1 Hour to Improve Your English Listening Skills

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want to speak real english from your first lesson sign up for your free lifetime account at englishclass101.com want to completely understand everything in your target language in this guide you'll learn the top 10 ways to improve your listening skills with our lessons let's begin number one take your very first lesson the best way to practice listening is to just start listening expose yourself to native speakers as much as possible so access any audio or video lesson on the site and press the play button to get started you can do the lessons on the site or on the app while you're on the go don't have an account don't worry just go to the sign up page to create an account it takes less than 30 seconds and it's free then click on the play button on any lesson and start learning number two slow the lesson down now if a conversation is too fast for you simply adjust the playback speed in the lesson control bar and listen to it again at a slower speed this will help you understand every word another way to pick apart every word that you hear is read along as you listen just read along as you listen and you'll never miss a word you can read along with the lesson notes or lesson transcript that come with every lesson the lesson notes give you the dialogue the translations and in-depth grammar tutorials the lesson transcript is the full word for word transcript of everything you hear you can also read along with the dialogue study tool which gives you the line-by-line breakdown of the conversation including the audio and translations number four listen to the line by line breakdown with the very same dialogue study tool what makes this tool so powerful is you can listen to each line individually and replay it as much as you want until you understand every single word this is useful for mastering fast conversations that you would miss otherwise number five listen to the dialogue track the dialogue track gives you the conversation of that lesson in the target language only no translations and you have this tool in every audio lesson listen to it and see how much you can understand number six download the dialog tracks and make a playlist this is a great immersion tactic download the tracks to your computer or mobile device then play them on a loop to immerse yourself in the language and improve your listening skills each track is only about 10 to 30 seconds so it won't take you long number seven play the vocabulary slideshow you get the slideshow study tool with all of our audio lessons and vocabulary lists click on start slideshow sit back and listen you can also play it on loop and immerse yourself in the language number eight get listening assignments from your premium plus teacher you can also get assignments covering reading writing speaking and even listening from your teacher these assignments can be tailored to your goals and needs you can get a new one every week or any time you're ready for a new one number nine take the listening comprehension lessons these lessons are designed to test your listening skills you'll hear a dialogue in the target language and based on the dialogue you'll be asked to answer a question to check if you understood there are no translations here except for the subtitles read along with the subtitles to understand everything number 10 get even more lessons in the lesson library if you want even more lessons from absolute beginner level to advanced then visit our lesson library you get instant access to all of the pathways and lessons that will help you master all areas of the language including listening and if you're ready to finally learn language the fast fun and easy way and start speaking from your very first lesson get our complete learning program sign up for your free lifetime account right now click the link in the description and if you enjoyed these tips hit the like button share it with anyone who's trying to learn a language and subscribe to our channel we release new videos every week i'll see you next time bye hi everyone are you ready to test your language level in this video we'll test your listening skills we'll go over four levels of difficulty so you can figure out what your real level is and if you want to improve your language listening comprehension skills just click the link in the description to access the best audio and video library of online content let's go level one absolute beginner a woman and a man are looking at a photograph which photo are they looking at [Music] this is a photo of the soccer team your son is on isn't it which one is your son this one oh he's the tallest one yep he's even taller than the coach a boy is reading from his journal what was the first thing the boy did today [Music] the weather was great today i went swimming this afternoon at the pool and i went to a movie in the evening i also studied all morning today wasn't bad a man is calling the doctor's office what time does he need to be at the doctor's office by [Music] hello how can i help you what time do you close today we close at six o'clock but please come in before 5 30. okay thank you a man and a woman are looking over a menu at a restaurant what's the man going to order [Music] what are you going to order the pizza looks delicious i think i'll go with that i had pizza yesterday so okay then what about the hamburger sounds good i'll go with that a woman is asking a store clerk something at a bookstore which book does the woman want to see [Music] excuse me i'd like to take a look at a book on that shelf which book would you like the one about cars one moment please this one yep that's right here you go level two beginner a man and a woman are talking about the design of the company business card which design did they decide on [Music] we've got some new designs for the company business card which one do you think is best let's see i think the company name should be bigger okay then it should be one of these right i like these because the company name is big and on top one of these has a space for a photo what do you think hmm i think it makes the text a little too small yeah the text could be a little hard to read with the picture okay then let's go with the other one you're listening to the weather forecast what's the forecast [Music] we'll have sunny weather all through the morning in the afternoon though it's going to get cloudy and will have rain in the night the rain will continue through the night until early tomorrow morning when the sun will start coming out again a man is talking with his wife on the phone what's he going to buy [Music] hey heading home now okay could you buy something on the way home sure what do you want me to get we need some milk and bread for tomorrow's breakfast milk and bread got it how many cartons of milk one should be fine okay anything else one second let me check if we have butter okay we've got some alright do we have any beer left yes we still have a bottle here okay so we don't need to buy any right now right i think we're good thank you a man and a woman are talking about printers in the office where is the old printer [Music] where should we put the new printer i think we should put it where the old printer is now but the old one still works we're going to keep using it okay so we can't put the new one there it's too bad it would be nice to have the new one in the bookshelf next to the door but there's only room for one printer there okay then i think we should put it on the other side of the room right how about next to the window that sounds good a man is looking for a birthday present for his wife at a jewelry shop which necklace is he going to buy [Music] may i help you i'm looking for a birthday present for my wife what do you recommend well what about this necklace hmm it looks a little long what about these over here we have one with the flower pendant and another one with a heart i'm looking for something a bit more sophisticated how much is this pearl necklace over here thousand dollars hmm that's too expensive okay i'll take the first one sure thing here you are level three intermediate a woman is trying on a dress and talking to a shop clerk which dress is she going to buy [Music] it looks very nice on you and it fits perfectly yeah it fits but i usually wear plain colors i'm not used to this kind of a pattern well i think you look great yeah still it would take some courage for me to actually wear this what about this dress then the pattern is much more reserved so it won't feel as flashy you're right let me try that one on go right ahead what do you think ma'am this one suits me much more than the last do you have a long-sleeved version with this design yes we do thanks i'll buy that a male and female student are looking at job advertisements which job is the female student going to apply for [Music] hey what do you think about this job the hourly pay is pretty high sure the pay looks great but could you really do a newspaper delivery route of course i'm good at riding bikes but i'm worried about waking up early what about this one the pay isn't as high but you can work two or three days a week and start working from the evening oh this one a supermarket cashier huh well it would be good to work after school this one for a coffee shop might be good too oh yeah i love that place and it's on my way to school not bad huh hmm which one should i apply to which too is it between the coffee shop and the newspaper delivery route yeah the pay for the newspaper route is really nice okay my mind's made up i guess i'll just have to get up early a woman is talking to her hair stylist how would she like to change her hair [Music] hi may i help you hi i've got a three o'clock reservation for richie ah yes welcome miss richie please come this way what can i do for you today i'd like to change my hairstyle a little bit okay what length would you like about shoulder length all right and what about your bangs keep the bangs straight down or part it on the side to the side a bit which side maybe a little left from the middle got it we'll start with the shampoo so please come this way a man is making a reservation at a hotel which room is he going to stay in [Music] seaside hotel how may i help you hi i'd like to stay for one night on september 22nd certainly one night from september 22nd how many people two would you like a smoking or a non-smoking room sir non-smoking the only non-smoking room available on that day is a mountain view room is that okay well i was hoping for an ocean view room i'm sorry but the only ocean view room available on that day is a smoking room i see is there a non-smoking ocean view room available on september 23rd yes there is okay we'll stay on september 23rd a husband and a wife are looking at some floor plans which room are they going to see how about this one it's got a nice large living room hmm i like a big living room but i want the parking space let's see how about this one yeah that's nice should we go see this one wait a second isn't the closet a bit too small good point hmm there doesn't seem to be one that's perfect wait how about this one it's got everything we need doesn't it and the closet is pretty large too let's go see this one okay level four advanced a man and a woman are talking about preparations for a presentation they'll be making tomorrow at their office what will the woman check after the conversation ends [Music] okay i think we're almost ready for the presentation tomorrow just a few more things the meeting will start at nine sharp so could you double check the meeting room today yep i've already checked the room okay great did you make sure the projector is working okay oh i was going to check the projector tomorrow morning when i have my laptop no we've gotta get that checked today we won't have time to deal with it in the morning if there's a problem so make sure to check that projector today that's the most important thing okay will do and did you get the copies of those handouts ms tanaka is making them now let's see what else oh did you check the whiteboard yes i did sometimes the pens don't have enough ink left in them did you get a chance to check them not yet but i'll make sure to do that later yes please make sure to do that today a woman is calling on the phone to reserve tickets for a play which two seats did she get [Music] hello this is blackfriar's playhouse can i help you i'd like to get two tickets for king lear at 5 30 this evening do you still have any tickets available we do have a few seats left but i'm sorry to say we don't have any next to each other if you don't mind though we can get you two seats separately okay we don't mind do you have any particular requests well do you have any aisle seats yes we have an aisle seat at the left side of the center section and to the right of it three seats over we have another free seat to the side okay then please book that aisle seat certainly how about the other one do you have any seats near the center the only center seats we have left are from the first row to the third row i'm not too crazy about having actors spit on me so this room is relatively small and i think you could enjoy the play even at the end of the row on the side is that so then i'll take the one you mentioned before on the left side a woman is talking with a man who works for an outsourced printing company about a brochure for a new product when is the deadline for the first design draft for the brochure [Music] we decided to launch the new product on october 15th and we'd like to offer you the contract to make the brochure thank you so much we're definitely excited about helping you with this project so could you tell us a bit about the schedule when will you need everything by well considering the time needed for printing we'd like to get the brochures to the printing stage by the end of september so would it be possible for you to get us the first design draft by the middle of august well we'd like to give you three design options for the initial draft and then have you choose the one which best fits your concept then we'll make the final design based on your choice so it'll be very helpful if you could give us two more weeks to prepare for this stage okay maybe one month will be enough time to choose one of the designs you've made and then decide on the final design all right we'll be counting on you you're in good hands our design team is the best thank you so much a man is joining a sports club and getting information on its policies what type of membership will he choose [Music] let me start by explaining our club's different membership options as described in this brochure regular members can use the gym in the pool at any time on any day of the week but we also offer early morning memberships where people can use the facilities only in the early morning and night memberships for people who only want to come in the evening what are the hours for early morning members early morning members can use the facilities from 6am to 10am and night members can use them from 6pm to 11pm i see so early morning members can stop by and use the facilities on their way to work exactly the early morning type is popular among people with nine to five jobs and we also offer memberships just for the gym or just for the pool if you only want to use one of those i want to use both the gym and the pool i think i'll use the gym in the early morning before going to work on weekdays and then use the pool on the weekend do you have a membership that covers something like early mornings for the weekdays but all day on the weekend we're sorry but we don't offer a membership like that sir okay i don't think i can get up that early on the weekend so i'll choose this membership option a man is reporting about his company's sales performance at a meeting which two charts is he using for his presentation [Music] please look at the handout the left chart shows our company's sales over the past three years and the sales forecast for the current year and the right chart shows the monthly breakdown in sales up to october of this year now please have a look at the left chart it shows that sales have been steadily increasing over the past three years and if we can keep increasing our sales the total sales for this year will show an increase over last year next please look at the right chart the right chart shows that the campaigns we ran in april and august were fairly effective i see but the sales decreased in may and september following the campaigns yes but this kind of decrease is unavoidable i expect the annual sales for this year will show an increase over last year if we can keep increasing our sales how was it now you can check your answers level 1 absolute beginner answer which photo are they looking at a woman and a man are looking at a photograph which photo are they looking at this is a photo of the soccer team your son is on isn't it which one is your son this one oh he's the tallest one yep he's even taller than the coach what was the first thing the boy did today a boy is reading from his journal what was the first thing the boy did today the weather was great today i went swimming this afternoon at the pool and i went to a movie in the evening i also studied all morning today wasn't bad what time does he need to be at the doctor's office by a man is calling the doctor's office what time does he need to be at the doctor's office by hello how can i help you what time do you close today we close at six o'clock but please come in before 5 30. ok thank you what's the man going to order a man and a woman are looking over a menu at a restaurant what's the man going to order what are you going to order the pizza looks delicious i think i'll go with that i had pizza yesterday so okay then what about the hamburger sounds good i'll go with that which book does the woman want to see a woman is asking a store clerk something at a bookstore which book does the woman want to see excuse me i'd like to take a look at a book on that shelf which book would you like the one about cars one moment please this one yep that's right here you go level 2 beginner answer which design did they decide on a man and a woman are talking about the design of the company business card which design did they decide on we've got some new designs for the company business card which one do you think is best let's see i think the company name should be bigger okay then it should be one of these right i like these because the company name is big and on top one of these has a space for a photo what do you think hmm i think it makes the text a little too small yeah the text could be a little hard to read with the picture okay then let's go with the other one what's the forecast you're listening to the weather forecast what's the forecast we'll have sunny weather all through the morning in the afternoon though it's going to get cloudy and we'll have rain in the night the rain will continue through the night until early tomorrow morning when the sun will start coming out again what's he going to buy a man is talking with his wife on the phone what's he going to buy hey heading home now okay could you buy something on the way home sure what do you want me to get we need some milk and bread for tomorrow's breakfast milk and bread got it how many cartons of milk one should be fine okay anything else one second let me check if we have butter okay we've got some alright do we have any beer left yes we still have a bottle here okay so we don't need to buy any right now right i think we're good thank you where is the old printer a man and a woman are talking about printers in the office where is the old printer where should we put the new printer i think we should put it where the old printer is now but the old one still works we're going to keep using it okay so we can't put the new one there it's too bad it would be nice to have the new one in the bookshelf next to the door but there's only room for one printer there okay then i think we should put it on the other side of the room right how about next to the window that sounds good which necklace is he going to buy a man is looking for a birthday present for his wife at a jewelry shop which necklace is he going to buy may i help you i'm looking for a birthday present for my wife what do you recommend well what about this necklace hmm it looks a little long what about these over here we have one with the flower pendant and another one with a heart i'm looking for something a bit more sophisticated how much is this pearl necklace over here it's five thousand dollars hmm that's too expensive okay i'll take the first one sure thing here you are level three intermediate answer which dress is she going to buy a woman is trying on a dress and talking to a shop clerk which dress is she going to buy it looks very nice on you and it fits perfectly yeah it fits but i usually wear plain colors i'm not used to this kind of a pattern well i think you look great yeah still it would take some courage for me to actually wear this what about this dress then the pattern is much more reserved so it won't feel as flashy you're right let me try that one on go right ahead what do you think ma'am this one suits me much more than the last do you have a long-sleeved version with this design yes we do thanks i'll buy that which job is the female student going to apply for a male and female student are looking at job advertisements which job is the female student going to apply for hey what do you think about this job the hourly pay is pretty high sure the pay looks great but could you really do a newspaper delivery route of course i'm good at riding bikes but i'm worried about waking up early what about this one the pay isn't as high but you can work two or three days a week and start working from the evening oh this one a supermarket cashier huh well it would be good to work after school this one for a coffee shop might be good too oh yeah i love that place and it's on my way to school not bad huh hmm which one should i apply to which too is it between the coffee shop and the newspaper delivery route yeah the pay for the newspaper route is really nice okay my mind's made up i guess i'll just have to get up early how would she like to change her hair a woman is talking to her hair stylist how would she like to change her hair hi may i help you hi i've got a three o'clock reservation for richie ah yes welcome miss richie please come this way what can i do for you today i'd like to change my hairstyle a little bit okay what length would you like about shoulder length alright and what about your bangs keep the bangs straight down or part it on the side to the side a bit which side maybe a little left from the middle got it we'll start with the shampoo so please come this way which room is he going to stay in a man is making a reservation at a hotel which room is he going to stay in seaside hotel how may i help you hi i'd like to stay for one night on september 22nd certainly one night from september 22nd how many people two would you like a smoking or a non-smoking room sir non-smoking the only non-smoking room available on that day is a mountain view room is that okay well i was hoping for an ocean view room i'm sorry but the only ocean view room available on that day is a smoking room i see is there a non-smoking ocean view room available on september 23rd yes there is okay we'll stay on september 23rd which room are they going to see a husband and a wife are looking at some floor plans which room are they going to see how about this one it's got a nice large living room hmm i like a big living room but i want the parking space let's see how about this one yeah that's nice should we go see this one wait a second isn't the closet a bit too small good point hmm there doesn't seem to be one that's perfect wait how about this one it's got everything we need doesn't it and the closet is pretty large too let's go see this one okay level four advanced answer what will the woman check after the conversation ends a man and a woman are talking about preparations for a presentation they'll be making tomorrow at their office what will the woman check after the conversation ends okay i think we're almost ready for the presentation tomorrow just a few more things the meeting will start at nine sharp so could you double check the meeting room today yep i've already checked the room okay great did you make sure the projector's working okay oh i was going to check the projector tomorrow morning when i have my laptop no we've got to get that checked today we won't have time to deal with it in the morning if there's a problem so make sure to check that projector today that's the most important thing okay will do and did you get the copies of those handouts ms tanaka is making them now let's see what else oh did you check the whiteboard yes i did sometimes the pens don't have enough ink left in them did you get a chance to check them not yet but i'll make sure to do that later yes please make sure to do that today which two seats did she get a woman is calling on the phone to reserve tickets for a play which two seats did she get hello this is black friars playhouse can i help you i'd like to get two tickets for king lear at 5 30 this evening do you still have any tickets available we do have a few seats left but i'm sorry to say we don't have any next to each other if you don't mind though we can get you two seats separately okay we don't mind do you have any particular requests well do you have any aisle seats yes we have an aisle seat at the left side of the center section and to the right of it three seats over we have another free seat to the side okay then please book that aisle seat certainly how about the other one do you have any seats near the center the only center seats we have left are from the first row to the third row i'm not too crazy about having actors spit on me so this room is relatively small and i think you could enjoy the play even at the end of the row on the side is that so then i'll take the one you mentioned before on the left side when is the deadline for the first design draft for the brochure a woman is talking with a man who works for an outsourced printing company about a brochure for a new product when is the deadline for the first design draft for the brochure we decided to launch the new product on october 15th and we'd like to offer you the contract to make the brochure thank you so much we're definitely excited about helping you with this project so could you tell us a bit about the schedule when will you need everything by well considering the time needed for printing we'd like to get the brochures to the printing stage by the end of september so would it be possible for you to get us the first design draft by the middle of august well we'd like to give you three design options for the initial draft and then have you choose the one which best fits your concept then we'll make the final design based on your choice so it'll be very helpful if you could give us two more weeks to prepare for this stage hmm okay maybe one month will be enough time to choose one of the designs you've made and then decide on the final design all right we'll be counting on you you're in good hands our design team is the best thank you so much what type of membership will he choose a man is joining a sports club and getting information on its policies what type of membership will he choose let me start by explaining our club's different membership options as described in this brochure regular members can use the gym in the pool at any time on any day of the week but we also offer early morning memberships where people can use the facilities only in the early morning and night memberships for people who only want to come in the evening what are the hours for early morning members early morning members can use the facilities from 6 am to 10 am and night members can use them from 6 pm to 11 pm i see so early morning members can stop by and use the facilities on their way to work exactly the early morning type is popular among people with nine to five jobs and we also offer memberships just for the gym or just for the pool if you only want to use one of those i want to use both the gym and the pool i think i'll use the gym in the early morning before going to work on weekdays and then use the pool on the weekend do you have a membership that covers something like early mornings for the weekdays but all day on the weekend we're sorry but we don't offer a membership like that sir okay i don't think i can get up that early on the weekend so i'll choose this membership option which two charts is he using for his presentation a man is reporting about his company's sales performance at a meeting which two charts is he using for his presentation please look at the handout the left chart shows our company's sales over the past three years and the sales forecast for the current year and the right chart shows the monthly breakdown in sales up to october of this year now please have a look at the left chart it shows that sales have been steadily increasing over the past three years and if we can keep increasing our sales the total sales for this year will show an increase over last year next please look at the right chart the right chart shows that the campaigns we ran in april and august were fairly effective i see but the sales decreased in may and september following the campaigns yes but this kind of decrease is unavoidable i expect the annual sales for this year will show an increase over last year if we can keep increasing our sales how is your language level let us know in the comments below and remember if you want to be able to understand the language just click the link in the description and access the best library of online content to help you improve your skills if you've studied your target language but you can barely understand native speakers you might be doing something wrong you know the vocabulary and grammar they're using but for some reason when they speak at a faster speed you can't keep track of what's going on why is this happening have you spent all this time learning in vain this is a common issue that all language learners face at some point or another the truth is it's actually a good problem to have because only students with a higher level of skill will experience it when you know a lot of the language but have trouble understanding native speakers the problem is almost always with your listening skills learning what words mean and practicing how to use them in a sentence are both invaluable skills to develop but people often forget that in addition to speaking writing and reading we have to develop our listening skills in a foreign language as well in this video we'll look at three practical ways to improve your listening skills number one practice active listening one of the best ways to practice listening is to well listen to your target language but this doesn't mean putting on some music and listening to it in the background as you do other things you need to practice active listening get your hands on a recording of spoken language you can use a movie news broadcast or a podcast you can even try subscribing to a youtube channel listen to a segment of the audio and do your best to write down what you hear after a couple tries at this go back and double check what you wrote against the script of what was actually said if you're watching a movie you can double check yourself by turning on the subtitles our language learning program is one of the best tools for developing your listening skills you can listen to the conversation in a lesson and then check it back against the lesson transcripts this is simple easy and you can be sure that the transcripts are correct number two practice pronunciation any problems you have pronouncing new words correctly will be reflected back in your listening skills it's hard for your brain to decipher and remember a sound be it a letter or a word that you don't know how to make yourself a good accent will give you the ability to hear and pick out the otherwise unnatural new sounds to develop your accent focus on any sounds or letters that feel difficult or unnatural for you once you get more comfortable with the basic sounds start to combine them using words and whole sentences listen to native speakers as much as possible and take note of how words and sounds can blend morph or get dropped in rapid speech do your best to listen to this phenomenon and imitate what you hear focus more on how the syllables are said together rather than simply saying the words next to each other there is often a significant difference between how words are said individually and how they are said when spoken together in a rapid-fire sentence this is a big part of the reason language learners can know a lot of vocabulary and grammar but still not understand native speakers our playback feature is great for pronunciation practice you can play back the podcast itself or listen to words individually you can even listen back at a slower speed if you're having trouble catching the correct pronunciation at native speaker speed number three make listening part of your routine now that you've started practicing active listening and pronunciation make it a part of your regular learning allot a specific amount of time for each of your listening activities for example you might practice 10 minutes of active listening followed by 10 minutes of practicing vowels and then 10 minutes of imitation practice with a podcast now you don't have to use this schedule exactly tailor it to your own needs and availability the point is that you should make a conscious and decisive effort to practice your listening skills on a regular basis it could be 30 minutes a day or it might be 10. what matters most is that you practice consistently these three tips will help you close any gap that might exist between your knowledge of your target language and your listening abilities understanding native speakers may seem daunting at first but with a little time and perseverance you will see your skills improve and for even more ways to practice listening check out our complete language learning program sign up for your free lifetime account by clicking on the link in the description get tons of resources to have you speaking in your target language and if you enjoyed these tips hit the like button share the video with anyone who's trying to learn a new language and subscribe to our channel we release new videos every week i'll see you next time bye want to transform your driving time into language learning time how much time do you spend in your car every day 30 minutes more than an hour why not put this huge amount of time to good use instead of just listening to the radio during your daily commute you could be learning a new language instead here are three easy methods for learning a language in your car you can put them to use right away with the help of our language learning program first you can listen to fun audio lessons by real teachers listening to lessons while in the car allows you to focus on the road as you listen and learn in every one of our 3 to 15 minute lessons our teachers teach you conversations new phrases and cultural points audio is the only learning medium that lets you learn and drive safely at the same time so take advantage of all our audio lessons available second you can set your lessons on autoplay and go hands-free our autoplay feature lets you keep your hands on the wheel without even reaching for your device just set your lessons to autoplay one by one with our innovative language 101 app and never have to interrupt your focus on driving to switch to a new lesson third you can repeat out loud and speak from your very first lesson you want to speak a new language too right well you'll start learning conversations minutes into your lessons all you have to do is listen and repeat out loud our teachers take you step by step through all of the words phrases translations and grammar points you're even prompted to speak out loud and repeat the result you understand it all and can speak your new language turn your commute into language learning time and have fun at the same time learning doesn't have to be a big commitment like signing up for a college class it can be fun and easy in fact it's as easy as pressing play our language learning programs will do the work for you and with the exposure you get while driving on your daily commute you'll be speaking and understanding real life language quickly the best part you can finally learn without even changing your schedule so if you're ready to finally learn a new language the fast fun and easy way sign up for your free lifetime account by clicking on the link in the description signing up takes less than 30 seconds and you'll start speaking from your very first lesson if you enjoyed these tips hit the like button share the video with anyone who's trying to learn a new language and subscribe to our channel we release new videos every week i'll see you next time bye all cultures have a form of music music is one of the most basic tools we can use to learn a language parents use music and songs to teach their young children simple words music can help us focus help us remember better and thus help us as we acquire a language music can aid our coordination and physical development too so how do we use music to support our language learning now as grown people in this video we'll look at four ways to use music to study a language imitating structures and rhythms is important when learning a language and the same is true for music when children play with other children they listen to songs move their bodies as they play games and try to imitate what they see and hear this practice of regular imitation aids children as they gain their language skills repeating song lyrics like those from nursery rhymes helps kids retain words and expressions children may not know the meanings of all the words in the songs they sing but they remember the songs the vocabulary and the rhythms children practice making sounds by mimicking the pronunciation of words this can be the first step to the child understanding the meaning and use of a word you might not realize it but you probably still remember many of the songs and rhymes you learned when you were a child we're able to remember expressions words and ideas effectively when they're put to music this is also the reason you can memorize the lyrics of songs you like rather easily patterns like those in many popular songs are repetitive we review the rhythms and the words each time we listen everybody is different so if you want to use music to support your language learning we're here to provide four different ways number one passive listening one way to study with music is through passive listening you can do this with songs you have in your target language on your computer a cd your favorite streaming site you can use this method as long as you have access to music in the language you want to study turn the music on and let it play in the background while you do something else like studying cooking dinner or cleaning the house do this regularly and let your mind get used to the idea of hearing your target language in your environment this kind of familiarity with the language will help you as you work towards fluency passive listening is one form of language immersion as you listen to the background music over and over and get more comfortable with it you'll start to notice key words intonation grammar patterns and so on with enough practice and with enough different music to listen to you might even start to recognize certain sounds and words when you hear them somewhere else number two memorization you can use music to help build your vocabulary and memorize words effectively this method focuses on studying lyrics and songs to improve your ability to recall the words look up the lyrics to a song you're listening to and review them line by line you can read the lyrics as you listen to the song or try to remember the next line in the song before it is sung memorization practice like this enhances your listening skills and boosts your reading skills number three sing along our first tip in this lesson was to listen passively this tip however is to listen actively by singing along to your music look up the lyrics of a song you like play the song and try to sing along you may also be able to find videos on youtube of popular songs with the lyrics included if it's difficult at first don't worry remember regular review and practice is essential just as we usually need to hear a song in our native language a few times before we remember the words you can expect to need to listen several times over a few days before you feel comfortable with all the words through practicing this way you'll learn grammar spelling and pronunciation you'll also get to enjoy a song you like moreover this type of exercise will help you work on your reading and listening skills a good way to check your progress is by trying to sing the song by yourself you can sing with no music or you can try looking for a karaoke version of the song you like if you can sing all the words great if not you can go back to the lyrics and study a bit more until you master the track number 4 transcription to do this exercise listen to the song as it plays write down or transcribe the lyrics you can start and stop the song at the end of each line to slow things down a bit if you begin your studies with this method you might catch only a few words but don't get frustrated play the song and write down everything you can hear then play the song again and write down the words that you missed the first time you listened with practice like this your listening skills will improve and so will your spelling these are just a few ways that you can use music to study another language be patient and don't forget to enjoy the music you're listening to as you study if you want to start simple try listening to children's songs in your target language the song lyrics tend to be repeated a lot and this can help you identify key words quickly learning a language through music is fun it can help you focus your attention and improve your memory this can be a great part of your self-study plan if you want to get more tips on learning language check out our complete language learning program sign up for your free lifetime account by clicking on the link in the description get tons of resources to have you speaking in your target language and if you enjoyed these tips hit the like button share the video with anyone who's trying to learn a new language and subscribe to our channel we release new videos every week i'll see you next time bye want to speed up your language learning take your very first lesson with us you'll start speaking in minutes and master real conversations sign up for your free lifetime account just click the link in the description
Channel: Learn English with EnglishClass101.com
Views: 128,408
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: English Language (Interest), English culture, EnglishClass101, Tutorial, Word (Literature Subject), ask, auto play, autoplay, basics, beginner, best of, compilation, continuous play, english, english basics, english lesson, how to, important, learn, learn english, long play, made easy, read, read english, reading skills, speak, speak english, survival phrases, teacher, top, vocabulary, words, write
Id: jIZyI07OzJk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 51min 19sec (3079 seconds)
Published: Tue Nov 02 2021
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