered that extensively in my singing course also so not that I'm skirting the question but it would be take more time than to give you the URL to go visit that well I'm gonna this will give me my last question a KN how do you increase your confidence in singing by doing it a lot yeah by doing a lot doing it in front of people your dog your cat your mom your dad sister brother best friend and then taking it out busking karaoke your church singing out the open you know out in the open as an open space singing two songs on the radio or or your iPod or you know whatever that is in the car if you have to but though you lose support when you do that but just consistency just doing it a lot listening and playing it back when hey that was kind of cool I think okay now I think I can sing the song anyway gang I promise keep the questions coming we will save them I will answer them and God bless you gang thank you for joining me and until next time peace out [Music]
Channel: Ken Tamplin Vocal Academy
Views: 11,987
Rating: 4.9596977 out of 5
Keywords: ken tamplin vocal academy, ken tamplin 2020, ken tamplin, singing, singing tutorial, singing lessons, singing tips, singing lesson, beginning singers, best singing, tips, vocal coach, singer, how to sing, singers, vocal tips, dimash vs marcelito pomoy, complete vocal technique, singing lessons for beginners, 10 tips, tutorial, beginners, singing lessons for beginners men, vocal analysis, analysis, rick beato live, rick beato, what makes this song great, beato, vocal lessons
Id: L2zSEdO29fM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 61min 38sec (3698 seconds)
Published: Sat May 23 2020
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