1-Mile Run For Time With My 57 Year Old Dad

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what's going on guys welcome to the video so today's video my dad mike bear who is 57 years old is attempting to pr his one mile run so his current pr is 6 22 6 21 6 21 that was completed five years ago when he was i guess 52 years old and your most recent one mile time was 6 45. 6 45 was like a year ago no just uh these model runs that we did that's right like two weeks ago yeah yeah two weeks ago he hit a 6 45 uh one mile run so today we are trying to break that our goal today is actually to go sub six um so so far leading up to this run we did about a mile and a half warm-up run with some strides in between so one of the things i like to do before going for any type of run especially like a like a mile a 5k uh attempt is get some strides in there get the heart rate up so that when you go right into that run or that attempt that your heart rate isn't all over the place you wanna get the heart rate up before you actually go into that attempt i ran seven miles uh this morning so i've been resting for about an hour i'm gonna be pacing my dad so with my dad we have preston and we have max going for pr's today here we go max let's go show what max got last night right here as i'm talking about the go one more tat hell yeah hold on and give it hell i guess look at preston's new tats it's my new eagle if i don't get a sub six minute mile i have to permanently get the ego and the barbed wire as you guys know my one mile pr is four minutes 53 seconds so i'm gonna pace these guys i'll start pushing towards you all right all right guys whenever you're ready let's do it three two one go all right guys so i am watching the same video you're watching right now of me my dad my brother preston and max run the one mile for time and where we did this was right above lake georgetown in texas and right when we started running it started downpouring on us started raining and we were trying to maneuver this run and place this run throughout the day around the rain i go into my seven miles in the morning on this day it was down pouring on me it felt great and then when we started it wasn't raining it seemed within the first like 10 seconds it started raining on us but it felt really good like i personally love running in the rain i love it if i can run in the rain i will run in the rain every single day so my dad was in town for father's day and he wanted to run his one mile for time and he wanted me to pace him because when i hit my 453 mile a few weeks ago it was part of the mccurdy train series it was a virtual training experience and he was doing that as well so there were like three one mile attempts that you could sign up for and he did the first two and this was his third he wanted to do and he wanted to hit a pr so you know i'll pace you um we'll do a warm-up routine we'll get in the zone we'll get dialed in and we'll go as hard as possible so that was the intent now in the beginning of this video i talked about warming up and focusing on your heart rate i want to talk about that a little bit more because my dad when he's done runs previously in the past he'll pretty much go out cold and if you've ever gone for a run just cold you'll notice your heart rate jacks up really high right away it's uncomfortable it doesn't feel right so one of the things you can do before a race before a run is is jack your heart rate up a little bit get some you know get some strides in go for a little jog increase the tempo increase the pace your heart rate up slow it down bring it back up again and then rest for a little bit before you go into the run so that's what we did we went for a little jog before we did some strides where we got our heart rate up and elevated brought it back down rested for you know five to ten minutes before we went into the one mile run that way your heart rate your lungs your breathing your legs they're already acclimated to that stressor to that stimulus now my dad was as you'll see at the end of this video he was feeling he pushed this run really hard my dad growing up he's been an athlete um he grew up a farmer so my grandparents were dairy farmers he grew up a dairy farmer in central pennsylvania so hard work is is nothing new to my dad he was a wrestler in high school and he was a good wrestler and he's always been very fit he's always been into health and fitness whether that's lifting weights and then more recently cardiovascular training so he's like i said he's no no stranger to like a one mile run a 5k but there are definitely things that he can implement into his training that will make him a lot faster and those are things after running this race that we talked about that we're going to work on to get him faster just small little changes some of that is just more volume more miles throughout the week of running and a lot of those miles being slower miles with some workouts built in so maybe one track workout a week one threshold tempo workout a week and then some slow very slow uh volume miles to build that aerobic base i mean he has the engine my dad has the engine within just with some small changes to his training program he can get a whole lot faster so i was i was really trying to pace my dad and my brother and probably like 800 meters in i realized they were kind of hitting a wall so i pushed forward a little bit and i was calling back like it took me back to like the army days where uh someone's just like dragging you along with a run i'm just like drive your knees pump your arms pump your arms drive your knees and all the cues that when mitch aymans was pacing me for my one mile run a few weeks ago all the things he was telling me that were going through my head pump your knees drive your knees pump your arms drive your knees pump your arms now it's going through my head to keep him pushing forward so i'll let you guys watch my dad finish up and just honestly go one more like he applied go on more mindset to this round i'm proud of his uh his accomplishment and his effort on this run good mike and 57 years old pretty good you know so watch my dad finish this run and thanks for watching go might go oh i want to go keep going [Music] come on go go go go go go yeah like that yeah i got it oh my shoulder my leg all right we just finished up the one mile run my dad hit a 6 24. not a sub 6 didn't break his his best but he had a pr of 21 seconds from two weeks ago let's go get his stats 57 years old 624 mile what's your height uh five eight five eight what do you weigh going 66 five eight 166 the bear genetics drive on we'll let him cool down for a little bit and then he gets his post run recap i told nick i kept thinking when he said a half i thought he was [ __ ] i mean i thought we had more than half but then when he said we have a quarter i thought there's no way there's only a quarter so i thought we had more than more than that so i wish i would have trusted myself i think i could have beat 621 it was only like three or four seconds to make up there you get my all-time personal best but second all-time personal best pretty happy first time um she's under 6 40 in five years so just happy about that um nick had a great warm-up plan get the heart rate going get a good sweat um i'm just uh happy i'm still living so thanks nick all right so we will get my dad to run a sub six minute mile we'll put him on a training plan i mean how many miles do you think you're running a week right now uh about nine you're only running like like probably nine to ten miles a week um he does like 5ks and and local races around central pennsylvania where my dad lives uh every once in a while but i think with like just a small implementation of a change of training plan we can get him to sub six so that's the goal before 60 years old he will run a sub 545. as always go on more max how you feeling i feel good what's your time oh man it was 8 30. dude how long have you been running a week yeah max max just started good one of the things that happens when people start working at vpn they start running and max max recently started working at vpn he started running building into his training program so max will also be doing the austin marathon next year yes sir bring my girlfriend yeah with his girlfriend and he'll be running fast one mile soon too so improvements each week at a time that's what we're all about making making progress all the time that's the video guys hope you enjoyed it we'll see the next one
Channel: Nick Bare
Views: 2,007,371
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: nick bare 1 mile, 1 mile timed run, marathon training, marathon training plan, marathon prep, bare performance nutrition, bpn sups, ironman, ironman triathlon, bodybuilder to endurance athlete, endurance athlete, 57 year old runs mile for time, fathers day mile, run, fitness, 26.2
Id: -CjNVFDwrBg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 20sec (680 seconds)
Published: Mon Jun 22 2020
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