10 Amazon Products You NEED Under $10!

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- I have 10 Amazon products you need under $10, welcome back to the channel. I'm the YouTube Deal Guy Matt Granite. If this is the type of content that gets you excited, please give this video a thumbs up, it helps the YouTube algorithm and it makes me feel like I have more friends than I actually do. If you like this type of content, also feel free to subscribe and turn your notifications on. Not too long ago, I did a full roundup of the top deals you could buy on Amazon, top 10 products for under 25 bucks, and you guys were very excited by all of the DIY projects that we're now able to tackle around our respective homes today. 10 awesome products that can help you make your jewelry look better than it's ever looked, ways to cook differently, ways to even repair holes in your wall, and some crazy inventions that you might never have thought of. In the video description box right under me, there's a breakdown of each of these deals, a reminder that I am using affiliate links today, which means I will benefit monetarily if you're kind enough to use one of my links. First things first, product number one under $10 that you need from Amazon. And this is a Dishwashing Soap dispenser. And if you've never considered what a tedious and sometimes messy process it is to get soap onto your sponges, take a look at this. This soap, pump, and sponge caddy is a great replacement for what we have in our home. So in our home right now, we have this weird hanging thing on the side of our sink, with suction cups, and don't worry I'm gonna clean these pots they're here for a reason. And we have to cut the sponge 'cause it didn't always fit in there, and we're applying soap and it's a disgusting mess. This will dispense the perfect amount of soap every time, so you're not pouring it directly onto a sponge. So you fill the soap, that you would like the amount, whatever that is into here. It does not need to be filled the full way, because there is a pump mechanism, and then you place this on top, and then like a soap dispenser, it will actually bring soap in an even amount onto the sponge that you put in here. And even for sponges that have a curvature with these. (plastic bag rustling) These will work beautifully. So let's put the sponge in, press down, could be once, oh, you look at that, that's so cool. You can see it foaming twice, and now you have your soap on your sponge, an even amount, and it's a much better way to store. You could just leave this down, obviously you need to replace your sponges frequently, but let's now clean some pots. (pots clanging) Your next must have product under $10 is in my hands, and it happens to be one of the most popular and top-rated products ever seen on Amazon. And it's a way to change how your diamond jewelry looks. And if you guys are thinking this isn't going to work, I'm going to bring my wife and her diamonds in, in a moment, to put this diamond dazzle stick to the test. But this is a twist dispenser, that can supposedly change how vibrant, and how sparkly a diamond looks. We all know that getting diamonds cleaned, and having to give them over to someone in a store is probably not the number one thing that people wanna do. This is a stick that can bring that shine without the need for a professional expensive or worrisome cleaning. It's just a regular day at our dining room table, I'm going to clean my wife's ring. So with this magic stick, or this diamond dazzle stick, you moisten the tip of this, and then you turn this. And this is the before on her ring, and she does clean it regularly, it's not awful. I'm going to apply the cleaner now, and you guys are gonna see the before and the after. You apply this cleaner over here. she actually cleans her own ring regularly, I'm just doing this for demonstration purposes. Did I do a good job? - So good. - This is supposed to rub this now so it foams, not weird and awkward, it's great. Look at that, it's getting all sudsy. And while that sits for a second, this is her solitaire necklace that I actually got Doria for her birthday last year, yeah. Do the same thing, get under and around, really shine this bad boy up. Alright, now we're gonna rinse these off so you can see the after effects, which is instant. All right, so we're gonna rinse this off, and you can see immediately right now, it is completely different, but we will show you in the same lighting at the dining room table, the before and the after. I'm gonna rinse this one right here, your solitaire necklace. (water dripping) (camera shuttering) So this is the after, it's a noticeable difference. I mean, unbelievable that this is an under $10 product, and the ring looks like it's got a value of several thousand dollars more. For those of you wondering, yes, it is real. For those of you wondering, did I get a huge deal on it, yes I did. And this is the solitaire necklace pendant, and you can see just the sparkle from before. They're very well cut diamonds, and they weren't dull by any means, but this just gives you a whole new brightness, sparkle. And you can actually expose a lot of the diamonds clarity with this stick, which is so cool. Now that you've seen my wife's hands, her engagement ring, and wedding jewelry, I think it's time we head straight to the toilet. Now this next gadget is something where a lot of people might actually not believe this is something they would ever use. But if you wake up in the middle of the night to go to the bathroom,(clicking). I am one of those people, and depending on how much bubble tea, or iced tea, or whatever I had to drink prior to me actually going to sleep, it's a pain to turn lights on in the bathroom. And while I am gonna show you an amazing nightlight deal for those of you that just simply want the area around the seat illuminated. There's various reasons why someone might need to see that, whether it's a standing up, or sit down operation. For the LED toilet light, it does require three AAA batteries, which are not included. Put the free batteries in here, and then you attach this to the outside of your toilet. This goes on, you bend it down. It's actually easy to clean. You lower the seat, you activate it, it has its own sensor so it will know whether or not it's dark, and then you start the party. (toilet sit squeaking) You can set the light at whatever color you want, but for the sake of this beautiful color right here, it'll rotate through the different colors giving you an enjoyable experience where you can see your toilet, the seat, and the rim of the toilet seat at any hour of the day. Oh my goodness, this is not just beautiful but highly practical. If you do have a child in particular, a two year old daughter that likes to stand near the toilet and look at it for hours on end when this is activated, it's also a great way to give your child hours of amusement with three AAA batteries and a price of under $10. You're number four must have product that's under $10 on Amazon right now, is a lot of bang for your buck, it's a money saver and a space saver. And let us look at the POPCO Wide Collapsible Colander Set of 3. Well, it is possible most of you have seen this before. What you might not know is that you can actually get this for under $10, now that you can actually also get something that is dishwasher safe and well made. And I'm gonna show this to you in action. So not only do each of these strainers store very easily and they compress, but they're durable, they work for all different types of food. I'm just making tortellini right now, we're gonna take this off the stove, and we're gonna bring it on over to here, and I'm gonna show you guys. I actually liked the design too, because there's no holes right here, so your hand is actually protected when you pour a really hot water or steam into your, there you go, tortellini is ready to rock, easy strain I'm gonna put them back in 'cause we're gonna do the sauce in a moment. And then I can give this a quick rinse, and I can actually clean this in the dishwasher in different ways. I can put it right on top like this,( clinging) or compress it. Or if I want it to store this in a vertical way, I could do that, or I could also use several of the different strainers that come in the set for under $10 and just use them side by side. We're gonna stay in the kitchen for your must have product number five, but if you guys bear with me, by the time we get to product 10, I will have showed you how to repair small holes in your home for under 10 bucks, without having to call a contractor or someone else. So that's very exciting. But before we get there, the olive oil sprayer, I know there are many aerosol bottles that have the oil already inside them, but with that oil comes chemicals, and sometimes carcinogens, and why not do it naturally. And in fact, it's difficult to find an olive oil spray bottle, for a bottle that can actually handle thicker oils like macadamia, nut oil, or olive oil, or avocado oil. This is a great contraption, and I'm going to show this to you right now. For the olive oil sprayer, I'm actually gonna build upon that whole little tortellini lunch display that I'm working on 'cause I'm awfully hungry right now. For the thicker and more expensive oils where perhaps you wanna limit, or you just want to give a bit of a glistening spray to that perfect piece of meat. For something like this truffle oil right here, which is a little bit more expensive, the truffle oil, olive oil blend. I wanna be able to use it, because a little bit goes a long way, but I definitely don't wanna drizzle this over a pasta recipe, or steak, or vegetables, or whatever it is that I'm doing. So I've used this funnel, which had from a different product that I bought, I've put the lid back on, and I am now going to be able to use just the precise amount of very expensive truffle oil in a pasta sauce. And if you were using this with veggies, or chicken, or even macadamia nut oil before you put something onto a grill, this is the best way to get you the most bang for your buck for your oil, your all of oil, whatever it is that you are trying to disperse. All right, before I spray this tortellini with truffle oil, rather than pouring truffle oil or a blend of truffle oil on top, this is what you do, truffle oil in the bottle. And if you guys can see, but it is spraying. It's using a lot less, it's getting just the perfect amount. Just to give you an idea on a white plate, how much comes out. See, I you could even decorate a plate, this is weird, (breathing heavily) But to protect your food from sticking, or to infuse flavor, the viscosity of your oil which could be very thick. If it isn't olive oil or truffle oil, this bottle is built, it will not stick, it doesn't get clogged, and lunch or dinner is served. Now I'm someone that loves my straws, and for your must have product number six, under $10 on Amazon, you're not only getting a lot of bang for your buck, there's something very different about these reusable straws. And I don't know if you guys have had this, but metal straws are great, they're environmentally beneficial, but they infuriate me generally, because they keep chipping my teeth or at least scratching my enamel. I don't know if you guys have noticed that, but you move the cup the wrong way. And this is a pair of straws, or more than a pair. This is a 16 Reusable Steel Straws, where you not only get the cleaning case included, as we know straws can sometimes be difficult to clean, but you also have a protective tip which is silicone, which can be a lot more friendly to your teeth and your lips. We make our own ice teas, our bubble tea a lot of the time, our own ice coffees. It's a great way to save money on its own, but for the actual consumption of the beverage, this straw system is one of my favorites ever built for under 10 bucks. I don't love their packaging, which is as basic as can be. Maybe they could have done a little bit better than staples, the straws are phenomenal. ( straws clanging) Not only do you get different shapes straws for different situations, even ones that have a built in curvature, but for something like this iced coffee right here, put on the tip, so the metal doesn't hit your teeth, a little bit of milk. This ice tea is ready to go in a moment. And it's good too if you are worried about germs and whose drink is who's and you're serving multiples of the same drink, the color coding is a great addition. And for taller bottles, like my wife's SodaStream bottle, you could even use one of the very long straws, and be good to go in that sense too. Cleaning the straws if you're doing anything like smoothies, or fresh fruit that would get stuck in a straw, is a very easy process with the included straw cleaners that this company has provided. This is a lot of bang for your buck on reusable straws that are better made that don't have that weird rough edge, in addition to the fact that you do get the silicone cover, and this whole set makes for some great drinking and beverage sipping any season. At the time I'm recording this video, $7 and 99 cents. And while some of these prices might change a little bit based on how Amazon runs its sales, this is still an amazing high value grab what you can score in the video description box. Number seven is an under $10 Amazon product that will help you get a spa day, relaxed, depuff your eyes, your face. And it's not anything that I ever anticipated I would use, I actually, when I first started testing this, I thought, well, maybe my wife will use this. She has headaches and migraines from time to time, but this Cooling Eye Mask Gel that you guys can see right here. If you guys watch me regularly on national television where I host segments or on YouTube right here, you'll notice that a lot of the time, I don't only have bags under my eyes, I have giant suitcases. This has helped not only alleviate some of that puffiness, but it feels really good on the eyes. And for under 10 bucks, you pop this into the freezer, you take it out when you wanna use it, and you get all of the benefits of a cold compress that takes it a little bit further based on how this is built. Let me show it to you. Now I did mention you could just put this into the freezer, and use this as a cold compress, and that's all fine and dandy. But you can also use this to bring heat to your eyes, your forehead, and there's a microwave trick tied to this which I'm gonna show you right now. Put this into the microwave for 10 seconds. (microwave door banging) (microwave whirring) Not a minute, 10 seconds. (microwave door banging) This immediately retains a very comfortable level of heat that you can then put over your eyes. In fact, I'm going to give this to my wife right now, so she can relax. Winter, puffy, cold eyes, summer, cold relaxation, you name it. Let's put this to the test. Behold, even it out, get her a little bit comfortable. How do you feel? - So good. - For number eight, we're gonna head on down into my parking garage, and go inside my vehicle with a product that you might at first associate as maybe in a gimmick, or something that is not revolutionary, but it's surprisingly better and more useful than I ever thought it would be. It's a Folding Car Garbage Can. And the reason this is a wonderful thing, is there's all sorts of garbage accumulation that I now endure as a father, especially on family road trips, where bringing a conventional trashcan fills up a lot of space. And this is very easy to remove from the car, even store within the vehicle itself When we moved from road trip mode, or transporting children to just the regular commute. So I wanna show this to you up close, 'cause I think it's great, and it's under $10. This collapsible garbage is ingenious, it's also a great storage solution. So purely as a garbage, you put this over where your gearshift is, and expand it. And it's a garbage, so as we accumulate pieces of garbage, even if there's a passenger in this seat, it still works phenomenally. You could throw a water bottle out, no problem, it has the ability to handle that. But it also has storage compartment, so for sunglasses, or for my daughter's random toys, there is a place where you could put all of that in, and store it while you drive, that's fantastic. When you wanna take it out afterward and store it, or empty this, you can do that. You can even put bags in here, so the garbage is not exposed to the interior, which wipes clean. You can also use this on a headrest which is awesome. To use this in a head rest operation mode, just goes around seat like this, you secure it, and then you have a garbage. So when there are kids eating in the backseat, or I don't know if you allow food into your car, but whatever it is, if you do need to dispose of things in particularly on long road trips, that's great, for more adult or teenage passengers in your backseat this is also a great place to potentially store smartphones rather than baby toys, hand sanitizer, hand cream, whatever it is you wanna store there is a compartment to achieve that as well. And one of my other favorite components is that when you are done with this, it stores very easily for your next road trip, or the next time you have kids in your car right into the back of any seat compartment. Before I get to number 10 which is possibly my favorite today is a DIY hole repair system for your walls, I wanna show you a double whammy. And the reason it's a Double whammy it's nightlights, and I know nightlights are not revolutionary, but these are inventive nightlights, and that they do have a dusk-to-dawn sensor, but what you might not know is that you can actually score two for under 10 bucks. A lot of people when you buy nightlights, you're overpaying, you're paying $10 or $12 per nightlight, sometimes more. And the reason I like this particular deal is you get two, they're very well made from general electric for under $10, and if you wanted to advance to a four-pack, you're looking at $3.75, or $2.93 per light. Now of course, you might not need them for your bathroom, if you bought that (clicking) toilet light that I was talking about before, but I've got a daughter who doesn't wanna be in her room entirely when it's in pitch darkness. And just for maneuvering around, even things like the studio. When my studio lights go off, this room is completely pitch black, and this is why I would use one of these. For these nightlights, so you got two front or 10 bucks. They're not only bright, but they work quickly, and they work well. This particular bathroom in our home is void of any windows, so it gets very dark, especially at night if you happen to take a little bit of a stroll and get confused with all the glass and things all over the place. So I'm gonna put the nightlight in here, easy discrete, not particularly obtrusive. Lights go off, (lights clicking) nightlight instant on. Like just to show you, some of the nightlights there's a few seconds where they kinda figure out what's going on, one, two, three lights off, light on, basically as the lights go off. And it's a very good sensor because as you guys can see right now, we haven't closed the door, it's not pitch black in here, and yet this is still working. Watch what happens when we close the door completely, (door bangs) the light gets even brighter. So it does adjust a little bit and it is casting enough light where if I needed to see the sink in the middle of the night, I could do so. And for the number of 10 products you could find for under $10 on Amazon, this is a must have, and its a game changer. And I'm gonna quickly show you the price, which at this moment is 697. But even for the least price of $8, this is your key to repairing a hole in your home. Now, if you're wondering does this work, I'm going to show you in my own home in a moment, but from nail holes to dings in your wall, this is a primer, plus four in one applicator, and it does an amazing job at filling holes, scratches, and replacing multiple things that you need to buy. A lot of people wouldn't even go through these steps, I know I wouldn't. I'm not only not great with tools, I am one a lot of the time. And this is a product that gets the job done for eight bucks, I'm going to show this to you. I should mention none of the products in this video are sponsored in any way, I'm just showing you cool finds on Amazon, that benefit me. So I don't have to tell you I like these products, but I really do, let's see it in action. In this highly trafficked area of our home on this corner, I have got a hole to fill. So rather than having to deal with contractor, dry wall, or anything, you put this in, it fills the hole, and then you use this to remove any excess on the edge, which is awesome. And then after this dries, you'll send it down using this end of the cap, but we'll let it dry for a few moments, we're gonna move on to the other hole right here on the corner. In this other spot over here, let's get this in here. So obviously this is white on white, but for my needs I'm not dealing with paint and primer, or speckle, or putty, or anything like that. And yet there's probably a better way to do this, but just for quick repairs where you don't have these eyesores in your home, you'll see how this looks for this entire corner in a few moments and then we're gonna move on to the back door now. For the back door, put it over here. Now that this has dried, I'm gonna use the sanding edge here, just to (wall scratching) wipe this down a little bit, can do this side over here, (wall scratching) This is actually a night and day, and obviously this is not a perfect white match to the white paint, but (wall scratching) look at that, that looks fantastic, huge change. (wall scratching) So there you have it, 10 products you need from amazon.com under $10. If you guys don't mind, if you have a moment, could you please subscribe to my YouTube channel and turn your notifications on? I'm trying really hard to get to a million subscribers so we can build our deal hunting frugal family even further, and I can provide more content that's useful to you. So if you subscribe and turn your notifications on, you will completely improve my day. Thank you for making me a part of your day, I know your time and your money is valuable, and I am honored that you were here to spend it with me. Okay, bye bye.
Channel: The Deal Guy
Views: 1,211,638
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Keywords: the deal guy, amazon, amazon products, best amazon products, best amazon products under 10, must have amazon, must have amazon products, amazon products you need, alishamarie, Brittany Vasseur, the best amazon products under $5, 10 Amazon Products You NEED, best amazon must have products, amazon haul, amazon must haves, things you need from amazon, amazon things you need, favorite amazon products, amazon must have, amazon products under 10, testing amazon products
Id: yRwe07E7rgI
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Length: 21min 38sec (1298 seconds)
Published: Tue Sep 29 2020
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