10 Last Of Us Facts You Probably Didn't KNOW

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The Last of Us was huge and we feel like we haven't talked about it enough on game rags with the Last of Us 2 announced and leaving us kind of high and dry for any new info let's take a look back with 10 less of us facts you might not have known starting off with number 10 let's talk about Ellie's knife when you beat the last of us at least knife is shown on the windowsill but it isn't there before you start the game and if you do beat the game and then start up another playthrough the knife disappears again so it's kind of like when you start a new game Ellie needs the knife because she's gonna go out and do some [ __ ] but when you beat it and you know there at Tommy's town and they're taking it easy and she doesn't need it so she puts it on the windowsill this is one of those really really small details that Naughty Dog is really good at like the small details and very subtle imagery that's there to say something but like in a small quiet way that you might not really notice which is pretty dope and at number nine this isn't really the most secret fact but we still wanted to talk about it it's the Last of Us live the castle The Last of Us actually got together for one night to perform scenes from the game together on a stage to about like 200 people but what's really interesting about it is that they did a scene that wasn't included in the game and serves as an epilogue head writer Neil druckmann came on stage and set the scene and then please asked for no one to film and record it because the scene was never gonna be released to the general public while he has discussed the scene he kind of insinuated that Ellie is aware of joel lying toward the scene is basically just Joel and Ellie talking about stuff and going around Tommy's temple it's what really interesting is that in that scene Joel gets Ellie a guitar and then mentions that he did promise the teacher how to play and then the Last of Us part two trailer is Ellie playing the guitar so yeah it seems like there's something you can put together there if you haven't heard or seen much about the Last of Us Live definitely look up and watch what you can because it's pretty interesting and at number eight you probably never even stopped to think but Joel and Ellie kind of have last names I say kind of because in the Last of Us Japanese game manual it actually lists Joel and Ellie and their last names it's Joel Miller and Ellie Williams this isn't really considered 100% canon on the actual Last of Us wiki it's considered non canon but it's official material from the game's release so take it as you will if you really like these characters and you really want them to have last names that's what you can go with but to me I still just know them as Joel and Ellie and at number seven speaking of the Japanese version of the game The Last of Us actually sold really really well in Japan this not really sound like the biggest deal especially for some of us closed-minded North Americans that think that Japanese games don't really want anything to do with our games but the Last of Us did really well when it released in Japan it's almost one hundred and eighteen thousand copies within its first week of release and it sold through something like 88 percent of its initial shipment with the rating equivalents of the ESRB in Japan it received the highest rating croz a rating of that high in Japan usually affects sales so it was pretty insane for the last of us to come from overseas completely should pass over its high rating and still sell really well and kill it in sales the people of Japan really embraced and loved the story of the Last of Us and that's pretty awesome and then number six let's talk about Ashley Johnson she's the voice of Ellie and is someone who you may actually recognize from a couple of other things she really has this habit of showing up in small parts in places you wouldn't really expect she played Chrissy in the last few seasons of growing pains you know that little girl with the mapa curly hair and then she's also in the first Avengers movie she's the waitress who Captain America saved and then she gets all weird about it on camera on the news she has a very small role but there are a ton of deleted scenes from that movie that really focus on her specifically so maybe she was meant to have a bigger role in the MCU or maybe eventually she was meant to be another hero and this was going to be her introduction we'll probably never know but another small fun fact about voice actresses from the game Merle Dandridge she's the voice behind Marlene she's also the voice of Alex Vance from half-life 2 but at number 5 speaking of actresses there was initially some controversy behind Ellie's look upon the actual announcement of the game immediately after the reveal there were a lot of direct comparisons to the actress Ellen Page with Ellie looking eerily similar to the point some people thought that Ellen Page was actually starring in the game for a while after the announcement that was like the mainstream consensus of thought after this the next trailer in May 2012 sported a slightly redesigned Ellie apparently developers at Naughty Dog listened and decided to tweak her face a bit after all the buzz but even with that slight redesign Ellen Page has actually said on record during an interview that Naughty Dog quote-unquote ripped off my likeness I guess he can't please them all and at number four you may not have known this but the Last of Us originally had a very different story there were a lot of things that were changed during the development process of The Last of Us and one of the bigger changes is that test was originally the main antagonist of the game with her and her gang that Joel was a part of hunting down Joel with Marlene being more of a friendly face who was originally supposed to die early on and where the game ended in the final game wasn't actually the end right after that part where they're driving after Joel steals Ellie away test catches up rams him off the road and catches Joel while Ellie escapes Ellie eventually catches back up with Joel and kills tests right before test kills Joel and then this would be the first time Ellie really kills someone instead of it being David like in the final game all this was explained by the writer Neil druckmann while speaking at a panel for the idg a Toronto chapter it's all about how we originally pitched the last of us and it's pretty interesting and at number three speaking of rewrites Naughty Dog actually went back and changed Ellie's character with rewrites and the general way she comes off after seeing Ashley Johnston's voiceover and motion capture performances since the actors were allowed to improvise an ad-lib to script during performance early very much came into her own as a completely different character and Naughty Dog liked it and rolled with it Ellie was originally intended to be much more timid and passive for most of the game Johnson's verbal isms though drove Ellie to be a much more brash aggressive and rough-around-the-edges character and I'm glad they went with that because it totally works you have more of a [ __ ] chance if you want me home and at number two the Last of Us has a lot of inspirations some it wears on its sleeve but some are a bit more subtle the previously mentioned writer to the game Neil druckmann red city of thieves and was inspired by the relationship between two very different characters who walk constantly at odds eventually developed an unconventional relationship through all those hardships so we set out to portray a similar arc of character development between Joel and Ellie but the atmosphere the vibe and the relationship between Joel and Ellie was actually inspired by author Cormac McCarthy's of the road but they eventually pulled away from that a little bit for obvious reasons the writers Neil druckmann and Bruce Straley went and saw No Country for Old Men in theaters and they decided that the tense brutal close and simple combat between desperate people in close proximity would make for great combat scenarios for the game and in fact Joel was actually named after director Joel Coen who is a director of both No Country for Old Men and the True Grit remake and at number one the infected cordyceps enemies initially had a very different concept before the team decided on using the fungal infected people you see in the final game the zombie ish creatures look like bald fanged beasts with like this stringy gross fungus growing off their back it actually sounds just as terrifying you probably know this but the cause of the zombie apocalypse is actually based on real-life organisms there is this parasitic fungus called Ohio cordyceps unil or latus or however you say it I'm not a scientist but it's known for taking over in ants minds and controlling its motor skills basically making it a zombie this was actually used as early stuff to tease the game before its real announcement in The Last of Us the fungus takes over most of humanity's minds and turns them into zombies it just took Naughty Dog a while to actually conceive and embrace that apparently a lot of enemy types were left on the cutting-room floor including cordyceps infected animals there's been concept arts and even rumors and reports that this was an actual scene that was worked on before the game with joel running from a giant infected monstrous elephant it sounds kind of crazy and ridiculous but also kind of Awesome but who knows maybe we'll see infected animals in the last of us too those are some cool facts we thought you might find interesting but we want to hear from you guys down in the comments what are some of your favorite aspects about the last of us from the development to the story to the characters let's talk about this stuff look fact let's talk about anything Last of Us if you like this video maybe learned a thing or two clicking that like button helps us out a ton and we really appreciate it but subscribing if you're new is a great idea because we put out videos like this every single day but as always thanks for watching we'll see you guys next time
Channel: gameranx
Views: 3,384,242
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Keywords: last of us, last of us secrets, last of us cut content, last of us secret enemies, last of us secret areas, last of us hidden content, last of us facts, last of us weird facts, joel last of us, ellie last of us, gameranx, jake baldino, tlou, tlou story, tlou history, tlou facts, tlou2
Id: HHFcdPPd7pI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 7min 40sec (460 seconds)
Published: Mon May 22 2017
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