10 Interesting Facts About ALLOSAURUS

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t-rex gets all the media attention so this video will be about our unsung hero Allosaurus Allosaurus lived around 150 million years ago during the late Jurassic period the name Allosaurus means different lizard in this video we will explore 10 interesting facts about the fearsome giant so let's begin number 10 Allosaurus was one of the first Dino movie stars the lost world produced in 1925 was the first full-length dinosaur movie and it stirred not Tyrannosaurus Rex but Allosaurus it also had cameos from Pteranodon and brontosaurus the dinosaur that was later renamed Apatosaurus but in the media t-rex kept on growing in popularity and pushed Allosaurus out of the spotlight especially following the release of king kong in 1933 here's hoping Allosaurus makes his comeback in Jurassic world 2 or 3 number 9 the most famous Allosaurus fossil is big owl in 1991 after a full century of Allosaurus discoveries researchers in Wyoming unearthed and amazingly well-preserved near-complete fossil specimen which they dubbed big owl unfortunately it appears big owl had lived a particularly harsh life analysis of its skeleton revealed numerous fractures and bacterial infections sending this 8 meter long teenage dinosaur to an early grave number 8 Allosaurus shares similarities with Wolverine despite what happened to poor big owl Allosaurus was in fact designed to quickly recover when damaged and the bones were very resilient according to a detailed biochemical analysis conducted at the University of Manchester using synchrotron imaging we were able to detect astoundingly dilute traces of chemical signatures that reveal not only the difference between normal and Hill bones but also how the damaged bone healed said Phil Manning senior author of the paper it seems dinosaurs evolved a splendid suite of defense mechanisms to help regulate the healing and repair of injuries number 7 Allosaurus may have excelled at ripping flesh off of prey flesh grazer sounds like some has been WWF wrestler but the terms being used to describe how Allosaurus attacked using as jaws with hooked claws and slicing teeth some scientists have speculated that this Jurassic ravager would have ran alongside giant sauropods that shared its habitat ripped off a chunk of the hide and fled to a safe location before the target could retaliate a team helmed by ohio paleontologist eric Snively recently proposed that thanks to its specialized neck muscles Allosaurus was quite uniquely adapted to drive its head down into prey hold it there and then pull the head straight up and back with the neck and body tearing flesh from the carcass today's birds of prey used the same approach when picking apart their victims number 6 Allosaurus even snapped at each other from time to time as if living with spike tails Stegosaurus wasn't dangerous enough many Allosaurus skulls have been found with deep bite wounds left by other members of their own species whether they were cannibals like majungasaurus he's uncertain number 5 Allosaurus was a little hard of hearing Allosaurus is inner ear was built like a present-day crocodiles and like modern Crocs it probably had difficulty picking up certain frequencies then again crocodiles are capable of picking up on piercing sounds that are inaudible to humans so maybe it had an advantage in some areas number 4 Allosaurus was constantly shedding and replacing its teeth like many predatory dinosaurs of the Mesozoic era not to mention modern crocodiles Allosaurus constantly grew shed and replaced his teeth some of which averaged 10 centimeters in length surprisingly though Allosaurus only had about 32 teeth around 16 in its upper and lower jaws at any given time because there are so many Allosaurus fossil specimens it's possible to buy genuine Allosaurus teeth for reasonable prices number 3 the typical Allosaurus lived for about 25 years estimating the lifespan of any given dinosaur is always a challenging task but based on the voluminous fossil evidence Pei intelligence believe allosaurus attained its full adult size by the age of 15 at which point it was no longer vulnerable to predation by other large theropods barring disease starvation or thagomizer wounds inflicted by defensive stegosaurs this dinosaur may have been capable of living for another ten or fifteen years number two there's no evidence that Allosaurus hunted in packs paleontologists have long speculated that the only way Allosaurus could have preyed on the huge 50 ton sauropods of its day even if it only targeted juvenile aged or sick individuals was if the dinosaur hunted in cooperative packs it's a scenario that makes sense and it would make for a great Hollywood movie but the fact is that modern cats don't team up to bring down full-grown elephants so Allosaurus individuals may have hunted on their own to number one Allosaurus was probably the same dinosaur as Sora feckin acts Sora feckin acts Greek for greatest lizard eater was a massive 12 to 13 meter long - Tom theropod dinosaur that lived alongside the slightly smaller one tom Allosaurus in late Jurassic North America pending further fossil discoveries paleontologists haven't yet conclusively decided whether this awesomely named dinosaur deserves its own genis or is more properly classified as a giant new Allosaurus species a Maximus thank you for watching mega top tens we hope you enjoyed this video please tell us your favorite dinosaur in the comments below until next time goodbye
Channel: Mega Dinosaurs
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Keywords: allosaurus, allosaurus facts, trex vs allosaurus, allosaurus vs trex, saurophaganax, sauraphaganax, tyrannosaurus vs allosaurus, allosaurus documentary, allosaurus tribute, jurassic park, jurassic world, jurassic world 2, jurassic world 2 allosaurus
Id: jUA8nj1uILM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 6min 18sec (378 seconds)
Published: Thu May 03 2018
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