5 Things You Must Never Do to Your Beagle

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Beagles are active companions for both  children and adults. They are small, compact,   and resilient. These dogs are happy and playful,  but because they are hounds, they may also be   difficult and need patient inventive training  methods. They navigate the world with the aid   of their noses, and nothing makes them happier  than pursuing an interesting scent. Beagles were   originally bred to hunt rabbits and hares and  people in different countries still use them for   this purpose today, although many of them are now  living as devoted family pets and companion dogs.   In this video, we bring to you a list of 5 things  you must never do to your Beagle dog. But first,   if you love our content, then don’t forget to  subscribe to our channel, because we constantly   bring you useful info that will help you  be a better pet owner. Let’s get started.  1. Never Neglect their Training. Beagles are stubborn and tend to   have a mind of their own sometimes, and this can  make it hard for owners to train them properly.   But neglecting their training completely will not  only result in a stubborn and destructive dog,   but can even cause serious issues for you. Beagles  are inquisitive dogs, therefore good training is   necessary to keep them from becoming destructive.  Remember that training a Beagle takes a lot of   time and patience since teaching a Beagle might  be difficult. The optimum time to start training   a Beagle is when it is a puppy. Leash training,  potty training, and crate training may all be   taught easily while the puppy is young. The  training procedure will take a little longer   if you are dealing with an adult Beagle. 2. Not Keeping Track of their Eating Habits.  Beagles love to eat a lot and take food seriously.  Not keeping track of their eating habits can   result in an overweight dog prone to diabetes  and other health concerns. To keep your Beagle   healthy, keep an eye on how much food you give  to them, be sure to keep your cabinets closed   and garbage cans locked, and try not to fall  for their pleading eyes. It’s also important   you provide them with plenty of water, as they  can also be affected by urinary conditions.  3. Not Socializing Them Early. Beagles need to be socialized from a young age   because they were historically bred for hunting  reasons, especially if their family has non-canine   pets. The Beagle needs early socialization,  or being exposed to a wide variety of people,   sights, noises, and experiences, while they  are young, much like any other breed of dog.   In order to guarantee that your Beagle  puppy develops into a well-rounded dog,   socialization is important. Without proper  socialization, your Beagle might become   an unfriendly and aggressive dog with a high  tendency to hunt and kill other animals or pets.  4. Never Neglect Vet Visits. Obesity, epilepsy, allergies, cherry eye, and   hypothyroidism are the most typical health issues  affecting Beagles. Fortunately, your veterinarian   can handle the treatment of all of these ailments,  which is why neglecting regular vet visits can   be really bad for your dog. Visiting the vet  regularly will not only keep you in track of how   healthy your dog is, but will also make you aware  of certain conditions that might affect them.   Visit the vet regularly to make sure you  stay informed of how well your dog is doing.  5. Never Leave Them Without Regular Exercise. Young Beagles have a lot of energy and need   several ways to burn it off. They like  taking walks with their family or,   even better, running across a field in search  of prey. They'll like running alongside you,   but don't introduce them to an activity like  this until they are at least 18 months old.   If left alone without proper exercise and  training, your Beagle will get bored and find   ways to entertain themselves, such as barking,  howling, digging, or worse even trying to escape.  The bottom line is, you need to dedicate a lot  of time and energy to keep your Beagle happy and   healthy. With the proper care, your Beagle  can be the best companion you’ve ever had.  So, are you a Beagle dog Owner? What is  your dog like? Please leave a comment below.
Channel: The Cagdot
Views: 176,716
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Keywords: never do to your beagle, never do to beagle, beagle temperament, temperament of beagle, beagle personality, beagle info, beagle information, beagle as a pet, owning a beagle pros and cons, pros and cons of beagle, beagle pros and cons, beagle advantages and disadvantages, beagle pros, beagle temper, beagle dog temperament, beagle as a dog, beagle facts, beagle behavior
Id: rzOFHIzZJ3k
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 4min 45sec (285 seconds)
Published: Fri Oct 14 2022
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