10 Cursed YouTube Videos You CAN'T Watch

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- Stories of cursed books, images, and films have been spreading around for as long as anyone can remember, but the dawn of the internet brought with it a new medium for evil. That's right, there are dozens and dozens of videos on YouTube right now which are allegedly cursed. Watch at your own risk as this is going to get progressively creepier. (spooky music) Here are 10 cursed YouTube videos you can't watch. Number 10 is Real Cursed Video. Uploaded on February 19th, 2015, this video, appropriately called Real Cursed Video has a warning that it's haunted and that viewers should beware watching it right in the title. It features a field of stars which move about in an attempt to disorient those watching. The video's description invites you to put on high-quality headphones, turn of the lights, and stare into your monitor as you watch the images slowly zoom in, out, or warp into a starry mess. As you do this, you will apparently start to go numb and get a feeling of tingling in your body, which the uploader, a user named TunnelPipes, claims is like having the static from television turned to a bad channel rumbling under your skin. Many have reported feeling the very effect, some of them unable to shake it for days. (spooky music) Number nine is WPKEPKW. On August 16th, 2014, a video titled WPKEPKW was uploaded to a YouTube channel called FXG RYN. An unidentified woman claimed to look for the video after hearing rumors about it only appearing to people once and revealing to them the date that they will ultimately die. It took several attempts, but she eventually saw it pop up in her search results. It was then that she began seeing an image from the video, the blurred face of a deformed person on the computer screen, which, in the clip itself, was accompanied by unsettling sounds. Since then, tales of finding this video have stopped, and copies have been uploaded to other accounts. But what the video actually depicts and how it kept vanishing are unknown. (spooky music) Number eight is This Video May Induce Nightmares. If for some reason you're tired of having calm dreams of nice images, then there's a terrifying fix just for you, and it happens to be a YouTube Video. Uploaded on July 17th, 2015, this video titled This Video May Induce Nightmares features noises which alternate between high and low pitches and random, sudden sounds that are often startling. It also contains little to no color and a bizarre sequence of images which are clearly edited in that particular order to make the viewer uncomfortable and include strange animations, creepy puppets, lions eating a fresh kill, and spinning pictures of a suburban neighborhood. Much like the title suggests, watching this clip can lead to having awful nightmares which can leave the viewer shaken for days. (spooky music) Number seven is The Grifter. Described as a soul-rendering experience, this video is considered by many to be one of the most chilling videos on the internet. More like collage of images pulled from a person's nightmare than a simple YouTube video, The Grifter was first mentioned on the website 4Chan on the image board sometime between 2007 and 2009. Multiple people came forward after watching it, saying that they'd been negatively affected by the clip's contents. It's been claimed that simply watching the video one time through will bring the viewer nothing but pain and madness as they begin to lose their minds, traumatized by what the clip has put them through. While some of the images in The Grifter have been taken from foreign films, its effect on those watching it has been very apparent. (spooky music) Number six is Username 666. On February 28th, 2008, a video titled Username 666 was shared via YouTube. Anyone who tried to watch the video saw that the user had been suspended. However, those who happened to refresh the page multiple times suddenly found themselves watching a disturbing video which began to corrupt things not only within the confines of the video player but on the viewer's internet browser and operating system. The virus allegedly changed all readable text to 666, and some even claimed to have their web cams turned on. Viewers of 666 reported being shaken, and at least one individual lost their job because of what they saw. Should you ever find a way to access 666's channel, be warned that you could find yourself not only with a computer full of devastating viruses but a truly warped view of the world. (spooky music) Number five is Obey the Walrus. First uploaded to YouTube on October 5th, 2007, Obey the Walrus begins with Andross, the main antagonist of the video game series StarFox, singing the nursery rhyme The Itsy Bitsy Spider in Spanish. Seconds into the clip, psychedelic images begin to appear, swirling about in different patterns like a screensaver before the scene abruptly cuts to clips of the goddess bunny, an incredibly thin person tap dancing in a creepy fashion as the nursery rhyme distorts and gets louder. The clip suddenly ends with a picture of a walrus. The original video has been taken down, but since then many copies have been re-uploaded. Regardless of which one you watch, you will allegedly been met with hardship as bad things begin to happen to you. (spooky music) Number four is You Have 20 Seconds to Stop This Video. While most of us would probably jump at the chance to reconnect with a diseased loved on, if it means following through with the curse that the video comes with, it might lead you to being the next dead loved one contacted by the living. Titled You Have 20 Seconds to Stop This Video, this clip literally gives you exactly what its title suggests: 20 seconds to turn it off. After watching, the viewer will be visited by dead family and friends, first in nightmares, before they gradually begin appearing in the real world. Those who watch are warned never to speak to or follow any loved one's ghost, as they will be led to their own demise. The only way to end the curse is to share it with someone, who will then be the new victim. (spooky music) - [Man] Why? - Now that you've seen it, you may want to share this video with someone to avoid it yourself. Number three is The Broken Heart Curse. This unnerving video resembles the cursed tape from the Hollywood movie The Ring, in that it features several people seeming losing their minds as they succumb to whatever experiment the creator put them through, cut in with random disturbing clips like clumps of hair being pulled from a person's mouth and a wheelchair moving on its own. The video's description claims that, should the viewer watch the clip in its entirety and somehow broken the video creator's heart in the past, then they would be added to the deranged woman's list of future victims. Furthermore, their demise will then be added to the video itself so it can be witnessed by others about to join them. (spooky music) Number two is The Curse of Sarah Black. Imagine checking out a random video on YouTube only to read a disclaimer before you watch anything which says this video could kill you. Well that's exactly what the description of this particular video does. Excessively titled Cursed Video Scary Do Not Watch Haunted Video, this clip is said to be haunted by the ghost of Sarah Black, a woman from Ireland who possessed supernatural abilities, including the power to open gateways to other worlds. It's believed that Black's spirit was summoned and placed in this sequence of images from which she brings slow, painful deaths to those who dare to watch them, their first warning sign being a slight headache. The video's description goes on to say that, once you press play, there's no going back. (spooky music) And number one is The Cursed Kleenex Commercial. While Kleenex tissues are a staple in homes around the world, especially when we're sick or suffering from allergies, at leas one of their commercials seems to be giving out a feeling of anything but supportiveness. One particular commercial was broadcast on television in Japan in 1986, but was apparently so disturbing to viewers that it was pulled off the air shortly after its debut. The video, which found its way to YouTube in 2006, features a strange baby and its apparent mother who's holding a tissue. Rumor has it that the cast and crew behind the commercial all suffered tragic deaths or accidents shortly after filming it, a curse which still exists today. Anyone who watches this video could be next to have a misfortune or accident. Thank you for subscribing, and a special thanks to all channel members, especially the ones on screen right now. You all help keep my channel going. Thanks again, and I'll see you next time.
Channel: Matthew Santoro
Views: 389,390
Rating: 4.8549819 out of 5
Keywords: Matthew Santoro, Matt Santoro, Santoro, Facts, Myths, 50 Amazing Facts, Amazing Facts, Facts in 5, Top 10, List, Countdown, Crazy, Funny, Comedy, Matthew Santoro YouTube, Matt Santoro YouTube, Santoro YouTube, YouTube Matthew Santoro, YouTube Matt Santoro, Matthew Santoro Facts, Matthew Santoro Myths, Matt Santoro Facts, Matt Santoro Myths, Santoro Facts, Santoro Myths
Id: HaqeNBow4OI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 0sec (660 seconds)
Published: Fri Sep 13 2019
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