10 Disneyland Secrets You Didn't Know

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Disneyland is said to be the happiest place on earth but there are some things you don't know about these very special theme parks from secret rooms and locations disclosed by employees to scary backstories behind Disney attractions and even real ghosts caught on camera inside Disneyland I'm Charlie and today we're going to look at Disneyland secrets you didn't know before we get into it why not subscribe and press the notification bell to underground Disneyland is incredibly large it usually takes up acres and acres of space but there's an even larger area inside the park that no visitors know about underneath Disneyland is an enormous and complex tunnel system this is in every single Disneyland Park and it was first proposed by Walt Disney when they were making the park the long corridors are very dark and scary employees say their eerily silent they exist to allow the characters and stuff to move around without encountering the public some of the tunnels are so long that characters need to use golf carts to get around of course the public cannot enter and only employees are allowed down there some even say that they're scarier than many of the Disney rides now they're mainly used so that characters don't get swarmed when they're walking around the park but they're also used for things like maintenance and garbage removal the underground system is so massive it takes up nine acres and the only way to go down there is to get a job at Disneyland TWA moon liner the Moon Line is a rocket ship which is a very prominent icon of Disneyland's Tomorrowland it's right next to the alien Pizza Planet restaurant and it's the main icon for the rocket to the moon attraction the moon liner was first installed in 1955 but the current more modern looking one was put in in 1998 however the moon line has a very scary backstory it was originally designed by a rocket scientist named Wernher von Braun he was actually the leading figure in the development for rocket technology in Nazi Germany however in 1945 Germany lost world war two that's when the CIA initiated Operation Paperclip this was to get many Nazi rocket scientists to join NASA that's what Werner Varane did but most Disneyland visitors don't realize his scary back story behind the moon liner Disney spies did you know that Walt Disney hired spies Walt Disney wanted to know exactly what was going on in the park and he also wanted to learn feedback from his guests so that's why he paid spies to actually spy on what the guests were saying he would do this to try and improve the park and get people's honest opinions Walt Disney actually built an apartment that he lived in above the firehouse overlooking Main Street he would secretly look down and spy on guests from there to now some say this is very like George Orwell's 1984 where big brother is always watching but we don't know if Disneyland still does this today maybe they simply rely on surveys but who knows Paris mystery in 2010 the New York Daily News and the independent reported on Disneyland Paris there was something strange going on that no one could work out for some reason Disneyland Paris kept making people want to take their own lives one chef who worked at Disneyland Paris took his life before he did this he wrote something on the wall it said in French I don't want to go back to Mickey's house another Disneyland Paris Walker tried to light themself on fire but they were stopped just in time no one is sure why this happened and it's still a big mystery to this day some said perhaps there was something going on at Disneyland Paris we didn't know about or maybe these are just coincidences either way that message from the chef sure is scary ashes Disneyland and Disney World are many people's favorite places and if that's why many people say that they want their ashes scattered in Disneyland according to The Wall Street Journal Disneyland is the most popular place in the world to scatter the remains of loved ones the practice is so common the staff even have a special code word for it they often catch people spreading ashes in the park or on rides and the code for when this happens is heppa pepper stands for high efficiency particulate air this is basically a request to clean it up they do this with an ultrafine vacuum cleaner this tidies up any mess and get rid of the evidence but that's only if the staff actually catch you doing it who knows how many people do it and don't get caught scarily some people have been caught spreading ashes in the haunted mansion as if that place couldn't get any more creepy mr. one way the Space Mountain ride is said to be haunted by ghosts now that sounds kind of ridiculous but hear me out the ghost is said to be a transparent man he usually gets into the seat next to a single rider but by the time ends the ghost has disappeared supposedly this is the ghost of a man who passed away on the ride in the 1970s people who have seen it call him mr. one way and it's actually been caught on camera before as you can see here employees have also seen him in the Space Mountain building locker rooms there's also another ghost that is said to haunt Space Mountain she is called disco Debbie and that's because she apparently closed in the dark this is said to be a video of disco Debbie skeletons many Disneyland rides are pretty scary and you may assume that most of these scary props are made of plastic but that is not the case with the Pirates of the Caribbean ride these skeleton props in the Pirates of the Caribbean ride are actually real this was exposed in Jason Shirelles book Pirates of the Caribbean from the Magic Kingdom to the movies Disney actually acquired these real skeletons from the UCLA Medical Center it's pretty creepy to know that you're riding with real-life bodies and it makes the Pirates of the Caribbean ride all the more terrifying America sings America sings was the first animatronic attraction Disneyland ever had it featured various patriotic animatronic characters singing the stages would move around with gears and cogs the ride opened in 1974 but had to be closed down very quickly that's because in 1974 an 18 year old named Deborah stone was working on the ride unfortunately she became trapped in the moving stages that is where she met her demise it said that this video is actually her last scream caught on camera Disney employees have claimed four years that Deborah still reminds them to be careful it's said that she haunts the theme park following Deborah's passing the attraction was abruptly closed down Walt's apartment I already explained how Walt Disney built an apartment inside Disneyland this was above a firehouse overlooking Main Street but it said that Walt Disney's ghost still haunts his old apartment he passed on the 15th of December 1966 but since then there have been many claims of him haunting the apartment whenever Walt would be in the apartment the lamp would be lit but there have been many times after Walt's passing with a lamp lit up all by itself it's almost like Walt's ghost is trying to tell us that he's in there one day an employee came in to clean and dust the apartment she said that the apartments lights would turn on and off all by themselves and another cleaning lady said she once heard a voice saying don't forget I'm still here maybe Walt is still spying on all of the Disneyland visitors from beyond the grave strangely this was something actually predicted by American Dad and some even say that Walt Disney was cryogenically frozen this is so that later on when technology develops he can be unfrozen and reanimated and brought back to life Haunted Mansion everyone knows the Disneyland Haunted Mansion it's one of the more scary attractions inside the park but did he know that the Haunted Mansion really is haunted many claimed to have actually seen real ghosts inside the haunted mansion visitors have claimed this but some of employees as well some blame people sprinkling the ashes of their relatives inside the attraction for the hauntings there's also a creepy pet cemetery behind the Haunted Mansion many people don't know this because they don't walk behind the mansion but there's a small patch of lawn with graves of pets there's even a gravestone for mr. toad there edible plants when Tomorrowland was being built Walt Disney wanted the land of the future to be sustainable and efficient so that's why he made sure all of the plants in Tomorrowland were edible Tomorrowland is actually meant to double up as a farm this is where quote humanity makes the most of its resources the creepy thing is many park guests trample down the plants in search of their favorite fruit and vegetable but it's a little secret that most visitors don't know about in some ways this is kind of a nice idea but at the same time you don't want to eat something that someone's walked over I guess we've learned that Disneyland really does have some big secrets they're hiding from us the question is though how many of these do you believe for example is mr. one way a figment of people's imagination or a real ghost haunting the park but now it's time to make your voice heard comment below which was the scariest Disney Land secret if you want some more amazing videos then check out my second channel but as always thank you for watching there are some more videos on screen right now leave a like if you enjoyed and if you haven't really what are you waiting for subscribe to Top 10s
Channel: Top 10s
Views: 37,572
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: disneyland, disney world, secrets, roller coaster, mr one way, haunted house, space mountain, disneyland paris, alien pizza planet, walt disney, disneyland ghost, scary, scary videos, creepy, scariest, creepiest, videos, disney world ghost, disney secrets, disney secrets tpm, disneyland secrets, hidden secrets at disneyland, disneyland hidden secrets, hidden secrets, disneyland rides, secrets at disney, disney world secrets, disney hidden secrets, tpm vid disney secrets
Id: o6nwCCe5OaQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 0sec (600 seconds)
Published: Sat Jun 20 2020
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