10 Items Every Man Should Carry Daily!

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welcome back survivalist so being prepared for emergencies does you no good you can't get access to your actual tools and equipment this is where the concept of everyday carry comes in these are the essential tools that'll probably help you out in 95 of the situations that you run into on a daily basis so today i'm going to run through the 10 items that every man should carry on himself on a daily basis now feel free to switch out items within a category depending on what your scenario is for that day for example if you're out hiking and camping maybe you want a different knife than if you're just going to your 9 to 5 job but generally speaking you want an item in each of these 10 different categories every day so the first item on this list is going to be a good multi-tool you would be very surprised by how many situations and how many problems of arise that can be solved with a good multi-tool i use this thing almost on a daily basis i was in the air force for 11 years and that's really where i established the habit of carrying around a multi-tool with me every single day no matter where i went and i would probably use my multi-tool or my leatherman or my gerber two three four times a day this was my go-to tool when in the military if you're not carrying a multi-tool around with you every single day right now once you do you're gonna be very surprised with how often you actually use it and you start realizing like how did you ever live without a multi-tool everything from working on your card or working around your house and just these little emergencies that pop up here and there having a good multi-tool is just an essential item to carry around with you and i'll be honest most of the little tools and gadgets built into this thing i don't actually use very often there's really only two main things that i use this for one is going to be the pliers and the other one is going to be using it as a phillips head or a flat head screwdriver just those three functionalities right there can solve ninety percent of the problems that arise throughout any given day now there's a lot of different manufacturers out there a lot of different designs for multi-tools out there really any of them will do just fine i've always been a big fan of gerber that's kind of been the brand that i've been using for the past 15 years or so and they've done me pretty well so if you're not carrying around a multi-tool with you right now on a daily basis you really need to in my opinion for a man this is kind of an essential everyday carry item right there so next on my list is going to be paracord and yes i'm saying that i think that you should carry around paracord with you on a daily basis now i don't necessarily mean carrying around an entire hank of paracord like this it may not be a bad idea to keep this much paracord in your backpack in your vehicle in your home something like that but when you are going around on your daily activities it is very helpful to have some paracord on him there's a couple different ways you can kind of incorporate paracord into your everyday carry one of them is just going to be a paracord bracelet like this this one here is made by titan cord and titan cord uh the inner strands of the paracord have a lot of different functionalities in there including fishing line including a snare line including a fire starter line as well i'm a big fan of titan cord i've been wearing this titan cord paracord bracelet for a long time you can also just get a paracord lanyard attaches to your keychains attach it to your poles on your backpack something like that and then another option is that you can actually replace your shoelaces or boot laces with paracord so if an emergency does arrive you have access to the paracord in your shoelaces and paracord is just one of those general purpose tools that you'd be kind of surprised how often you find a use for it so obviously out in like a wilderness survival situation having paracord can be incredibly helpful for building shelters building traps for first aid but just in your everyday life just in an urban environment having access to some paracord can be very very helpful and so i do recommend that you have either a paracord bracelet you have a paracord lanyard or you replace your shoelaces with paracord just so you have access to that tool in an emergency so the next item they should carry on yourself every day is going to be a good pen and there's a couple of different directions that you can go with this one you can just go with any cheap pen that you can find for a dollar two dollars it doesn't have to be anything fancy that's perfectly fine but you should at least have some sort of pen on you if you don't have an expensive or a very nice solid pen have some sort of cheap inexpensive pen that you carry on yourself every day the other direction is that you can get a tactical pen um now you see these quite often and they're fully metal and really they have sometimes they have different tools and functionalities for the most part the biggest functionality that they have is going to be a punch on the back like a glass breaker and this can be very helpful if you get stuck in a car upside down or you come up to a scene where there's a car that's been flipped having this glass breaker punch right here to break through that glass can be incredibly useful and it's an incredibly nice tool to carry around with you on a daily basis a lot of these pens have other different functionalities and gimmicks i'm not really huge fan of tactical pens all that much but having one at least with a glass breaker is not a bad idea now if you wanted to spend a little extra money really invest in your everyday carry you could get something like this and this is the ep1 and stainless steel by refine this thing's bolt action and is specifically designed for everyday carry you can see it's a much shorter size than a typical pen just to make it a little bit more compact in your pockets and this is going to be a much higher quality much more durable tool for you to carry on yourself every single day so i've been carrying around this pen for a couple years now i'm a big fan of it and i'll have a link down in the description below where you can get a pen like this this is from refine.com now pens may not necessarily save your life in emergency unless you have that tactical pen with the punch in it but i think that culturally men should be prepared right and that includes having a pen and a writing tool on them also if you ever are lost in the woods having a pen and a pad of paper something to kind of write your thoughts down can really be very helpful psychologically so the next item is going to be a good belt now a lot of people don't put much thought into their belt but you really should considering that most of your everyday carry items are going to somehow attach to your belt and there's really two different directions that you can go with a belt for your edc one is that you can get a solid leather belt this is just one long solid piece of leather and a good belt like this could literally last you 40 50 years it's just one solid piece of leather a lot of the cheaper belts they have very thin leather and then they have like a sheet of cardboard and then other thin leather and they kind of sew it all together and they need to worry about the threads coming apart or getting wet and the cardboard expanding that's why for the most part i'm a big fan of just a solid piece of leather for my belts now there are some downfalls to bounce like that and that's that they typically only have a handful of hole punches in them they're kind of spaced out pretty far as well so it's a little bit harder to get an exact fit for your gear and that's where having a belt specifically designed for everyday carry items comes in hand so if you don't want to go with a solid leather belt the other direction is that you can go with something like this and this is my core and this is their edc belt so they actually designed a bounce specifically for edc items so how is this belt specifically designed for edc well instead of having a typical button and holes in your belt this one actually has a ratcheting system you can hear ratcheting there and these ratchet systems are much more finer increments than a typical belt hole is so with this type of belt system you can tighten your belt up into quarter inch increments it's going to allow you to get a much much tighter and more precise fit and this is a big deal especially when you have a lot of accessories on your belt or you have a concealed carry holster with a typical leather belt like this you have six sizes to choose from and if your holster and your other accessories make your belt have to go a lot wider you may run out of room but with a ratcheting system like this you have a much wider area that you can adjust your belt and get into much finer increments so i am a big fan of coors edc belts they're all very high quality i have a link to their company down in description below if you want to check them out for yourself the next on the list is going to be a simple lighter now you can go with something fancy like an expensive zippo or you just go get a 99 cent bic lighter these little bic lighters are actually pretty reliable in my opinion and typically what i carry around on myself so if you're out in the woods hiking or camping you get lost having a good lighter could literally be the difference between life and death but more commonly in your everyday life having a lighter is just a useful tool you can use it to light candles so the power goes up you can use it to cut fishing line or even melt the ends of paracord these are just super inexpensive just something that i like to carry around so next on the list is going to be a good knife and i've got a huge knife collection i have tons and tons of knives and i kind of interchange them every few days now there are a couple brands that i really like one of them is spider cow i'm a big fan of spider cow they've got a really unique design that's very practical but there are a bunch of different designs out there for pocketknife crkt is another solid brand i've had this particular knife for probably 15 years now i got this when i was first in the air force and is still an incredibly reliable knife and one of my favorite ones outdoor edge also has some really interesting knives and this is their razer light edc and it's actually a replaceable razor blade here for the knight and i do use this quite often this is kind of my go-to knife for opening boxes and opening packages just because it is so sharp and when the blade dulls i can literally take that blade out and replace it with a new one so this one here is by outdoor edge so pocket knife is a good example of an item that you can change out depending on your specific situation you just want to have something in that knife category for example if you're going out hiking and camping you may want something a little bit larger and something that is full tang you also may want something that has a good sheath attached to your belt as well so if i'm ever camping i usually bring a much larger knife than my typical go-to knife and just kind of the urban environment now there's obviously a lot of great full tang knives out there but one of my favorite ones and one of my go-to ones for a long time has been the gerber lmf2 and there's a couple of different variations and designs of this couple of different sheets of it as well but this is what they issue in the military two service members and you can see i've beaten the hell out of this knife but this is still one of my favorite knives incredibly comfortable rubber grip very solid it's got some weight to it as well it's got a punch here on the back for breaking glass this is definitely one of my favorite outdoor knives right here and this is by gerber so i have a link down in the description below to a few of my favorite knives as well as links to my recommendations for items in all 10 of these categories so next on the list is going to be a water bottle and this is absolutely one of my everyday carry items it is very rare for you to ever find me anywhere without a water bottle with me so again there's a couple of different designs and directions you can go with this depending on what you're doing this is my typical type of water bottle that i use if i'm just kind of driving around town or i'm going to the gym typically what you see if i'm going hiking or something i may bring something like this as well i am also just a huge fan of my yeti this is what i drink out of every single day and typically i'll fill this up with water two three times a day and i'm just sipping on my yeti thermos all day long and yetis really are very impressive with how cool they can actually keep your water all throughout the day now if i'm going hiking or camping i do tend to mix things up a bit i usually go with something like this or just a single wall water bottle that i can attach some sort of carabiner to the top of it you really want to get a single wall not a typical thermos that has multiple layers so that you can boil water with something like this in an emergency and you also want to make sure there's no plastic or rubber on your water bottle as well in case you do need to boil water in there and i do like to get ones that have a loop here at the top so i can tie a cordage through that or attach a carabiner and keep this on my belt or on my backpack if i needed to so water bottles are definitely not something that people instinctively think about with everyday carry but it is very rare to see me without a water bottle on hydration is very important in your life and i say that it is worth it to actually invest a little bit of money in a good water bottle so next on the list is going to be a good flashlight and yes your phone probably has a flashlight on it but in that situation you're sacrificing your phone's battery just to have light it is far more recommended i have a dedicated flashlight these usually have a much brighter and much wider range light than your flashlight on your phone anyway and you can literally go with something cheap like this or you can buy something a little bit more expensive with some rubber grips on it and use this as your flashlight but whatever you do i do recommend that you keep the battery types in mind as well you don't necessarily want to get a super powerful flashlight but it uses some sort of weird rare battery i typically like to get something uses aaa or double a battery so in the emergency it's much easier for me to find replaceable batteries for my flashlight and again if you're camping or hiking you may want to have different flashlights that you bring than if you're just going to your office every day so it may be beneficial to buy multiple flashlights for multiple situations so next up is going to be a portable battery charger and this is kind of a newer addition to my own personal edc i've only really been carrying these around the last couple years but i love having a portable battery charger something i can charge my phone with if i'm traveling or hiking or just forget to charge it in the the morning before and you can buy something as cheap as this for about 10 15 they could probably charge your phone two or three times you can literally see them at the grocery store and i do recommend you have a simple cheap uh battery charger like this that you carry around with you or if you're going out camping or hiking you can get something like this this is a much bigger power bank it's fully waterproof and dust proof and dirt proof has multiple usb ports on there and it has a solar charger on the back this also comes with led flashlights built into it as well there's a bunch of different companies making these battery banks like this and i am very surprised by how affordable they are you can get something like this for 30 40 50 i'll have a link in description to this exact one that i've been using i'm pretty happy with it i typically bring this anytime i go camping nowadays i just attach this to my backpack so it's actually charging from the sunlight just while i'm hiking kind of walking around but for being a creator like myself who has a lot of camera equipment is constantly on his phone having something like this that can charge my phone while i'm out hiking and camping is absolutely imperative and having some sort of battery charger like this or even a tiny one is definitely a go-to item nowadays in my everyday carry so next up is going to be a carabiner now i use carabiners a lot it's just a habit that i developed in the military but typically you have a carabiner attached to my keys just so i can quickly attach these to a belt loop attach them to my backpack something like that but i find tons and tons of uses for carabiners so not just for my keys what i often use them for is my work gloves as well so when i'm not using my work gloves i kind of attach these to a belt loop so they're right there on my hips whenever i need them a carabiner is also how i attach the solar charger battery pack to my backpack while i'm out hiking you can also attach tons of other stuff including your water bottle as well with a carabiner so generally speaking i like having a carabiner on my car keys just so i always have one on me and it's always right there if i can find any other uses for a good solid carabiner now you can buy cheap carabiners for like two dollars but they're really not going to do you much good in an emergency situation i recommend actually spending 10 15 on just a good solid carabiner this one here can hold up to a hundred pounds but have other camping or hiking carabiners that can hold up to a thousand pounds so don't be hesitant to invest a little bit money in a good carabiner that could literally last you the rest of your life so if you want to learn what the 10 items are that every man should carry in his car at all times click right here to check out my video breaking those down for you and don't forget to subscribe for more prepping and survival videos thanks so much for watching be safe and i'll see you over in the next video
Channel: Survival Know How
Views: 669,090
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: edc, edc gear, edc for men, men edc, edc items, every day carry, every day carry 2021, every day carry gear, every day carry items, every day carry knife, edc knife, every day carry list
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 17min 21sec (1041 seconds)
Published: Wed Jun 30 2021
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