1 vegan vs 3 meat eating panellists! Heated TV debate.

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welcome back to the show lovely to have your company now coming up as its popularity plummets is it time to call out veganism for what it actually is an eating disorder but first following yet another ke now has the vegan Bubble Burst according to figures by consumer intelligence company niq in the last 12 months UK sales of chilled meat Alternatives fell by 16.8% in January 20123 and frozen meat Alternatives fell by 13 1 12% companies including oat Le Nestle innocent and HEC sausages have recently withdrawn various vegan products from the UK whilst a recent wait survey highlighted a Resurgence in the popularity of dishes such as shepherd's pie macaroni cheese and chicken kiev yum so as thousands of Brits go plant-based for the month in a tradition known as veganuary a new book is out celebrating the vegan diet it's called how to argue with a meat eater and win every time well I'm delighted to say its author is Ed Winters and he joins us now Ed lovely to have you on the show nice to be here thank you Mark listen what are the most powerful Arguments for veganism I think there's a number you know antibiotic resistance so reducing antibiotics in our food chain trying to prevent infe when you eat a cow that's been injected with antibiotics you're eating antibiotics not necessarily it's not quite as simple as that but antibiotics when they're used in the farming system cause bacteria to become resistant to those antibiotics right so it's not necessarily that's in the food we're consuming but of course the knock un effect is that we can come into contact with resistant bacteria there's also in diseases bird flu swine flu there's the environmental harm there's some of the health consequences related to certain Animal product consumption and for me the big argument is reducing animals suffering harm and death so taking a stand against the unnecessary use and abuse of animals now I've got no doubt there are some great recipes in your book and if people were eating avocados and almonds and salads and corett I can agree it's a healthy diet right but the problem is busy vegans don't eat those foods do they what they eat is a kind of instant soyer burger and they're eating just bowls of pasta and you know humus sandwiches none of which is all that nutritious well that's not strictly true I mean firstly humus sandwiches can be very nutritious as can whole grain past the dishes and even when you look at some of the plant-based Alternatives they may not be the healthiest foods you can consume but when studies compare them to their meat counterparts they're not only more sustainable but they are healthier as well it's all process though isn't it I mean vegan bacon I was just in the local M&S the other day and uh the first ingredient is water the second ingredient is Sunflower Oil Well and Bacon's a class one carcinogen you know vegan bacon isn't meant to be a health food it's supposed to replicate and be an alternative to a class one Clen just jump in here can I just warn you Michael's just had a steak but I also can ask you a very serious question please very serious question because you're an expert on this is it not true that the human body and I've read a lot of report needs protein and protein comes from meat and If you deny a human body that protein strange things happen to the human body so veganism I've got a lot of respect for people who want to be vegans who want to eat that way but I do think that you know there is a almost a kind of you know bullying type aspect to you must become a vagan to be a good people but I do think that you are denying your body protein which is absolutely necessary to the human form all protein comes from plants animals get protein from consuming plants even carnivals get it from consuming absolutely and that's why cows have plenty of protein in them and then when you eat a steak you you ingest protein but yeah but you can get protein from plants all plant or all plant protein originates from Plants you'd have to eat millions of plants honestly Ed you'd have to eat millions of plants I mean how how does a broccoli compared to let's say a pork sausage in terms of protein well it's but they're not necess comparable but broccoli isn't the protein Source but when you compare things like legumes like soy and even Satan which is a plant-based protein they have comparable sometimes even higher amount of protein per gram compared to certain animal products the point you're making is completely mute you can get protein on a plant very hard to M you can't mute Mike Perry tried you're not arguing against me you're arguing against the NHS the British dietetic Association you're arguing it's the largest bodies of medical and health Authorities on the planet Ed wouldn't you say that veganism has lost its way in the sense now it's just become more of a fad and it's just cool to say I'm a vegan where people are not actually looking at you know the health benefits anymore everyone's just jumping on this train of being a vegan like to be honest I think wouldn't it be better to be a vegetarian because now you people are talking about all these Ultra processed foods fake Burgers fake bacon which is not good for our health so wouldn't it be better just to be a vegetarian and are we losing our way when it comes to veganism well when it comes to people's health I'm sure all four of us would agree on the panel that people have the right to their own bodies and as long as they know that obviously eating a kale chickp and sweet potato Curry is healthier than eating a processed plant-based Burger I think people have the right to make that decision the important thing to recognize is again even these processed plant-based Alternatives studies show time and time again they are better healthier more sustainable than the animal based counterparts so making that swap straight away is a healthier decision but I agree in eating more whole plant Foods fruits vegetables legumes is even better for us but we we we're omnivores aren't we so we've been eating a mixture of vegetables and meat since caveman right for for thousands of years and we've evolved quite strongly in that department wouldn't you say well we've evolved as being opportunistic scavengers we ate what we could to survive but would we have done that would we have done that without me we killed animals because we needed it we knew right from the birth of man that sustainability in the human form was the food chain and the food chain involved us killing animals and eating that let let me respond to that point you just made at that time we ate what we had to to survive society's changed and evolved in in a number of different ways and what we have now is information and accessibility to foods that our ancestors never did our ancestors used to kill one another rape one another to survive and to prosper but we would never condone such a thing now because we live in a modern world we have the choice other things in what about the fact that Medics recommend people on a vegan diet take supplements that's not a ringing endorsement is it well most people take supplements whether they be fish oil of course but even well perhaps you should vitamin D in the UK is essential for all of us can I just say Mike parry's body's a temple no problems there I've got I've got a down pavment on his kidneys just to bring it back to the point you were saying the animals in our food chain fortified that they supplemented so actually we do consume a lot of supplements even when we eat animals it's just they're filtered through an animal to begin with just take a beat off supplement you know from the source which is the supplement itself and then they stop animals from being forced into gas Chambers for a nutrient that we can get from supplements can I just flip the coin for a moment supposing the argument was the other way around and I said to you look I think you should be a vegetarian but eat false vegetables not real vegetables you see what I mean CU you want us to eat false meat not real meat so if I said to you look here's a cabbage but it's a false cabbage how would you you feel about that if I was finding a way to produce a false cabbage not a real cabbage well I mean firstly you don't have to eat plant-based Alternatives if you don't want to just eat whole plant Foods instead I know that you are quite fond of the vegan sausage of course I've seen you eating that that sausage B quite nicely but the point is tell the reason that we have these plant-based Alternatives is because they're are more ethical decisions so if I eat vegan bacon vegan sausage vegan burger what that means is I'm no longer paying for animals to be mutilated for why do they call it bacon and sausage it's not is it why do they call it vegan sausage in vegan sausage refers to the shape it's not yeah exactly but shap but isn't that conning people you know if you say this is a vegan saage it's not vegan sausage it's a meat free sausage so when people see it they go that is a sausage made from something that isn't from from an animal let me tell you don't want to see Mike sausage um Ed can I tell you that you spoke very well and uh your book is out now very interesting read it is too it is called how to argue with a meat eater and win every time it's enjoying rave reviews we'll catch up with you soon [Music] [Music]
Channel: Earthling Ed
Views: 198,774
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: earthlinged, earthling ed, vegan, veganism, why, be, go, activism, ted talk on veganism, GB News, andrew doyle, free speech, owned, live tv, debate, discussion, reaction, reacts, response, free speech nation, reasons to not go vegan, fail, funny, destroyed, meltdown, arguments against veganism, farming, farm life, arguments for veganism, vegan youtuber, is veganism, left wing, right wing, meat, eggs, vegan vs, versus, plant-based, problems with, alternatives, diet, mike parry, mark dolan
Id: vlowt1Pvp6c
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 8min 19sec (499 seconds)
Published: Sun Jan 07 2024
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