10 Free Hidden Roku Gems That Every Cord Cutter Should Try

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welcome back to the corkers news tech lab today I'm going to take a look at 10 hidden gems inside the roku channel store roku is a great streaming player with a ton of streaming services so many could be hard to find some of the hidden gems inside of it now I'm giving you my opinion I've shown you what Roku cesare the best free roku channels now I've talked to a lot of Roku owners a lot of core cutters out there ask them what do they consider the hidden gems not the ones you know about not the 2 B's the crackles the roku channels I am BB TV etc but the hidden gems the ones that maybe not don't get as much attention as the other channels and that's what we're going to try to show you here maybe you know about some of these I know we've talked about few them in the past maybe some of them are new to you and maybe this will help you find something new if you want to add any of these roku channels to your roku pull link to a story we're at corkers news.com which includes links to all the roku channels in this video in the order I talk about them so let's dive into it before we do be new here hit that subscribe button hit that thumbs up it really does help us because it lets YouTube know you enjoy what we do here hopefully we can help you get the most out of your roku maybe maybe even break for you from the high cost of cable TV still watch the shows you enjoy let's get started with hoopla when I asked for a hidden gem hoopla and canopy were some of the most popular ones that people talked about the great thing about these here is that they are 100% free from your public library with no ads so this is a service where you're gonna need to find out which one your local library offers if they offer it most libraries I find offer service like canopy or hoopla it can't be in a minute that allows you to basically borrow movies from your public library through your roku fire TV and more they often also have access to like ebooks cds digital downloads audiobooks and more even things like comic books online so let's do a quick jump through here a lot of Nickelodeon content on a lot of Viacom in general on Comedy Central's on here and they really have a huge collection of different content some of this is available in other spot other parts of it or not you don't see a lot of Sesame Street content of free services Charlotte's Web though I'm pretty sure I've seen that and others but there with ads here with hoopla if your local library sports it ad free so a huge collection of different programs highly recommend you check it out including Disney programs you know the swap is here and more so really nice lineup of content check it out hoopla it's also known as hoopla digital it kind of same service two names now a canopy is up next very similar to hoopla different catalog of content though with canopy they have a lot of content from a large catalogue of different distributors but typically I find most libraries don't have both right they'll have one or the other for example canopy has HBO which includes many HBO documentaries including the inventor this was a widely popular documentary from earlier this year on HBO it's now available 21st century at bluest 21st Century Fox are in there they also have HBO documentaries so just a huge collection of different HBO content so they do have a lot of movies and television shows but also a really great lineup of documentaries let's check out the movie category in here give you a quick collection about their lot foreign films are also included which is really nice if you're looking for that but then a lot of big-name movies here from the United States are also included let me see if I can get into in also independent movies so in a ton of other stuff a lot of TV shows like I said from Viacom has a good amount of content in there the other one I will recommend this was the next category that came up the most and it was free news services with news on being the main one now news on gives you access to a ton of news from around the United States for free from local TV stations now when you launch it it will try to identify where you live and recommend once we going up the Waco's and the Austin's here vodka also go down here and say hey you know I grew up in Michigan let's go see what local news is streaming from Michigan so maybe a major events happening in my hometown or you know over here we can click on that and see what's happening in the Lansing and more so it's a really a great feature the thing I like about this is you know there's a hurricane hit Florida let's say I can go over here Florida and check out the different feeds the other really nice thing about news on is they do offer curated lists if a major news events happening like the recent hurricane down by Florida Georgia they will actually put all the stations are having a live coverage rate then of that hurricane in one spot on it so check it out also check out your local TV stations many of them have apps on your Roku which will allow you to watch their news for free on your Roku I love it because I can go and actually watch the news when I want to watch it when you have kids you know sitting down at 6 or 10 p.m. is not always possible next up is stir this one is right on the borderline of starting to become more widely known more popular it has local news for many different spots but also live and on-demand feeds of many TV channels let's go into the the guide here step are on the screen they'd like to preload the channel which is kind of annoying when you're trying to prevent any copyright claim IDs so let me get down here though that was my bad I hit that bun but includes channels like comet charge buzzard and more streaming live not just on demand but live where you can watch them and they also has a lot of others like will do it down here like the long crime the new Z Channel people TV buzzer comment and more I wanted to show you the Chao guy but I don't want to get caught up in any Content ID claims on YouTube film rise and more on here they have local news from a lot of different spots I can browse on demand TV programming like your some classic TV programs out there right now The Lucy Show and more classic Westerns so really nice collection of content stir 1/2 percent free with ads check it out next up is quark TV now if you remember the cable TV network TV from the 90s and 2000 so it was eventually replaced by truTV well it's back and it's 100% free over there many markets also streaming online you can go with a live feed up here we call so go hey I want to watch a recent coverage I can go into like hey I wanna learn about one of the OJ Simpson trials looks like here I can watch a bunch of clips and more of it included with it so umm court TV if you are a huge fan of that kind of stuff it's one hard percent free on your Roku and the long crime Network I believe what's the other one a lot of people suggested all right next up if you remember classic daytime TV you're probably a big fan of no nosy or will be if you don't know about it this is a huge collection of classic daytime television programs like Steve loco Sally even like old dating programs like blind date or on here let me go out on the bottom so a lot of daytime talk shows Jerry Springer's on here a lot of reality programming The Surreal Life is on here blind date the fifth wheel life's funniest moments and more so this is a collection of content for free from um nosy I hope I'm saying that right which if you grew up in the 90s late 80s early 2000s you're probably don't recognize a lot of this content some of it for memory lane is a lot of fun and you check it out and again they keep rotating the content in here for a while they had gladiators and then it's been rolled out and rock of love Charm School I guess has been added so they're always rotating the content and many of these services do the same next up is the CW seed now The CW has two different free streaming services one will offer you access to next day content from the CW and the other will offer you free content from other places and the CWC does the other one I recommend you check out their even reportedly working on a free new original programming for the service and you can see a huge collection of different content animated content live-action content and more and more in here so a huge collection of content that I think me people don't have any clue that's here because it's not in the CW app I think people would download the CW app they skip over the seed one and they have no idea about it so like Batman and mystery of the Batwoman anime shows here blade the series is in here and more so just a quick kind of rundown of some of the content you will find inside this so just added category right here time after time and more so the CW seed hundred percent free with ads from the CW but it is not content that airs on the CW this is different content so maybe get both apps get the CW app and get the CW seed next up is Yahoo so recently Yahoo rolled out a major update to the roku channel here completely different of course they have news and videos about what's happening in the world but they've also added live sports they have a live life soccer on here and a lot more included now unfortunately NFL football game is from Yahoo is not here that's still limited to the mobile devices but there is a lot of content of live sports they do have news and clips a lot of NBA content somewhere but I'll get in that season and finance entertainment politics all the stuff you would expect is in here from Yahoo so really good collection of content if you're a soccer fan yahoo has a ton of free but that's there and then lastly if you are a golf fan apparently we have a good amount of golf fans our core cutters the USGA roku channel includes a ton of free content you can watch some pre-recorded content they do sometimes have live content and more so you can get in here you can check out the u.s. open coverage 2019 final-round telecasts and more so you can t go in here and say hey this is a four hour and a half hour broadcast of that right there so you can actually get a good amount of content in here for free including what I think a lot Gophers are a big fan of a lot of classic programming so Arnold Palmer in here and more like classic history content which i think it's great you know I think this is something more and more services should do you have these classic programs I hate you're really not making money off that classic golf around from the 70s or 80s right why not put it on a service like a Roku there's actually a surprising demand for streamers to watch classic programming so I hope more and more sports programs do it you see ESP n-- plus adding a lot of that classic content also so let's do a quick recap here start off with hoopla and canopy you need your public library to support these but it's free with your public library membership which you're paying for with your taxes why not take advantage of it and obviously the audiobooks are more from these excellent qualities so like audiobooks check them out Oh news on is another great one I didn't mean to click on that offers local news to also check out if your local news station has a roku channel more more than do search for your city and station ID if you can't find it stir a huge collection of movies television shows including live feeds of things like comment charge buzzard and more court TV live in on-demand content it's back free with an antenna in many areas nosy TV classic daytime television from the 80s 90s and early 2000s the CW seed remember not the CW app the CW seed 100 cent free television show really good quality content - Yahoo News and life sports and for our golf fans out there USGA check them out now this is a fraction of the free content available on roku there are thousands on thousands of roku channels out there so if you have something you want to add as a hidden gem something that people don't really see a lot leave us a comment let me know I'll love to hear from you but if you're new here hit that subscribe button hit that thumbs up helps us a lot we produce a lot of content like this including weekly core kind q and A's daily core cutting updates and more so check it out corkers news comes our website with more news posted every single day over there thanks for your support thanks for watching I'll see you tomorrow
Channel: Cord Cutters News
Views: 532,912
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: ROku, Roku Channel, 2019 Roku Channels, Top 10 Roku Chanenls, Top 10 Hidden Roku Channels, Top 10 Roku Channel Hidden Gems, Free Roku Channels, Free Hidden Roku Channels, Top 10 free Roku Channels
Id: G37DM3j5Uko
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 15sec (795 seconds)
Published: Wed Oct 23 2019
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