10 Dark Home Alone Theories That Will Ruin Your Childhood

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[Music] these days no holiday period is complete without watching the first two home alone movies meaning drunk and watching rubbish you're gonna come out and stop me 1990s home alone in 1992 is home alone - lost in New York are now staple parts of Christmas yes and naturally fans of the two movies love to come up with theories about them in this video we'll showcase just a few of those dark examples enjoy [ __ ] don't get scared now don't forget to hit the subscribe button it's the best way to keep up to date with all of our great new videos oh and during the video see if you can keep count of how many times the Grinch randomly appears stick around until the end to find out if you counted correctly like a word with you sir am i under arrest or something Peter McCallister is a mob boss it's never actually explained how Peter McCallister is able to live in a huge mansion supporting a wife who doesn't work and five children or how he can afford to take his entire family on vacation but this theory has it covered Peter is actually a powerful and extremely rich mob boss and strangely enough there are a number of clues to back the theory up Peters behavior around Harry when he was dressed as a cop the night before the McCallister's were due to travel to France was extremely defensive he responded to a simple question about whether or not he owned the house by abruptly saying am I in some kind of trouble officer then there's the fact that Peters work is never discussed in the book adaptation of the movie he's vaguely described as being in business which is very vague and ominous suggesting shady dealings also the Wet Bandits targeted the neighborhood in the movie for the specific purpose of robbing the McAlister home which Harry describes as the big score which would suggest they knew a lot of money was stashed inside as there was nothing obviously different about the house from the outside in comparison to others in the area the final clue is the family's general behavior Kate is cold buzz is a psychopath Uncle Frank is a complete jerk and Kevin is completely relaxed about going to war with Harry and Marv blatantly attempting to kill them with Sir traps so it's settled Peter McAllister is a gangster but call as soon as we land Kate I'm sure everything's okay our Uncle Frank was responsible for the events of home alone Frank McAllister was undoubtedly a jerk but this theory suggests he might have planned for Kevin being left behind and there's a lot to back it up when fuller asked him what time they were getting up the next morning Frank quickly replied early suggesting he'd be in a rush to leave he then made sure other people ate Kevin's cheese pizza sending him into a rage which then prompted him to call him a little jerk for doing insuring his brother knew how upset he was resulting in the youngster getting sent up to the third floor where he could easily be forgotten the theory then suggests it was Frank not a storm who cut the power during the night Franklin invited the neighbor boy over to the van to ensure the headcount was correct while he kept most of the adults occupied and gleefully headed on vacation without the nephew he despised later his callous reaction to Kate's horror at Kevin being left was to compare it to him forgetting his reading glasses not the reaction of someone who cared right in early home alone scripts it was Frank who arranged for Harry and Marv to rob his brother's house this theory even suggests that Frank was still responsible and even put a hit out on Kevin huh when the McCallister's were at the airport Leslie said she and Frank had called everyone to check on Kevin but Frank was still on the phone to Harry and Marv maybe you decide Kevin grew up to be the jigsaw killer it was pretty weird how a young boy like Kevin McCallister was completely unaffected psychologically by his two ordeals with Harry and Marv right well this theory suggests he was actually affected quite badly and he grew up to be the twisted and deranged jigsaw killer from the soft franchises of us all just think about it they're both brilliant at setting traps and it isn't inconceivable that Kevin went on to use his trap setting skills and far more murderous ways Kevin did also display some violent tendencies other than his traps setting in the home alone movies such as the time he found out his cheese pizza had been devoured by his family and he did have a fascination for recorded video that even included voyeurism which definitely fits with jigsaws behavior he was also fascinated with his neighbor old man Marley who he believed was a serial killer and was particularly intrigued by the idea of Marley imprisoning and mummifying his victims moreover just look at Kevin's traps just about all of them were triggered by the victims just like many of jigsaws but you're probably thinking how is this possible the jigsaw killer is called John Kramer well there's a simple explanation kevin had his name changed as part of the witness protection act is it believable now old man Marley's hand-wound is important in the first home alone movie audiences were introduced to the McCallister's neighbor old man Marley who was played by the late Robert blossom was McCallister but have you believed that Marley was a serial killer who preserved his victims bodies but he actually turned out to be a very sweet elderly gentleman when Kevin first encountered Marley while he was out shopping the old man had a very bloody wound on his hand but it was seen to heal rapidly over a number of significant scenes while healing time is of course normal this theory suggests that there was more to it than that the wound had healed slightly with only a small bandage covering it when he was talking to Kevin in the church about his estranged son and granddaughter then the next time he was seen on screen his wound had healed completely and he was reunited with his affer mentioned family members it is therefore theorized that old man Marley's bloody wound was a physical manifestation of his relationship with his son and an embodiment of the fact that old wounds can heal while it's quite sweet in a way it's also a very gruesome way of being metaphorical assuming it's actually true if it cost me everything I own if I have to sell my soul to devil himself excuses Gus Polinski is the devil remember John Candy's character in the first Home Alone movie he was Gus Polinski otherwise known as the Polka king of the Midwest he appeared in the scene at Scranton Airport when Kevin's mom said I will get home even if I have to sell my soul to the devil himself and that is when Polinski noticed and approached her this theory therefore suggests that Polinski might just be the devil himself it points out that there's a crossroads located at the Scranton Airport in the myth regarding crossroads and demonic terms simply put if you make an offer to the devil near a crossroads he'll show up and deliver it in exchange for your offering in this case Kate's soul Gus offered Kate a ride to Chicago and she accepted and what happened next was further evidence to back this theory up when you make a deal with the devil more often than not there are ironic twists of fate that don't end up benefiting you at all in this case if cated staved the airport she would have arrived back at home at pretty much the same time as everyone else and that's certainly ironic another theory suggests the complete opposite the Polinski was actually Kate's guardian angel but that's obviously a lot dark in nature and dark is just more fun Merry Christmas little fella we know that you're in there and that you're all Harry and Marv are Christmas spirits in spite of the fact that Kevin McCallister was treated quite harshly at the start of the first Home Alone movie he was also quite clearly something of a spoiled brat after getting into trouble for reacting to buzz and Co eating his cheese pizza Kevin made a wish to make his family disappear a wish that appeared to have been granted when he woke up home alone the following morning not long after Harry and Marv first showed up on the scene and the two burglars began going after Kevin could it be that there was more to them however this theory suggests that Harry and Marv are Christmas spirits sent to remind Kevin just how important his family was to him and how much he needed them a couple of years later in home alone - Lawson New York Kevin was separated from his family in the Big Apple again he ran into Harry and Marv which can't be a mere coincidence in that scenario Kevin was forced to witness situations involving the less fortunate such as the kids whose presents could be stolen and the pigeon lady Harry and Marv were there to teach Kevin values their spiritual nature would also explain why they were able to survive the beatings they took which would most certainly kill the average man one of them was electrocuted [Music] Peter McCallister was training secret agents throughout the early scenes of the first Home Alone movie you'll see that when Kevin was being harassed by members of his family berated by Uncle Frank or even when he was left behind when everyone else went on holiday his father was pretty much fine with it this theory suggests that Peter was actually orchestrating everything because he was secretly training secret agents in the form of his own kids no less he started with buzz developed more along the lines of a US Army grunt as he was extremely antisocial he owned a weapon and his pet was a spider something he couldn't develop a real emotional bond with Kevin was therefore left behind on purpose Peter had Intel through work that Harry and Marv are due to hit his house and the way he had treated Kevin and life up until that point was to prepare him for the first major test which turned out to be defending the house from them in the seat Peter purposefully ran away from Kevin when he got on the plane in order to set him up on another perilous situation in which he would have to fend for himself it was essentially just to ensure that Kevin's success in his first test wasn't merely a fluke back in 58 whole family and half the people on this block with the solution the McCallister's are a cult apart from the fact that Peter McAllister is obviously ridiculously rich the McCallister's are pretty much a normal family they're gonna have fun together and they certainly bicker and argue but ultimately they all come together because they love each other so darn much this theory however suggests the family are hiding a very dark secret they're actually a cult the first clue is the way they went about trying to contact Kevin when they realize they'd left him behind surely you'd call a friend but no Kate opted to phone the authorities could this be because she has no friends that would be very cult-like no the second clue is that the kids were victims of fear-mongering for example they'd been brought up to believe that their neighbor was a serial killer what a great way of ensuring they never spoke to anyone outside their cult the third clue is the name McAlister the Spanish word for Alistair means induct while MC is an abbreviation of master of ceremonies so if you stretch it a little bit the whole name basically means induction ceremony the most culty name ever right finally the fact that they all go on vacation together is evidence that they stick to their own not so normal now are they [Music] old man Marley is Kevin from the future right for this theory you have to imagine that in the original home alone storyline there was no old man Marley so when Kevin went outside to scream I'm not afraid anymore Marley didn't appear to scare the hell out of him and he subsequently answered the door to the policeman who took him somewhere safe Harry and Marv then ended up robbing the place without Kevin and Marley there to thwart their plans which had a snowball effect on Kevin and his family their beautiful house was cleaned out and flooded by the Wet Bandits Kevin never healed from these events and when he grew older his relationship was strained with his son especially around Christmastime the theory suggests that in the future Marley forced his son and his son's wife to travel back in time with him in order to change the events of the past cue the movie's storyline because of the appearance of his older self young Kevin defeated the Wet Bandits and went on to live a happy life in which he was very close to his son an extended family granted it's extremely convoluted and has a number of glaring plot holes that could take some explaining to get around but it's interesting nonetheless the man I loved fell out of love with me broke my heart mr. Duncan and the pigeon lady were former lovers in home alone too lost in New York Kevin McCallister made friends with two older people toy shop owner mr. Duncan and the homeless woman known as pigeon lady neither of whom had any obvious connection to the oven this theory suggests they were actually former lovers so why is this a dark theory well because of the reason and it's theorized that they split up mr. Duncan left her because she couldn't have children the pigeon lady spoke of being in a relationship in the past with someone who left her but she didn't explain why and the fact that she could sneak into music venue Carnegie Hall would suggest she had previously been familiar with him she had seen everyone from Frank Sinatra to Ella Fitzgerald perform there perhaps because her rich former lover could afford to take her there regularly mr. Duncan obviously loved children could that have been because he was never able to have any of his own it seems interesting that the gift he gave Kevin was a pair of turtledoves maybe he just had Birds on his mind due to the fact that his former lover had always been very fond of them there are millions of people in New York so the of this being true our slim but certainly makes sense when you connect the dots and that's the end of our video did you enjoy it do you have any theories about the home alone movies let us know your thoughts in the comments section below and don't forget to Like share and subscribe for more great videos just like this one and the number of times the Grinch randomly appeared was well we hope you had fun counting bye for now [Music]
Channel: Screen Rant
Views: 3,459,553
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Fun, Funny, Family, Kids, Friends, Video, Movies, Popular, Entertaining, Entertainment, Home Alone, Home Alone 2, Home Alone 2: Lost in New York, Macaulay Culkin, Christmas, Comedy, Theories, Christmas Movies, holiday movies
Id: azkwM7B_jBo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 33sec (813 seconds)
Published: Wed Dec 13 2017
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