10 Abnormally Large Animals That ACTUALLY EXIST!

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- [Narrator] And here we have the wild baldo. He's not the biggest but he is the rarest. Oop we seem to have spooked him! Off he goes. - There are approximately 8.7 million species of animals on this planet with 6.5 million of them on land and 2.2 million in the ocean. And as you would imagine there are some creatures that range from the very small to the very big like an elephant for example. It's huge but what if told you there are some creatures that were discovered that absolutely dwarf an elephant? Well there are. In fact there are some creatures that look like they belong straight up out of a sci-fi movie but the animals that I'm about to show you are anything but fiction. So prepare yourself for this one because here are ten abnormally large animals, that actually exist. Number one is the colossal squid. Oh yeah the kraken, she's a real! The colossal squid is a massive deep sea creature that can reach sizes up to 750 kilograms and 15 meters long. To put that into perspective, the average elephant is about 6.5 meters long. This is more than double its size. These things are like the squid-like monsters in old sailor tales with massive tentacles that drag entire ships underwater, aka the kraken! While they can easily swallow a person whole, they tend to feed on squids and fish that live in the depths of the southern oceans and rarely appear on the surface. However colossal squids specimens do occasionally appear when they die and wash ashore but some scientist have actually found special cameras that can capture footage of them underwater and used bait to lure them to the surface but I would not wanna try to capture this thing, imagine spooking it, you ever see a regular squid ink, (bubble noises) oh you made me ink! Number two is the African giant snail. African giant snails are exactly what they sound like. Giant slimy snails that can reach sizes up to 15.5 centimeters with shells up to 28 centimeters. Now it's common for people to accidentally step on a normal snail and crush it but with an African giant snail, it's more like you'll trip over it and fall flat on your face. They can be found in parts of Western Africa and Barbados and are considered to be a huge pest problem. The reason for this is because they love eating plants. They contaminate things with their slime and they can reproduce quickly. Yes believe it or not a snail can reproduce quickly. Oh yeah, I'm in. Another contributing factor to the pest problem is that they have no natural predators. Aside from people who love to eat giant escargot I guess. Realistically they're just too big and gross for anything to actually want to eat them. Number three is the Flemish giant. The Flemish giant basically looks like a big cuddly, dog-sized rabbit. Fortunately these unnaturally large bunnies are a domesticated breed so there's less fear of them running wild and destroying entire crop fields. They can grow up to an impressive 81 centimeters long and weigh nearly 13 kilograms and they have a life-span of up to eight to ten years. Aside from convincing children that the Easter bunny's a real thing, Flemish giants were originally bred in Belgium for their meat and fur but now they mostly serve as pets for people who just really wanna have a ridiculously big rabbit in their house. These things are incredibly cute but from a practicality standpoint, could you imagine the little pellets that it drops out of its butt? Little pellets, more like small bowling balls. Number four is the Goliath birdeater. (Screams) Oh God no. This is the single biggest reason I almost didn't discuss this topic. The Goliath birdeater is the largest spider in the World by mass with a body length of up to 13 centimeters and weights around 175 grams. These tarantulas live primarily in the rain forest regions of South America like the Amazon and can be commonly found in wet and swampy habitats. Oh gotta shake it off. Despite their name, birdeaters only rarely hunt birds and are more likely to prey on grounded creatures like earthworms, toads, rodents, snakes, frogs, and lizards. Oh here we go their fangs measure up to four centimeters long and are large and strong enough to puncture human skin and carry a weak venom that they inject into their prey. Quite simply to someone with an intense fear of spiders the Goliath birdeater is basically a heart attack inducing sight to behold. Ugh is it hot in here cause like it's warm. Number five is the giant golden-crowned flying fox. The giant golden-crowned flying fox is a type of mega bat that lives in the forests of the Philippines. Their wingspan can reach nearly two meters across and they can weigh nearly one kilogram. So if you thought that bats were oddly cute and tiny imagine one that could literally hug you back. This large winged creature of the night is unlike many of the smaller bat relatives in that it does not possess the ability to use sounds to echo locate. Instead it uses its superior eyesight to navigate which is actually more terrifying. Luckily the giant golden-crowned flying fox does not hunger for blood since they are a type of fruit bat and tend to eat figs and leaves from the tree near their habitat. Thank God. Fun fact, back in the day, they actually used to be hunted for both their fur and meat. They usually gather in colonies of up to 150,000 bats could you imagine seeing 150,000 of these things together? Na na na na na na na na no thanks! Number six is the giant freshwater stingray. The giant freshwater stingray is a sure way to freak out anyone wading through the sandy or muddy waters of Southeast Asia where it inhabits. By nature these stingrays are normally calm, feed on small fish and earthworms and are non threatening towards humans. Be warned if you do manage to aggravate one of these things its poisonous stinger is strong enough to pierce through human bone. Giant freshwater stingrays are one of the largest freshwater fish in the world and can grow as large as 1.9 meters wide and weigh up to 590 kilograms. To put that into perspective that's almost triple the weight of the average motorcycle. Unfortunately their size makes them prime targets for sport fishing. You better hope these things don't become sentient because if you spear this thing, it should be able to spear you. Whack. Number seven is the Japanese spider crab. Ahh no, no, nope nope. The giant spider crab is a terrifying creation that lives in the coastal waters around Japan and walks around on its creepy long limbs. This crab has an arm span of about 5.5 meters long from one claw to the other giving it the longest leg span of any crab. Its body is protected from a hard exoskeleton and will typically grow to 40.6 centimeters wide and can weigh up to 19 kilograms. This thing could literally feed a village. In fact they are fished by the Japanese who treat them as a delicacy and use them to make some mean crab legs. Aside from looking like an ocean themed nightmare, these crabs are generally pretty gentle. However if their claws do grab you they can cause some serious damage with their strength. Basically they catch your arm, they cut your arm off, end of story. And then maybe they get to eat you (laughs). No that's just nightmares. Number eight is the Mekong catfish. Mekong catfish are a massive species of catfish that can reach sizes up to three meters long and up to 295 kilograms in weight. They are considered one of the largest fish in the world and are certainly a freakishly large version of their average sized cousins, which measure only around 12 centimeters longs. Currently the mekong catfish are actually critically endangered. This is because of over fishing in their main habitats in places like Cambodia, Vietnam, and China. So what's the logic here they're like hey instead of catching 50 small fish, let's just go for the one grizzly bear size fish, that'll be easier. Except they're endangered man. Stop being a dick. Number nine is Hercules the liger. Yeah it's a liger, it's pretty much my favorite animal. Yes a liger is a real thing. It's an animal bred from a male lion and a female tiger which can grow up to twice the size of either species. In particular, Hercules a liger that's kept in captivity at the Myrtle Beach Safari Wildlife Preserve in South Carolina is the largest known living liger. He is 3.3 meters long, 1.3 meters high, and weighs 418 kilograms. Making him a real force to be reckoned with. Just his head alone measures 50.8 centimeters long. This is as wide as the average adult human shoulder span. Meaning that he could literally just bite you in half with one chomp. But despite his overwhelming size, Hercules is actually quite fit for a liger that lives in captivity. He can run at 90 kilometers an hour and can make a running 12 meter leap. He's currently recorded in the Guinness Book of World Records as the largest living cat. Yeah he's a pretty cool liger. He's known for his magic abilities. And number ten is the saltwater crocodile. There's a number of monster movies that have crocodiles large enough to tear down buildings, Looking more like dinosaurs than modern reptiles. So they're clearly works of fiction, right? Well as it turns out, the swamp's hiding something right out of those films. The saltwater crocodile is the largest reptile in the world and can grow up to seven meters long and weigh up to 1,179 kilograms. Meaning that they can easily eat the entire cast of some monster movies. Their habitats are spread throughout swampy areas and rivers in Eastern India, Southeast Asia, and Northern Australia and will eat just about anything unlucky enough to wander near it, including us. ♫ So if you see it, walk the other way or it's gonna chomp your face off, ar, ar ♫ And those were ten just abnormally unbelievably large animals. The tarantula and the spider crab though, nope, nope. Don't forget that my limited edition fact tee-shirt is only available for five more days until December 5. So press and click on your screen, on the tee-shirt below to pick one up because once they're gone, they're gone forever. On the right you will find two recent videos that you can click or press on your screen, right now if you missed them. I will see you guys on Saturday, ♫ love your faces, have a good day, don't see any spiders or crabs, I love you, bye! ♫
Channel: Matthew Santoro
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Keywords: Matthew Santoro, Matt Santoro, Top 10, Facts, List, Countdown, Amazing, Crazy, Myths, Funny, Comedy, Matthew Santoro top 10, Matt Santoro top 10, Santoro top 10, Matthew Santoro facts, Matthew Santoro YouTube, Matt Santoro YouTube, Santoro YouTube, YouTube Matthew Santoro, 10 Abnormally Large Animals That ACTUALLY EXIST, Abnormally Large Animals, Large Animals, Abnormally, Large, Animals, Animal, Types of Animals, Large Animals That ACTUALLY EXIST, Wild Animals, Wild Life
Id: RVcxlOP4IGg
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Length: 10min 0sec (600 seconds)
Published: Thu Dec 01 2016
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