10 Amazing Discoveries In The Jungle

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[Music] jungles and rainforests are just full of surprises it's no wonder that a lot of amazing discoveries come from its dark depths because you just never know what you're gonna find some jungle discoveries are even shrouded in mystery you know kind of like number one see and i want to stay tuned for that here are 10 amazing discoveries in the jungle number 10 a tiny frog one of the world's tiniest frogs one that's barely even larger than a pea has been found living of all places in and around carnivorous plants in the rainforests of borneo that's kind of like sleeping near the edge of a cliff but that just shows how brave these tiny little guys are a couple of german scientists were researching frogs in malaysia's sarox state on borneo island when they chanced upon the tiny species on a mountain road in the cuba national park in 2006. they named the tiny discovery microhila nepenthacola after the pitcher plant species where they live the pitcher plants where these frogs live are carnivorous and feed on insects that fall into the digestive liquid inside their upturned bellies but they don't harm the frogs inside in fact the frogs laid their eggs in that same digestive liquid and the tadpole develops there as well because the frogs are so small the scientists had a difficult time finding them they only found them by tracking their singing of harsh rapping notes at dusk number nine a boiling river this boiling river was found in the peruvian amazon giving more credence to the city of gold story but the boiling river itself was deemed an impossibility until it was discovered the waters in this river reached temperatures of up to 196 degrees fahrenheit or 91.1 degrees celsius the water boils everything that touches it whether that's unsuspecting frogs or fish that realize too late that the water is heating up people are clueless as to what else could be causing the water to boil as it behaves unlike any river anywhere else in the world some say it runs over a fault line in the earth while others say the gods have created it as they like to watch animals fall in and cook from the inside out as they try to escape number eight the peanut head bug this weird thing may look like a crocodile but it's actually an insect that snout like protrusion is actually the creature's enlarged bumpy forehead known as a lanternfly the peanut-headed lanternfly alligator bug snake cicada machaka chikara machoi or jaquintira neboy that word display please yes the peanut head bug is needed to central and south american countries such as brazil ecuador colombia venezuela and bolivia but mostly in the rain forest regions with a big peanut head like that in its bulky body you wouldn't think the bug would be very good at anything but wrapped up in its body is its main form of protection its display of fake eyes on its wings it uses us to confuse predators in regards to its size if that doesn't work out the bug also has a skunk-like stinky spray that it can use as a defensive weapon there is also a legend associated with this bug according to local folklore anybody bit by this bug will succumb to a horrible death within 24 hours unless that someone has sex before his time expires oh yeah that um sounds totally legit now some made up by some lonely dude number seven the stone spheres of costa rica in the 1930s workers from the united fruit company clearing out a forest in the deque valley of costa rica began unearthing large numbers of almost perfectly round stone spheres the largest of these apparently man-made balls is over 2 meters in diameter and weighs over 16 tons no one is sure exactly when or how they were made or for what reason but according to university of kansas archaeologist john hoops the balls were most likely made by reducing round boulders to a spherical shape through a combination of controlled fracture pecking and grinding they were likely the product of an extinct civilization of people that existed in the area between 700 ce and 1530 ce today virtually all the spheres have been taken from their original locations many are prized lawn ornaments across costa rica a collection of six now resides in the courtyard of costa rica's national museum in san jose number six the giant river otter the giant river otter is the world's largest at some six feet long it lives only in the rivers and creeks of the amazon orinoco and la plata river systems these huge members of the weasel family swim by propelling themselves with their powerful tails and flexing their long bodies they also have webbed feet water repellent fur to keep them dry and warm and nostrils and ears that close in the water fish make up most of the giant otter's diet they hunt alone or in groups sometimes using coordinated efforts and must be successful often to meet their daily intake quota each animal may eat six to nine pounds of food per day fish are supplemented by crustaceans snakes and other river creatures and they are even known to feed on anacondas number five sigria sigria is one of sri lanka's most popular tourist attractions and with good reason this ruined 5th century city has some extraordinary features including mountain wall fortifications elaborately landscaped gardens and a monastery however it is the 200 meter high granite rock that stands out from these ruins that is undoubtedly the star attraction with its exquisite frescoes and the remains of a royal palace on the summit the lion fortress as it's also called was built in the 5th century a.d but was later abandoned and subsequently swallowed up by the forest back then only the locals actually knew of its existence it was rediscovered in the 19th century by british historians and was designated as a unesco world heritage site in 1982 it was called the lion fortress because it was originally built to look like a lion during its heyday it said that it even sported a massive lion's head which has since then been broken off and destroyed due to erosion but head or no head its rediscoverers would have found it outstanding at first sight [Music] number four the stinking corpse lily smelling something really bad akin to rotting meat while exploring the forest could mean a lot of things and most of them are bad news and too morbid really to discuss here we are still a family channel after all but one stinky jungle discovery proved to be quite amazing indigenous to the jungles of sumatra and borneo one of the world's most unusual flowers causes both awe and repulsion the rare stinking corpse lily creates a spell best described as rotting flesh the sticking corpse lily's odor arises from a combination of more than 30 chemicals and resembles decomposing meat out of these a trimethylamine smells like rotting fish and the sweaty sock smell comes from isovaleric acid they are rarely found in the wild and can often only be located when they bloom the point when they are at their stinkiest and scientists literally have to follow their noses when trying to find one you think no one in their right mind would even try to keep one of these stinkers but a botanical garden in malaysia has a couple of them and is quite the tourist attraction number three the lost city of giants for centuries people living near and around the amazon rainforest have believed that giants once called the jungles but far from being wild folk these giants were thought to have advanced civilization and even built very prosperous settlements that is how the legend goes but recent discoveries turned that legend into reality touted as one of the most significant discoveries of the 21st century the discovery of the lost city of giants in ecuador has given credibility of past tales of giants roaming the earth many a local legend spoke of a time when incredible giant beings inhabited the remote region of ecuador these giants created megalithic sites and this ancient city is just one of the many that are located in the region researchers discovered a series of megalithic structures deep in the jungle the largest of which was a 260 foot tall by 260 foot wide pyramid within a regular angle the pyramid had a flat top which was believed to be used for blood sacrifices they were also able to find some stone tools that are simply too big to be used by us regular sized humans and most recently scientists were able to find 600 year old human skeletons which were more than seven feet tall now it's time for today's best pick it shows of all things a passenger plane right smack in the middle of a forest is this a long-lost flight recently rediscovered like the internet says oh i risked something taken out of context like most viable photos are let's find out next with number two a crashed airplane let me get right to the point the only way for this plane to end up where it was is if it crashed there and given that i'm one of the world's best internet sleuths partly because i have a little bit too much time on my hands i basically found out that the plane in this photo is a foker f28 now have there been any f28s missing in the last couple of decades or so if so we might have just found it but that's not quite the story like i said earlier this is one of those photos that have been taken out of context while it is true that this plane crashed into a jungle it's actually not a lost plane in fact it definitely arrived as its intended destination it just overshot it a little bit this aircraft was making a landing approach in rainy conditions in an airport in silet bangladesh in 2004 due to poor visibility the pilot overshot the runway and ended up where it is in a ditch in a small forest right at the edge of the runway so the plane isn't really an amazing discovery but i'm happy to report that no one was hurt during the bumpy landing before we move on do me a favor my analytics show that only about 15 of you watching are actually subscribed come on guys what's up with that can you guys please hit the subscribe button you guys watch my videos every day anyway so you might as well subscribe and keep up to date with every video we put out number one the lost stonehead of guatemala over half a century ago deep in the jungles of guatemala a gigantic stone head was uncovered the face had fine features thin lips and a large nose and its face was directed up at the sky unusually the face demonstrated caucasian features which were not consistent with any of the pre-hispanic races of america the massive megalithic head was photographed in 1950 by the owner of the field where the head was allegedly found the photograph was eventually sent to a certain doctor oscar raphael padilla lara but he never managed to contact the owner of the land as he died leaving padilla with only a photograph in the mysterious giant head lost somewhere in the jungle of guatemala padilla wanted to find the massive head at all costs and set out on a journey to do so after showing the image to a native of the region padilla found out that the monolith was supposedly located on one of the properties of the biner family eventually bedzilla found the statue but to a surprise it was nearly completely disfigured after being used as target practice by local militants do you know of a jungle discovery that we left out let us know in the comment section down below want to watch more videos about amazing discoveries click on any of the videos you see on your screen as always thank you all for watching and i'll see you all next time later everybody
Channel: Top 5 Best
Views: 71,389
Rating: 4.8935227 out of 5
Keywords: Top, Best, education, discoveries, strange, mysterious, facts, discovery, bizarre, bizarre discoveries, strange mysteries, things, unexplained, mystery, found, ancient, unbelievable, discovered, amazing, incredible, shocking, unsolved, jungle discoveries, mysterious things, amazon, recent discoveries, earth, strangest, most, wildlife, mysteries, strangest things, treasure, found in the jungle, weirdest, hidden, believe, strange things, humpback whale, species, jungle, interesting, weird, odd, forest, wild, in the wild
Id: lSkx0IEg-7E
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 17sec (677 seconds)
Published: Sun Sep 20 2020
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