10 Biggest Animals In The World

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like and subscribe right now or you're going to have terrible luck for the next week animals come in different shapes sizes and colors from the microscopic to the 40-foot bad boys whether you're thinking of size in terms of weight length or whatever else some are so undeniably huge that they just deserve to be talked about this is a hundred m and today we are looking at the biggest animals in the world number ten goliath frog all right it seems like we're starting off by going straight for the bullseye as you can tell the goliath frog is obviously huge the name kinda says it all goliath means big like really big the goliath frog is the largest frog the world has ever seen seriously this thing is huge goliath frogs can grow as big as 12 and a half inches long and can weigh as large as seven pounds and sometimes even heavier these frogs can even grow as big as some house cats would you look at that funny enough goliath frogs don't start out so big at the tadpole stage they are normally the same size as every other tadpoles of an average frog but that's when things get interesting the baby frogs just keep getting bigger and bigger it just doesn't stop by the time they hit full maturity boom you have your gigantic frogs although these frogs are quite fascinating there is so much we don't know about them how long they live how many species there are nature is a fascinating thing number nine [Music] ostrich ugly looking strange things aren't they these birds are the tallest and heaviest birds of all while it is the largest it surprisingly cannot fly instead it runs fast super fast the ostrich can run as fast as 70 kilometers an hour in just one stride this flightless bird can cover up to 16 feet which is roughly the size of a regular family car and can keep up a speed of over 30 miles an hour for long distances the ostrich's short wings work for balance when it stretches them out while running the ostrich has strong legs that are used for self-defense and trust me if this thing gives you a kick it'll knock the wind right out of you an ostrich will kick with a force that's great enough to kill a full-grown lion and by the way the story about ostriches burying their heads in the sand when they're trying to hide is a total lie they're not that stupid so cut them some slack number eight giraffe if you grew up as the freakishly tall kid in class then this name might be particularly familiar to you giraffes are an example of nature's creativity these animals are the tallest land animals and they are so tall that they could easily look into a window of a second story room without stretching although it would be rather odd to find a giraffe standing on its tippy toes a giraffe can have a neck as long as six feet and weigh as much as 600 pounds bear in mind friends that this is just the neck as most tall kids might relate a giraffe is mostly neck and legs its legs are also six feet long with the back ones looking shorter than the front legs although they are in fact the same length its heart can be about two feet long and can weigh about 25 pounds and its lungs can hold 12 gallons of air also has a small lump on its back as a camel does and its body is covered with spots all over and here's an interesting bit for you to know a giraffe spots are unique they are like its fingerprints because no two giraffes can have the same spot pattern soon you might find these tallies registering for national id with these fancy fingerprints eh number seven komodo dragon komodo dragons can be found in the harsh climate of indonesia's lesser sunda islands komodo dragons are the largest living lizards in the world and they are identified by their massive size flatheads bowed legs and thick long tails some people call them land crocodiles and they might very well be right although they are technically called dragons daenerys targaryen won't be writing any of these soon an average male komodo dragon can be as long as eight or even 9 feet but they sometimes grow as long as 10 feet females grow as long as 6 feet komodo dragons do not usually attack humans in fact komodo dragon attacks are quite rare they only go awol when their safe space is invaded which quite frankly is overrated you'd be pretty agitated if someone came trampling all over your natural habitat all of them come in various colors like blue green orange and very commonly grey if you do come across a komodo dragon do the world a favor and name it by cerion but don't hold your breath it definitely won't breathe fire number six saltwater crocodile next up we have the saltwater crocodile or the salties as some people like to call them thanks to steve irwin bless his soul almost all the world thinks australians make it a hobby to wrestle crocs in their leisure time however in real life not irwin's perfect reality saltwater crocodiles are one of the deadliest animals in australia to have a title like that you'd have to be pretty darn strong and if salties are anything it's strong they are also the largest reptiles in the world and grow up to 7 meters long living for as long as 80 years they are referred to as opportunistic predators which means that they literally wait patiently beneath the surface of the water waiting for prey to wander close and then bam they snap those chompers and attack these big boys eat just about anything even sharks being the biggest sure comes with dietary perks for these salties doesn't it number five brown bears polar bears the position of the largest living land carnivore is shared between brown bears and polar bears weighing a whopping 907 kilograms about a ton and reaching up to 10 feet about three meters tall when standing on their hind legs they've definitely earned their spot as the biggest while you'll find brown bears in the forests and mountains of north america europe and asia you need to head further north to the arctic circle to catch a glimpse of polar bears who split their time between the sea and ice and feed mostly on seals bears are very intelligent animals and they have extremely superior navigation skills compared to humans with great memories these big-bodied fur babies are one of the biggest we have ever seen number four whale shark alright we're venturing into the deep dark under the ocean whale sharks rincon typists are the largest shark and are actually the largest of any fish alive today surprisingly their preferred diet is not inclusive of the typical human flesh and whatnot you might expect they feed on plankton and travel large distances to find enough food to sustain their huge size and to reproduce whale sharks are found in all the tropical oceans of the world you might be wondering what's up with their name anyway whale sharks are named so because of the fact that they are so huge that they can be likened to whales and also the fact that they feed on plankton these creatures can grow as long as 40 feet and can weigh as much as 11 tons imagine how huge that is like human fingerprints whale sharks have a unique pattern of spots that allow individual sharks to be identified this could be great because these underwater beauties are graceful and for the most part harmless although they are literally the size of a school bus the incredible size of these things helps them to survive long migrations to abundant sources of food some scientists even believe that some whale sharks can swim across an entire ocean to find food sounds like most of us doesn't it number three colossal squid it seems like we're stopping by bikini bottom to pay squidward to visit okay just kidding but you got my point the colossal squid is a gigantic squid that lives in the deep sea surrounding antarctica not only is it the largest invertebrate on earth but the tentacled creature also has the world's largest animal eyes even larger than those of the great whales colossal squids can grow as long as 46 feet including the length of their body and their tentacles they can also get as heavy as 1100 pounds and as many large species the females are the larger individuals as you would expect these huge squids have tentacles covered with suckers that have strong sharp hooks that they use in capturing prey and also fight off predators that might try to harm them although with that size you'd wonder why anything would want to attack them considering how big they are here's a fun fact you might like to know colossal squids have been suspected to have years and years of bad blood with sperm whales many southern sperm whales are covered with scars from colossal squid hooks turns out these guys are the og's you might say now it's time for today's best pick this next big animal on our list was from a photo sent from a subscriber if you find a picture that you would like us to feature make sure to send it over you just might be lucky enough to get it on our next video number two anaconda the anaconda is the second largest animal on our list today now we're not talking about the one that haunted jennifer lopez in the movie or the one that nicki minaj was particularly overzealous about we are talking about the largest snake the world has ever seen anacondas are a group of large water loving snakes that are typically found in the tropics of south america anacondas as you might know are very large they have been reliably measured to be over 30 feet and sometimes even larger the young ones often grow rapidly almost reaching a third of their peak length at just the age of three here's another fun fact anacondas are not venomous rather than kill with venom they use constriction instead to subdue their prey it literally grabs the animal in its jaws and locks it with its teeth the anaconda coils around the prey squeezing the life out of it although now that i actually think about it i'm pretty sure that was not a fun fact before we move on i've got a little challenge for you that'll take five seconds to complete so here's the deal you just leave a like on this video smash that subscribe button and hit the notification bell and you will get 25 years of amazing luck try it it really works number one the blue whale number one on our list is the blue whale these are the largest animals ever known to have lived on earth even bigger than the extinct megalodon which was estimated to be about 60 feet the blue whales can be as large as 100 feet and can be as heavy as 200 tons now that is some serious heavyweight this might sound insane but their tongues alone can weigh as much as an elephant their hearts are also large sometimes as heavy as an automobile blue whales feed exclusively on tiny shrimp-like animals called krill the blue whale has a broad flathead with a long tapered body they are excellent and graceful swimmers that get pretty fast when they're agitated you don't want to be on the receiving end of that agitation okay here we are the end of this video if you have made it this far many thanks to you make sure to smash that subscribe button and give us a thumbs up that instantly gets you a hundred years of good luck you're welcome cheerio
Channel: 100M
Views: 3,066,598
Rating: 4.7691007 out of 5
Keywords: top, education, 100m
Id: HguBSC6To7c
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 18sec (678 seconds)
Published: Sat Aug 15 2020
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