1 Kings ~ 2:1 to 2:23

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[Music] welcome to the Shepherd's chapel Network family Bible study hour with pastor Dennis Murray wisdom is understanding God's word pastor Murray's unique teaching approach brings God's Word alive with meaning as he takes you on a chapter by chapter verse by verse study of God's letter to you the Bible and now here is pastor Dennis Murray good day to you god bless you welcome to shepherd's chapel welcome to this family Bible study our ready to get back into our father's word here at the chapel we invite you to get your Bible and join us today we're gonna pick it up first book of Kings chapter 2 verse 1 and we see I've been careful to point out some types to you in our first two lectures of Kings and we have another type today and it's the one where we have the false King symbolic of the Antichrist if you will wanting or seeking the Virgin and you know as the Antichrist is busy in this world spiritually Satan I'll say spiritually in this world he wants the Virgin as well I'm referring to God's election he's got everybody else so why wouldn't he want the Virgin so we're gonna see that type as a Tenaya the false king the one who tried to take the throne away from the rightful king solomon is going to be asking for that virgin Abishag in our lecture today chapter 2 we come to David's death and he has some last minute or final instructions maybe a score or two that need to be settled as well in the ask solomon to take on those responsibilities so with that introduction let's ask that word of wisdom in Yeshua's precious name father we ask you to open eyes open ears this day first Kings chapter 2 verse 1 and it reads now the days of day drew nigh that he should die and he charged Solomon his son saying and a little bit of advice to start with and then we get to the unsettled business in the words of David verse two I go the way of all the earth all flesh dies be thou strong therefore and show thyself a man Solomon 19 maybe 20 years old at this point in his life and you know David knew that it takes strength to be the king from time to time it's not an easy job being the leader of a nation the size of Israel and David encouraging his young son to be strong and to be a man and particularly the first couple of years of Solomon's reign he will need that strength and until that the his throne is established verse three and keep the charge of the LORD thy God that's the most important part of anyone being successful or prosperous keeping the charge of the LORD thy God to walk in his ways to keep his statutes and his commandments and his judgments and his testimonies as it is written in the law of Moses that thou mayest prosper in all that thou doest and whithersoever thou turnest thyself and if you do things God's Way you receive his blessings and difficult tasks become easier impossible tasks become possible when God is helping you so don't forget that in your personal life that if you want to be successful do things God's Way this it says it's written in the law of Moses when it's when someone I read that I get curious as to well where in the law of Moses is that written and let's go to Deuteronomy chapter 17 you said God knew that first of all let me say God wanted to be the king of Israel but he knew that man would want a man king like the other heathen nations had someone that they could see and behold on a regular basis you know and I guess we deserve what we get sometimes in asking for you say God would have made an excellent King he's completely fair he's impartial he doesn't show any favoritism over one of his children over another you can't say that about man let's go to Deuteronomy chapter 17 we're gonna pick it up with verse 14 and as I started to say God knew that Israel would want a man king and he set some rules that to go by for the kings of Israel Deuteronomy 17 14 and it reads when thou referring to Israel art comin to the land which the LORD thy God giveth thee the promised land the land of Canaan and shall possess it and shalt dwell therein and shalt say I will set a king over me like as all the nations that are about me or around me and that's the way it is man wanted a man king to rule over them verse 15 thou shalt and any wise set him king over thee whom the Lord thy God shall choose one from among thy brethren shalt thou set king over thee thou mayst not set a stranger over thee which is not thy brother and a stranger is a foreigner you had to be born of one of the twelve tribes of Israel the natural seed line of Jacob to be serve as king of Israel verse 16 but he shall not multiply horses to himself nor caused the people to return to Egypt to the end that he should multiply horses for as much as the LORD hath said unto you ye shall henceforth return no more that way the Lord brought Israel out of bondage to the Egyptians he didn't want them to go back to Israel excuse me to Egypt even for horses and we saw that being followed by David David the leader of the greatest most powerful nation in the world and what was his ride we learned in our last lecture he said put Solomon my son on my mule so David was didn't break that rule King David rode a mule he didn't go back to Egypt for horses verse 17 neither shall he multiply wives to himself that his heart turned not away neither shall he greatly multiplied to himself silver and gold not be concerned with self wealth or or possessions they tend to absorb a person if that's all that they think about is building personal wealth or they're not taking care of other things that are probably more important but David you know had multiple wives for sure but he was sure outdone by his son Solomon it's written in first Kings chapter 11 verse 3 which we'll be getting to in the next several lectures that Solomon had 700 wives and 300 concubines so I would say Solomon multiplied wives to himself verse 18 he paid for it as well and in his latter years they allowed them to bring their gods small G and he began to worship them he began to practice idolatry and it shall be when he sitteth upon the throne of his kingdom that he shall write him a copy of this law in a book out of wit that which is before the priests the Levites a king of Israel was to in his own hand write a copy of the law and you know that not in itself why would it be important for a king of Israel to be familiar with God's law well you see he was the judge served as the judge of the entire nation and he had some help in lesser cases but the hard cases usually ended up with the king and a knowledge of God's law would help the king make decisions that were right that were just wish we had more judges today that were concerned about making decisions that were right and just rather than past precedent and it shall be with him and he shall read therein all the days of his life be familiar with the the Word of God that he may learn to fear or revere the Lord his God to keep all the words of this law and these statutes to do them and exactly what David just instructed his son back in first Kings first thing you follow the commandments of God the statutes the ordinances verse 20 that his heart be not lifted up above his brother and that he not get off on an ego trip and become prideful and that he turned not aside from the commandment to the right hand or to the left no no wavering no gray areas it's either right or it's wrong black and white to the end that he may prolong his days in his kingdom he and his children in the midst of Israel those are the rules that God set up for the kings of Israel David did a pretty good job of following them and was David perfect absolutely not but guess what neither are any of the rest of us perfect verse four that the Lord excuse me back in first Kings chapter 2 verse 4 that the Lord may continue this word could be translated establish his word which he spake concerning me David speaking saying if and here we have a condition thy children take heed to their way to walk before me in truth with all their heart and with all their soul there shall not fail thee said he a man on the throne of Israel that promise made to David in 2nd Samuel chapter excuse me chapter 7 verses 12 and 13 when David was going to build a house for God God said when did I ever ask you to build me a house David I'll build your house meaning your family that's when he promised that there would not fail a man from the the house of David to sit on the throne of Judah and of course that promise will be ultimately fulfilled when Jesus Christ returns as king of kings and Lord of lords that the second had vent verse 5 moreover now David's going to bring up the scores that he wants settled moreover thou knowest also what Joab the son of Zarya did Tumi's Araya David's sister making Joab of course his nephew and what he did to the two captains of the hosts of Israel unto Abner the son of nur and unto Amos the son of jetter whom he slew and shed the blood of war in peace and put the blood of war upon his girdle that was about his loins and in his shoes that were on his feet Joab murdered Abner he also murdered Amos out of jealousy you see with Abner Abner was about was the general of the armies of Israel under Sol and he was about to come over to David's side Joab was fearful that Abner would replace him as the generals of the army of all of Israel it's written in 2nd samuel chapter 2 verse 13 and the following verses that Joab and Abner were with their men at the pool of Gibeon and they decided that they would make sport and what happened they selected 12 of Israel of Abner's men 12 of Judah of Joab men to play war or to have war games well it got out of hand and there ended up some of these twelve on each side were dead Joab had a younger brother named as a hell and as Abner was running as as a hell it's written there and second samuel was as fast as a deer he could run and Abner said is that ASA hell behind me and as the hell said yes it is and Abner said well then turn to the left or turn to the right and and I won't kill you you see Abner was a seasoned warrior as a hell but a young man at this time well as a hell wouldn't listen to Abner and Abner had to turn and basically in self-defense slay as a hell and for that also there was a reason besides the fact that he was fearful Abner would take his place he murdered Abner in a mice's case it was even worse the revolt of Sheba after David was on the east side of Jordan while Absalom was trying to take his throne but there was a general by the name or a captain of the name of Amasa of Judah and he tried to lead ten tribes away from David at that point in time Joab approached Amasa and grabbed his beard as though to kiss him which was a common greeting at the time but he had a long knife strapped to his thigh and as he was greeting a messiah and basically saying is it peace he ran him through and murdered him this was blood that was on David I don't think David knew about these two murders at the time that they happened but he certainly came to knowledge of them after some period of time and that blood was still on his watch and needed to be taken care of verse 6 do therefore according to thy wisdom in other words in the case of Joab Joab was a very powerful and well-liked general and what David is saying is do this but do it wisely so you don't cause a rebellion or a military coup which would cause a Civil War possibly and let not his head his gray head go down to the grave in peace make sure that Joab pays for his crimes make sure that he doesn't live out his old age and go to the grave caused by a natural death verse 7 but show kindness under the sons of byrsa lie the gileadite Gilead on the east side of Jordan and let them be of those that eat at thy table in other words treat them as family for so they came to me when I fled because of Absalom thy brother Barzillai and a gentleman that showed kindness to David when he was fleeing from Jerusalem and on the east side of Jordan and then when David when Absalom was dead and David going back across Jordan Barzillai was with David and David said you know come with me and and you'll eat the same food that I eat and drink the same wine that I drink and barzell I said you know I'm 80 years old I can't even taste the food or the wine anymore my ears are shot I can't even hear the young women and the young men singing so what good would it be for me to go to Jerusalem I'd rather stay here and be buried with my father and my mother's grave and he said but take one of my sons and that's what this is talking about here the sons of Barzillai so we don't only see David instructing Solomon in settling old scores but also repayment of debts as well verse eight and behold thou house with the shimmy the son of Gera a Benjamite of base shoe rim and this would be the same house as soul was of which cursed me with a grievious this means a strong curse in the day when I went to man eight Mahan a.m. and he came down to meet me at Jordan and I swear to him by the Lord saying I will not put thee to death with the sword now what this is talking about is as David was fleeing Jerusalem and about to cross Jordan Jimmy I mean he was cursing David he was calling him a bloody man which means a murderer he wasn't only cursing him he was chunking rocks at David and he got so bad one of David's sons says what are you putting up with this from this dog for let me go over and run him through and David said no don't and then when they were he was coming back from the Exile on the east side shimmy he was there and that's when he asked David don't kill me and David agreed he didn't want a Marv the happiness and joy of coming back to the Land of Israel is going home in other words with punishment now therefore hold him not guiltless he insulted not only God's anointed the king but when you curse the God's anointed it's about the same as cursing God for thou art a wise man speaking to Solomon and knowest what thou oughtest to do unto him but his had his gray head bring now down to the grave with blood and Solomon brings shimmy down as we'll see probably not in this lecture but our next lecture for sure Solomon brings shimmy down with another charge verse 10 so David slept with his fathers and was buried in the City of David in Acts chapter 2 verse 22 verse 29 we learned that his Sepulcher was set upon Mount Zion and the location of his Sepulcher was well known even at the time with that Jesus was here on earth verse 11 and the days that David reigned over Israel were forty years seven years reigned here in Hebron and thirty and three years reigned here in Jerusalem and when he in hebron he was the king for seven years he was the king of judah only then his armies defeated Jebus was what the city was called before it became known as jerusalem but then he when the nation was rejoined all of Israel David reigned over for 33 years so David a man after God's own heart as it's written and you know I'm sure that God had a very special place in heaven for David all of the future kings of Judah some of the future kings of Israel after the nation's split again under Rehoboam the son of Solomon would be judged by David's standard particularly his loyalty and faithfulness to the Lord again was David perfect no he wasn't the the matter with Bathsheba the adulterous affair and then the murder of Uriah the Hittite very low thing for David to do but one thing that David never did was have his faith and his trust and his confidence in the Lord shaken never once did he fall into idolatry which some of the future kings of Judah would fall into most of the future kings of Israel would practice idolatry of one sort or another so David dead probably at the age of 70 or 71 Solomon on the throne verse 12 then sat Solomon upon the throne of David his father and his kingdom was established greatly and time to settle the scores and rewards that David commissioned Solomon to do but first we're going to see that false King the example of Antichrist add an ayah claiming the virgin he wants Virgen that Abishag that was with david in chapter 1 verse 13 and a danaiah the son of hadith came to Bathsheba the mother of Solomon and she said come us thou peaceably and he said peaceably you can tell here that the the way she said do you come peaceably that she's a little suspicious of had an ayah and I'm sure Solomon and Bathsheba had good reason to be suspicious of a danaiah he tried to anoint himself and steal the throne of Israel verse 14 he said moreover I have somewhat to say unto thee and she said say on what's on your mind and it isn't good verse 15 and he said thou knowest that the kingdom was mine and that all Israel set their faces on me that I should reign howbeit the kingdom has turned about are taken away and has become my brothers for it was his from the Lord it's a good thing he ended his statement with that final phrase for it was his from the Lord it could have cost him his life without that phrase on there and you know he's stretching the truth here he's saying all of Israel sent their faces on me well I can name several that did not Nathan the Prophet for one Bathsheba the mother of Solomon you've got Ben and ayah the captain of David's royal bodyguards and Zadok the high priest the second high priest in Israel at this time while abaya thar and Joab and others were supporting a danaiah at his insurrection and you know this how Antichrist is going to feel exactly after the seventh Trump the sounds he's going to say I had the whole world set upon me as king and that's basically true as it's written in Revelation chapter 13 the whole world will worship the Antichrist with one exception and that is of those whose names are written in the Lamb's Book of Life the elect the whole world can look upon Antichrist as King God's election won't they're going to wait until the true coronation party the wedding feast they're going to be the only ones who are fit to be the Bride of Christ verse 16 and now I ask one petition of the this is a danaiah speaking to Solomon's mother Bathsheba deny me not and she said unto him say on this deny me not is a Hebrew idiom that means don't turn me away or don't refuse me verse 17 and he said speak I pray thee unto Solomon the King for he will not say thee nay that he give me Abishag the Shunammite to wife and don't say no to me you know this is nigh unto claiming the throne for himself again you see Abishag there wasn't anything going on between David and Abishag but in the eyes of the nation Abishag was a concubine to David and when you whoever took the wives and the concubine of the former King was the successor to the throne so in essence a danaiah is laying another claim to the throne that's the way Solomon is going to look get it Bathsheba not so much verse 18 and Bathsheba said well or good I will speak for thee unto the king and how will this turn out let's go with verse 19 Bathsheba therefore went unto King Solomon to speak unto him for out an ayah and the King rose up to meet her and bowed himself unto her the king of Israel doesn't bow to very many but David excuse me Solomon showing a deep amount of respect for his mother and sat down on his throne and caused a seat or a small throne to be set for the king's mother and she sat on his right hands was a prestigious place not only among the Israelites but among the Arab nations of the world the Greeks the Romans in fact it's a prestigious seat that is occupied at the right hand of God at this time by our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ verse 20 then she said I desire one small petition of the at least she regarded it as such Solomon won't I pray thee say me not nay don't say no and the King said unto her ask on my mother for I will not say the name is mother very much but what she's going to ask he can not respond in in the other way than saying no and she said let Abishag the Shiina might be given to a danaiah thy brother to wife now this won't sit well with Solomon at all you see the Solomon showed mercy to had an ayah as it's written in chapter 1 verse 52 of the kings that we just recently covered a Taniya was fearful that Solomon was going to kill him and probably had a right to kill him but Solomon said if you will show yourself to be a worthy man in other words by not laying any further claims to the throne or any other crimes then all that you not a hair on your head will be harmed is what Solomon told him go to your house in peace that promise is now off as I explained a moment ago by claiming Abishag a vinaya is trying to take the throne himself verse 22 and King Solomon answered and said unto his mother and why does thou ask Abishag the Shunammite for a danaiah question asked for him the kingdom also do you think I should just fold up shop and give him my bag my throne as well for he is my older brother even for him and for a biased are the priests and for Joab the son of Surya in other words why don't you just give the nation to add an ayah so Joab can run the military and a by a Thark and become the religious leader again and you know those that tried to take Solomon's throne and support it out Anaya is the what he's mentioning here and you know bless Bathsheba's heart maybe she really didn't consider this to be such an offence you know after all a denial was right he almost had the throne and most of the nation was probably supporting him maybe Bathsheba simply didn't like Abishag and didn't want her to be a part of the royal family that's a possibility as well let's do one more verse and then we'll quit verse 23 then King Solomon swear by the Lord saying God do so to me and more also if a Tenaya have not spoken this word against his own life in other words at the cost the expense of his own life that promise that David made in chapter 1 verse 52 had a condition and that's if you will show yourself to be a worthy man at an ayah messed up by trying to take this virgin just as the Antichrist will try and claim the virgin that's God's election I know God's election and I know them well they know who the Lord is they know who the true Messiah is they know who the false messiah is they're going to stay in the saddle serving the Lord doing his will as long as they until he returns at the seventh Trump again they will be the only ones who are fit to be the Bride of Christ well we've got a short message how will all this turn out well things aren't looking good for a danaiah things aren't looking good for Joab or a by authority they attended the wrong coronation party they're gonna pay for it got a short message we'll ask you to listen a moment won't you please Genesis 146 the first six chapters in God's Word the world that was did you realise there was a world age before this one same old world different age the creation itself when were the races created you see all the races were created separately and you'll find that documented in these particular CDs how and what was the sin in the garden it will be discussed in this series also this is a must for the serious Bible scholar for if you do not understand how it was in the beginning you certainly will never understand the end I think you will find this series very rewarding and certainly will answer questions that no doubt you have always wondered about Genesis 146 hey I know you're going to enjoy this series there we are back again we're glad you could join back with us let's have the 800 number please eight hundred six four three four six four five that number good throughout Puerto Rico the United States and Canada if you have a biblical question that you'd like to be posed to be answered on the airfield or free to call that number and leave your question don't ask questions about a specific denomination individual or organization by name we try to teach God's Word in a positive manner throwing out negative about others especially our brothers and sisters in Christ serves no purpose we won't do it we let God's Word do the teaching the correcting and the healing fully capable of all three if you're listening by shortwave radio or studying via the internet somewhere around the world that's not able to use that 800 number your announcer at the end of the hour we'll give you our mailing address quite all right to mail your questions in as well I've got a prayer request we can do away with the 800 number you don't need a telephone number you don't need a mailing address your heavenly Father is there for you 24/7 I encourage you to go to him you know you don't have to go through anything see rigmarole of getting down on your knees and praying you can talk to him Anytime Anywhere driving down the road I'll tell you you don't have much competition these days most of his children have forgotten him and ignore him so it really makes his day when one of his children that love him tells him and ask for his advice the best counsel you can get in life is from your Heavenly Father we do have these prayer requests father we come united as one in the name of your son Jesus Christ we ask you to look upon these father you know their needs alcoholism drug addiction father you know if it is your will a special blessing on these we also remember our military troops are in harm's way around the world father watch over guide direct touch heal in Jesus precious name Amen and thank you Father all right let's get to some questions see what's on the mind of folks around the country and first up we got Phillip and Alabama I was married five times and my ministers say I am going to hell I love the Lord and I don't quite agree with them well Jesus wouldn't quite agree with those ministers either you know God used a Gentile woman in John chapter 4 Samaritan Sumerian the woman of Samaria in John chapter 4 and you know verse 18 states she had five husbands and wasn't married to the man that she was presently living with and verse 39 it goes on to say that Jesus used this woman to convert many so God can use who he wants that woman certainly didn't go to hell I don't believe you're going to hell either why you said you loved the Lord Rebecca in Westford don't let divorce he should not allow the church hierarchy to make second-class out of them the hierarchy of all to many churches try to make rules special rules for divorcees you you have to sit at the back of the church you can't teach Sunday School you can't be an elder of the church if you're a divorcee none of that is biblical when God forgives in Jesus Christ forgives you're forgiven the slate is wiped clean you don't keep bringing up past sins you don't keep bringing up past divorces either you you get on with your life and serve the Lord Rebecca in West Virginia can i anoint myself for healing or do I need to go before the elders if you don't have anyone there that you consider to be an elder then there's nothing wrong with anointing yourself you know it isn't the power of the elders that heals anyway it's the power of our Heavenly Father to heal his obedient children and if you're not familiar with Christians anointing you're not familiar with James chapter 5 verse 14 where it states that if any of you is ill go before the oil of the elders so that they can anoint you with the oil of our people and Lois in California thank you for your program it is such a wonderful blessing well we're glad you enjoyed the program I have a question what is the rapture also where is the rapture found in the Bible well most people who teach the rapture would point to first Thessalonians chapter 4 verse 16 and the following verses and they claim that that's talking that scripture is talking about the rapture it's not talking about the rapture and that's false first Thessalonians chapter 4 verse 13 if you want to know what the subject of those following verses is you have to go back to verse 13 and Paul says there I don't want you to be ignorant as the heathen are as to where those who sleep in Christ are those who sleep in Christ are those who died believing in Jesus Christ it's not talking about the rapture and then you say thank you I don't know you need to I'd recommend if you want to make a Bible study a full Bible study about the rapture order our three CD set three zero four five six and called the rapture we also offer two books here at the chapel one is item number five called the incredible cover-up and then five point zero one is called the rapture plot both books are by the same author Dave McPherson you don't need to order both books if you want just an abbreviated version of it order incredible cover-up if you want the whole thing order rapture plot in other words everything that's an incredible cover-up is in the rapture plot plus more Laura from Texas I have been ill with cancer and other medical problems since I was born many doctors have told me the end was near God has brought me through all I have not been able to witness for the Lord like all true elect are supposed to do will I have to answer for this at the great white throne judgment well you know Laura witnessing for the Lord that's to say planting seeds is only one good work that one can perform for the Lord showing others how a true Christian handles serious illness through their trust their faith their confidence in God is another you know we don't as Christians we don't whine we don't cry we don't fall apart when a serious illness strikes us we have faith in God and we fight that cancer with everything at our disposal so know you're not going to have to answer for anything you're going to be enjoying rewards after the great white throne judgment why because you're an example of how a true Christian handles adversity Garnell in Washington I watched your program every morning and I'm very enlightened by your theological knowledge my question is why is hatred not one of the most deadliest sins hatred is considered a self-imposed and insidious emotion that can destroy one's self family community or a nation and well I guess Garnell you know there are times that we should hate God hates for sure if anyone thinks that God didn't hate you're not familiar with proverbs chapter 6 verse 16 and the following verses for there you'll find not one but six things that God hates the seventh discord he who sews discord among the Brethren is an abomination to God so you would be calling God a sinner to say to hate is sin let me ask you this Garnell do you hate Satan I certainly hope so you know because if you don't hate Satan and what he's doing to our brothers and sisters I don't think you know what he is doing to our brothers and sisters think about it Leroy from Virginia a friend of mine told me during a Bible study of the book of Revelation that hell and the lake of fire exists today I do not believe this is true he knows nothing about the two sides of paradise the gulf in other words you know the lake of fire doesn't exist today and that's the difference between what hell is is the lake of fire you know after the white throne judgment of Revelation chapter 20 that's when the lake of fire is open it's not existing today the false prophet and the beast will be destroyed in the lake of fire in Revelation chapter 19 before the great white throne judgment but everyone else who chooses to follow the Antichrist Satan when he's loose from that pit of the first few verses of chapter 20 goes in to the lake of fire you follow with another if you are put in the lake of fire will you burn for all eternity or after a while will you not exist now I like to point out in Psalm 37 we have that acrostic Psalm that that teaches us if you think the elect excuse me if you think the wicked get ahead then you need to read the three verses that make up the acrostic of Psalm 37 that's verse 7 20 and 34 in verse 20 it states that the when the elect or the like excuse me I keep saying the elect when the wicked go into the lake of fire it's like when the fat of the lamb on a spit on a barbecue grill let's say the grill hits the fire below it goes in it's up in smoke forever once something becomes smoke it is smoke forever even though you see it so once smoke always smoked throughout the Eternity rent of a believe it is in Ohio and thank you for your your kind comments who or what are the four living creatures around the throne of God in Revelation three six god bless you and your staff and thanks for remembering our staff god bless you as well first read about them we first read about these four creatures in Ezekiel chapter 1 verse 5 they're the xoy in Hebrew and zoon in the Greek language read about him again in Ezekiel chapter 1 verse 10 there they have the four faces one face has the face of a man one has that's Reuben the symbol of Reuben one is the lion that's the tribe of Judah one is a ox or a calf in Revelation as Ephraim and then the eagle it represents the tribe of Dan what are their functions well they have two primary functions these four living creatures one to protect the throne of God the other to praise God and what would the throne of God need protection from Satan and the wicked Janus from Nebraska I know I have written in several times about this I really hope you can help me out I have been trying to tell my family there's no need to be scared of Armageddon I tell that excuse me I tell them it's the Lord's spiritual war against his enemies the ones that say there is no God what I can't explain is it says he will destroy his enemies and I am asked I don't know will these people be in the millennium or the Lord kill them it's kind of contradicting that to me of me to say the millennium is for teaching obedience to God and then can't explain what happens to those who are the Lord's enemy some people never even had a chance to learn now we're talking spiritual death that's the the the problem when people think of death they automatically associate that with flesh death and that's not what many times a spiritual death is the death of the soul for example somebody can be alive in the flesh and be dead spiritually so you got to separate spiritually dead from the other Revelation chapter 20 verse 11 and the following verses that's that's the death of the soul referred to there as the second death if you will until the white throne judgment no one is going to be dead including Satan himself Danny and South Carolina how do I go about repenting for my sins you know a you know repentance is the beauty of Christianity and how do you repent you go to your father with a repentant heart that is to say you have to have your heart in your mind in a repentant mode because you can't just you can't con God if you go to him and go oh hi I learned that all I have to do is repent to have all my sins forgiven and you go to him and try and con him into believing you are repentant he knows already he knows your heart he knows your mind you know admitting your shortcomings is a good place to start in the act of repenting a good place to finish is with in the name of Jesus Christ that that gives you credentials as a Christian and that's the reason that we end prayer with in the name of Jesus Christ Janice in Nebraska and she lists first Advent Jesus birth second Advent Lord's Day where's the question here tribulations and Satan Antichrist tribulation the real Christ's resurrection the first revelation twenty five and six the second resurrection question those who don't go into the lake of fire after the white throne judgment are those who participate in the second resurrection I see your question now and then you talk about the first beast the one-world political system the second beast is Antichrist my friend told me Antichrist that the Antichrist will only be here two and a half months is this true what will Satan look like during the first two and a half months well they won't be here the first two and a half months why because in the book of Revelation we learned that there was silence in heaven for one half hour his political system will be in full swing but then he returns de facto or de jure better said and with two and a half months reigning remaining before Messiah returns Sharon and Alabama I am confused about this issue according to your teachings Satan while in the first Earth Day JH desired to sit on the mercy seat instead of protecting it thus he as well as the Fallen Angels were kicked out of heaven well no Satan's rebellion or the catabolism the Greek language is what happened first not they were kicked out of heaven you've got things mixed around here then you go on and say chose to come into the Second Earth age born of woman come through the bag of water and choose to follow God or Satan now your question did we originally have free will in the first Earth Age then as well as free will in the second earth Dage yes all had free will in the first Earth Age in the Second Earth Age which were in now you have some who have free will then you have God's election who don't have free will they were chosen from the foundations of the earth God can intercede in their life if you will I have always believed that if we make it to heaven we would not be able to make mistakes there but it was in heaven where Satan's pride took him if you could clarify the question you know not everything is perfect in heaven now but it will be in the eternity why is not everything in heaven perfect now because Satan is there you know and again no one is dead until after the great white throne judgment and the second death Donnie in California how is it possible for an angel to fall a lot of questions about fallen angels today I thought only humans were given free will how did Satan fall no angels were given free will in the first Earth Age this is kind of related to the question we just had one-third chose to follow Satan and in Revelation 12 we learned that one-third followed Satan now don't confuse the one-third that followed Satan with the fallen angels you need to order CD three zero four two three fallen angels and that's a complete study on that subject I'm out of time I want you to know that I love you a great deal why because you enjoy studying God's Word in-depth your father loves you he looks down from heaven and he sees you with the letter that he wrote to you open and you're seeking knowledge of him and from him through that letter we are brought to you by your tithes and offerings if we've helped you help us keep coming to you and to reach out to others who are lost in this world of darkness most important thing though beloved is this she staying his word every day every day in his word is a good day even with trouble because Jesus is the Living Word hearing God's Word with understanding will change your life we hope you have enjoyed studying God's word here on the shepherd's chapel family Bible study hour with pastor Dennis Murray if you would like to receive more information concerning shepherd's chapel you may request our free introductory offer our introductory offer contains the mark of the beast CD our monthly newsletter with a written Bible study a CD catalog and a list of written reference works available through shepherd's chapel to request our free introductory offer by telephone call 864 three four six four five 24 hours a day you may also request our introductory offer by writing to shepherd's chapel p.o box 416 gravid arkansas 7 to 736 once again that shepherd's chapel p.o box 416 Gravett Arkansas 7 to 736 we invite you to join us for the next in-depth Bible study each weekday at the same time thank you for watching today's program and god bless you you [Music]
Channel: YHVH Savior
Views: 2,256
Rating: 5 out of 5
Keywords: Shepherd's Chapel, Murray, Pastor Murray, Arnold Murray, I Kings, Book of 1 Kings, Book of, 1 Kings, Book of I Kings, Pastor Arnold Murray, Shepherd's, Arnold, Chapel, Shepherds Chapel, Pastor, Shepherds
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 58min 30sec (3510 seconds)
Published: Wed Aug 28 2019
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