10 Coolest Kids in the World!

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all kids want to be cool but only a select few really go the distance something being cool is all about having a great image but for others it takes a lot of hard work and determination to get where they want to be in life this dedicated group of kids set an example to the world about what it really means to be cool let's meet them as we check out 10 of the coolest kids in the world one chase cajeta chase Tejeda is one of the most talented child soccer players on the planet at just age 10 he has impressed his coaches with an extraordinary work ethic chase gets up at 6 a.m. to practice his game before and after school Chase is always looking to hone his skills pushing himself to the limit even when his trainers are getting tired because Chase is from Massachusetts he is often out in the cold and snow but never takes a day off he's played soccer for his country in Spain and also takes part in other sports like boxing and hockey and has won trophies for both his hero is Lionel Messi who he admires because of his focus on the game and the fact he doesn't draw attention to himself like other high-profile players this dedication to becoming a top player combined with the outlook of someone twice his age has led to chase gaining a large following on social media 33000 follow him on Instagram and the videos he posts on YouTube have had 100,000 hits not bad for a ten-year-old to be girl Terra while B girl para is a dance battle sensation at 11 she's been wowing audiences since she was six this uk-based talent first grabbed people's attention in 2013 when she competed in the shell battle Pro a yearly event held in France B girl para first learned her moves from her father who reportedly began teaching her as an infant she has since performed her moves on TV for The Ellen DeGeneres Show and also for adverts and music videos she works with the Seoul Mavericks Dance Crew and dances with her sister B girl Eddie B girl Tara is known for her handstands and it said she did her first handstand at the age of one and a half her break dancing performances show surprising confidence in one so young she has won competitions such as in beastie baby battles be supreme five verse five and Southwest got rhythm under-16s be real Tara has traveled around the world but her future may not lie dance according to the girl herself she really wants to be a mermaid 3des refresh fourteen-year-old Ezra fret from the u.s. overcame great odds to become a high achieving young student he was born with congenital limb differences this means his body was missing a left knee and left fibula bone to connect the knee to the ankle plus he didn't have fingers on his left hand though he did have a thumb surgery removed his lower left leg which was replaced with a prosthetic a toll from the foot was then attached to form an extra digit on his hand from there Ezra worked extremely hard getting involved in sports like basketball football and soccer a curved cheetah running leg stabilizes him enabling him to get around a playing field at speed Ezra has a positive approach to life and is determined to live it as fully as possible speaking publicly at schools with his message that it's okay to be different to other kids he also explores a creative side by making his own music and performing on stage his inspirational story has had a profound effect on those around him as a baby he was the namesake for teen Desura who raise funds for physically disabled people and their organizations to date they have raised an astonishing four hundred thousand dollars for ethnic Assad vikas this ten-year-old girl may be small in stature but she packs a big punch and Nikas boxing potential was first spotted back when she was poor in Voronezh Russia her proud father dressed on a kazakh is a keen boxer himself training his seven children twice a day in the woods to develop their physical abilities he noticed if Nika copying her family's training moves one day and the rest is history an online video of her showing her skills captured the public's imagination with ethnic it going on to appear in the press and on TV the really surprising thing about her is her speed she can deliver 47 knockout punches in 30 seconds and that's only using one hand she can also throw 100 punches in a minute Rustom and if nica's mother gymnast anya are happy with the intentional level of training and believe their daughter has what it takes to become a famous fighter has even created his own training device called the ethnic simulator in honor of his child the device generates kinetic energy and develops the arm muscles aspiring boxers can reportedly practice any type of punch on it five bunchy young when it comes to future stardom American football prodigy bunch of young certainly has the image he's known for his dyed hair and biblical words running along his arms however his determination to win and long hours of training are what sets him apart from other 12 year olds born in Los Angeles he undergoes NFL level mentoring at the stars program working alongside none other than a Dori Jackson cornerback for the Tennessee Titans it's only the latest chapter of bunchy success story which started when his father Dave began nurturing his gift by the time he was nine he'd broken the world record for the 100-yard dash achieving a time of 12.4 at 11 he was given the prestigious title of sports kid of the year courtesy of Sports Illustrated kids an offer of a football scholarship at University of Illinois soon follow and he has been approached to play Division one once he gets to college bunchy is so high-profile with a big social media following that he's even launched his own line of jackets for the brand Under Armour his eye-catching style and positive attitude have marked him out for greatness six Skye brown young Japanese skateboarder Skye Brown is aiming to get to the Olympics such is her talent she will hopefully do that by next year at Tokyo Summer Games Skye is only ten years old and if she qualifies this will make her the youngest ever competitor at the event beating the previous record holder by a year she hopped on her first skateboard at four and three years later she was a pro parents too and Mia ko have been careful to encourage their daughter to have fun rather than give herself a hard time on the ramps as a result sky appears more laid-back than other child sports prodigies surprising given she regularly competes against full-grown adults she has 300,000 followers on Instagram and hopes to inspire other little girls to follow her example younger brother ocean is also displaying a high level of skill so it seems skateboarding runs in the family because of her father's English background sky would be representing the UK at the Olympics she's already won the simple sessions tournament in Estonia this year and it makes a formidable opponent watch out Tokyo 7 Rudolph Ingram this little athlete has yet to reach 4 feet in height but amazingly he has the ABS of a grown man seven year old Rudolph Ingram's nickname is blaze and with his speed it's easy to see why he was made famous by basketball legend LeBron James who uploaded a video of blaze playing a local game of american football last year the clip went viral and other impressive footage of him winning track events was posted by his father Rudolph senior he first noticed his son's potential at age 4 when watching the Olympics gave the young blaze a taste of the sporting line three years on he has around 270,000 Instagram followers and has even been compared to Usain Bolt he managed to run 100 meters in 13 point four eight seconds and is adept at a range of sports his father has praised his strong work ethic and he became MVP or Most Valuable Player for the Ravens football team on his home turf of Tampa Bay Florida 8 Tristan Leaf teenage bodybuilder Tristan Lee was first introduced to the world when he posted pictures of himself practicing soccer online he meant to showcase his ball handling skills but what people couldn't fail to notice was his extraordinary bodybuilders physique now the 16 year old from California is well known for his punishing regimes and determined attitude he offers advice on his own channel giving viewers a look at his workouts and showing them how to do things like get superhero shoulders as well as constantly performing moves such as leg squats he eats a ketogenic or keto diet which places the emphasis on fat over carbs a regular teen will manage a bowl of cornflakes in the morning if they eat anything at all Tristan does things very differently consuming 5 eggs and a whole four ounce steak for his breakfast he also values his down time and unlike other cool kids you'll hear about on this list he does take a day off to recharge his batteries ultimately Tristan wants to be a pro soccer player but if that doesn't happen he has a bright future in bodybuilding 9 Caden dubby stone Caden dubby stone is now 16 but he grabbed the world's attention several years ago when he completed 10 complicated BMX tricks at just 10 years old it was a goal he set himself to complete before his 11th birthday and he managed to pull it off in style the results can be seen in a stunning YouTube video that shows Caden performing gravity defying tricks such as the bar spin and tail whip hailing from the US Caitlin went on to take third place in the 2015 physi World Series in France bearing in mind he was the youngest biker there that's quite some achievement he has around 50,000 Instagram followers and speaking of high numbers he goes through a lot of tires encouraged by his parents he sees his BMX as a vehicle for his creativity and rides a custom 16 inch bill weighing just 17.3 pounds Caden uses this because of his signs he finds he can react faster on the bike speedy reflexes are key when you're twirling a BMX under you in midair Tim Brooklyn Sydnor 12 year old Brooklyn sinner describes herself as an average small-town girl from Montana however there is much about this athlete that stands out she is passionate about the sport of CrossFit which she got into when she was 7 she was already a dedicated gymnast but CrossFit captured her imagination with its mix of gym training and weightlifting in particular she wanted to overcome the rains and the tough challenge of pulling and pushing herself up on down she finally cranked it and her father Corey identifies that as the moment she became a true cross bidder Brooklyn is home-schooled so doesn't have to worry too much about fitting her training around her studies she spends about nine hours a day practicing and that's for 6 or 7 days per week whereas Corey used to teach her new things now he says it's more like the other way around as Brooklyn develops herself into a champion cross and all that hard work is seriously paying off with Brooklyn setting three state records at the Montana state weightlifting championships she now hopes to smash it at the CrossFit Games in 2021 that wraps up our cool kids list which one of these kids do you think was the coolest go ahead and comment below and remember if you liked this video go ahead and subscribe so you'll be the first to know when we post a new video thanks for watching and we'll see you next time [Music]
Channel: Interesting Facts
Views: 20,648
Rating: 4.8883247 out of 5
Keywords: unusual kids, kids, top 10, people, 10 most, top 5, most, kids in the world, unusual kids in the world, coolest kids, interesting facts, interesting, facts, best, list, you won't believe, kid, unique kids, child, Chase Carrera, Ezra Frech, Bunchie Young, Coolest Kids in the World, children, in the world, unbelievable, amazing
Id: Shgwt6UDnZA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 8sec (668 seconds)
Published: Sat Aug 24 2019
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