10 Books You Need To Read in 2023

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okay so in this video I'm gonna share 10 books to read in 2023 I have them here and I want to share them with you because these are books that I've read in the past year that I thought were extremely impactful influential I've learned so much from them and these are just some of the ones that I've read this year and I picked them out of the big batch of ones um and I think these are just really great now let's get into the video You're Gonna notice a couple things first of all uh that I have some Tendencies look I like certain things I like history I like Finance I like philosophy and so you might find some some Tendencies along some of these books but I really hope that this is somewhat of a well-rounded uh amount of books here that you could potentially read in 2023 so without any further Ado let's get into the video so if you've been following me for a couple of years then you'll know that I try to read about a book a week every week for the past few years and I've been doing pretty good with that sometimes I might miss a little bit like if I'm reading a thousand page book it might take me two weeks to read that so sometimes you know I'm not reading exactly one book per week but I'm pretty darn close to it um and so let's talk about these books here I don't know even know which one we should start with let's start off with actually my favorite book uh that I read this past year that I would highly recommend which is the house of Morgan so this is a book uh almost sort of a biography not about just one of the Morgans JP Morgan um or Jack Morgan or uh JP Morgan's father genius Morgan it's it's a really fascinating book about the Morgan Family and how they basically created the modern banking system today so if you're interested in history or you're interested in finance and I think this is a perfect blend of both of them to learn how the banking industry came to be and you can you know I'm sorry from kind of nerding out about this but it really was my favorite book that I read in this past year and it makes you realize how much of today's world was shaped by just a handful of people people a hundred years ago or 150 years ago but I think it's about 800 Pages it's very heavy but it kind of reads like a novel it's not doesn't really feel like a textbook it really does feel like you're reading about people's lives and going through history starting back in like think like the 1700s taking you all the way up to almost today so if that sounds interesting to you then you should go ahead and check it out so the next book that I would recommend reading in 2023 it might feel a little bit more dry but I really wanted to read a book about religions in the world so even though I was born as a Christian I found it fascinating that there's so many different religions in the world and it kind of felt like you know you could be born into anything if you're born you know in the United States versus if you're born in China versus if you're born in Cambodia or you're born in South Africa or anywhere else in the world you might end up having a different religion just depending on who your parents are and everything and so I wanted to learn about the different religions in the world and uh I think this helps me to gain a lot of perspective about different countries different cultures and also realize that in a lot of ways actually a lot of religions are a lot more similar than what you might think and so just interesting to kind of learn about some of these things learning about you know Buddhism and Hinduism and Islam and Christianity and Judaism and all these different religions so I would recommend it it's a little bit more of a dry read I will just warn you so if you like are not good at reading in the first place then maybe it's not a book for you because it does sort of feel like a textbook I think actually if you read some of the reviews a lot of people say like their college professor had them read this book as a textbook so it is a little bit more dry but if it is interesting to you I would definitely recommend checking it out and speaking of really interesting books I want to share this next one with you which is a book by Karl Marx I've actually only gotten through this first volume here because there's multiple volumes but it is Das capital or just Capital volume one here but if you know who Carl marks is is basically a communist um like kind of like the father of Communism in a lot of ways and even though I don't really agree with a lot of the things or think that it would be useful in today's society to implement something like this um it is really fascinating and I think it helps you to create arguments and counter arguments uh when you are talking politics with anyone so like I said even though I'm not a communist I find it very fascinating to learn about the ideas of it and you know some of it does make sense I just don't know if it's really practical in today's society or if it's possible to actually Implement uh in in fullness so fullness is that even a word whatever I want to iterate a point here that I think it's important to read things that you don't necessarily agree with and this is something I don't think many people do because a lot of people you know let's say that you're like you have one political belief and then people just only read books about the things that they believe in it's kind of like this Echo chamber of your thoughts and ideas whereas what I would rather do is Maybe me I have an idea I said I think a certain way and so I want to go and read the opposite stance to understand that you know maybe am I wrong or it really cements my idea that I am right about something and that I really do have those beliefs but I want to cement that and I want to make sure that I actually believe it and that's what's helpful by reading both sides of political spectrums or any other thing as well so just very fascinating helps give you a lot of perspective on the world and uh just yeah so definitely good to read so the next one that I want to share with you um and you'll kind of see a trend also like I've been getting really into books about like the 1800s early 1900s even the 1700s because it's just things that we haven't really learned about too much in school but this book is called the river of doubt and it's about Teddy Roosevelt Theodore Roosevelt back when he lost the election in 1912 he went down to the Amazon and started to explore the Amazon River and it's just this really fascinating story I think it's one of the best well like well written books and it's pretty easy to read it's a light read it's only about 300 Pages or so but it kind of like gives you this idea of showing you that this guy if you lost an election he was really down and out and so he went and he put himself through physical pain of going down into the Amazon into these unexplored areas um and and just mapping out the river and it was just fascinating to read this um and and like explain this uh Journey that he had and then kind of brings it all the way back around to when he came back to the United States um and just yeah pretty easy read you can definitely blow through this book in you know less than a week probably so I would recommend it so before we get into the next book I wanted to give a shout out to our sponsor acre Trader who lets you invest into Farmland without having to leave your room so I've wanted to invest into farmland for a pretty long time I just didn't know how to go about it and that's why acre Trader makes it so much easier you can invest through the platform if you are an accredited investor and it's a really great setup historically Farmland has had some pretty solid returns of course there's a lot of risk involved please do your own research but I will leave a link to them down below in the description if you want to get started investing in Farmland in 2023 they also have Timber plots and some other things I basically got an email every week and they show me the different plots of land that they are purchasing and you can basically become an owner of Farmland uh pretty easily through the site so leave that link Down Below in the description it's an affiliate link it does help support this channel so I would appreciate if you check them out so let's continue on with the other books in this video let's talk about the next books here we have a bunch but um the next book all right fine fine it's a tax book okay I know you're like Nate why are you telling me to read textbooks I don't want to read textbooks um but this book I basically just brush over it uh every year so I I just kind of like brushed over this book this week you don't have to read it like cover to cover because it is once again you know like over a thousand Pages there's not 800 Pages uh but this book single-handedly saves me thousands of dollars tens of thousands of dollars just from this so it doesn't matter if you're making five thousand dollars a year or you're making five hundred thousand dollars a year you really should read a book about taxes or you know if you're not going to read the whole thing just spend like a day skimming through it and you might be like wow didn't even realize I could do that didn't realize it was a child credit or I could use the Augusta uh loophole or you know I could do some cost segregation on real estate properties and save hundreds of thousands of dollars so you can create different tax shelters or do things like cattle feeding programs which I think are so cool um yeah sure the title says how to pay zero taxes look I'm still gonna pay a lot of taxes this year I don't mind paying taxes um but it is nice to kind of trim those down a little bit because I am paying like a lot in in taxes so uh definitely it's a helpful book very practical and I would recommend it okay so let's talk about some other books here I think the other one I want to share with you um is the almanac of Naval ravacant now this is also a very easy read it's not by Naval so Naval is a very uh well-renowned investor out in Silicon Valley he's been in a lot of deals super early a lot of these big tech companies that you see he was involved very early I don't know if he seeded YouTube or not but you know like you're probably watching this and he was one of the people who was behind this way back when a lot of these big tech companies were getting started um so he's he's really a genius in a way uh and he's very much sort of like a philosopher I would say a modern day philosopher and so even though this book was not written by him it's basically kind of just like looking at all of his tweets and his podcasts and everything that this guy has ever said and kind of just paraphrasing it and putting it into a digestible uh book that is a couple hundred Pages here about 200 Pages um and there's just some really great pointers here I would say this is great for people who are just getting started in the world of business or trying to live a better life he talks about happiness in this book as well and I just think it gives you a lot of aha moments where you're reading it you're like wow why did I not think about happiness or life or money or business or my family in this way I've never thought about it like that before um so like easy read would definitely recommend so the next book that I want to share with you is especially good for people interested in finance I know we have a lot of Finance people on this channel but it's called devil take the hindmost and it's about all the different Financial speculations that we've had in the past few hundred years now the reason why I like this book although it might seem kind of simple you know it's only 350 Pages it might seem pretty simple but what I learned from this book is that people are so like we are the same that we were 200 years ago 300 years ago you know you look last year at the cryptocurrency bubble um or you look at how high flying a lot of these tech companies for last year and you see like carvana from 300 a share down to like three dollars a share and we saw this massive popping of a bubble last year in 2021 and it's like wow how did this happen how do we not see it coming and then you read a book like this and you realize humans have been like this for hundreds of years and so it goes over a lot of different bubbles in human history the the thing that I got from this book was that there's always going to be bubbles you know we had the crypto bubble last year and the bubble's deflating and maybe we won't have one for a little while but 10 years from now 20 years from now there's going to be another bubble there's going to be this irrational exuberance and when you see it after reading a book like this you're going to be able to identify it so much better and luckily I read this before a lot of the bubble stuff and um yeah so definitely would recommend this book as well of course I'm recommending all these books now here's one this is a pretty big thick thick book here um and I'm I'm not gonna lie this is actually the one that I haven't actually read on this list yet but I I already know it's good uh it's it's on my next list here I do want to finish it hopefully before the end of the year but I only have about a week or so so I don't know if I can Crush through it but it is called Titan and it's all about Rockefeller uh John D Rockefeller and how he built an Empire he was the richest person in the world I think even by today's standards if you account for inflation he was without a doubt richer than anyone else in the world I think if you account for inflation probably in the hundreds of billions 300 400 billion dollars this was the person who basically created a monopoly of the oil industry bought up all the competitors and just had a really crazy run and of course you know did some pretty bad things as well um but I haven't actually read this book yet so but I know it's going to be good because it's by the same author who wrote The House of Morgan uh which was uh the book that I recommended first in this video and it was my favorite book that I read last year so I know this one's going to be good and it's going to give you a great history of Rockefeller probably the oil industry as well and just some other really cool things within American history oh and by the way don't forget to get your free stocks moomoo's giving out a ton of free stocks going into 2023 so if you want to get started investing go ahead check out MooMoo Down Below in the description to get your free stocks I don't even know how many they're giving away now it's at least 10 free stocks I think if you uh fund your account to a certain amount so if you want to start investing this year definitely go and check them out link below in the description um now another book I do want to recommend is the bond book okay fine this one might be a little bit boring to some people but if you understand bonds you can actually make a lot of money so I was trying to explain this to some of my friends earlier this year when I was going long on like 20 plus year treasuries that's going along in like 30-year treasuries 10-year treasuries and I was trying to explain to people like hey like here's this this thesis that I have I think you know rates are going to go down people are overestimating inflation next year and I went long on us treasuries in like September October I posted on my Instagram story and people like why are you doing this you're gonna make like four and a half five percent uh but they don't realize that you can actually trade treasuries as well sorry I'll save this for my bond tutorial video that's coming out soon uh but basically what I'm saying is that you can make a lot more than like four or five percent trading Bond you can make hundreds of percent in a year uh if you're good at it and of course you know I didn't do that yet but my gains were still double digit uh percent gains from Trading bonds this year so uh was fascinating and it's just an industry that people really neglect and uh it's actually bigger than the stock market Market without a doubt the bond market is much bigger than the stock market so you can make a lot of money that way as well like Michael birdie last year you know the big short guy last year uh he shorted uh long-term treasuries and I think if you went short on long-term treasury last year like triple leverage you'd be up like a hundred percent 110 right now um whereas everyone else is down like whatever at a minimum 20 on the S P so you can make money in bonds you can of course lose a lot of money in bonds as well uh but I would recommend learning about the bond industry this year especially because higher rates are looking like they're probably here to stay at least for a little while so the final book that I'd recommend in 2023 is called misbehaving and this is a book about behavioral economics now of course I really love economics but this kind of goes into a lot of psychology as well and it kind of reminds me of a book that was one of my favorites years ago which was called influence the psychology of persuasion it basically kind of tries to understand why people do the things that they do and it ties it into economic especially like the microeconomics of why people do what they do so I find it really fascinating especially if you like psychology then I would recommend checking out a book like this this book is called misbehaving so those are the 10 books that I would recommend reading in 2023 I know they probably did skew a little bit more on the business or the finance or on the history side so I do apologize if I didn't include a bunch of fiction books I am looking to read more fiction books in 2023 so please leave your favorite books down below what's one book that you thought was absolutely incredible that you read this year or read sometime in the past couple of years that you would recommend to me in this coming year now I thought about creating some type of book club I don't know if I'm gonna have the time for it but I would like to create some type of community here on this channel or on my Instagram where we can talk about books that I read so I will be posting the book that I'm reading every week on my Instagram so go ahead follow me there uh it's just NATO Brian with one extra and on the end so you can go ahead follow me there and let's stay up to date in 2023 with the books that we're reading hopefully we can read them together so thanks for watching the video and I'll see everybody in next week's video
Channel: Nate O'Brien
Views: 106,500
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: nate o'brien, book recommendations, books to read, life changing books, 5 books you should read, self help books, books that will change your life, book recommendations 2022, books to read in 2023, best books, self development books, best books 2023, book reviews 2022, top 5 books that will change your life
Id: BbGdctnRwyo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 22sec (982 seconds)
Published: Thu Dec 22 2022
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