#1 MISTAKE Beginner Mangakas Make (according to PRO Japanese Mangakas)

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can you guess the number one beginner mistake that aspiring mangakas make this is the ultimate roadblock to creating your first manga this is the reason why a lot of promising mangakas like you never get anywhere don't worry because today we're gonna discuss what this number one mistake is we're gonna learn how to fix it and by the end of this video you'll have more clarity and sense of direction as to how you can bring your first manga to life if you are excited then make sure to like this video subscribe and turn on your notifications alright so what is this number one mistake it's actually very simple you're making your first manga too long you see we work with Pro mangakas now yazawa and renasaya together they have a combined experience of over 50 years in the manga industry they've won manga contest work with writers work with publishers self-published their own titles basically everything you might be dreaming of achieving as an aspiring mangaka both of them also teach at manga schools in Tokyo they've worked with hundreds of students and they've seen this mistake again and again aspiring mangakas tend to get super excited and inspired by famous titles Naruto one punch man JoJo one piece Demon Slayer and what do these titles have in common they're super long it takes years for the stories to wrap up and every aspiring mangaka always dreams to be the next big hit recently I talked to a talented very passionate artist they had been developing their story and characters since they were in middle school it's been years since then and now they're in their 20s I ask so how's the progress on your manga yeah I'm still fleshing out the story at the beginning and end all decided but I'm just trying to figure out everything in between I want to make sure I do a good job with the World building I want to avoid all those plot holes and I think this is probably gonna take about 80 to 100 chapters in my head I was like what 80 to 100 chapters damn that's a lot I mean let's do the math right if you want to do 80 chapters and let's say you do one chapter per week like how they do it at Shawn and jump one year only has about 52 weeks 80 chapters will take you a minimum of a year and a half and that's if you don't miss even a single week and let's face it we're not Pros yet who could do this whole time we can't hire assistance either right like there's just no money yet and it's just almost impossible to produce one chapter per week for a year and a half with no breaks just by ourselves with so many beginners making such long complicated stories they lose motivation and give up before they can even finish sometimes they give up before they even get started like this whole story is just stuck in their heads they haven't even drawn anything yet okay so now we've kind of established that 80 chapters might be a bit too much so what's the magic number then how many chapters is ideal for your first manga is it 10 20 30. according to our mentors yazawa Sensei and Rena Sensei the ideal number is one yes one chapter if you've never made a manga before then you first need to create a one shot what just the one shot isn't that too easy isn't that too boring too constraining I have so many ideas and I can't just convey my whole message and vision in just a one shot all right all right I know this might not be the answer you wanted to hear but let's talk about it let's stay open-minded and please don't underestimate the power of a One-Shot one shots offer a complete story wrapped up in just 16 to 60 Pages you might feel like this isn't enough for your grand story but one shots are a great way to practice your storytelling hone your drawing skills and even Explore what kind of genre or themes you like first of all with a one shot you have a limited number of pages to Captivate your readers and deliver a concise impactful story this forces you to focus on Essential Elements like pacing and plot progression sharpening your storytelling abilities and ensuring that every panel counts one shots also give you the freedom to explore different genres themes and art Styles without committing to a long-term project you can experiment with diverse storytelling techniques designs and layouts and give yourself a chance to hone your skills and find your unique voice as a mangaka starting with one shot also allow you to really understand the manga creation process at the same time you can gauge one of the most important abilities of any manga artist being able to meet deadlines one shots are a stepping stone towards effectively managing bigger projects in fact so many great manga titles started out as one shots before being developed into a series did you know that before there was Dragon Ball there was Dragon Boy author Akira toriyama's love of Jackie Chan movies inspired him to create a 45-page adventure One-Shot manga it was called Dragon Boy when it got picked up for serialization he redeveloped it into Dragon Ball Goku's name wasn't even originally Goku by the way he was originally called tongtang thank God he was renamed right and before death note there was the one shot the Taro kagami story AKA The Death Note manga pilot the pilot chapter was published in weekly Sean and jump issue number 36 in 2003. the author tsugumi Oba did not expect it to go anywhere but surprise surprise the readers loved it and the story was picked up for serialization the first chapter of the manga series was published four months later in weekly Shonen Jump Publishers just love one shots let's be practical for a sec I know we're passionate about inspiring other people with our stories but Publishers care about the money they're not gonna serialize you for 80 to 100 chapters if no one is interested in your story they have to test if the readers are gonna love this and what's the most efficient way a one shot every year Japanese Publishers are on the lookout for fresh aspiring manga who could be the next big thing they host manga contests with thousands of people sending in their entries and you know what they have to submit a one shot at this point I think it's pretty clear how crucial one shots are when you are a beginner who's never written a story or drawn manga panels then this is actually a very realistic and achievable goal and and it won't take you half a decade to finish we actually recommend challenging yourself to enter International manga contests like the silent manga Edition this is open to foreigners you don't have to live in Japan or speak Japanese to join in fact in the silent manga audition you don't even need any dialogue for your entry at all you basically do all the storytelling with simply just your art honestly it's not about winning but gaining more experience this contest is hosted every year we'll put a link to the official website in the description so please make sure to check it out even if you decide not to join a manga contest and just want to create manga for yourself we still recommend to start with a one shot don't start with something so long and complicated that you can't finish some time ago I stumbled upon an amateur crater she had been working on her title for a year to two years already she was crunching out about one chapter every month or so and then Midway through the story she made an announcement that she was going to start a new title and partnered with a different writer I saw the comments and her fans were just not happy what was gonna happen to this story they've been following there were already production issues and delays and now the Creator's attention is gonna be even more divided is there even any hope that she'd get to finish this story the reality is that a lot of beginner mangakas are guilty of this exact same pattern you start with a story it's too long and complicated you get bored you start something new you're basically just chasing after that feeling of excitement that comes with a new idea starting with a one shot gives you that sense of focus and Direction and it's short enough that you're more likely to actually finish the whole thing if you are an adult artist struggling to design your own original characters and getting started with your own manga then we'd love to invite you to our free basic manga character design Master Class we've helped over 200 anime and manga artists and will teach you the same framework that's helped them gain more confidence in their art and finally create original manga characters that they love these are the same steps that pro-japanese mangakas now yazawa and renasaya also use to create their original characters the link to sign up is in the description we're super excited to see you in the training in the meantime you can check out this video on basic manga shading techniques for your next manga
Channel: Learn to Draw Manga
Views: 285,474
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: gQLZMmrXz9M
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 9min 53sec (593 seconds)
Published: Mon Sep 25 2023
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