10 - Give Funny The Nuclear Weapons (Tim Dillon)

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[Music] we sit here we're passing the torch he passed it touch to me I can't the torch I give it to you because we invented the Olympics and went now with the dortch's I'm sitting here in front of the worse Alexander the Great in history this was played by the column Faro and he was horrible he didn't even speak Greek he was a horrible performance but he was playing the most genius conqueror in the history and the arrow and there in the world history he's trying to bring the people together how you bring the people together through Greek culture values philosophy he wasn't trying to kill the people like Germans he was trying to convert the people to Greek culture and this is the reason we having problems now I'm a broken record because this is the problem we don't have a great values so we try to fix this with this focus this is for the great people and for the non great people who want to be great we should be everybody speaking of people who is always around great people who lives with the Greek people who who is jealous of a Greek people yes who admires the Greek people will have a famous he's not so famous it's a famous young King because York is booking these guests here yeah I never heard of you yeah well it's we're working we're working to get famous you know it's really very tough it's very tough to get famous but I'm spending a lot of time in Astoria which is the epicenter of everything Greek in the world so I feel if I stay there long enough I will then I will get famous by everybody there is Greek and I I see them and they're out two families and they're in very good shape I'm not in good shape they're very good shape they go to the gym a lot even the waiters they spend a lot of time at the gym they look perfect even though the but they still a waiter but it doesn't matter they look great and that's what I want to be so that's why I'm letting it rub off you be the Greek pastries in the story yes I do I go to ammonia bakery Bernie Goldberg was very good yeah oh you come and they say here comes a big boy yeah stick they come right out they know me by name so using the Sopranos he played Tony Soprano yeah that was you in this movie it was it was it wasn't me I'm sprung I know I wish I wish I had gotten that part that was another great actor who's he's sadly dead right now because he wasn't Greek II think it was Italian aid they die early well he died before they could figure out they have a sexual harassment charge yes this is the way yeah if you want to stay safe from a sexual harassment yeah the safe ways to die first you have to go it's very sad you know you don't get you don't get a I mean now everybody every day is a predator everybody's preying on everybody now you you touch them that you have a sexual harassment charges women I don't have I don't have anything I some I was aggressive in the line because there was a baklava cheesecake where there was one slice laughing and a very large Greek woman began to yell but I outsmarted her and and and if she was lost because a lot of the the rapping in these Greek places very shiny very metallic yes like a metallic bag a bit like a like a shiny like a jewel it looks like a Long Island 16 year old sweet six yes yeah yeah it might be a platter of cookies but it's very bright so that that diverted her attention because they light refracted off the black and she kind of had like a stroke so I kind of swooped in and got it but no sexual harassment yet no sauce not yet yet my family I have to get fed nobody cares what I do yeah if you get firm was to cut you they come and get you so you do you do it comedy yes I do commie you are give he's a chameleon yes so we have another chameleon can we get some business people yeah well this car was somebody so busy you know what it is we have a lot of free time you have a lot of free time work for 15 minutes a night so you a party clown yes for about 50 minutes I do a job and then for the rest of the day I just I sit and I worry about how it's going to go and see what's going to happen you put the nose on you do the children part I don't do the nose and a lot of the people that go out of adults the children don't really go out cuz this is these people go and they drink and they listened to his somebody talked why so he's like a Chris DiStefano here's a party well yeah but Chris is units on television he's much better-looking not even no TV I'm not really on youtube but you know what it's YouTube I'm on YouTube but you know what mr. promise that's the next thing everything's going online right now so you know what focus like this podcast so I'm like you I'm going right to the people absolutely because right to the people now you are so but the reason Jurgis told me he he didn't I'm used to in comedy he said you can't you gotta use you working you had a tour you was yes I was giving tours of New York City and we talked all about the rich people in New York City Wow the Rockefeller know Buddhist people of all the rich people in the world yes they run the world you're talking about the Jews yes well some sometimes sometimes they wasps watch and every now and then at aristotle onassis a Greek Agora glue a snake of supports he married her I mean think about this you know john f kennedy's wife Jackie Kennedy number one who does she marry a Greek guy today is shipping man let's say she goes Greek sure I cook and this is probably the best model shakaal yeah great best marriage she did it she says you you love three times she says she said something like once you marry first for the money yes then for the love yes and then for the companionship yes and that was and that was Aristotle Onassis he was all baby yeah it was but it was very nice under it was a very good companion when they were on his yacht she was basically fair to take care of him when he was all yes but she America yes because of the names Jackie Onassis yes is a big deal she's like a royalty she's like royalty even though she married Kennedy who's [ __ ] every woman yes but you know sometimes you know back then there was no sexual harassment oh did you say no you just you just did what you had to do you know John F Kennedy he used to have a hooker poor Polly's in the White House yes he did he would bring in all kinds of women he would sleep with his friends wives Wow yeah he would you know take Demerol and all kinds of drugs no I take any drugs when you working in the night yes I do I work in the nice but I don't I don't ducks I don't do any drugs just kick just cheese kick the people are my business to do drugs is no good no good you see them at the end it's very bad but it's fun for a little while but then it does again if they get on stage and scare the audience so you die alone the photo room yeah well that happens whether you're on drugs or not either way either way so why you choose this career then what were you doing before you was a comedian I was I was in embedded financial business in mortgages he was making money I was trying to sell mortgages but it was very hard because the whole economy had collapsed Oh see I used to steal people's money well no I would give them a loan that they didn't pay back oh so you put it on the grandma yeah well I put it on whoever wanted alone but the best customers the one who has dementia when you call up you say yes my name is tip deal I'm calling from a basement in Long Island yes yes but here's the thing was upon us everyone in America has dementia because everybody forgets what they can afford or what they can't afford because everybody they just they want they have wants that's what America is about so this is that so we give them loans we give them eight hundred thousand dollars so they can go build a nice room in the house so they can sit and the how you give the money back of the camper bug the money they attended the government the government government bills if it takes it from China so they think of him son of the dogs pl'anna or from the taxpayers and then they lend it to the banks and then the banks go invested in China ah this sign is people company money yes you see with our expert in financial he's telling you the Chinese people is stealing the money and they have tunnels under the ground it's very possible they very possibly have done us there yeah and there are some Chinese can turn invisible yes they're turning visible there are so many of them and and a lot of people say that there's not that many of them but they're using a technology where you see more than them actually are exactly very nearly producing with it with the 3d technology yes it's like a 3d printer and also they're saying there's so many Chinese yeah a lot of time they say they're not Chinese a Japanese they said you're right so really come your face it looks hi Taiwanese to say - yes right so they're stealing the money so you say this very instantly here yeah I know you a party clown but you have a very strong financial background yes I know a little bit so you think the combination in the United States yeah the reason why we're having so much crisis when we had the financial crisis yes it's because we had two things happening right you have the American people who's believing in the American dream right and they live beyond the means yes they get the credit card they wanted money they buy the Mercedes yes because they want to live like a rock Vegas you want to go any cruise they were to live like a rapper yes they want the cruise yes and then you have the salesperson Tim didn't oh yes he said he he knows she calls them he calls him he's escaped listen you know you're going to get your commercial either way right so you sell it absolutely it's not it's horse fault is it it's nobody's fault here's what it is here's what it is it's the American system that's what we do it's America that's what we do we don't look both ways we just run across the street so then how come now we have so many fat people in America well because you know what a lot of people right now they're they have their phone and they don't do anything other than look at their phone and they sit in a chair yeah and when they take a break from their phone they have one a hand with your phone always and then the other hand is free to go Greg get it my business but go cheeseburger this is what you get a samurai would agree people became so famous that with the Barney yeah because we know we came here and we saw Wow look at these cows they're walking around to feed what they want they like to eat cheeseburgers so we made it but I just had a bacon cheeseburger for lunch phenomenal yeah this is the marketplace for eating food is the number working on the food does not even have to be good or fresh number one product is food yes this is the biggest consumer of food you make fool you sell it to United States yes just like if you met you stealing the rhino horns from Africa yeah you send them to China right this is what has a market for the rhino courts we have these stores in America to sell five gallons of mayonnaise and ketchup condiments in the in the size of a fish tank Costco Costco Costco where yeah you store up or yes all the food just in case something happens America's shop like this of course is comes and now some people are so fat that they drive a scooter they have the school do they do not walk I've seen these people they do not walk they just gonna scooter they can't walk anymore they cannot this circle people yes they big fat people there yes so you have this tour bus you do it yes so you going to the rich neighbor who goes to the rich neighborhoods we tell everybody about all these people that you you don't know about unless somebody tells you you don't really know who these people are because they're very private and all of the details of their lives are largely private so you have to tell people it's like you're telling secrets so you can take them through your how do you get the secrets you read you study you do research so you've been studying these people are you study these people you haven't had the money what they do the money well they k put it offshore they take it they like to start companies in other country huh and sometimes those countries those those companies exist and then sometimes those companies are like consulting company now these are very genius yes it's not very smart and then they in America they invest in tax exempt securities they put their money in things that don't get taxed and they're very smart so they have a whole department in the company yeah the whole figure out how to to still must because if you're a janitor you get taxed at there maybe 35% 40% but if you sell a stock or a piece of real estate that's a capital gains you get tax of 15% and nobody wanna baby sex right so what these people do is they arrange it so that they pay as little as possible you know the capital gains our dividend tax maybe they pay 15 percent 12 percent so they're smart they smart they research there's no there's no where the end the one who once he makes money yeah it's against human nature right once somebody makes money yeah he doesn't want to pay taxes he wants to keep it he wants to keep the money yes so no matter what you do this is no matter what snag on change even when you're at these are people the socialist people they have the beards and they live in their Williamsburg and they have the podcast and they talk about have fairness and a Bernie Sanders when they get money they start to get very quiet they turn real quick it's a very quick hide to hide the money yes they did they're very quick so what's the solution I did this look everybody starts the same maybe a flat tax fraud a flat tax might be nice everybody 20% no matter what let me ask you a question yeah you have a bright here but yes I'm a genius yes I'm very happy to be here with a genie you know flowers I didn't know you yes somebody has a brain yes so how come you became a chameleon it's very stupid because I like must have a mental problem sign is something wrong but I thought it would be nice if I can have a job where I could go on lots of planes and buses that was my that was my I was Rick I'm really excited about that so you drive to go Jed literally like JetBlue yeah yes I like to travel a lot and I like to get the airports and then get stranger to come pick me up in a car and drive me to a comedy club and I so you go and you're selling jokes what is it what they selling good they selling yeah callers in the ya know they have garbage vodka and you have a chicken fingers or a quesadilla you don't have very classy you don't have spanakopita you don't have moussaka so be actually a good idea for a comedy club yes a great comedy I agree with you have a great food yeah yes for this big people yeah don't do this thing I don't know you said you have gyrus I'm sure yes cheesecake's day yeah I set up a boutique oh the baklava yes and just put it they don't even bring away that machine that drops in his mouth yes yes yes you think puttin them in the United States here you think the people producer is going to have a contraption you argue that they're going to event where you press a button and the food comes and puts your mouth yes very soon and then choose for you you put your face in the machine you argue put the faces ready the machine like this you're going the contraption here then you push cheeseburger yes you want the cheeseburger you want the dessert well I got you putting in it so for you but it's a very good idea yes that would be great he's very I was on a cruise mr. Parnas and on the cruise they have a but very classy oh well not so classy but they have a buffet and open 24 hours a day for the people for the people maybe you're hungry at 3:00 o'clock anymore you wake up and you're hungry if you go to the buffet and you have a meatloaf or ice cream or onion rings so the model of spaghetti so the American people yeah yeah of American people so they go to the cruise yes and if they have one mama yeah well they don't feel for they feel a little spice opening up [Laughter] they feel even a little air this is a little pocket pocket of air boosts up they have to plug it's like a hole is this your hull of the ship do you have to plug with a meatball they just have to keep it so this is the point of the cruise what you say yes you can eat all day who needs full 24 a lot of the American people so they evening like now the grace your grace so the grace a great that's where the buffet in order to get on the deck of the boat you have to walk through the buffet like you graze so so even to get outside you have to walk through the buffer cuz it buffets one whole floor so they pull the buffet like they do like they puddi in the Rite Aid you know you got the gas all the little things that yeah these things on the line yes not they put you on the lap so you get them maybe this is why they have the lining riding yes you ever go to the drugstore you say how come they don't have six registers open right this always the [ __ ] line there's always a line probably they keep the line first of all they pick less cash register people yes the Penguins people yes and then they keep you on the line so you buy a million little things you buy these sneaky little chocolate al in chocolate at the drugstore breath man and then you give the high blood pressure yes and you walk right to the bar and you get the flippity yes so it's it's all in-house lipitor aqui this is not even a name this is a company lipitor is cholesterol but it's a company interesting is it is it the actual drug yes it's not called lipid or I think it is but I could be wrong med like the DP like it was the one for the penis the team selects the viagra yes but then they also have another one this is Celestra Summoner see atlas cialis cialis yes so this is two companies yes they made the made of the name yeah but the drug is the same right right this drug is the same so this is America's love advertising yeah we love to have different options but it's the same our Sam so explain to me the advertising because if you're the penis pills they put the blood pressure medication or the tea hey they said go talk to your doctor about the drug right isn't the doctor supposed to tell me if I need the drug well no because you're supposed to go in because we like to treat drugs in America like the buffet you go in and you see a bunch of difference or summer a nice green color summer blue summer yellow and they have nice names like cialis and lipitor and wellbutrin or pro Zach and some of them make you happy some of them make you less anxious they make you they dull you and you calm down some of the pep you up and give you energy and then some of them calm you back down again and some of them make you think about your life and some of them make you think not about your life they make you just kind of stare at the Sun but all of these different drugs they're all made by different companies that I love them but just the same thing but we want to give people the illusion of choice that everything is being designed for them because always got to live it's like Netflix you go into Netflix it says because you watched the Great British Bake Off you may also like mind of a chef they want to keep you full they keep you full so we learning something yes America they want to keep it full yes drugs or food something you got to be putting something there absolutely in the brain - absolute officer skill yes watching the show yes what's this yes no they keep putting this in there yeah because now go to the drug store sometimes and seeing they have like they have the one the one has the brand name on yes like a limo train ride I have a rush yes to the limo tree yeah and the other one just says promote you soul and it's right one is 99 cents the other one is $18 and you really ingredients the same agree so you paying for the name it so you're paying for the name people in America love the name they love like Nike we love you lose Reebok they love the name it's good it makes you feel good you you you go get diaper rash you like desitin it's a good name like the you Regina is a good name you refer to the u-haul you don't refer to the truck now you ha you shiny the you hoard absolutely if you pop a [ __ ] you say I need a band-aid yes you think it's when it's successful you think that this thing is called abandoned yes but this but it's a collection absorb a brand name band Ratt have to brown you sir you have to brand yourself so what's your brand boo-boo I I don't know I think I I think that a part of it is that the audience doesn't know if I'm a clown or a fob teaching a very cheap class at a community college nobody knows what to make of you nobody knows what it some people think it's a timeshare who's trying to sell apartments you bet you big boy yes but you're not really the fart if you were skinny yeah you might you would look weird if you were skinny I have the type of fat words very hard to feel bad for me yes because it's not the type of it's clearly my own making Tony surprised done this I've done this not too big now you know that work came back fine it's so far so you keep eating skinny people they drop down every week it's very sad so you better stretch here yes cuz I'm sensing I go I go down 25 pounds which is nice and then I go oh this is nice I have a shirt his shirt fits but then I go down to New Orleans and in New Orleans day they have two cuisines butter and sugar these are the two things and then they put hot sauce in it to make your mouth because they serve you a spiders that they found in India and slug this is French right they find the things in the end when they dredge up the canal for Katrina yeah they fund locusts and then they toss them with butter and hot sauce they give them to you it is very tasty so then I gain your weight packets okay so you have many interesting things about you yes so you you use you fight but your skin me if you if you here yeah if you in New York City yeah people may say that I'm fat about York City you go to yes I'm a person Cruz yes a personal trainer you look like John stop they think I'm a run marathon you think they're very impressed that I walk from the train station to the diner it's very shocking no they go there is a trolley you don't have to walk really I said let me do it I might walk nice so you have many different things about you this opposite yes I guess so you you suppose you you you gay yes I'm a homosexual your karma sucks is the clinical term but you don't come you don't walk around the dress yes I don't walk around in a dress it'll look like you selling me a car and we have to drink a beer yes and it's very possible you want to go have a steak yes and then you say yeah but to have a stack then it have to go [ __ ] Bobby but maybe I don't but maybe I don't maybe I'm not you drink scotch yes okay Bobby but maybe maybe I haven't met the right Greek woman that might be my problem now that might be the issue limitation yeah we talked about this little-ass pocus oh you doing the right thing oh you think so because now there's been no sexual harassment charges for you that's a good point this is let me tell you quickly because we talked about the last pot yeah the angel Griggs yeah I figured out yes being gay is the way to be yes it is the way so you don't get the sense you have some charges right anyway what there is a people gain they get mari right so the penis always wants to touch more women yes but if you married you're looking at which woman the most right your wife your wife you don't want to [ __ ] your wife right so then the brain goes I'm going to [ __ ] the mom right genius right you you very successful absolutely did you get sick of Helen if Trump saloon you have to go out do you right yeah well that's a good that's a good for my career it's it's very smart because if you are now a heterosexual and white and a male there is no career now you're not allowed to do comedy you have to go to jail so this is the hair just put you in jail now these the court said yes because you are responsible for the Civil War they don't like white people now it's said well it's not interesting it's much a night white people great white people's no good so you should say what's so interesting you feel like a Pakistani and lesbian DJ that that's what the move is that's a triple threat yes name like that and by the way that doesn't that person doesn't have anything interesting to say because you know what a Pakistani lesbian DJ released it's just someone who likes hats it's just a straight guy that's right it's the same thing that's right it's all the same thing but how come let me ask you quickly we have a couple minutes here that it goes very smart he's not stupid like Chris DiStefano thank you very much because brain here yes to party clowns very different people yes yes very close you almost agree you could have a Greek web show I do it is maybe because you spent so many time was a great clip I did I spent a lot of time with it you were hanging with Greeks yes we hang out I love the ammonia bakery then no you they know me very well go I go to Taverner see plants a clarity clarity clarity very nice let it gooo rush I don't have octopus with lemon Dave and oregano very nice super sorry seafood restaurant is very nice you know your great crystal story a cool yes a very nice those Greeks if you want to get a great food you come into babe Socrates yes when you come from your comedy yeah four in the morning yes after the Craigslist sex yeah after you can't see after you had your first cheeseburger and you come to baby Socrates get the third cheeseburger other night and then you go to sleep you sit down you read the jokes you find the job for 24 hours 24 hours what's the best thing on the man you come see what the produces you came with a lot of producers yes producers they don't have a job they don't have a job they don't have three all the time they don't have jobs they work at the diner and they have no empathy so they abuse people so you don't have to you don't think get things done yeah you have a friendship protect where's your office wherever we mean it we do Starbucks baby Socrates through the morning this is a business meeting what is the best thing to get a baby son what's the specialty burgers very nice yeah Wow what's she like fish I love everything flounder yeah anything you want you have a nice platter you want a green card we come yeah you have you it was it nice it comes with a salad it Suzie's for us yeah you wanted the lunch the makeup shoes for us so if you want you say you wanna miss Aparna someone that ever you spaghetti bolognese deluxe and I put the cheese fries you want prostitute deluxe put the cheese fries just you have a big menu that's 30 40 pages yes nice pictures of Greece in there yeah absolutely good question before we got distracted I don't know was it going to ask I don't know oh it's what got to us yes so how come in this country then with famous then we finish yeah but you have to tell me here mr. Dillo yes Tim do know your goodness this is strongly strongly maybe sorry what sounds like a congressman you could play nasals yeah if you acted for this to be in the movies yes you're going to pay why're you going to be the husband be I've been I've been if the friend who is it makes a wisecrack there you go that's it Hollywood here we have everyone say is a victim never sale again if you i'm from me i'm indian person yes and there's so much racism against india paper right and i have to talk about racism because it scared me so much yeah and everyone's making the fake voices the indian voice right like the the new documentary about a pool on The Simpsons so the trouble with is simply our trouble with our pool tell me above this document comedian is very angry that somebody did a funny voice to an Indian guy and made fun of that Indian guy a poo even though that Indian guy owned the business which most people do not Erica and even though he many people make fun of people on that show yeah from groups and they made fun of everybody on that show the star of the show was if fat dumb American who was white named Homer they made fun of a Scottish guy this is very offensive to people yes well it was a show that made fun of everybody but there's certain groups of people now that go you cannot make fun of me because I am a victim now what happened to the Indian people it was enslaved here no no discriminated here they did very well or they do where yes their own businesses Phyllis because when you go to the hospital my people might go to the hospital right it's mostly South Asian yeah very well they have a higher than average income then but then white people see you yes so the India people yeah he's actually doing better than the people is complaining is holding the back yes is it very they're very successful which is interesting yeah cuz there are a couple businesses but there's there's not money right now and funny so there's no money and funny but there is a little bit of money now in the idea that someone may have hurt your feelings at one time we would call these people loser people that couldn't get over things in society we call them losers you're saying if you're not really that funny yes the best thing to do yes is to attack the people who is fun yes get them out so then the people say oh this is acceptable pummel your ass you have to throw them off the bucket polite comment yes this is what we call it cool nobody gets hurt with this go mode yes nobody's offended and this also allows me to do my mediocre comm yeah it's like a community me yes because they got rid of all the other car all of the other funny people are gone now this is genius sorry gene this is nice castle very smart this will be nice in the basement of Long Island yes it's very smart is it like setting a mortgage to old person that's exactly what it is the old person is America and the mortgage is your shitty comedy that's exactly what it is but just like everything else there's gonna be a mortgage meltdown because there's only so much [ __ ] that somebody could swallow and you know what happens when you do too much of that here's what happens yeah people elect president Trump that's what that's what happens this theory but how that's the repercussion yes they elect a reality star pressure guess why well he's funny he's very fun he's very funny he's charismatic yes he is funny so when you don't when you deprive people of funny they go and find funny and they give funny nuclear weapons that's no good they give funny nuclear what I said you just gotta entitle the podcast yeah thank you funny nuclear weapon that's what happens so there's a bubble too funny this is a bubble and these people that are not taking advantage this will burst and people will say you know what this is a funny we want the old people back the old clowns the ones that offended us and the ones that were free cuz that's what we're going to a comedy show yeah that's what we're going to hear things that you can office we don't want to sit in a human resources and a lot of the people that do comedy now would have been very good at a professor there would have been very good working as a professor at the college because they just want to talk to people they don't want to make people laugh they just want to talk to people so now some comedians is also journalists that's what it is they know committees yes so they're looking at the other plane like you right so they say this government is not good comedy no no this is yes what they say how come the peoples believe in this well because people are very easily led yeah people aren't really independent thinkers people like someone else tutor so as long as you're aggressive yeah and here's the other thing people don't want to feel like they're bad people so if you make people feel like they're good people by retweeting something or going to law if you say you don't like that you're racist they go no I'm not racist so they go okay will you like this this makes you not racist ago well I'm not racist I must like this people are the Sheep so they so basically these people yeah let's take for example black people sure black people they have the problem here right they actually had the problem absolutely so they have a right to be to feel sensitive yes because there's a history here absolutely so now we live in a culture yeah so you're saying to me that somebody do so comedy yes he says a joke about black people yes and the black people they think it's funny yes then they laughing yeah right but if someone but the Asian woman is the same body writes about yes why the black people should be fun right then it makes it the joke that the blood was laughing the other fancy yes it makes people think you need to instruct yes instruct people who is discriminated against yes what is offensive we are in vain oh yes yes yeah yeah yes so how many people sneaking booze offensive yes we are in we invent when did this problem with our pool from the sames I've never seen the show yeah I guess it's it's a character that somebody didn't like and you know we were inventing classes of people to be victims we're inventing [ __ ] what's right they are the God he speaks with the Indians yes he doesn't like it was a white guy who did the Indian accent oh this guy does a lot of voices yes it does a lot of voices and he did the Indian voices and people did not like that so he should only be able to do the voices of a white people that's apparently this rise so the Cordillera rules so you shouldn't touch each other scorcher talk about we shouldn't borrow from each other's culture we should we should all retreat and segregate ourselves that seems to be a part everything everybody yes everybody stays apart and judges each other to bring everybody to get you very interesting and all of these people by the way that are so angry about the discrimination are all very wealthy and their careers are very good they make a lot of money being angry so you almost wonder if everybody got along and there was nothing to be angry about how would they make all of this money they would do it's not me being funny oh right they need things to be this way it almost makes you think they have the vested interest in keeping things not funny like Jim Carrey no no they don't have any call me the taco it's almost like they really I bet some of them went in that voting booth and voted for Trump because equally well because that's their life force it made their money this way that's their life force just take him away and you put Hillary Clinton it off and nobody's watching the show now they evaporate they don't have any reason they have nothing to do work at baby Socrates Wow and they bring your mozzarella stare Saudi the people say the Indian people yes who's from India yes whose talks like a pool yes should they not speak English cuz all this taking the British culture right great culture matters right don't don't coaches evolved from touching each other yes I agree I think my all cultures borrow from each other and that's how people kind of get along but there are people now that believe that that shouldn't happen alright yeah you shouldn't make fun of nothing unless everyone's capable right just you you make fun of you know drop you that's all you can make fun of just made fun of truck ROM that's you it's very funny you make me sketch about you imitate trumpeters right now in America right we were a country of 350 million people right now 80 million of them are imitating Trump 350 American people that's right which equals 380 million right that's just a lot of weight he in entertainment right now 92 percent of entertainers right now are imitating Donald Trump that is their act so it's okay to he's your person's okay to lose it because by imitating Donald Trump you really helping the poor and the downtrodden and you are so helping him Gabriel left yeah so he's gonna get reelected see newly elected for the rest of our lives was just subconsciously what you may want oh yeah listen who cares about the country if you can make a few bucks on truTV so here we are we're on the focus without very very it's not so funny now to say and that's what that's why I'm going to maybe make it a comedy it's not something I make it in that goes my period absolutely because we're not looking for funny keep the gay thing we just want to call keep some victim group yes I promise because if you just the white man right now it's no good you're very bad person yes I know so good luck with you with you thank you so much you the taxi driving the docstore bus yes thank you for taking the tortoise around yes thank you a very good job yes so you can see dealer he's dealing you can catch him him de la comédie comm sign up it will email you when those tickets go on sale yeah or if you could cut some 42nd Street standing with a clipboard yeah get you on the bus you can also go to his website Tim Dylan comedy calm and sign up he also has a podcast yes Tim doing is going to hell right here guest is you know he's one of the most interesting people was talking a comedy well that's very nice of you so go watch his song go cup cheeseburger with him if you if you manual and you'd like to have with booth man stay after the show baby him like a lucky that's right Jake you'll never get the cheese back with you if you like cheeseburgers and you're like just sucking penis you may get it two things in one night baby so we see you next time till then them stag rig listen to the podcast tell your friends and keep the branch on news we see you next time baby
Channel: MR. PANOS
Views: 6,007
Rating: 4.9533076 out of 5
Keywords: gas digital, yannis pappas, panos, greek, greece, tim dillon, funny, comedy, podcast, news, politics, crete, cretan, trump, rich, tour, nyc, gay, marriage
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 39min 30sec (2370 seconds)
Published: Sun Nov 26 2017
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