1 Piece of wood $500 commission | Fractal Wood Burning

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what's up guys in this video I'm going to be making a fractal wood burned Mountain wall art piece and matching shark rotary board all from one piece of black walnut the client reached out to me and wanted a custom Mountain Waller piece that's fractal wood burned and I had never made a mountain Waller piece before based on what they wanted and what I had in my mind I couldn't really find anything online that was similar so I had to get a little creative putting this one together but I really like the way this turned out stay tuned to see how I made this all right so I'm starting a custom wall art piece I drew this up for the customer to give them an idea of how this piece is going to look but basically four mountains here this one will be the thickest a little bit thinner a little bit thinner a little bit thinner and it'll be 26 inches wide by 14 inches tall at that highest peak then I mapped it out on these pieces of Walnut this will be the tallest peak and then that'll be like the skinny mountain and then these two will be the wider ones after they're done being burned I'm going to cut out the actual shapes and glue them all together and then there's going to be an engraving on here too but that's kind of what I'm thinking for this custom piece here so this piece was I believe around eight foot by 12 inches wide so I made that first cut with a jigsaw and then I caught on the lines with my table saw a cross-cut slide for the rest of the cuts and after I had them cut to size I ran them through my planer or I guess I just ran that first piece through I was getting a little bit of chip out and I just got this new drum sander and I was really excited to use it so I started putting them through there I had all of these Mountain pieces labeled so the middle piece I wanted to be the thickest and then the rest of them I just made them a little bit thinner to give it a little bit of perspective when you're looking at the wall art piece and then I just went ahead and sanded every piece by hand with the random orbit sander to 120 grit before doing the burn and this is my fractal wood burner I made this from a microwave Transformer I'll be having a video come out soon where I can pair my fractal wood burner to a fractal wood burner that I got from lynchdenburg wood burning I just show the differences between the two basically my Transformer has a higher voltage and it burns quicker the one from lynchdenburg wood burning is a safer unit it's designed for fractal wood burning it's not just a Transformer from a microwave and it has built-in kind of like safety features um it's definitely safer for someone that's looking to get into fractal wood burning also I do not recommend anyone trying practical wood burning at home but if you are going to try it I have a safety video on practical wood burning that I will leave a link to in the description one of the things I stress in the safety video is having a Deadman switch which is very very important I set it up so that I have to stand on a pedal that I set like six foot away from my work piece that just ensures that I can't reach over and forget that the machine is on and touch it while it's still energized I have to step off of the pedal to walk over to the work piece the dead man switch is only like ten dollars I think everyone should be using one soak these pieces in baking soda water solution I'll do one to two coats and I'll kind of let it dry up the first layer and even the second layer and then just re-wet it with water and then sometimes throughout the burn I'll have to spray it with water just to keep it wet but the baking soda water is what makes the wood actually conductive if you try to do this without it the wood wouldn't burn at all there's a Facebook group called lynchdenburg wood burning I think it has like 13 000 members now it was created by the company that I got that other fractal wood burner from and the members there post about fractal wood burning safety and pieces that they've made and I saw a post on there recently from someone that just reached out and touched the table where a fractal piece was being burned and got burn marks severe burn marks on their hands from the electricity tracking Through the Wood across the water across the table to their hands so if you guys are thinking about getting into fractal burning I think that's a good source to learn a little bit about the safety and just some general knowledge stuff with fractal wood burning when shimberg wood burning Facebook page foreign board you can see I just turned on my kill switch and then I step on my Deadman switch which is about six foot away from the work piece I have a full-time job as a lineman where I work with high voltage electricity and if it's taught me one thing it's to have a fear and respect for electricity so anytime I'm working on these pieces I'm very aware of how dangerous it is and I'll just take my time you know I'll check the kill switch multiple times I'll make sure that the machine is off before I touch it I make sure it's unplugged before I move the cables around you can't be too sure when you're working with this high of a voltage and here I'm just sanding the wood to 150 grit just getting those burn marks off of the wood [Music] so I record and edit all my videos from my phone and I'm not quite sure what happened but unfortunately I lost the footage from the epoxy pour I know I hit record and it said it was recording and then when I went back to check the footage the videos were just blank I do plan on eventually investing in a nice camera for these videos but for now I've just been focused on buying tools and just working on my skills as a woodworker also just trying to make better content for you guys to enjoy but if you guys think that this video is interesting or if you like watching these fractal wood burning videos if you could give this video a like And subscribe to my channel and comment on these videos it really helps my channel out a lot and something I've been really curious about is you guys that do watch these videos if you could just let me know what part of these videos you like if it's the burning or I guess in this video there was no epoxy pouring um if you just like the way it was filmed or if you didn't like the way it was filmed or you don't like the fractal wood burning just any feedback at all really helps the next thing I did was get the edge squared up on this charcuterie board using my Joiner jig and then once I had that square Edge for reference I just went up to my fence on my table saw and squared up the other Edge and then I used my table saw sled to cut off the edges of the charcuterie board to get it to the right size and then I used that along with my fence to cut off all the edges on the mountain pieces to get them ready to cut them into their actual Mountain shapes so here I'm making The Jig to cut out the mountain pieces I took two scrap pieces of melamine at a 45 degree angle marked where I wanted them to go and drilled a few holes I actually did this on the back side of my template which ended up being kind of a pain in the butt I had to flip this thing over like a million times but at the time I didn't want to go to the store to get a new piece of plywood so sometimes it's just easier to take the time to whatever and then once I had those pieces in place I added a couple of these clamps to the melamine to hold the mountain pieces in place while I'm cutting them this probably could have been done on a band saw the thing I liked about this jig is that it made repeatable clean cuts on the edges which I didn't want there to be any gaps between the mountains so I think this worked out pretty good and also I didn't have a band saw at the time I actually just picked one up after this project but I think this ended up working out pretty good it was just a lot of uh creeping up on the lines making sure I got all the angles right so basically once I cut it out I would check the fit and then you know creep up on it a little more get it exactly how it is in the template and then once I had it how I wanted it I would take it to my oscillating spindle sander and just round off the peak of the mountain so once I had this first piece how I wanted it I used it as a reference for the second piece I wanted the sides of the mountains to line up perfectly so I marked where the side of the first Mountain was gonna go and then I used my angle finder from the template and copied that to the piece and cut that out on the table saw so one thing that made cutting these out a little bit trickier is that the customer wanted the white resin to be the peaks of the mountains so I had to make all my cuts along the sides to try to line it up so that the white resin would be the peak I really didn't know what I was doing going into this project but I'm so glad that I took it on because I really learned a lot figuring this out on my own this is really my first experience working with angles at all in woodworking aside from a 45 degree angle I'm really glad I did it this way with the template because there really wasn't no angles or math for me to figure out it was just lining all these pieces up to the template marking them and then getting cuts on the marks [Music] oh so after I got all these Mountain pieces to the size I wanted them to be I took them over to my router table and put a quarter inch round over on all the faces it's easier and safer to take small pieces like these Mountain pieces to my router table and then take the Palm router to my charcuterie board to do the round over once all those were done I just sanded the edges of all the mountain pieces using the random orbit sander at 180 Grit and then to get these pieces ready for finish I sprayed and wiped them down with mineral spirits for a finish I'm using Rubio mono coat pure my client wanted a custom engraving on these pieces and anytime before I do one I'll just put it on a scrap piece of plywood and send them pictures of it and just make sure that they like the font and that the location is good and the spelling and everything is right and then once they give me the approval I engrave it right onto the pieces I use my otor laser master it's a good dialed laser for the price I think this thing when I got it it was like 400 bucks it gets the job done so they wanted this engraving on the charcuterie board filled in with green resin so after I did that first pass here which is just an outline I ended up filling it in several more times with a fill pass that goes into the letters and fills out the entire word and then I took this is UV activated resin with the same green pigment from the mountain pieces and it didn't take a lot to fill in the engraving and then you just use this little flashlight and shine it on the resin and it appears in like 30 seconds I was on a little bit of a time crunch to get this piece done in time so this UV activated resin came in clutch and then once it was fully cured I took this carbide scraper and just scraped off all the excess resin and then took my random orbit sander at 180 grit and sanded it smooth foreign the Finish to the charcuterie board this is Rubio mono coat pure this stuff is super easy to put on and it's a really strong finish I've been using it for a lot of projects lately and these smaller pieces were a little bit more of a pain to get the finish on because they were so small but basically just buff it in with a white pad and then get all the excess off of the rag and these came out really nice here I'm cutting out the piece of plywood that these Mountain pieces are going to mount to originally I was cutting these out in the shape of the mountains and then after I cut it out you could see the plywood behind the mountains and there was really no need for the tops of them so I just cut all that off and then I just attached them using regular wood screws I just wanted to make sure there was no gaps in between the mountains so I would push all the way up against the other mountain with a level on the bottom to make sure they were all spaced properly and then screw them in place and here I'm just attaching the handles to the charcuterie board I just marked the center line and then drilled out a couple holes and add the screws through the bottom and with that these pieces are all good to go let me know what you guys think of them in the comments and thank you for watching [Music] something [Music] thank you thank you
Channel: BruceBurns Woodshop
Views: 3,910
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Fractal, Resin, River, Charcuterie, ASMR, Epoxy, Blacktail studio, Satisfying
Id: jhdwDkAkBD8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 19min 1sec (1141 seconds)
Published: Sun Aug 06 2023
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