10 hacks all guitarists should know!

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hi everyone my name is Paul Davis and during my life as a working guitarist I developed some habits that help me massively in my day-to-day work here are 10 things I actually do or use ever also help you out and the first one will how about everyone I'm sure because does this look vaguely familiar heck number one you're trying to film yourself playing that lovely lick you just came up with but your phone seems to think otherwise and just keeps on falling over with this easy capo trick there's no more falling phones only very cool Instagram shots of you killing it on a guitar simply grab a capo clamp your phone in and you're ready to go one downside though now you can't play wonderful anymore moving on hack number two is great for everyone that wants to be a better player so this is for everyone the infamous couch practice session could be so much more rewarding with this little trick we all know we should practice with a metronome more often and Google makes it easy simply type the word metronome in the search bar end of voila a metronome pops up [Music] remember kids there's never a reason not to practice hack number three we all know that guitarists pickups capturing the vibrations of strings and Turing into what we all know and love the sound of a guitar but a great way to spice it up is by adding some other sounds to it simply use your phone put it against the guitar pick up and there we are every soundtrack brilliant for moodiness [Music] [Music] also great if you want to hear something played on your phone a little louder during band rehearsal heck number four is about well let me ask you a question first did you know this bucket was made for pocket watches Falls obviously is made for guitarists want to make sure they always have a big at hand when it's time for action so when the time comes you're ready talking about rocking at number five ever afraid of your guitar falling on the ground we're doing your signature guitar moves don't want to buy expensive Starbucks check this out head out to the local grocery store and get yourself one of the two of these I'm sorry pop it open and you'll find a rubber seal on the gap beat it off throw it on strap button and to put it to the test so you don't have to I'll try the most epic rock move of all time hey guys try this don't try this at home [Music] and after you rocked outs you can easily enjoy the rest of your beer only if you're above legal drinking age women should not drink alcoholic beverage during pregnancy doesn't the risk of birth defects consumption of alcoholic beverage impairs ready to drive a car over and she may cause underneath one of my recent video someone commented I don't have money for strings x6 and the following recipe might help you fill a pan with water and add some salt oh no wait that's the wrong recipe instead of the salt at some old strings and look at these these are really nasty old strings let it gently simmer for a few minutes take them out give them a quick dry and put them back on the guitar gently bend the tips if necessary and fresh outs for free following tip is just nuts I'm sorry it is for nuts head number seven ever experienced some tuning issues or your guitar going out of tune after some good ol bending did you know you can most likely fix this easily with a pencil the graphite of the pencil actually works perfectly as a lubricant so apply some onerous strings in a string slots make sure the bench was nice and pointy do it for all strings but may affect the color of your nut since that's basically what a pencil does and now your string should move free through the not preventing them from getting caught up PS this only works with regular pencils not with colored ones okay let someone else explain hack number eight alright this is a lifesaver for every game edition I remember when I started game already being nervous for the show but being extra rada because I was afraid I had forgotten something well that doesn't happen anymore with this an extra special magic case mine got pretty dinged up through ten years it even mrs. Wong latch it just fell off so throw everything you need in there and boom no more worries I've got pliers a Capo's mic for a guitar cap cables in ear monitors next a strap one spot power supply and a daisy chain power cable some strings more cables a USB charger and you never know hey there's the missing ledge nine-fold battery earplugs and some random stuff it saved my life more than once already so get yourself out of those cases and be worryfree here's hack number nine to save the day feel like my videos are too fast or want to transcribe at crazy shred lik they make it so easy for you hop on to your favorite guitar players take at Settings button change the speed and you can hear every beautiful detail that wonderful solo you're trying to figure out success guaranteed are you tired of wining guitar strings by hand well you should be here a sec number 10 I've got no birthless tool lying around that really doesn't work let's bring it to the modern times because doing things manually isn't how we roll in the 21st century now what you gonna want to do is simply put the tool in the drill and no wait that's not gong fork so off the extension file and Senate's move [Music] drill a hole in the middle so it fits right sanity's are the glue can grip the plastic and circuit through and let it dry [Music] put it in a drill again and now safety unwind all those strings and easily removed [Music] supermanny tool this is Paul I'm super glad you watch this video and you would even make me happier if you can save subscribing to this channel and hitting that like button Cheers [Music] [Music]
Channel: Paul Davids
Views: 1,951,424
Rating: 4.9533129 out of 5
Keywords: paul davids, guitar, hacks, guitar hacks, hacks you should know, tricks, tips, ten hacks, 10 hacks, paul davids hacks, guitarists, capo, metronome, strap lock, guitar flip, pickups, looping, pocket, secret pocket, cooking strings, drill tool, nuts, graphite, lube the nut, case, slow down, youtube, video, live saver, easy, electric guitar, acoustic guitar, practice
Id: MAaYaGirIuk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 7min 35sec (455 seconds)
Published: Mon Jun 17 2019
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