10 Extraterrestrial Discoveries That Could Prove Aliens Exist

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10 biggest discoveries in the search for alien life number 10 Trappist one planets in 2017 NASA made an announcement that sparked excitement and curiosity around the world they discovered not one not two but seven earth-like planets that could potentially support life the planets were found orbiting the dwarf star Trappist one about 39 light years away in the constellation of Aquarius considering how stupendously mind-bogglingly big the universe is that's relatively close to us Trappist one is much smaller and shines about 2,000 times fainter than our Sun but that's actually quite a good thing the star is hot enough that water on the planets wouldn't end up frozen in glaciers but not so hot that it just evaporates away in other words the planets sit in the so-called Goldilocks zone where conditions are just right for life their discovery backs up their common scientific belief that planets like ours are unlikely to be all that rare and where most probably not alone in the universe astronomers are now investigating whether the planets have atmospheres which would be the first telltale sign of life emori tree ode from Cambridge University's Institute of astronomy predicts that researchers will know whether there is indeed life on the planets within a decade number nine volcanoes that could create life like I just mentioned one of the key factors for a life-sustaining planet is whether it sits in a part of space that is neither too hot nor too cold but scientists have recently discovered that it's not quite as black and white as that suggests it used to be thought that frigid icy planets should be discounted in the search for alien life however a study from planetary scientists at Cornell University has thrown that whole assumption into disarray the study found that volcanoes have a previously undocumented ability to transform a planet's atmosphere from uninhabitable to potential alien world when a volcano erupts it releases boiling hot gases mainly hydrogen planets with a frequent volcanic activity experience an observable greenhouse effect from these gases released this heats the atmosphere to a habitable level the Cornell researchers estimated that this knowledge could increase the number of planets in habitable zones by as much as 60% what's more not only do volcanic eruptions increase our planets chances of hosting life in the first place they also make it easier for astronomers to spot that life by melting the layers of ice that could be obscuring it number eight signals from outer space whenever astronomers detect a weird signal from the far depths of the universe someone always offers up aliens as a possible explanation yes that sometimes quite a ludicrous notion but in some cases science can't really come up with any better answers take the infamous WoW signal for example the transmission was recorded in 1977 and was 30 times stronger than the normal background noise from deep space the idea that it was of alien origin has never been conclusively debunked more recently on May the 15th 2015 a Russian telescope picked up a really strong radio signal coming from the star HD one six four five nine five approximately 94 light-years away this grabbed scientists attention because that star was actually fairly similar to our own Sun and earth-like planets have been discovered around comparable ones throughout the universe as a result it has been suggested that the signal had been produced by an alien civilization and an advanced one at that given the strength of the signal sadly subsequent attempt to pick up the signal again were unsuccessful so it's unlikely we'll ever know what actually caused it number seven communication talking of beaming out messages into space that's actually one of the most significant ways humans are trying to track down potential alien life-forms in June 2017 a Chinese satellite achieved a phenomenal feat that is arguably the biggest step forward mankind has ever made towards contacting extraterrestrials to explain how they achieved this I first need to catch you up on the basics of entangled photons basically in in physics when particles interact with each other in specific ways they linked together they become entangled even if you were to then split the particles up anything you did to one photon would affect the other scientists hope to send one half of a pair of entangled photons deep into the darkest corner of the universe they could then monitor the other half here on earth and see if the first one is interfered with in any way in other words mankind could be mount messages and get a notification of anyone drops eaves the Chinese team successfully separated pairs of entangled photons by 1,200 kilometers the furthest distance ever achieved research is now well underway to try to smash this record and split photons even further perhaps over hundreds of millions of kilometers so watch this space number six chemosynthetic organisms the search for alien life predominantly focuses on earth-like planets because well the earth provides us with a pretty foolproof example of atmospheric conditions that can support life but recently scientists have been expanding their field of exploration a bit and considering whether planets that work a little differently to ours might still be worth a check this approach is largely inspired by the discovery that here on earth there are organisms that rely on completely different chemical processes to fuel themselves from literally every other species ever discovered the unconventional creatures I'm talking about are microbes found in the hot springs of Yellowstone National Park these microbes are what's known as chemosynthetic life-forms which means that they get their energy from chemicals rather than the Sun they are believed to be the closest modern relatives to the earliest life-forms that ever evolved on our planet according to geo microbiologist daniel coleman their existence suggests that alien life could survive even on planets where sunlight can't reach so long as there are sources of chemical energy available number five life on Mars as far as potential homes for alien life go Mars has to be one of the most popular hence why the idea of Martians has been done and reiden in countless sci-fi movies one of the most fruitful finds on Mars was the discovery of evidence that the planet once had pools of water maybe even huge oceans the general consensus is that water is at the top of most astronomers checklists when they search for signs of alien life so this is definitely promising what's more research into the planet's climate history has found that about 3.8 to 3.5 billion years ago Mars and Earth were surprisingly similar during this time methane carbon dioxide and hydrogen reacted in Mars's atmosphere and warmed it enough to stop water on the planet freezing the first examples of microbial life evolving on earth have been tracked back to this period so it's not out of the question that it could also have evolved on Mars with the advancement of precision landing technology and high-resolution imagery is likely that we'll know if life ever existed on the red planet within the next few decades number four super earth LHS one one four OB is a planet which was only discovered in April 2017 but already it is being heralded as one of the most likely places to host alien life the so called super earth is currently orbiting a red dwarf star approximately four to on light-years away its mass is about five times greater than Earth's and orbits about ten times closer to its star than we do to our Sun according to the European Southern Observatory the conditions on this mega planet are particularly favorable to life its star is relatively dim and is at a stage in his life where it no longer emits loads of dangerous radiation so that's handy it is believed that this super earth is even more likely to host life than any of the planets around Trappist one that's because the vast speed at which Trappist one rotates increases the chances of dangerous high-energy stellar activity the star that LH s11 4ob orbits rotates at a karma less risky speed because of the excitingly strong possibility of finding life on the planet it's being put forward as a popular candidate for a closer look by the James Webb Space Telescope which NASA will launch in 2018 number three Sara's in the quest to find evidence of extraterrestrials sighs doesn't really matter the proof for that is Sara's a dwarf planet that's only about the size of Texas located in the asteroid belt between Mars and Jupiter despite its miniscule size Sara's is creating quite a buzz within the scientific community that's because of a discovery in February 2017 of organic molecules by NASA's Dawn the visible infrared mapping spectrometer while they don't mean that living organisms definitely exist on Sarah's organic molecules are a super exciting find they are generally considered to boost the building blocks of life and have thus boosted Sara's up the exploration waiting list what's particularly surprising about this discovery is that Sara's was previously thought to be quite a barren environment what would it being pretty much entirely covered in ice and it's nighttime temperatures reaching minus 143 degrees Celsius the fact that organic molecules have been found in such a frigid place further expands the possibilities for the kinds of planets that could host life number two silicon-based life forms all known life on Earth is carbon-based it stands to reason then that carbon is an essential component of life in general but is that just because carbon is abundant here on earth if other elements were as common on other planets would life there revolve totally differently well according to a study published by the California Institute of Technology organisms that are silicon based rather than carbon-based are theoretically possible carbon and silicon are chemically very similar the atoms of both elements are able to form bonds with up to four other atoms simultaneously which is perfect for forming the long chains of molecules that make up DNA what's more silicon is also super common it is the seventh most abundant element in the universe in 2016 the scientists behind the aforementioned studies successfully demonstrated how silicon life forms could work when they artificially evolved a bacterial enzyme that efficiently in cold silicon into simple hydrocarbons so sci-fi creations like the horror from the original Star Trek series might not be that far from what reality could actually produce number one Enceladus a frozen wasteland almost 1.5 billion kilometers from the Sun Saturn's moon Enceladus doesn't seem like a likely candidate for finding alien life but in April 2017 it was the focus of a major NASA announcement they may just may have picked up signs of life beneath its frozen surface trapped beneath the surface are dozens of surprisingly warm seeds that are kilometers deep they're heated by the constant gravitational squeezing the moon receives from Saturn the second biggest planet in our solar system NASA's Cassini spacecraft picked up evidence that chemical reactions were happening in these seas that would create an environment ideal for supporting microbes these underground seas known as hot fluid vents are almost identical to ones you could find on earth the ones on earth are absolutely teeming with life in particular microorganisms so maybe the ones on Enceladus could be home to similar creatures dr. hunt await from the Southwest Research Institute confidently announced we're pretty damn sure that the internal ocean of Enceladus is habitable and we need to go back and investigate it further so maybe you were not alone in our solar system let alone the universe thanks for watching that was 10 biggest discoveries in the search for alien life if you found this video interesting make sure you check out 10 most terrifying 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Channel: Alltime10s
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Keywords: Alltime10s, 10s, facts, video, list, top 10, biggest discoveries, search for alien, life, space, NASA, astronomy, black hole, planet, moon, extra terrestrial, ET, Valerian, Luc Besson, Sci-Fi, Trappist-1, star, sun, Aquarius, ice, frozen, microorganisms, atmosphere, volcano, eruption, global warming, signal, outer space, WOW signal, quantum physics, universe, galaxy, Mars, Super Earth, Earth, Ceres, orbit, Silicon, carbon, Enceladus, asteroid belt, ocean, proof aliens exist, prove aliens exist, alien life
Id: R454jy3ok0M
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 45sec (765 seconds)
Published: Sun Aug 06 2017
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