10 Dumbest Criminals In The World!

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hey guys it's chris from the car chase foiled by an empty gas tank to the dumbest criminals in florida and the crazy stuff you won't believe they tried to get away with here are 10 of the dumbest criminals ever [Music] number 10 permanent marker masks the award for the dumbest yet most creative criminal goes to both matthew mcnally and joey miller the two guys with perhaps the worst master plan in history matthew and joey were a little bit hard up on cash and couldn't afford the traditional burglar outfits meaning no black suits and no black masks either so they did the next best thing they painted masks over their faces using permanent marker of course the permanent marker didn't do so much to cover well anything really it looked exactly like normal except covered in permanent marker so how did they get busted police stopped their car after somebody reported two men with paint on their faces trying to break into a house in iowa the caller told the police the two suspects were wearing dark clothing and that they drove off in a white car the white car was a 1994 buick roadmaster not exactly the most inconspicuous vehicle for doing a robbery after the police stopped the car they found the suspects with beards and mustaches drawn on their faces how old were these brilliant burglars well they were in their early 20s but that's not really an excuse for such an outrageously bad idea both were charged with attempted burglary they never actually managed to steal anything and the driver was charged with a dui hopefully by the time they have their day in court their disguises will have washed off number nine out of gas in berry hill tennessee a police chase came to a rather underwhelming end it all happened on a monday morning when a man named richard ewing walked into a shop and flashed a message written on a piece of paper that said quick and easy give me cash richard then said he had a gun and went behind the counter and stole cigarettes and stuffed his pockets full of cash but according to the investigator with the berry hill police department richard didn't even have a gun he was faking it he also stole a handful of lottery tickets as he ran out the door richard got into his beatdown old minivan which he had parked at the car wash and then drove down the road without his headlights on unfortunately for richard he pulled into the main street right in front of a cop the officer flashed her lights but richard kept on going within just 60 seconds of chasing richard he came to a slow stop and pulled over on the side of the road much to his dismay he'd run out of gas there wasn't much left for richard to do at that point he got out of the car acted confused asking the officers what the problem was he was even quoted as saying why are you guys jamming me up like this well richard was arrested and he was taken into custody and he went to jail on charges of aggravated robbery number eight florida's dumbest criminals two men have just been dubbed the dumbest criminals in all of florida and yeah that title is pretty spot on robert hobby and marcus reeves are not the brightest bulbs in the cupboard they went on a crime spree and left behind a trail of evidence that allowed the police to track them down and arrest them with shocking efficiency the crime spree happened inside the city limits of ocala and in the surrounding county the pair broke into a handful of convenience stores looted cigarettes and lottery tickets and were having a grand old time but as they were breaking into these convenience stores they were being recorded by security cameras they were also smoking cigarettes inside the stores and leaving behind their cigarette butts but that's not all they left behind police officers also discovered a shoe that belonged to one of the criminals and marcus reeves at one point dropped his wallet that had his driver's license in it all the police had to do was look at the address on the license drive over to that house and then knock on the door marcus confessed immediately and then both men were arrested these two lazy criminals were then charged with 14 counts of grand theft and burglary in court there would be no denying their participation in these crimes the evidence was beyond overwhelming number 7. robbing the dollar store so if you were to embark on a brazen daylight robbery you'd probably pick somewhere better than the dollar store but matthew allen harvey from timminsville south carolina had his criminal eyes set on a dollar general pretty much the opposite of a place you'd want to rob according to the police reports harvey walked through the door of the dollar general strolled around for a bit as if he were shopping then approached the counter and placed the items down by the cash register he told the clerk to ring up the items and open up the register once the register was open harvey demanded all the money from the drawers but no change or one dollar bills demanding no one dollar bills from a literal dollar store seems ridiculous but that is what happened we don't know exactly how much money harvey got from his robbery but it couldn't have been much even dumber than robbing a store that probably has less than 50 bucks in the register is that harvey left all the items he had touched on the counter investigators easily lifted his fingerprints from a bottle of dishwashing liquid and then arrested him just a handful of days later why do you think this guy chose to rob a dollar store let us know in the comments below and if you're liking this video be sure to hit the thumbs up and subscribe buttons if you haven't already number six premature confession james washington was an inmate in a nashville prison when he suffered a seizure and thought he was going to die the sentence james was serving was from a second-degree murder conviction in 2006. he only had to do 15 years in jail and probably would have been out earlier on good behavior but after his seizure attack in 2009 he thought it was all over for him so to get his conscience clean before he died james admitted to a murder that he had committed in 1995. he'd apparently murdered a woman named joyce goodner the crime was never solved the woman's body was found stabbed beaten with a cinder block stuffed inside of a carpet and burned and he'd gotten away with the crime for 17 years james thought he did a good thing by revealing the truth he'd be able to go into the afterlife with a clean slate though to be quite honest i'm not really sure how that works in any case he recovered fully from his seizure james was given a clean bill of health and a positive outlook on living probably for another 25 or 30 years unfortunately for him his sentence was increased to life in prison and now he'll never see the light of day again at his trial for the 17-year-old murder james claimed that after his seizure he was hallucinating and that the confession wasn't real prosecutors didn't believe him and according to abc news the court very quickly convicted him of the murder and kept him locked up tight number five failed payout a couple tried to burn down their house and collect the insurance money this isn't exactly a new crime the insurance companies are pretty used to dealing with claims like this but this investigation turned into something absolutely bizarre it all started with carol anne and her partner laura jean stutt the couple had accused one of their neighbors of vandalizing their property a rather nasty word was written on the white facade of their garage something most people would consider a hate crime after the hate crime was recorded by the couple and reported to the police their house ended up being burned down the couple blamed their neighbor janice millsaps saying she'd burn down their house because of their sexual orientation and in today's climate that seemed legit with their house in ruins the couple was hoping to collect the insurance payout of over 275 000 and that's a handsome sum of money naturally the neighbor denied having anything to do with the fire or any related hate crime the police investigation and the insurance company's investigation uncovered that it was actually carol and laura who had burned down their own house they have since been charged with arson and because well they didn't have a house anymore they're both homeless criminals talk about a plan backfiring get it backfiring number four the fake cop a man in the bronx was pulled over by police while driving at around 1am in the morning the man's name was mata jones and the reason he was pulled over was that his windows were tinted they were so tinted that they were in violation of the law and this in and of itself isn't that stupid of a crime a lot of people actually do this the stupid part came after when the police realized muda jones was impersonating an officer he exited the car wearing a kevlar vest labeled police he also had a police badge hung around his neck on a chain police believe he was imitating an officer to commit home invasions more easily obviously the cops didn't believe his disguise for a second he didn't hold himself like a cop his disguise was actually ridiculous to anyone who'd actually ever seen a real cop before and the whole thing fell apart for mr jones according to the new york daily news he was charged with possession of a weapon oh yes there was a nine millimeter handgun under the driver's seat and criminal impersonation forgery and a handful of other offenses number three kfc bomb threat two teens have been arrested for the stupidest prank ever these kids were only 18 and 16 and they thought it was hilarious to call in a bomb threat at their local kfc restaurant it may have been funny for them but it was terrifying for the employees of kentucky fried chicken and their customers the kfc had to evacuate everyone in clothes and while this was happening the rambunctious teenagers were driving through the streets firing a bb gun out their window they actually managed to injure somebody in the street by firing a fake gun at them and they even blew out the windshield of a parked car at the walmart the kids may have been just messing around but the cops took it very seriously the older boy was charged with the false bomb threat battery criminal mischief and shooting an occupied vehicle the other kid was charged with accessory and handed back to his parents the 18 year old was held on a bond of nine thousand dollars and will probably do some time while the other kid goes home and gets grounded number two facebook busted a man named john morgan ii is definitely one of the dumbest criminals ever the first dumb thing he did was rob the savings bank in pickaway county you either have to be jason statham or really stupid to rob an actual bank in 2021 it wasn't a great decision but what's really crazy is that jon may have gotten away with the brazen crime had he just been a little more discreet about it after taking all that cash home jon decided to brag about it on the internet he took to what has become the downfall of many dumb criminals over the past decade facebook he uploaded posts of himself all over facebook holding up the loot he took from the bank he took selfies of himself with a fat stack of cash and uploaded them for roughly 6 billion people to see you know who saw those photos the local police john was arrested and sentenced to three years in prison by judge p randall nice the judge also ordered that john repay the roughly six thousand dollars he got from the bank but the story isn't over yet john was assisted by his equally dumb girlfriend ashley deboe who also pled guilty she was charged with being complicit to the robbery and sentenced to serve two years she was also sentenced to help her dumb boyfriend repay that six thousand dollars number one back to jail in arkansas a man was released from police custody this is supposed to be a happy day for a criminal and to be the day he vowed to turn his life around and never go back to jail well cordell coleman was not that kind of criminal he walked outside from the jail took a look around and decided he would steal a cop car that's right he walked out of prison and stole a cop car before even going more than 20 feet it was 2 40 in the morning and cordell drove away from the pulaski county jail in a very clearly marked 2018 ford explorer cop car how exactly did he get into the car an officer had just pulled up and was booking a prisoner he hadn't expected someone to get into his unlocked car and take it he walked back outside to find his patrol vehicle gone as you can probably imagine the cops are pretty good at tracking down their own stolen cars they got cordell before he had even gone 10 miles they actually found him parked outside of an apartment complex still sitting inside the vehicle he was arrested and then returned to lockup and this time they're probably not gonna let him out thanks for watching do you feel sorry for any of these not so bright criminals let me know in the comments and don't forget to subscribe for more videos like this one we'll see you next time
Channel: World List
Views: 177,162
Rating: 4.8773141 out of 5
Keywords: world list, dumbest, criminals, stupid, people, dumb, dumbest people, dumbest criminals, stupid people, stupid criminals, dumb criminals, dumb people, dangerous, dangerous people, dangerous criminals, stupid criminal, dumbest criminal in the world, dumb criminal videos, people stories, stories about people, fail, epic, epic fail
Id: NCon_EplolA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 55sec (715 seconds)
Published: Wed Jun 30 2021
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