$1 vs $100 COOK OFF! *Dollar Store Budget Cooking Challenge*

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in the last dollar store cooking  challenge josh defeated caleb with   his budget culinary skills this time caleb  has a 150 budget to prepare an appetizer   entree and dessert at a regular grocery store  while josh has to keep to five dollars per   course at the dollar store we've got 10  minutes to do your shopping that's it go i know that andrew likes barbecue  chicken pizza so i'm thinking barbecued   pizza issue is cheese but we do get to  use basic from the from the house if   there happens to be stuff at the fridge so i  think i have some i hope i have regular cheese so i'm telling you this is going to be a  very meat heavy meal texas we got them here   caleb i only spent 12 dollars of my 15 so why  are you here can you help me out i only have two   minutes left can you run and get something for me  no hey do this for me this pokemon card's inside we're back at the house appetizer round starts  now you have 15 minutes go why is upset caleb   because i just found out that minutes don't carry  over my entrees it's going to take longer than   20 minutes okay the timing thing is stupid  because my appetizer is going to take like   five minutes and i'm just gonna have so  much more time but whatever i don't care   if there's not cheese in the fridge i'm in  trouble i don't have cheese in the fridge   right now my my whole plan is ruined we're good  it's mexican cheese but it's great cheese usually   i make this in a crock pot see i don't plan  things well i think like oh this would be good   but then you know in theory i would have enough  time but then i would just drop the bomb that   i can't have minutes roll over which is absurd  because for the entree round i have a lot of meats   including bacon shrimp and steak so i might be  in a little bit of a pickle it's definitely not   ideal but broil is a setting uh it's basically  the highest possible setting for the oven and   so i'm definitely gonna have to use that today  because we're gonna be on such a time crunch   i don't love canned meats uh but they didn't  have anything refrigerated at the dollar store i'm beyond i'm kind of like  out of it now i'm just like   watching all this are you hungry i'm ex i have  not it's what like two o'clock i haven't eaten   all day i'm starving all right perfect well  i've got some canned chicken barbecue for you   you got ground beef for the appetizer round  yeah you know we have like nine minutes left dang it's been like six or seven months since  i've moved out so i forgot where everything is   um which kind of could go into my time a little  bit get out of my way my plan for the appetizer   round is stick to something i know andrew likes  and he loves barbecue chicken pizza and it looks   like i was able to get almost everything i needed  at the dollar store to make some version of that   we're not allowed to uh move forward working on  our we can't prep our entree around or anything   right now so i've got some time to kill while my  pizza is in the oven so let's see what we got here   guys go subscribe to catch em all cards guys  if there's the holographic 25th anniversary   pikachu in this pack we're gonna lose we're  gonna lose it gonna go crazy the holographic oh yeah i'm just kidding i just hurt my throat  screaming that yeah cool card subscribe to catch   em all cards guys queso ingredients really  simple rotel velveeta ground beef cook the   ground beef melt the velveeta toss the rotel in  there it's one of the best appetizers you'll have oh baby look at that andrew you're  excited huh it's not the usual hotel   all right y'all should uh start  playing your feud food you got about   food you have a feud going on hey  you got like 30 seconds better hurry oh we got a nice little square plate here kind of  falling off the edges yeah i don't know if it's   great ten nine eight seven six five four three two  one time hands up everybody good they look i mean   they look really good to be honest i feel like  mine looked a little bit better before i cut it   but it's okay i i stand by the flavor it's gonna  be delicious this looks better on the pan i'm   not gonna lie yeah here you go andrew i pre-put a  chip in for you thank you there's some more chips   you wash your hands right crap i never forgot  something or we have here is a very basic queso   it may seem like not that much but put together  some good ground beef cost me like 12 rotel cheese   it's just simple you know what go ahead i mean it  looks great it looks great that's i'll start start   there i do like queso let's just get it and i like  my case a little bit thick i don't like going to   restaurants and the chip and the cakes are like  running off of the chips you know what i mean legitimately that is something that like i would  order like would come to you at a restaurant no   i'm not even that that's what this is really  good all right let me be the judge of this no   no andrew's the church oh yeah like can we like  box this up and like take it home to the apartment   whoa chill chill i do have something to say  about the queso it is uh thick with two c's baby   we're off to a great start wow andrew's  happy okay andrew we have barbecue chicken   pizza with a little ranch dipping sauce i  know you like your ranch dressing i do uh   and i know you like the barbecue chicken  pizza so please enjoy it it cost me three   dollars how did you get chicken at the dollar  store huh it was canned chicken canned chicken   okay we're gonna no ranch for first bite okay good  keep it pure it's really good nice really good i   don't know if it was the same response it gave you  or your question well let's put the wrench on it what kind of branch is that from trader joe's   so wait a second you didn't use dollar  store right you love the fridge oh gosh   okay it's really good it was really  good i like i mean i can definitely tell i can definitely tell the chicken  is from his canned chicken but   that meal cost me three dollars so am  i supposed to take that into it yes   no yes i don't think oh he has to no he's going to  no we even legitimately said there's no like bias   it's just whoever has the best food we'll see  gonna be honest we're off to a great start i   really like both of them let's go to the entrees  stop eating the queso we get it it's good entree   around 15 minutes starting now let's go we've  got bacon on the side i'm already interested i'm   already excited all right guys entre around i  am from texas so you know i had to have steak   but on top of that i'm gonna put bacon in there  because i know andrew's a huge fan of bacon   i'm also gonna toss shrimp a little surf and  turf with some asparagus it's going to be amazing i got dr pepper too yup i got your  dr pepper in the freezer right now   can i have a sip of it now or do i have to  wait i mean i might give you some bonus points i do that sounds like a personal problem if josh  doesn't want to play ball here give me the cutting   board i'll just cut on his countertop so caleb if  you can't handle the kitchen get out of the heat butter doesn't smell like asparagus doesn't call   for it but i'm gonna make your biscuits a  little cheesy how's that sound i love it kind of what kind of seasoning are we putting on  these these bad boys honestly this is a secret   non-secret recipe i can make you the best  steak you've ever had with three ingredients   okay steak being one of the ingredients oh wow  so only two of course coarse black pepper and   um different types of salt you  can use kosher salt or sea salt   not iodized salt just regular salt is not gonna  give you enough flavor not gonna lie i've never   made biscuits uh this way i always just get  the pillsbury canned pre ready to go on so   i'm hoping these work because you know what  mama says you gotta risk it for the biscuit   what's happening over here pizza potatoes not  my favorite but different times called desperate   measures no jeez josh move hey lord he's always  in the way josh said i'm always in the way no   he's always in the way i was gonna make potatoes  but i don't have near enough time to the grill all right so here's the trick guys you're going  to sear it on both sides depending on how thick   it is this is a pretty thin one on how you want  it cooked i'm gonna see here for about a minute   one side minute the other side then we're gonna  toss in the oven about five ten minutes no nine   ten five to eight minutes i think this is  all the directions say you have something   with directions you're not actually cooking i've  never i've only done the dollar store dinners once   that looks appetizing and i hope this  turns into a beautiful biscuit in the oven lots of things in the oven lots of things in  the oven hey you know what enjoy that queso   andrew i am it's a gift that keeps giving so  for my shepherd's pie i needed ground beef and   i didn't think they had any at the dollar store  but then i found the mamwich which is like the   can of like sloppy joe so there's there's me  in there i might be in trouble so i i wanted   ground beef but obviously they don't have that  at the dollar store i got manwich sloppy joe   and i'm thinking there's meat in it but i don't  think there's much meat in there this is what   i like to see over here actually you know  what i just came up with a different idea   i'm gonna get this bacon cooking and  then i'm gonna wrap your steak in it   holy crap josh how am i supposed to compete with  that at the dollar store i'm looking for meat in   this man which there's no meat what the heck is  this just sauce oh yeah you add your own meat   turns out there's not meat in in the mamwich cans  that was a surprise i'm i'm not a big sloppy joe   guy uh you're supposed to but i have your own  meat i thought this was meat in the can caleb   you know that ground beef you had  from round one yeah can i borrow it oh my gosh like six minutes all right give me  five minutes no no no no come on come on caleb   all right you got it despite josh being mean to me  i decided to go ahead and be nice to him because   i know i have this round in the bank so it doesn't  matter what he does now i need to move i only have   six minutes to make the beef how does that shrimp  dude he's got shrimp what is happening there's no   way there's no way shrimp i might like shrimp  just much more than bacon so this is my video   idea but i'm starting to realize how much of an  advantage the main grocery store in that budget   is i hope something happens where caleb like  i mean i gotta be nice though cause he gave me   this so never mind yeah he's gonna say i hope  he burns everything but he just like he drops   the steak caleb has bacon shrimp and steak you  might just grab some of that lobster right out   of saving grace josh because i think this pan is  too hot oh he burned his he burned his shrimp no   no that's seasoning that's not burnt he  burned them we're going to turn this off you might as well use it pure chaos wow josh that was that was a lot of smoke steam  andrew oh yeah that that's the word   i'm trying to wrap your steak in the bacon  two minutes josh no way do i get something   they look like hey they kind of look  like biscuits is happening over here smells good caleb's already playing this zone we're coming down to the wire  here i know how those biscuits   look i can't really tell they don't look like  normal biscuits wow this oven it sucks wow they're   going to broil for the last 60 seconds because  they're not done 20 seconds josh oh my god oh my   god oh my god oh my god i have one final touch  thank you here's your final touch for your meal   wow ten nine eight seven six five where's the  butter one four butter what's better three two what a long buzzer but holy cow that looks  delicious okay okay andrew bring back the french   waiter from the last video what we have here is  the steak with the it's bacon and shrimp dude   you can't go wrong with steak bacon and shrimp  and asparagus that'll knock your socks off go   ahead man asparagus is so good you won't care that  your urine smells should we start with i mean i've   got so many options my bacon looks a little too  floppy for my my taste it does it does i will say   that had i had more time so that's garlic butter  shrimp let's uh oh that that feels good let's go   with steak first i have more time obviously  the bacon would have been a little bit more wow good i would have more okay let's go shrimp oh so good also good jelly speakers yeah i guess are you a psycho yeah who's  this rigged from the butt   who eats it from the tail i've  never eaten asparagus before   okay i know you don't like espresso that's what  asparagus is supposed to taste like i assume it's   good i had a bite it's very good i'll go back  first of all a bite josh i just watched you have   like five of those yeah really smelly that is dr  pepper fresh out the freezer without over eyes okay i'm gonna try the bacon it looks  a little too floppy but i'll find a   i mean you know a solid part yeah try  the bacon with the steak with some steak this might oh and a piece of shrimp do you want to give me yours oh my gosh i just  had to redeem myself because after the last   video it looked like i had zero clue what i'm  doing in the kitchen guys i know how to cook   i just i overestimate guys i mean ladies andrew  yes i'm taking you to your uh your heritage in   england right scotland yeah for sure where  are you from where's your family from from   scotland is that scotland is that bangers no  it is shepherd's pie and a homemade butter   uh cheese biscuit so i think we were past calling  things homemade wouldn't it we saw you do that so   what happened to that it was homemade excuse  me not quite done i also got you your favorite   soda not your second favorite soda okay and i'll  get this for you sir kind sir there you go please   enjoy question would you rather have an ice cold  dr pepper or uh let's see how cold it is it was   in the fridge the whole time that's that's that's  colder here you go why don't you hold on to this   all right you need to get a little bit  of everything it does look good josh   i've actually had your shepherd's pie before wow  smells really good i will give lots of kudos to   caleb because you let me use the the meat because  apparently mamwich doesn't doesn't come with me wow that's really good actually oh completely  different things yeah how good it would be without   the meat it would knock it down a few a few bags  i'm not gonna lie but it's got wow he's just going   back for more yeah i mean both he was like oh let  me have a shrimp a bite of steak and now he's just   like man shepherd's five all right um biscuits  go for it risk it now now this this was a little   bit after the buzzer no the butter no oh no it  was just a long buzzer oh that's good too yeah i don't know if it were oh apparently  wow wow what a bite what a second bite   he went in for a lot look at that  percentage eaten of my plate versus   caleb's i think is a no-brainer everyone's  doing very well i'm proud of both of you   let's go to desserts dessert round  last round ten minutes three two one go very interested to see what they come up with  they didn't have graham crackers but they did   have s'mores pop-tarts so have you ever had  s'mores with s'mores pop-tarts i don't think so   andrew i don't think so my dessert round is going  to crush i feel very confident i was gonna just   do regular s'mores and get graham crackers but  the dollar store didn't have graham crackers but   they did have s'mores pop-tarts or pop-ups store  brand i think that's gonna be really good i know   andrew likes s'mores for the dessert i'm going  very simple because we already had a very hearty   appetizer and entree just simple fruit and tahini  like any street vendor it's one of my favorites   so i'm hoping andrew likes it too even though  he's never had it i'm a little nervous about   it because it's not really his thing but what are  you doing roasting marshmallows whoa oh yeah you   guys haven't subscribed yet i would love you to do  so we're trying to switch it up and bring you the   best content possible not just basketball trick  shots whatever whatever whatever we think will   entertain you guys we're more than trick shooters  i'm also adequate at roasting marshmallows so   why not share that with the world you know  got any good campfire stories for us or um it's one time what a scary story  caleb lived with me for an entire year   but yeah they'll just cut you up some  mango here toss a little tahini on it oh no we can't we can't do that we  can't we can't go out like this we   can't go out like this how much time do  we have uh we got about four minutes okay   this is my secret sauce what is that cookie  butter oh i didn't crush these marshmallows   they're so good watch this trick shot ready  they're gonna be hot this would be stupid mother mother that was stupid but awesome  60 seconds oh my gosh nope caleb are you   almost done i've been done oh okay all right  josh very soon good very simple dessert guy   i don't know i'm thinking about it oh my gosh  i'm so pumped are you pumped all right i think   y'all are both done so we'll just say ten nine  eight hold on i'll pop it out seven six five   four three two one time boom did that make  a difference yeah no let's do mine first   do you mind while it's warm wow wow wow  well are you excited i'm actually really   excited for this yeah oh oh it's nice and  warm the chocolate's melting a little bit   you you killed the marshmallows yeah let's  be honest i like my marshmallows just burnt he's comatose he's very happy  you don't want to go on a date   i just want him over you don't have  marshmallow all over your face and hands   going to kiss a girl at the end of the night he  just got chocolate all over the place come on man   he's so happy i've never seen this happy it's  like the time i took him to the magic castle   i've already claimed that i don't think this one  is going to is going to win him over but i think   i had a very solid first two rounds now let's be  clear you've never had this before yeah okay okay did you try it yeah it was  really good i know that yeah   this is just a lighter dessert it gives a little  bit of a kick caleb just has to defend his stuff   all the time i just let my food speak for itself  you know cool mangoes good that's the fruit   very simple very simple it didn't send  me to another dimension wow as this did   wow okay andrew you have some thinking to  do look at that though let's see oh god disgusting dude oh my gosh gross you just okay all right andrew you have something  to do we'll be back with your decision soon okay   i know i won dessert i thought i think my  appetizer was pretty good i think caleb   probably beat me on the entree i really don't  know what's gonna happen i know i got this in   the bag there's no way i lose this are you ready  for the final decision i am it was it was a very   close competition let's be honest there are  two rounds that went clearly to one person   you clearly got the dessert round you clearly got  the entree round and then the the appetizer round   was was pretty close but i think if we go back  and look at it what i continued to want to eat thanks for watching everyone hopefully you  enjoyed a little different style video subscribe   to andrew's dr caleb we'll see you guys next time  make sure you subscribe and drop that like see ya all right biscuits shut up sorry i filmed this good thing we're  filming that i will allow you to plate after   the timer no no why do you do that crap for  him because he doesn't want to lose his job
Channel: Josh Horton
Views: 123,497
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: trick shots, world record, guinness world records, dp, basketball, world record edition, real life trick shots, josh horton, jugglinjosh, jenna bandy, chris staples, caleb feemster, cook off, cooking challenge, chopped, dollar store, dollar store cooking, cooking videos, dollar store cooking challenge, 1 vs 100 meal, 1 vs 100, $100 meal, $1 vs $100, dangie bros, jstu, morejstu, budget challenge, budget, grocery store, taste test, carter, stove, stove's kitchen, ryan prunty
Id: zsnhhzTwFP0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 23min 49sec (1429 seconds)
Published: Sat Mar 13 2021
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