10 BIOSHOCK Facts You Probably Didn't Know

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Bioshock games are thick in atmosphere and are shrouded in mystery and today game ranks is going to peel back just a little bit of that mystery by bringing you 10 Bioshock backs you probably didn't know number 10 the voice of Elizabeth Courtney Draper was very very dedicated she's very much a method actor too because she cares about actually feeling the feelings that she put into her performance and as such she had Ken LaVine yell at her in like very very a CLE demeaning ways to get her to start crying in order to do some of the scenes in BioShock Infinite and while that might sound kind of funny or even silly when somebody's trying to get into a specific mindset often times replicating environments that would cause that type of mindset make it much easier and I don't know about you but I'm not exactly a big fan of having people shout demeaning crap at me like it's not really one of my big Hobbies number nine the circus of values vending machines in BioShock are actually the creator of Bioshock itself can when you walk by and it's sitting there obnoxiously yelling k your Cravings at the circus of values that's the guy who came up with Bioshock he also did it in BioShock Infinite because he seems to not be able to get enough of that annoying Vaudeville voice I appreciate a lady who appreciates value I mean to be fair it's the kind of annoying that I find amusing the kindy that kind of intentionally is annoying and is trying to generate a resp response in some way but I have talked to people whose response is not understanding I don't know in my opinion that's a layer of the humor in BioShock that it's enjoyable number eight the little sisters in BioShock were different before they were little sisters they were a number of different things and this is somewhere where that humor I was just talking about was I think morbidly Incorporated but didn't eventually make it through but I mean they had it as everything from a mutated sea slug to a dog in a wheelchair to a frog with a funnel in its anus like a weird funnel in its anus that Drew out their precious poop that that was then manufactured into plasmids personally I think the little sisters came out a lot more interesting but it's hard not to laugh at that number seven just like the little sisters the scenario actually went through quite a few different ideas as well first it was going to take place on a space station which is funny because Tacoma a spiritual successor to Bioshock takes place on a space station that looks a lot like Rapture but aside from a space station it was also going to be on an island run by a cult in an underwater Nazi base I'm guessing the underwater part must have been their favorite part about that and really not everybody's a big fan of Nazis and they moved over to a beautiful Art Deco dystopia deep deep inside the ocean number six one of Bioshock infinite's contributing writers Rihanna pratchet also worked on Tomb Raider rise of the Tomb Raider Heavenly sword Overlord and Mirror's Edge on top of that she's the daughter of fantasy writer Terry pratchet just in case you don't know who that is have you ever heard of discor it's a series of like 41 novels it was published from 1983 to 2015 that's a long running series and she's a talented writer too I don't know if you've ever played Tomb Raider or rise of the Tomb Raider but those games are great seriously wonderful and like anybody who is involved with writing BioShock Infinite not so bad themselves either number five in 2014 Fox News used Bioshock infinite's logo or at least one that they pretty much stole from BioShock Infinite in a segment on immigration called defending the Homeland perhaps the most amusing part about this is that that's pretty much what BioShock Infinite is attempting to criticize really really hard that American exceptionalism but you know you know nobody ever said Fox News was exactly self-aware but yeah that's kind of what Bioshock infinite's about when Ken LaVine caught wind of it somebody asked him what he thought of it and if it was copyrighted infringement and his response was it's irony number four there was a Bioshock movie in the works about the Rapture oriented story and gor verbinski the director of three of the Pirates of the Caribbean movies was attached to direct but it fell through on account he didn't want to pursue the movie with a PG-13 rating he wanted it to be rated R because you know they're really weird injecting kids with serums that mutate them thing I mean when you just say it like that it does actually sound pretty R-rated and I can't imagine them making it with out that or like cutting away from that which seems kind of weird the whole point of it would be to make you know a movie based around the ideas and that was pretty Central to everything in it so I would actually say that's the right choice I would not want to see a crappy PG-13 Bioshock movie number three Booker dwit was based on a disgraced Pinkerton National detective agency employee obviously fictional but they actually at one point employed more agents than there were in the standing army of the United States and the state of Ohio actually outlawed them because they feared it could be hired as a private Army frankly if you go through their history there are some kind of sketchy things that they did you know killing a lot of people who really didn't know better and stuff like that the game actually goes into it a little bit it's pretty interesting and although they take a little bit of Liberty with it it is based in fact number two when the art designers were making splicers they used World War I archives as well as images of plastic surgeries when the techniques were in their infancy in order to figure out what they would look like they actually used some fairly disturbing images of people that had had things done through the years because of an accident and probably the most disturbing was the model for the thuggish splicers Henry Ralph Lumley who is actually a burn victim and it just it's not a good scene for lack of a better way of putting it and finally number one Quark from Star Trek who is one goofy looking F at least thanks to Prosthetics and makeup but in real life was named Armen shim Zimmerman is also the voice of Andrew Ryan now what's even more interesting is he ended up actually playing Dr Potter in the 2011 adaption of an rand's Atlas Shrugged which Andrew Ryan is actually based on an Rand he has a pretty long rap sheet of work and he's also Dr nefarious in Ratchet and Clank but in all honesty Andrew Ry is probably his best role what is the most vicious obscenity ever perpetrated on mankind slavery the Holocaust dictatorship no it's the tool with which all that wickedness is built alism couple of quick bonus facts for you there's actually a Bioshock art book up for download on softpedia will include the link to that in the description it's high resolution and it's awesome and aside from BioShock Infinite the door lock combination 0451 has also been in System Shock 1 and 2 BioShock 2 Deus X and several other games it's supposedly a reference to the rap Bradberry book Fahrenheit 451 have any interesting Bioshock facts to share or just want to talk Bioshock let's do that in the comments if you enjoyed this video please click like and if you're not subscribed now is a great time to do so we upload brand new videos every single day of the week as always we thank you for watching this video I'm Falcon you can follow me on Twitter at Falcon the hero and we will see you next time right here on game ranks
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Keywords: bioshock facts, top 10 bioshock facts, bioshock infinite facts, bioshock secrets, bioshock trivia, bioshock game, bioshock hd, gameranx, gaming top 10, top 10 facts video games, video game top 10, bioshock top 10, top 10 bioshock
Id: c62SpKVLU90
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Length: 7min 24sec (444 seconds)
Published: Wed Sep 21 2016
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