10 Days In The USA - How To Play

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[Music] hi and welcome to watch it played my name is Rodney Smith and in this video we're going to learn the two to four player game 10 days in the USA designed by Allan AR Moon and Aaron Wise Bloom and published by the op who helped sponsor this video you're planning a fantastic 10-day trip across the US of but what states will you visit and how will you get there will you fly Drive walk a little of everything this trip won't plan itself so join me at the table and let's learn how to play to set up put the game board in the center of the play area with this tray nearby then shuffle all the cards and stack them face down into this leftmost space each player now collects a set of card holders labeled from day 1 to day 10 which they'll place in front of themselves like this we'll assume we have two players and return the unused trays back to the box without taking turns players now draw one card at a time from the tray putting them into any open day slot in front of them themselves and again you keep doing this at your own pace until eventually you filled in all of the day slots in the trays in front of you just keep in mind once you've placed the card you can't move it after you take a new one and while you might want to put a card in one slot over another will make more sense as the video goes on just be aware you should angle your tray so so its contents can't be viewed by the other players once everyone's trays are full you then deal one card from the deck face up into the three spaces to its right and that's the setup in 10 days in the USA you and the other players are trying to be the first to create a valid 10day American journey within your trays I'll explain what that looks like and how you play in just a moment but I think it would help to First learn about the cards which come in two different types States and transportation there are 50 state cards each showing a unique State most will have either dark blue green red tan or light blue backgrounds except for Hawaii and Alaska which are both white the deck also contains Transportation cards made up of 10 planes from two of each of the colors shown here and six automobiles which are considered to be in a neutral color during the game you can have any combination of cards in any order within your trays but to win over the course of the game you're going to have to exchange the cards you have in order to create a valid 10day journey to do this you'll have to meet a few requirements we'll learn about soon but let's start by seeing how the game is played whoever traveled most recently will take the first turn or you can pick someone randomly they'll go and then you'll continue taking turns in clockwise order around and around the table and on your turn you'll perform three steps starting with drawing a card to do this you either take the top card of the face down deck deck or the top face up card from any one of these three discard piles in this case I'll draw one from the top of the deck either way you now have a choice one option is to discard the card you just took to do this pick any one of these three discard piles and set it face up on top you might do this if the card you took doesn't really help you on the other hand you may decide to keep the card you drew if so you must pick any one card already in your trays to remove replacing it with the new one you just drew you then set the replaced card face up into any one of the three discard piles just be aware if one of these three piles is empty your discarded card must go into that spot also if a player ever takes the last card from the draw deck first collect and set aside the top cards from each of the discard piles then all the rest of these you collect together and Shuffle into a new draw deck then return these set aside cards back to their original positions so just to summarize on your turn you must draw a card from any of the four piles in the tray and then you either discard it or use it to replace a card you already have which then gets discarded either way during a turn one card gets drawn and one gets discarded then the next player in clockwise order takes their turn now you'll notice at no time are players rearranging cards they already have instead you only change cards by replacing them with new ones all in an effort to create a valid 10day Journey which as I mentioned earlier needs to follow a few requirements so let's learn what those are first you always need a state card in the day one and day 10 slot this means your journey has to start in a state and end in a state you'll also need to ensure that going from left to right you have a valid way to travel from each state showing in your display to the next one that follows sometimes this will require transportation s between states which will help you travel from the one showing on its left over to the one on its right but you don't always need Transportation cards between states to create a valid trip in fact you may not need any transportation cards at all but just know a valid trip will never have two Transportation cards side by side remember during the game you don't have to follow any of the requirements I've mentioned you can have cards in any slots you like but to win you must be the first person to create a valid 10 10 day Journey this will involve ensuring you can properly get from one state to the next going from left to right so let me show you the rules for that let's assume the very first card in our tray is Colorado if we want a valid State card in the next space it has to be one we could walk to a state you can walk to is one that shares some part of its border with another state connecting only on a corner doesn't count so you can walk from Colorado to Wyoming or to Nebraska or to Kansas or Oklahoma or New Mexico but you couldn't walk from Colorado to Arizona because they only touch here on the corner and this icon is meant to remind you of that in the same way you can't walk from Utah to New Mexico but let's say we had just drawn the Nebraska card we could now replace the card in this second slot to create a valid Walkin connection between these two States since they share a border if we later replace the card in the third slot with Iowa let's check to see if that's a valid state to put next to Nebraska yep as we can see Iowa shares part of its border with Nebraska so that's within walking distance well at least in terms of the game I wouldn't personally want to walk from Colorado to Nebraska to Iowa that sounds exhausting I'd rather drive speaking of which that's another way to create valid connections between states if you have one of these automobile cards you can create a valid connection between two states that have another state touching both of their borders for example we could start in Colorado and then use this automobile to drive through Nebraska into Iowa to do this you place an automobile card between the two states so these three cards create a valid connection because there's a state between these two that touch each of their borders now what if we had Nevada in this position let's see if that would be valid turns out it is because Colorado and Nevada each have borders that touch the same State between them Utah in this case I'll also point out you can drive from one state to another like we're doing here going from Colorado to Nebraska even though you could have walked instead Colorado and Nebraska share a border so they could be side by side in our tray since you can walk between them but they also both share a border with Wyoming so we could put an automobile card between them and say that we drove from Colorado through Wyoming into Nebraska just remember the only time you can use an automobile to connect two different states is if another state borders both of them as we'll see you can't drive from New Hampshire to main for this reason this is because they're adjacent and there's no third state touching both of their borders this icon here helps us remember that we always have to walk between these states so a valid connection for them requires that they be side by side okay what if we had the car for Colorado in our tray and wanted to drive to North Dakota could we do that perhaps by using two automobile cards to go through these two states nope that doesn't work because as I mentioned earlier a valid Journey can't have two Transportation cards side by side however there is a valid way you can travel longer distances you can fly to fly you need an airplane with the same colored background as the states on either side of it like we see here between Colorado and North Dakota this means we're flying from here to here but we could use this red airplane to fly from Colorado all the way over to Virginia any flight is valid as long as the two states share the same color as the plane that sits between them for example let's put Vermont in here this is still valid because these two states share the same color as the plane we put between them now there is one exception to the airplane rules which comes into play when you're flying to or from Alaska or Hawaii these don't share borders with any states so you can't walk or drive to them you have to fly however these states have white backgrounds and there are no planes with matching white backgrounds instead you can always fly from any state to either Alaska or Hawaii as long as the plane connecting them shares the color of the state you flew from and in the same way you can leave from Alaska or Hawaii and go to any other state as long as the plane connecting them is the color of the State you're flying to for example we can fly from Colorado to Alaska as long as we use a red plane since that matches the state we're flying from then we can fly from Alaska to Oklahoma because we have a plane here matching the state we're flying to you can also fly between Alaska and Hawaii or Hawaii and Alaska using a plane of any color with that you now know all the ways to properly connect States within your 10-day journey and I'll just remind you again you can have cards in any of the slots during the game even ones that don't create valid connections but your job will be to replace the ones you have so you've built a valid 10day Journey at the end of a player's turn if they've done this they must say out loud 10 days they then lay the cards in their tray onto the matching spaces of the board here so it looks like this when they're done then the players review the results together to make sure a valid Journey has been created so let's check this journey together it starts in Colorado then they walk to Nebraska and then fly to Indiana using a green airplane to connect these two green States then they walk from Indiana into Michigan and then walk again from Michigan into Wisconsin now using a tan plane they fly from Wisconsin to Alaska to leave Alaska they use a red plane in order to fly into Texas that's a valid Journey so this player wins now if you you ever reveal your journey and the trip is invalid just take all of your cards and put them back into the matching Slots of your tray continuing the game until someone has a valid journey and wins otherwise that's everything you need to know to play 10 days in the USA if you have any questions about anything you saw here feel free to put them in the comments below and I'll gladly answer them as soon as I get a chance you'll also find forums for discussion pictures other videos and lots more over on the games page at Board Game Geek and I'll put a link to that in the description below and if you found this video helpful please consider giving it a like subscribing and clicking that little bell icon so you get notification anytime we post a new video and if you'd like to support us directly you can join our patreon team which I'll have linked below but until next time thanks for watching
Channel: Watch It Played
Views: 6,085
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: How To Play, Watch It Played, Instructions, Board Games, Card Games, Tabletop, Miniatures, Play Throughs, Board Game, Tutorial, Tutorials, Rules, Learn, Learn How To Play, Game Rules, Learn To Play, 10 Days In The USA, The Op, Alan R. Moon, instructional
Id: lHq43L655rU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 17sec (737 seconds)
Published: Tue May 14 2024
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