10 Foods You'll Avoid After You Know How It's Made (Part 4)

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Tell me about Mac's famous mac and cheese here we go again bursting your bubble and ruining all of your favorite foods yeah what are you do every day you eat foods that are filled with things that you'd never put in your mouth if you knew what they were don't be shocked if some of these are things you think you can't live without here are 10 foods you'll avoid after you know how it's made what goes better with a glass of beer than a handful of pretzels nothing does you might even be trying to kick your potato chip habit by replacing them with pretzels eating pretzels instead of chips sounds like a good idea since they are baked and not fried we've been told over and over to try to avoid fried foods and to eat as many baked foods as possible it would seem that pretzels would be the perfect snack since they aren't greasy in the slightest you can eat a handful of pretzels without having to worry about how you're going to get the grease off your hands don't pretzel day a lot of my pretzel - the problem with pretzels is much the same as with refined grains and that they offer little to nothing in terms of nutrition sure pretzels taste good but that's about it all that salt on the pretzels isn't good for you at all and the flour used to make the pretzels is nothing more than glorified sugar yes your body turns pretzels into sugar since it is essentially a stick of baked carbohydrates with a little salt sprinkled on it as with everything try your best to eat pretzels in moderation or all of those carbs will eventually catch up to you no in fact salad dressings the same lunch extra Gerson everyone knows that salad is good for them it's a bunch of fresh vegetables that can make any rabbit your best friend you've been trying to eat better and that's why you're eating more salad but a salad isn't worthy of putting up to your lips if there isn't a dressing on it that's why you start using non-fat salad dressing you don't want all that fat getting in the way of your healthy vegetables well here's the deal that salad dressing you've been buying may not contain fat but it is loaded with sugar good moisture juice how else do you think they get the dressing to still taste so good the companies that make the dressing have to replace the fat with something and they choose sugar and chemicals the flavors that you're tasting are chemicals designed to trick you into thinking that it tastes good the chemicals are masked with sugar so they go down nice and easy toss your salad with a little oil and lemon juice to truly keep it healthy if lemon juice isn't your thing then add some red wine vinegar for added flavor products made from corn corn on the cob is a great barbecue treat and no one is saying that you shouldn't devour some fresh corn we're not talking about the vegetable but all the stuff that's made from corn that means you should steer clear of corn oil high fructose corn syrup dextrose and maltodextrin you might as well throw corn starch into that mix too the main thing you want to stay away from is anything with corn syrup in it some people think that this stuff is even more dangerous than actual sugar the jury is still out when it comes to corn syrup being worse than sugar but remember sugar is terrible for us to begin with sugars so bad huh come Jesus made it taste so good who cares if corn syrup is better or worse for us than something that some say is the source of many modern health problems like with anything else moderation is key you can still enjoy Fritos and other things made with corn it's almost impossible to not eat any corn syrup at all try to keep all corn products to a minimum and you'll be okay sugar-free desserts I prefer sugar-free artificial sweeteners made by man you're on a diet and you can't seem to satisfy your sweet tooth you go to the supermarket and try to find the sugar-free options of the sweets you crave the sugar-free route seems like the best plan since the sugar substitutes have no calories in them you can also choose from a wide variety of sugar-free products such as candy pastries and even soda sugar-free dog no that did sugar donuts anyone who has ever been on a diet knows how hard it is to give up the sweet bubbly drink they love so much many turned to diet soda as an alternative but that stuff isn't so good for you either sugar-free desserts are loaded with chemicals the sugar substitutes themselves are often of questionable quality the food manufacturers have to put all kinds of stuff in the products to make it sweet enough to eat no one knows for sure how safe these sugar-free desserts really are it also appears that many people who consume sugar replacements end up gaining weight and not losing it it seems the body goes on an all-you-can-eat spree after consuming artificial sweeteners it's normal for you to crave sweets get it out of your system by eating something sweet and moderation by eating the artificial stuff you trick yourself into thinking it's okay to eat a ton of it keep the portion size in check and you should be okay going off the rails on your diet from time to time cheese flavored snacks cheese makes everything better doesn't it just think what would macaroni be without the cheese nachos load them up with cheese there's a reason why everything these days is either covered in cheese or is cheese flavored how many boxes of those world-famous cheese crackers do you buy crackers because your cheese needs a buddy if you're not buying those then you're buying the crackers that have the cheese filling in between them so what's the problem with cheese flavored snacks well don't hate us for telling you this but they're loaded with chemicals the one thing that many cheese snacks have in common is msg but that's not the worst by any means many of these cheese flavors that you associate with your favorite snacks don't actually come from cheese at all you'd be surprised how scientists can trick your taste buds with all kinds of flavors are you craving cheese get yourself a slice of the real thing and satisfy your cravings the healthy way blended fruit yogurts you never we all know that yogurt is good for you one of the reasons you eat yogurt is to get some more dairy in your diet plus the added fruit is something we all need some people are more afraid of fruit than a vampire is garlic what's even worse is some people only eat artificially fruit flavored things you know this could be you if you're the type who only knows what fake cherry tastes like and not the real thing so it's understandable why you would think that yogurt with fruit blended in it is a good thing you have yogurt and then fruit two things that every person should eat more up then what's so bad about these two seemingly healthy foods the problem with blended fruit yogurts is that they are loaded with sugar there is no health benefit from eating yogurt that is filled to the brim with added sugar the best alternative to blended fruit yogurts is to buy plain yogurt and add a little fruit to it yourself you can add any fruit you want and the yogurt will still be considered healthy you aren't going to add all that sugar like they do in those pre-mixed cups there's nothing healthy about eating yogurt with a ton of sugar dumped into it we find grains I'm okay if it's like coconut flour but anything with actual grains I can't do you're addicted to carbohydrates the first part of recovery is admitting that you have a problem you can't leave the house in the morning without a couple of slices of peanut butter toast every day you probably eat a ton of refined grains it's so hard today to avoid grains that have been over processed to the point that they lose most of their nutritional value how do you avoid eating refined grains you start looking for obvious sources like bread pasta and rice if you can avoid those three things then you're in good shape the southern for them so I came all the pizza I would try to eat whole grain foods that haven't had all of their healthy goodness strip them it's going to take work but you should cut back on all greens you will feel better by not overindulge gene on carbohydrate Laden foods that weigh you down no one is saying that you need to forget about pizza or pasta entirely just try your best to limit anything with refined grains as much as possible no one expects you to never order a Pizza Hut pizza again the thought of that alone has to send shivers down your spine fruit canned and syrup why would anyone can everyone had their favorite canned fruit the cling peaches were pretty good let's not forget the pears they too were pretty good let's not forget the fruit cocktail that had those weird little grapes in it if the grapes didn't freak you out then the small cherry halves did so what's so bad about canned fruit and syrup it's the syrup the fruit is canned in the syrup is liquefied sugar and not much else fruit is naturally full of sugar and that's why it has such a sweet taste adding more sugar to already sweet fruit makes no sense at all your mom might have been happy that you were eating what she thought was healthy but all that sugar was anything but if you're craving something sweet the best option is to reach for a piece of fresh fruit if you do buy canned fruit buy the version that isn't packed in syrup read the label before buying any canned fruit so you don't flood your body full of unnecessary sugar and calories rice cakes never had one but somebody told me this is a really good way to statute diet just because you're on a diet doesn't mean that you just stop craving snacks it's rice cakes are not necessarily as healthy as you think they are surprisingly rice cakes might be a less healthy than some of the other snacks you were eating before going on your diet what's so bad about rice cakes the main problem with these cakes made of puffed rice is that they are nothing more than carbohydrates you're not getting much bang for your dietary buck when you're eating a hockey puck shaped rice puffs loaded with carbs a better alternative is to eat a few carrot or celery stick if those don't sound so great then chew on a piece of homemade beef jerky don't sabotage your diet by eating things that appear to be healthy but our empty calories a rice cake now and then won't hurt you but don't eat them every time you need to fill the void of leaving chips behind by fiber bars I'm sorry Terry but I'm on this new high-fiber diet high-fiber bars make a great go-to snack or something to hold you over until you can eat your next meal you feel as if you're eating something good for you since there is all that fiber in there so what's the big deal with these high fiber bars the main problem is that they are loaded with sugar some high fiber bars have as much sugar as a candy bar yeah that's bad holy God no they're not they're terrible for you you are in oh is eating healthy when snacking on a high-fiber bar one way to be sure is to make your own granola bars at home and even put a few chocolate chips in them for sweetness or grab an apple on your way out instead before dumping all of this unneeded sugar in your body stick around and tap that screen for more of our great videos here for the first time then hit that subscribe button and ring that notification valve
Channel: BabbleTop
Views: 507,155
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Keywords: 10 foods youll avoid after you know how its made, foods to avoid, worst things to eat, foods you should never eat, worst foods to eat, what not to eat, top 10 foods to avoid, 10 foods you should never eat, food to never eat, food you should never eat, food, non-fat salad dressings, products made from corn, sugar-free desserts, cheese-flavored snacks, blended fruit yogurts, refined grains, ruit canned in syrup, rice cakes, high-fiber bars, list, top 10, babbletop, babble top
Id: OKu0Gm1vLgg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 23sec (743 seconds)
Published: Thu Jun 18 2020
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