10 Great British TV Shows to Learn English

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here attend great British TV shows that you can watch to improve your English [Music] watching TV shows is a great way to learn English because we get exposure to a new and very interesting vocabulary we get to hear different accents and we also get a great opportunity for listening practice and I think it's really important that you guys get exposed to modern English the kinds of English that you're gonna hear if you come visit Britain alright let's get straight to number one number one the great British Bake Off this is a competition in which every week contestants have baking challenges and they're judged on the quality of the food that they make it's fun it's like hearted and it's very funny three reasons that it's a great program for you guys to learn English first of all you have a variety of accents from all around Britain so that's really interesting to see how people speak in different parts of Britain it's a very contemporary show which means that all the contestants and all the people in the show by using modern English and because it's a competition they're using very natural English because they're reacting to things and they're giving opinions and they're saying and they're talking about their feelings and it's all very natural so you're going to be exposed to phrases and vocabulary and utterances that are very natural it's also quite an interesting insight into British culture the kinds of foods that are popular in Britain and also just that where people are from so you'll get to know people from different parts of Britain which i think is interesting the next one is Black Mirror now this is a science fiction TV series that looks at modern society and how technology is used and it's pretty dark but it's also really exciting so this is maybe not one for kids this is probably quite adults TV series but it's really good and now the reasons why I think it's grateful English well because it's so well written there's some fantastic conversations and dialogues that I think are really worth listening to him I also think that it's a rethought provoking TV series that makes you think about topics to do with technology and and the future and with that there's lots of interesting topic vocabulary so vocab really related to social media and to technology you're going to hear a lot of that so if that's something you're interested in then this is the perfect TV series now because each episode is totally different you're going to get exposed to a variety of accents as well so that's again a really big bonus is the variety of different types of English that you're going to hear another cookie program but this one is different this is Jamie Oliver now Jamie Oliver is an internationally known British chef who is hugely popular around the world now the reason I think it's great for you guys is a couple of things he speaks really informally his English is very informal so you're going to be exposed to a lot of British slang phrases now he's from Essex which is a county to the east of London and his pronunciation reflects that so for example him he won't pronounce some T's in the middle of words for example he'll say water instead of water which I also sometimes do so you're going to hear that kind of pronunciation which i think is fascinating you'll also get great amount of food vocabulary you'll get interesting verbs he also uses really interesting adjectives to describe his food so there's a variety of interesting English that you can hear when you're listening to Jamie Oliver also you get to learn how to cook some of the most delicious foods so that's kind of cool also Jamie Oliver is a really good ambassador for Great Britain and British culture so you're going to get a lot of that in his TV shows this one is x-factor now x-factor is the most popular singing competition I think on British TV now why I think it's so good for learning English is a couple of things first of all for each contestants they always go and tell their story about how they got to this competition so where they came from what they used to do as a job or what they still do as a job and this story about how they came to x-factor now in these stories you will be hearing narrative tenses lots of past tenses past perfect past simple and that's a really great way to kind of pick up on on how to tell a story how to bring emotion into your English as well now it is a very emotional TV program and you're going to hear lots of natural exchanges between the contestants and the judges so again lots of natural english opinion phrases adjectives so there's a lots of really interesting English that you're going to hear also it's a really good insight into British culture so you're given here lots of British music you'll obviously see the fashion of the clothes of the contestants and also you'll get again a variety of accents because the competition goes around Britain so sometimes they're Liverpool sometimes they're Birmingham in London so you're going to hear a variety of accents again plus it's quite fun it is quite fun shy yeah I think you might enjoy it now just to remind you guys you can find a lot of these shows on YouTube even if it's not the full episode you'll get clips and I know for a fact that x-factor has its own YouTube channel and there's loads of videos on there that you can watch and follow the show so you don't need to watch the whole episode you can just go on YouTube and check out their channel they're the world's most famous detective Sherlock played by Benedict Cumberbatch this is a classic TV series and I'm sure you're probably familiar with it so what you've got is fantastic vocabulary and conversations that are really funny so really playful with the language you've also got it set in modern London which is fantastic so you get to see London and also again a variety of accents because there are different characters coming in so yeah again variety of accents that you're going to be exposed to plus it's extremely thrilling so you're going to want to watch not just one episode but another one and another one and another one we call this binge-watching if you just keep watching the same TV show just in the next episode and then the next episode is to binge watch so I'm gonna put it the you will binge watch Sherlock once you start watching it another competition this time a dancing competition Strictly Come Dancing the reasons that I recommend this one is because a it's really fun I mean it's just a fun show if you love music and you love dancing you're loved watching it secondly once again you've got natural reactions to the things that are happening in the show so you'll be exposed to natural English once again so whether that's the judges giving their opinions or the contestants saying how happy they are at doing this doing the dance whatever the reaction is you you're going to hear it as being quite natural maybe they're going to stumble on their words maybe they don't think of the right words maybe you might even hear some grammatical mistakes but that's that's natural English so that's why I think it's really great for you guys to watch these kinds of reality TV shows because yeah you're gonna hear really everyday English okay this is the first comedy program that I'm recommending now generally I don't recommend watching comedy in another language because comedy is a really cultural thing and I think so much of what one culture finds funny another one perhaps won't do however having said that I think people is a really it's a really good program for a number of reasons first of all it is funny I think is funny and I think that humor can translate you know to different cultures the idea is that it's two men in their 30s that live together and they have very different personalities and it's their lives and how they interact with the world and they get into all kinds of adventures and mishaps and it's the relationships they have with other people and yeah it's it's a good program the English that you'll hear is pretty clear I mean there put it in the way that they speak so that's really good I think you'll be able to understand them pretty well the vocabulary that they use it's contemporary it's modern English now it can be a little bit rude so you want to be careful if you're watching it with children you maybe you want to think about that but yeah it's very clear English and it's very modern contemporary English as well and I think it's quite funny maybe you disagree with me I don't know check it out it's on YouTube it's on Netflix it's from the channel 4 so yeah check it out see what you think it also kind of shows the boring side of living in London they live in a London suburb and their lives are pretty boring so it's kind of interesting to see that side of Britain as well Britain and London isn't just Big Ben and that your Tower Bridge it's to be boring suburban lies as well the complete opposite to peep show is Downton Abbey Downton Abbey is hugely popular around the world I'm sure you have seen it or probably heard of it at least so Downton Abbey is set in the early 1900s it's a historical drama so it's the life of this aristocratic family in their home and then it's kind of compared so you have the era socratic family the very rich family living upstairs and then the servants living downstairs so you have these two different worlds and how they interact it's obviously not contemporary English so in that respect some of the vocabulary and the way that they speak maybe isn't how we speak now however it is a really interesting show and you're going to get lots of interesting dialogue conversations and they get the variety of accents you'll hear as well so I think it's worth watching and certainly it's a very popular TV program so even if you just watch it because you you love it more than anything else then that's perfect this one is a personal favorite of mine planet Earth now specifically I want to talk about the narrator of Planet Earth David Attenborough or sorry David Attenborough now he is considered in Britain to be a national treasure he is someone that everybody respects and everybody loves I've been listening to his voice ever since I was a child he narrates everyone he has narrated every wildlife program I've ever listened to and his voice is so comforting and soothing it's it's like a the grandfather that you never had now planet Earth is I think one of the greatest TV programs of all time and it looks at different aspects of the world and the nature that lives in each one so it could be the jungle the deserts the Seas and David Attenborough sorry Sir David Attenborough narrates the stories of these places just absolutely beautifully his vocabulary is incredible the way he delivers these sentences are so clear and it's with such grace and charm about them that yeah it's worth watching planet Earth just to listen to David Attenborough now I think the vocabulary can be quite difficult sometimes so subtitles are a really good idea and you don't need to understand every word with with this because I uses a lot of technical vocabulary to do with the animals and to do with wildlife and I don't understand a lot of them but that doesn't matter it's not that's not what we're doing we're we're matching some of the most incredible sort of cinematography with his voice and the way he speaks and I think that's worth watching just in itself and my final one now I've given you a variety of TV programmes we've had reality TV programmes we've had Natural History programs we've had comedy this last one is a bit different but the programmes is two programmes that I want to kind of talk about and you can choose which one you prefer one is made in Chelsea and the other one is the only way is Essex now these are structured reality shows so they are presented as being reality but in their not now why I think these are really interesting for you guys to watch a couple of reasons first of all you have made in Chelsea which is a group of young beautiful rich people in West London and then with the only ways Essex you have a group of young good-looking people from Essex which is as I said before to the east of London and very different social groups so that's a really interesting thing to begin with is that you're going to get an interesting insight into British culture and these different types of people also you're going to get really fascinating vocabularies so the difference of vocabulary that they use it's very modern but it's not something you're going to find in your English language course book so I think that's great to expose you to really fascinating vocabulary phrases idioms slang all that kind of stuff it's going to be there you're also going to get very different accents so over in Chelsea you're going to get very posh received pronunciation you know very very almost upper-class accents in Essex in The Only Way Is Essex you're going to get Essex accents which is very different so the variety is fascinating to watch so I think it's an interesting way to look at British culture and the language as well in two very different shows now I'm going to say now I don't I don't watch either of them but I know that if I did start watching one of them I might get a little bit addicted so that's maybe why I don't watch it so that I don't get addicted to them alright so those are ten of the best British TV shows that you can watch to help you learn English now of course there are so many more I've left out so many TV shows that you could watch and of course I've left out all the American ones there are some amazing American TV programmes that I think would be fantastic to learn English obviously I've just focused on the British ones today because I teach British English but I think I will try and do an American English one as well at some point because there's so much great TV to learn from enjoyed this video guys please give her a big thumbs up share it with anyone you know that it's trying to learn English if you're a student and you have an English teacher if you could share it with them so that they can tell all their students that would be fantastic so please share it because I'd love to just spread the word and help as many people as possible to learn English thank you so much for watching guys remember I've got new videos out every Tuesday and every Friday check them out subscribe so you don't miss any of them this is Tom the chief dreamer saying goodbye
Channel: Eat Sleep Dream English
Views: 434,001
Rating: 4.9523373 out of 5
Keywords: learn english, tv shows to learn english, english with tv, 10 great british tv shows to learn english, english with movies, tv shows, how to learn english, british english, british accent, use tv to learn english, vocabulary, grammar, speaking, language, english teacher, british english teacher, learning english, learn english with TV series, learn english with tv, english lesson, english class, tv english lessons, learn english with Sherlock, learn english with Downton Abbey
Id: 57FDqlXpE24
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 38sec (938 seconds)
Published: Tue Oct 10 2017
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