1 Hour of Tragic BoJack Facts to Fall Asleep to

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[Music] I want to be an architect in 1984 Sarah himar was born sometime before her acting career began she changed her name to Sarah Lynn with the help of lawyer Sarah lipshits in 1987 at the age of three Sarah Lynn was cast as Sabrina on situation comedy Hing around cast alongside her was Joelle Clark as her older sister Olivia Bradley Hitler Smith as her older brother Ethan and of course boj Jack Horseman as her adopted father the horse when the show began in 198 7 Sarah Lynn was close with her castmates as well as Show creator herb kazaz they had a genuine Bond after shooting the pilot and without a real father figure in her own life sarin looked up to her TV father Bojack unfortunately Bojack was not a great role model for sarin and even gave some problematic advice that she internalized for years the most important thing is you got to give the people what they want even if it kills you even if it empties you out until there's nothing left to empty nevertheless sarilyn truly looked up to Bojack and even wanted to spend time with him outside of work and she was comfortable telling him her own hopes and dreams I want to be an architect from an early age sarn expressed her desires to go to college and become an architect only to be shut down by her mother who says that college is for ugly people who can't tap dance Carol himar pushed sarilyn into stardom in the spotlight apparently offering sexual favors in exchange for auditions and roles for her own daughter mommy didn't do what mommy did to that star search producer so that you could be an architect despite wanting to learn and go to school for architecture sarin was forced into the Hollywood lifestyle Style with horon around providing her with 9 years of steady sitcom work over this period of time sarin was homeschooled by her stepfather a bear whose last name was Richardson though we never learn his first name on many occasions sarn expressed discomfort with her stepfather who she described as a photographer through context clues it is heavily implied that he sexually abused her why can't you do this in Sarah Linn's dressing room my stepdad's in there and he's being weird why is that my problem Sarah Linn's character Sabrina was a fan favorite character on horse and around in the early 1990s horse and around creator herb kazaz was caught in a scandal and fired from the show he created TV veteran Danny bananas took his place as showrunner and through his tenure the show began to focus a lot more on Sabrina this led to jealousy from co-star Joel Clark which hurt their relationship want to go to the mall this weekend don't you have any friends your own age from school no my mom's boyfriend homeschools me he's a photographer because SN was homeschooled by her mother's boyfriend and soon to be husband she didn't have many friends of her own age so losing Joel to jealousy was a major blow at age 10 short into the Danny banan's tenure of horsing around sarin felt so uncomfortable around her stepfather that she asked horsing around hair stylist shirona if they could do hair and makeup in bojack's dressing room instead while in the dressing room Bojack and Shona got into a fight before leaving the room when left alone sarin got her hands on an unlabeled water bottle full of vodka that Bojack had left on the counter sarin got drunk and had to be taken home from set that day this led to shirona being fired from the series this was seemingly sarin's first introduction to alcohol sarin also saw success outside of horse and around she headlined People magazine revealing that she had a talent for singing and by age 11 she had her own clothing line in 1996 horse and around aired its series finale in which the horse died of a broken heart because his kids didn't love him enough a dark ending for the sitcom but Sarah Lyn's success was only just beginning in 2002 after turning 18 sarin released her debut album I am sarin and hit single prickly muffin which was named after the nickname the horse gave Sabrina on horsing around why aren't you dressed for school prickly muffin sarn drastically changed Her Image as she no longer wanted to be seen as the innocent little girl from horsing around anymore as a pop sensation sarilyn skyrocketed to stardom by 2004 at age 20 she was packing stadiums of fans to see her perform and soon she was considered to be the biggest pop star in the world by 2007 she had her own Kevin Klein fragrance and that same year she traveled the world on her sexually confident virgin tour the weight of this stardom weighed heavy though in December of 2007 after one of her stadium shows sarin was elated to hear that Bojack Horsemen had come backstage to see her she expressed to Bojack just how heavy that weight of the superstardom felt I know I'm smiling right now but the light inside me is dying Bojack was one of Sarah Linn's last bastions of hope that the people surrounding her weren't just using her for her Fame and connections that he might just be a true friend who wants to catch up but those hopes were dashed when Bojack asked Sarah Lin to guest star on his failing sitcom the BoJack Horseman show this seemingly was the final push sending sarin off the deep end over the next 10 or so years sarin would formed severe addictions to drugs and alcohol as her follow-up albums flopped at some point over this period the substance abuse led to an incident where her heart stopped and was restarted by paramedics at Adam lavine's Halloween party shortly after that same party she received a DUI and her license was taken away sometime in or before 2014 sarin also began dating British actor Andrew Garfield sarin still maintained a friendship with hor and around Creator herb kazaz who had been diagnosed with rectal cancer in 2014 well into her addiction phase a dying herb kazaz took sarin to eat where he would beg her to get sober as well as make her promise to get his book published after he dies later in 2014 sarin and Andrew Garfield ran into Bojack at Ikea moments before Andrew publicly broke up with her sarin had a massive breakdown in the store stabbing herself in the stomach with a rusty bayonet and taking a dump on a sofa Bojack helped check sarin into a rehabilitation center but shortly after sarin checks herself out of rehab and goes to bojack's house seeking a place to stay who Could That Be Bojack let sarin stay with him and briefly acted like a father figure to sarin for the first time since horon around this Arrangement did not turn out to be a healthy one as Bojack ended up enabling sarin's partying and substance abuse habits Bojack decided to spend some one-on-one time with sarin having a fun day out in Santa Monica together at the end of which Bojack gave sarin his TV Guide award he always thought he'd give it to his own kids someday and decided sarin should be the one to have it sarin ended up selling the TV Guide award for drug money leading to this argument I'm not your dad and you're not my child we're just a man and a lady living in a house together and we're both adults and we're both a little drunk after sarin came to Bojack the most significant Father Figure in her life for help and support they started to have sex with each other a very unhealthy Dynamic eventually Bojack realized he can't continue to enable Sarah linnn this way and told her she can't stay with him anymore Sarah Lin decided to go find somewhere new to party and shows a profound understanding of the depressing place that life has taken her I'm at a place right now where I never need to grow as a person because I can constantly just surround myself with siant and enablers until I died tragically young later in 2014 sarin was contacted by Bojack who was looking for drugs she Bojack and Todd go on a massive Bender in order to help Bojack write his Memoirs this established a new and dangerous relationship for Bojack and sarin in 2015 sarin reunited with Bojack and her other horsing around castmates at herb kaz's funeral after fighting and digging up old beef with each other the four of them embarked on a scavenger hunt to find Herb's manuscript the same one sarin was supposed to help get published after his death during this time sarin says something that suggests her stepfather has sexually abused her it's be for I can tell my stepdad was a bear shortly after Herb's funeral sarin got sober for the majority of 2015 at least 8 months she stayed clean from drugs and alcohol though she didn't Express a desire to stay that way even though she was healthy sarilyn still struggled with the Perils of stardom while sober the paparazzi continued to bother her even in her own home when she was once again contacted by Bojack to party she immediately jumped at the chance you want a party oh thank God yes in early 2016 from January 15th until February 28th sarin and Bojack went on a massive drug fuel Bender they started at sarin's house where they indulged and watched horse and around DVDs they later left to go to sarin's AA meeting where she would get her 9-month sobriety chip eventually they started to drive around La as Bojack attempted to make amends and apologize to those he had wronged they stopped at Mr Peanut Butter and Diane's house princess Carolyn's apartment and went on to anas bop's place a few times before Bojack decided to make the long Trek to Ohio to apologize to Penny Carson on their way to Ohio sarilyn calls her mother Carol himar Richardson and leaves a voicemail apologizing for being such a major disappointment as she leaves the voicemail she leans out the car window hitting anything she can with a baseball bat after they arrived at overlin College Bojack and sarin followed around penny to a few different locations before deciding it was time to leave unfortunately Bojack stumbles and falls into an Acappella group at which point Penny notices Bojack the crowd quickly starts to realize that Bojack is there as well as sarin and after Penny disappears into the crowd Bojack and sarin start to drive back on the drive sarin discovers a bag of heroin in BO Jack's glove compartment and when the two get back to sarin's house in La they snort it together while high on heroin the two of them went to a few different locations first the very same bench where Bojack gave sarin his TV Guide award on February 28th they go to a dingy Motel where they lay on the bed together sarin drifting in and out of Consciousness they turn on the TV just in time to see the Oscars award sarin for best original song in the film the Nazi who played yatsi initially sarn is Overjoyed with the win before realizing that she should have been at the show herself overcome with regret sarin has a brief existential panic attack expressing her unhappiness with how her life has turned out what am I supposed to do I don't know what to do am I doomed are you doomed are we all doomed no no Bojack then offers to take sarin to the Planetarium a place she requested to go a few different times over the course of their Bender at the planetarium sarin admires the building's architecture the two of them sit together looking into the vast empty void of space sarin leads her head onto bojack's shoulders and says her final words I want to be an architect sarin lost Consciousness in the planetarium when Bojack realized that she was in trouble he panicked he waited 17 minutes before calling an ambulance to pick her up Bojack met sarin's mother and stepfather at the hospital where sarin was pronounced dead on February 28th 2016 at 31 years old actress and pop star Sarah L is dead at 31 though sarin was gone her story didn't end here the world mourned her death and in 2019 Carol himar Richardson contacted some reporters about her daughter's death and using the voicemail sarin left during their Bender the investigators tracked the clues back to Bojack uncovering nearly everything that they had gone through together in two televised interviews with biscuits braby Bojack reveals everything about his relationship with sarin the drug Bender the 17 minutes he waited their sexual relationship and this ultimately led to Bojack public cancellation effectively ending his career the tragedy of Sarah linnn is that she was never given a chance at age three her mother forced her into a life as a child actor she used her her stepfather sexually abused her she was never given an opportunity to make any real friends losing those she thought she had made in the process she was shoved into superstardom at a delicate age and then when Hollywood was done with her she was ridiculed the people who had a chance to help her failed her she was never given the opportunity to be her own own person she never felt like she was allowed to be and that is profoundly sad that's too much man is possibly the saddest and darkest episode in all of Bojack Horsemen the story deals with pain addiction unhealthy coping mechanisms and most importantly bojack's failure as a friend and Father Figure to sarin after bojack's Oscar nomination is vacated he falls deeper and deeper into his own shame spot one that sends him on an ill-advised quest to make amends to the people he's wronged but as bojack's self-serving Adventure goes deeper his neglect for sarin's insecurities fears and demons grow larger until it's too late because there are some people you can't save that's too much man begins with Bojack calling Sarah in and asking her to party derailing her 9 months of sobriety without a second thought the two of them do drugs drink and party together until until Bojack starts to black out and lose track of time after a shameful speech at sarin's AA meeting Bojack decides he needs to reach out to everyone he's hurt and make amends but what Bojack doesn't recognize is that his intention here isn't to actually reconcile take accountability or make up for the actions that have left him alone what Bojack is really searching for is his own sense of comfort a relief from his own guilty conscience something we've seen from him over and over in the series in particular earlier this very season in Fish Out of Water he basically hasn't learned the lesson that should have been obvious from his experience with herb back in season 1's the telescope Bojack is seeking personal closure and relief he isn't actually concerned with the things he's done to people and this is showcased over and over in the ways that Bojack tries to make amends throughout that's too much man you just say you're sorry for the things you did and you get a clean slave first Bojack and sarin go to make amends with Mr Peanut Butter and Diane who aren't home Bojack breaks into their house and eats all of their food when they're caught by Diane and Mr Peanut Butter he breaks Diane's wrist as they flee the house a pretty bad job at making amends when he tries to make amends with Todd he literally apologizes to the wrong person an actual child to me this represents the way that Bojack infantilizes Todd subconsciously he sees Todd as a child in a leech on his success when in reality Todd has only ever been a good friend who's there for Bojack but Bojack couldn't even be bothered to apologize to the real Todd when he apologizes to princess Carolyn he just stands on his car and yells in the middle of of the night a truly rude action to all involved especially PC bojack's concern is entirely his own conscience not anybody else and then there's bojack's apology to anas spanic copon a men's for what I don't know whatever it is that you think I did to make you disappear Bojack goes back to her house three different times and each time she recounts a sad and traumatic incident from her past to try and help Bojack understand his own shortcomings but bojack's Bender blackouts keep interrupting the story the fact that Bojack continues to go back to Anna and forces her to recount her own trauma over and over for his own Peace of Mind shows exactly what his priorities were because there are some people you can't save cuz those people will thrash and struggle and try to take you down with them but even worse Bojack couldn't see how Anna Story related to his own situation what does it have to do with me maybe if he had this episode could have ended differently but the worst indication of bojack's attempts to make amends being self serving and only making things worse for his victims is Penny Carson Bojack drives himself and sarin all the way to Ohio to make amends with Penny this was somebody who Bojack feared he traumatized deeply yet he cannot bring himself to stay away despite knowing that he could dredge up old trauma for her it was not bojack's place to seek out Penny especially after Charlotte's warning in season 2 and if you ever try to contact me or my family again I willing kill you but here he is Rio opening Old Wounds I I don't want to see you here I don't want to see you at all no I was 17 I didn't know any better one of bojack's most heartless mistakes you in the middle of the episode we get a brief flashback to 2007 bojack's TV series The BoJack Horseman show is failing hard and the Creator cuddly whiskers asks Bojack if he'll ask Sarah Lin to guest star on the show at this point in the timeline Sarah Lin is the world's biggest pop star are and she could really help boost the ratings of their show you're like a father to her I think this line is pretty important cuddly whiskers tells Bojack that he is a father figure to Sarah Lynn which is true but he's also unaware of the countless ways Bojack has failed Sarah Lynn in her life and the ways that he would continue to fail her after this point in time this is a moment I go back to a lot in these breakdowns but it's a pretty important moment in the series it's the first known instance of Bojack imprinting some of his own insecurities onto Sarah Lin and one that we know affected both of them for their entire lives no matter what happens no matter how much it hurts you don't stop dancing Don't Stop Dancing is the Mantra sarin lived by and it's one that haunted Bojack in his darkest moments but bojack's neglect went further than this throughout the series it's heavily implied that sarin's stepfather is incredibly inappropriate with her the hints were there and it seems like other people like the horse andar around hairdresser shirona understood sn's discomfort with her stepfather but this was something that Bojack didn't understand or chose to ignore why can't you do this in Sarah Lin's dressing room my stepdad's in there and he's being weird why is that my problem at this point Bojack was drinking on set a lot and sarin got a hold of his vodka getting drunk and shutting down production for the day Bojack could have been there for his TV daughter but instead he helped provide a path to substance abuse and dangerous coping mechanisms something obviously repeated throughout that's too much man when sarin was 30 years old she was at one of her lowest points and while Bojack may have set out with good intentions giving her a place to stay he ultimately took ad Vantage of a vulnerable friend who looked to him for support towards the end of that's too much man Bojack talks to sarin about how long they've known each other and how they have this shared experience together being on horse and around nobody knows what we went through nobody who wasn't on that show he goes on to vent about how he feels his friends have tried to capitalize on a success and turn it into their own gain but that he and Sarah Lynn don't have that type of relationship but you and me we don't want anything from each other this of course would prove to be boj Jack's own delusions his attempts to convince himself that he isn't like those people he resents but as we would learn in the very next episode Bojack did this very same thing to sarin herself in 2007 when he goes to meet her at her concert she is so excited to see him boj oh my God bring him in an old face who she believed she could trust who was just there to see her not to seek a favor but instead Bojack asks sarin to be on the BoJack Horseman show and shatters that illusion that sarin held on to I swear you are like the only one I have left I am this close to falling off the deep end there was nobody left that she could trust like I said it's always nice to see a you I don't like anything about me throughout that's too much man Bojack not only showcases how little he actually cares about the ways he hurt his friends but he actively shows that he doesn't actually care about Sarah Linn's fears or insecurities every time Sarah Lin starts to say something real something personal that she wants to let out boj Jack ignores it changes the subject or goes on an unrelated tangent you know it's amazing that it's legal for kids to be actors how is that not child labor I didn't know what I was signing up for I was three here she is venting about how she never even got to choose her own life path she never had her own agency she was forced to be on TV at 3 years old and her entire life was dictated by this decision but how does Bojack respond this is getting me depressed let's do something fun when they're at Oberlin sarn Daydreams about going to college and continues to say that she wants to be an architect but Bojack latches onto the wrong parts of the story and ignores what she's saying this all comes to a head in the motel sarin just watched herself win an Oscar on television she's temporarily elated before crashing back down to earth and realizing how little of this was what she wanted I don't like anything about me Bojack could have actually talked to Sarah Lin about this he could have been there and heard what she had to say and supported her through her fears and insecurities but instead he avoids it finds the distraction something that would make sarin happy but not address the issue and I'll tell you what we're going to do we're going to go to the Planetarium really Sarah Lynn had been asking to go to the Planetarium the entire episode and Bojack didn't entertain the idea until it would help him avoid dealing with the real and raw emotional trauma that his friend was coping with and unfortunately this was the last thing the two of them would do together oh thank God the beginning of That's too much man opens on a gorgeous Recreation of the famous painting ofilia by John Everett Malay the painting itself was completed in the 1850s and depicts the death of ofilia from Shakespeare's Hamlet this version of the painting shows sarin in place of opilia as she drowns in the river but why did they choose oia's death for Sarah Lynn let's dive into Hamlet and break it down oia's death isn't portrayed in the play but it is recounted by another character who describes ailia climbing a willow tree before falling into the river here's what it says from there fell in the Weeping Brook her clothes spread wide and mermaid like a while they bore her up which time she chanted snatches of old lods as one incapable of her own distress or like a creature native and ued unto that element but long it could not be till that her garments heavy with their drink pulled the poor wretch from her melodious lay to muddy death so let's dive in her clothes spread wide and mermaid like a while they bore her up in modern terms this explains that at first her dress kept her afloat as one incapable of her own distress or like a creature named native and ued unto that element described that she was unaware of the danger she was in and that she seemed comfortable and did not panic as she floated but long it could not be till that her garments heavy with their drink pulled the poor wretch from her melodious lay to muddy death as the water filled her dress she began to sink into the river as the weight of the wet dress slowly crept on her it became too late she was taken under and she died if we're to look at this in a more metaphorical sense this pretty accurately describes Sarah Lynn's demise when the episode begins Sarah Lyn is sober but struggling immensely to cope with her hyper famous lifestyle she's still bombarded by Paparazzi even in her own home but she carries on it isn't until Bojack calls her to party that she completely throws her sobriety away and starts to drink again we see how quickly sarin Dives back into drugs and alcohol and also how comfortable she is living this way as one incapable of her own distress one might say a creature native unto that element but as with opilia floating in the river long it could not be while lilia's dress weighed heavy with the water of the river sarin slowly became overwhelmed by the substance abuse throughout the final parts of this episode we see sarin start to drift in and out of Consciousness unaware that she was being taken away it was gradual and it caught up with her until she drifted off to sleep for the final time to muddy death this one spectacular moment we are sharing together right S as Bojack and sarin sit in the planetarium looking up at the gorgeous galaxies above them sarin continues to express her love for art architecture her last words were oh I want to be an architect Bojack gives a really nice speech one that sarahy sadly wouldn't hear but as nice as it was it's sadly representative of the same issues we've been exploring with Bojack this entire episode we're just tiny specks that will one day be forgotten so it doesn't matter what we did in the past or how we'll be remembered what Bojack says here isn't really to ease sarin's fears it's to ease his own he ignored what sarin said moments before the last words she would ever speak sarn isn't worried about how she'll be remembered she's worried that she never got to live her own life make her own decisions do things that make her happy as we know Sarah Lyn would be very fondly remembered but that doesn't mean she got to live a life that fulfilled her bojack's final words to sarin instead Express his own fears that he will be remembered as somebody who caused pain to everyone around him that his past would haunt him forever but looking at the grand scheme of the universe and how inconsequential are from a larger perspective eases his own fears not Sarah Lynn's but he did get one thing right about life the only thing that matters is right now this moment this one spectacular moment we are sharing together it's just too bad that she never actually got to hear him say it right sarin sarin serin oh so delicious beatric Horseman was born in 1938 to parents Joseph and honey Sugarman her brother crackerjack was much older likely born in the early 1920s the sugerman family owned the sugarm sugar cube company and lived a high class and privileged lifestyle growing up the family would spend much of their summers in Harper's Landing Michigan at the family's Lakefront summer home from a young age certain gender Norms were ingrained in beatric that would affect how she saw the world for the remainder of her life while her father and brother were able to enjoy delicious treats she was forced to eat sugar on Lemon slices for dessert so as not to gain weight even at this young age you can sprinkle some sugar on a lemon that's a good healthy Girl snack oh all right in summer 1944 the entire family went to Harper's Landing shortly before Cracker Jack's deployment to Europe to fight in World War II the family was happy and had a fun Dynamic crackerjack would play piano and duet with his mother honey he seemed to have a strong connection to beatric as well the family took their final full family portrait together in Harper's Landing that summer before leaving around the winter of 1944 shortly after being deployed to Europe crackerjack was shot and killed in summer 1945 the family returned to Harper's Landing for the first summer without crackerjack the family was struggling to handle the loss of crackerjack but honey got the worst of it Joseph's discomfort with Honey's pain and grief was apparent and he left the pair of them at the summer home by August America had declared the war over and fireworks marked the celebrations in Harper's Landing honey decided that she and beatric needed to go out and celebrate and and they ended up at a restaurant in town while there honey had a bit of a mental breakdown she publicly sang her half of the duet she used to sing with crackerjack I will always think of you after finishing singing honey continued her breakdown chugging alcohol and accosting Cracker Jack's friend S as well as kissing him honey then forced poor beatric to drive the two of them home to the Sugarman place even though she was just a child who had never operated a car before while driving honey smashed her foot down in the gas pedal and the two of them crashed into a gas station nearly killing them both after returning home Joseph showed intense anger towards honey for allowing this to happen as honey begged Joseph to take her pain away shortly after this incident Joseph had honey lobotomized effectively putting her in a zombified state for the remainder of her life beatric was devastated beatric promise me you'll never love anyone as much as I loved Cracker Jack this was advice that beatric would seemingly take to heart beatric returned to school where she was regularly picked on by her classmates particularly chamelia bloodsworth shortly after the events of Honey's labotomy poor beatric contracted scarlet fever something that disgustingly Joseph would blame honey for how could you not have known she has scarlet fever beatric would fortunately overcome the illness but in the process Joseph burned all of Beatrice's belongings including her beloved baby horse doll another traumatic experience for the young girl in 1963 at 25 years old beatric debuted at her very own debutant ball she went through this process effectively to humor her father though it was clear that she didn't think much of the tradition will it end poverty war and Injustice or bring back civil rights activist Medgar ever Joseph attemp Ed to pair beatric up with Corbin creamerman a member of the wealthy and respected creamerman family but at the ball beatric met a horse named butterscotch Horsemen butterscotch seemingly represented everything that her father didn't the two shared some banter and eventually they ditched the rest of the ball together spending a lovely evening Under the Stars two weeks after the ball Joseph was still Furious over Beatrice's actions and forced her to make it up to Corbin by going out with him while on a stroll through the park beatric slowly started to realize that she actually had a lot in common with Corbin creamerman and she started to entertain the idea of actually being with him oh dear this was unfortunately interrupted by explosive vomit which led to beatric learning that she is pregnant with butterscotch's child butterscotch initially wanted beatric to get rid of the baby but her traumatic experience with her baby doll as a child prevented her from entertaining the idea the two of them eloped to San Francisco and on January 2nd 1964 Bojack Horsemen was born the horsemen family Dynamic was an unhealthy one throughout the ' 60s and early 7 s beatric and butterscotch resented each other greatly butterscotch resented beatric for not supporting his desire to write a great American novel while beatric resented butterscotch for not accepting her father's help and providing a better life for herself and Bojack but in 1970 butterscotch finally agreed to accept that help he took a job at Sugarman West and very quickly The Horseman family's living situation started to improve but this didn't improve their relationship the two of them consistently fought about things like infidelity I can hear your flirting through the wall when you're supposedly working on your novel Beatrice's resentment would extend to her son Bojack as well she consistently abused Bojack verbally she would force him to perform for her friends when he didn't want to in 1972 Bojack tried one of Beatrice's cigarettes beatric then forced Bojack to finish the entire cigarette and even berated him for coughing while smoking it when she asked what she was punishing him for beatric said this you for being alive beatric and butterscotch's fight over his infidelity would continue through their relationship in 1973 they got into a particularly aggressive fight while Bojack watched Secretariat on the Dick Cavit show after butterscotch left beatric sat down and said this to Bojack up to be something great to make up for all the damage you've done I will sometime in the mid to late '70s beatric saw the Henrik Ipson play a doll's house which sent her into a bit of an existential crisis forcing butterscotch to pick up Bojack from soccer practice BHS remained cruel to Bojack through his teenage years when he joined the football team she told him he would just embarrass himself in the mid 80s Beatrice's son Bojack left home to pursue a comedy career in Los Angeles and in 1987 he landed the lead role on situation comedy horse in around in 1988 beus attended one episode taping of horse and around but she wasn't impressed and continued to throw intense shade at her son despite his success ridiculing his work she also said something particularly haunting to boj Jack I hope you die before I do so you never have to know what it's like to lose a mother obviously her mother's labotomy continued to loom over beatric even in 1988 her her relationship with her son Bojack remained strained for years in 1999 after Beatrice's Father Joseph passed away beatric brought Bojack a painting of Joseph's even 3 years after horing around ended beatric would criticize the show's worth in front of her son I never understood the appeal it's just a bunch of silly stories some people like silly stories in 1999 butterscotch had an affair with the Horseman's young housekeeper Henrietta platki impregnating her in the process in one of his lowest moments butterscotch begged beatric to help him through the situation and despite her resentment she does beatric gave Henrietta an ultimatum she offered to pay for henrietta's nursing school tuition but only if she gave up the baby for adoption on September 24th 2000 Henrietta gave birth to a baby horse beatric held her hand the entire time but as soon as the baby was born beatric took the child away never giving her a chance to see it despite her cries in 2009 butterscotch Horsemen passed away after slipping and hitting his head on a rock in the middle of a duel beatric and Bojack attended the funeral together and even here beatric chose to chastise bojack's career on horse and around beatric gave the eulogy at his funeral claiming my husband is dead and everything is worse now unfortunately for beatric butterscotch had squandered away much of her family inheritance forcing beatric to sell her house and her jewelry shortly after Bojack put her up in Walnut Springs Nursing Home in Santa Barbara in 2015 beatric reached out to Bojack after reading his autobiography one trick pony she expressed regret that he sees her as a monster and sort of apologizes but not in any meaningful way she tells Bojack that he was born broken and leaves leaves him with these parting words you're BoJack Horseman there's no cure for that in 2017 henrietta's daughter Holly Hawk discovered Bojack in search of her biological mother she thinks that Bojack might be her father not realizing that he is actually her half-brother while living with Bojack the two of them visit beatric in Walnut Springs nursing home and spend some quality time with her though beatric has begun to suffer from dementia at this point the two start visiting every week though beatric seemingly cannot recognize Bojack beatric continued to be critical of Bojack and Holly Hawk even in her old age you could be thin too just go easy on the sweets and when you go somewhere don't walk Gallop in an attempt to get her to recognize him through her dementia Bojack acts out an episode of horsing around but this deeply disturbs beatric in her upset State she pushed over another patient and is subsequently expelled from the nursing home forcing her to move in with Bojack while at bojack's Holly Hawk gets beatric a baby doll that is very reminiscent of the one she had as a child beatric became very fixated on the doll taking care of it like a real baby in a selfish act Bojack threw Beatrice's baby doll over his balcony deeply upsetting beatric once again and given her past trauma with their baby horse doll this is pretty understandable while at bojack's beatric is very taken with Holly Hawk and continued to make her coffee every single morning beatric this coffee is amazing unbeknownst to Holly hawkk beatric had been spiking the coffee with chub begone a weight loss supplement that utilizes amphetamines similar to what she would take most of her life and clearly a result of those dated gender norms intill in her by her parents as a child one day holly Hawk collapsed in the bathroom and then is taken to the hospital revealing that she had overdosed on amphetamines when Bojack realized that beatric had been spiking Holly Hawk's coffee he furiously took her to a new nursing home determined to get her out of his life once and for all as Bojack walked away from beatric she finally recognized him Bojack M Bojack tells beatric a story painting her a picture of somewhere much nicer than the nursing home he told her she was eating vanilla ice cream so delicious in October 2018 beatric Horseman died in the hospital Bojack stayed with her in her final moments as she screamed and cried her way into the Afterlife her final words were I see you though it isn't clear if she was telling Bojack that she saw him or if she was asking for the Intensive Care Unit beatric Horsemen lived a very long and full life filled with both incredible privilege and immense tragedy so many of the things that beatric said and did were completely detestable she treated people horribly especially her son but it's important to look at her attitude and context she was forced into a box as a young girl told what role she needed to fill her brother was tragically killed in the war sending her family into a spiral her mother who seemed to be the person she was closest to in the world was lobotomized in her grief leaving beatric with only her ill equipped and problematic father as her support system beatric Horseman was an abuser but she was a victim first she was a strong Link in the chain of generational trauma that plagued the horsemen and those around them it's natural to feel disdain or even hatred towards beatric but knowing her entire story it's also easy to feel empathy she experienced things that are hard to even comprehend it's no wonder that that sweet little sugarm didn't stay so sweet the old Sugarman place is a heartbreaking stop in Bojack Horseman's journey and it's also my favorite episode of the series the story comes on the heels of sarin's untimely death at a point where the audience and Bojack are both grieving and fittingly grief is what's explored so thoroughly in this episode primarily Through The Eyes of Bojack honey sugarm and Eddie the dragonfly we take an in-depth look at the many ways death and grief can break us and the way that improperly dealing with that grief can have major long-term effects on us and those we love the old sugerman place begins where season 3 finished with Bojack watching a herd of wild horses run through the desert he gets a call from Diane that he sends to voicemail before beautiful Michelle Branch cover of America's a horse with no name begins playing this song is fitting for a few reasons one is obviously the horse connection but I think even the name of the song is representative of bojack's mental state at this point in the series Bojack doesn't want to have a name he doesn't want to be Bojack he continues to deny being Bojack throughout the episode by continuously ignoring Diane's calls literally denying his identity to those he meets and even giving a fake name to his neighbor Eddie you told me that's what your name was handbone fake naming the lyrics also say the first thing I met was a fly with a buzz which many people attribute to Bojack meeting Eddie in Michigan but most interesting is the meaning behind the song writer Dewey benell has said that a horse with no name is a metaphor for a vehicle to get away from life's confusion into a quiet peaceful place this is obviously directly representative of what Bojack is doing in the old Sugarman place as he retreats to his grandparents old lake house in Michigan running away from the Grim reality of his life back in Los Angeles one of the most brilliant things about this episode is that its two story lines actually take place around 70 years apart in 1944 bojack's mother uncle and grandparents spend their summer vacation at the lake house in Harper's Landing in 2016 Bojack arrives at the same lake house mourning the death of Sarah Lynn the episode brilliantly showcases these two story lines simultaneously as they share a location and we get some vital context for some of the traumas that plagued bojack's family for Generations despite Joseph sugerman being incredibly problematic the sugarm are an incredibly happy family they laugh together honey and crackerjack duet I will always think of you honey is so Lively and upbeat look at me I'm a Marchin Aro of course there are a couple pieces of Haunting foreshadowing in the scene as well alluding to Honey's ultimate fate at the end of the episode first is that Joseph cuts off honey and Cracker Jack's duet citing that Time's Arrow doesn't stand still or reverse it marches forward the song's lyrics are specifically about remembering the times that have passed and cherishing the memories of those you love Joseph cuts off this sentiment at the piano just like he literally cuts off Honey's ability to cherish the memories of those she's lost later in the episode honey was never given any real opportunity to deal with her pain and Trauma and of course there's this even scarier piece of foreshadowing right here but I've got half a mind to kiss you with that smart mouth well that half you can keep back in 2016 we see that Bojack is attempting to fix up parts of the Sugarman lake house but he's only tackling small aspects of The house's dilapidated state every time he fixes one small thing something else collapses and breaks even further this is representative of how Bojack is coping with his own grief the truth is that foundationally Bojack is broken just like the old Sugarman place but Bojack has neither the tools nor knowledge of how to fix that Foundation the little tasks Bojack gives himself are small distractions from the larger issues and none of them solve the real problems at hand Bojack Spends months living in the dilapidated home before attempting to properly fix up the place in a brilliantly blocked scene we see Bojack forcing himself to watch the minseries about sarin's death while in the background we see the Echoes of his family mourn the death of crackerjack Honey Joseph and beatric return to the lake house to find Cracker Jack's childhood blanky as honey laments the loss of her son the dialogue in the sarin miniseries perfectly parallels the dialogue between Joseph and honey in the miniseries Bojack says she's dead as Joseph says he's gone honey says oh Joseph I failed him as Bojack says oh doc I let her down the doctor says this was bound to happen that's just show business as Joseph says that's just War honey it is a heartbreaking parallel this is when we really get to know Eddie the sugarman's neighbor in Harper's Landing he continues to fix bojack's door despite Bojack stubbornly breaking it back off again and he frustratedly asks Bojack this question when he sees the state of the Sugarman place do you even know how to anything this obviously is in reference to how worn down the house is but also applies to bojack's inability to cope with his own grief ironically something that Eddie struggles with as well Bojack agrees to let Eddie help him and the two spend the winter and spring fixing up the house in their time spent together we get a little bit of insight into Eddie I don't fly we also get more insight into Joseph sugarman's toxic nature and his inability to help his wife through the grieving process as a modern American man I am woefully unprepared to manage a woman's emotions I was never taught and I will not learn this tragically leaves beatric to try and pick up the pieces something she's hardly equipped to do at age s and through all of this beatric herself is never truly able to grieve she lost her big brother too with her family woefully incapable of being a pillar of strength in her life and her mother incapacitated by grief herself beatric tries her best to remain strong through these events this must have been truly traumatic after Eddie and Bojack finish the house Bojack isn't quite ready to move on he finds one last thing for them to fix the missing Weather Vein from a top the house this is when we get more insight into Eddie's life he recognizes the Weather Vein and Retreats to watch a videotape of his own anniversary we see that his wife Lorraine's belongings are still strewn about the room as though she still lives there an indication of his inability to move on we also see that when he was with Lorraine he did fly Bojack picks up on this the two go to retrieve the Weather Vein after this next we see honey and beatric watching the fireworks that Mark the end of World War II and the two decide to go into town and celebrate ending up in the same location where Bojack and Eddie are trying to Heist The Weather Vein the next sequence is my favorite in all of Bojack Horsemen across time Eddie and honey duet I will always think of you the song is beautiful and tragic and the lyrics paint a picture of loss and grief that applies directly to both honey and Eddie some of these lyrics include I will always think of you I see your face when each day is through and days go past but memories they last trying to restart but thoughts of you haunt my heart I don't want to be alone now just biing my time I need somebody dearly and darling you'd be Sublime it is clear how much pain and grief the two of them are in and it really illustrates how difficult it is for them to move on I'll take flight maybe tomorrow not tonight they want to move on they want to move past their grief but they can't maybe tomorrow not tonight one of the most interesting things about this sequence is that while the two of them are singing this duet across time in their own time they're just singing alone you can particularly tell in 1945 the folks listening to Honey are a bit concerned including beatric for long stretches of the song she would be harmonizing without any actual accompaniment or even a piano this of course leads to honey going a bit off of the deep end drinking quickly kissing Cracker Jack's friend s crying out in pain instead of driving home drunk honey asks beatric to drive them home at only age seven resulting in the two of them crashing into a gas station another traumatic event for Beatrice's childhood Eddie and Bojack escape with the Weather Vein and bond for a moment as they place it on the house Bojack then jumps off the house in an attempt to make Eddie fly thinking he's helping Eddie overcome the trauma we learn that Eddie's refusal to fly stems from the fact that his wife was killed by an airplane engine and that it was his fault he insisted they fly higher despite her protests and she was killed he blames himself the two of them plummet into the lake and Bojack chooses to save Eddie who whales in agony claiming he doesn't want to live anymore Bojack walks away shaken and proceeds to call Diane and it doesn't take long for Bojack to start feeling like his old self oh my God let me guess the web series is about how funny he and his friends are just like hanging out back in 1945 Honey's careless actions infuriate Joseph and honey begs him to take her pain away like Eddie she agonizes over the pain that won't subside she doesn't know how to overcome her grief through Joseph's anger and Beatrice's helpless defense of her mother honey admits she doesn't know how to be better but she wants to be and tragically Joseph has a solution the end of the episode reveals that Bojack is ready to head back to Los Angeles after about 8 months in Harper's Landing but that's not the only reveal we of course learn the tragic outcome of Honey sugarman's plea for Relief she has been lobotomized incapable of dealing with emotion Joseph opted for brain damage a truly devastating end beatric meets her new mother and we see that Bojack is ready to tear down the old Sugarman place he's done living in the past and ready to to move on but what does this mean for Bojack what was the point of this exercise in pain grief and tragedy well let's explore that grief in depth as I mentioned earlier the old sugerman place is framed around the various ways these characters grieve after major deaths in their lives Bojack loses sarin honey loses crackerjack Eddie loses Lorraine all of them move through the different stages of grief at their own pace you may have heard of the five stages of grief but we're going to look at an updated model that features seven stages obviously the stages of grief aren't a rule but I think they're a useful tool for us to explore these characters stage one is shock and denial stage two is pain and guilt stage three is anger and bargaining stage four is depression stage five is the upward turn stage six is reconstruction and working through and the final stage is acceptance and hope when the episode begins Bojack seems to be moving through the first couple of stages his travel across the country comes across as numb in a state of disbelief he seems to be introspective and knowing what we learned in season 6 that Bojack waited 17 minutes before calling the ambulance when sarin overdosed he was likely feeling intense pain and guilt for what he did we don't see much in terms of bargaining from Bojack but shortly after he arrives in Harper's Landing we do see anger he lashes out at his neighbor Eddie who's only trying to help him hey what's your name Eddie Eddie why don't you mind your goddamn business next the seasons change from Summer to fall and fall to winter this is stage four bojack's depression period he even forces himself to watch the minseries about sarin's death reliving the events he experienced but next comes the ever important stage five after Eddie fixes bojack's door and offers to help him fix up the house we see bojack's upward turn he's calmed down and he's willing to work on something new rather than wallow in his depression brilliantly bojack's reconstruction phase is showcased through literal reconstruction of the old family lake house but when they finally complete their work on the house Bojack isn't quite ready to move on to acceptance he quickly finds one final thing to fix on the house simultaneously we see Honey work through some of these same stages in the 1940s first she is desperately searching for Cracker Jack's blanket claiming that he needs it this is shock and denial next comes pain and guilt honey blames herself for Cracker Jack's death I never should have let him go unfortunately honey seems to sit in the stage for quite a while after her dangerous fit of mania that nearly killed herself in beatric we see her enter the third stage anger and bargaining specifically the bargaining aspect she desperately seeks relief from her pain literally any answer anything to take that pain away I can't be with people and I can't be Al I don't know how to be better Joseph please fix me I want to be better similarly we see Eddie stuck in a singular stage of grief for a long period of time we learn how his wife Lorraine dies and he blames himself he likely moved through the first two stages before we met him but the entire time we see Eddie he seems to be stuck in anger and bargaining I don't fly and the truth is that his refusal to fly is itself a type of bargaining his guilt has changed his behavior some type of a deal with a higher power if he doesn't fly anymore more he is doing right by Lorraine it grants him relief in his own mind I haven't flown since Lorraine died and now you ruined it following this Eddie seems to fall into a deep depression he cries that he no longer wants to live and agonizes at the lakeside when we leave Eddie it seems he may have hit his upward turn he's no longer showcasing the immense anger and guilt he's just confused as to why Bojack is tearing down the old sugarm place unfortunately honey sugerman wasn't granted the same opportunity because of the labotomy honey was never able to move past the anger and bargaining stage and while Bojack moves through most of these stages of grief the question is whether or not he actually accepted what happened and truly moved on after seeing Eddie's Agony it's clear that Bojack realized he does not want to wallow in pain in the same way that Eddie has for all these years you think I just want to mope around in a shrine to the Past getting off of my own guilt while the rest of my life passes Me by but what Bojack experiences later in the series draws into question whether or not he truly dealt with the trauma of Sarah Lin's death in this episode The renovation of the old sugerman place represents the Reconstruction and working through phase of bojack's grief but in the end Bojack literally tears the house down did he metaphorically tear down the progress he made in coping with the loss of Sarah Lynn the aftermath of the old Sugarman Place lingers throughout the series in season 6 Bojack still showcases a lot of lingering guilt in regard to Sarah Lin's death it haunts him throughout the first half of the season to me this indicates that Bojack never truly made made it through that cycle of grief he never really accepted the truth of what happened and it's probably one of the reasons we see him relapse so hard in season 5 it isn't until Bojack leaves rehab that we see him hopeful but even more tragically the events of Honey sugarman's labotomy truly begin to unravel bojack's livelyhood even before his life started honey and Beatrice's final scene together is truly haunting we see there are lingering feelings and memories left in honey she absent-mindedly hits a piano key the first in I will always think of you but is incapable playing anymore she barely remembers beatric at all beatric is traumatized at the sight of what has been done to her mother and we get the depressing context as to why beatric was so cold to Bojack beatric promise me you'll never love anyone as much as I loved Cracker Jack absolutely devastating the cycles of abuse and toxicity in bojak's family Run Deep beatric internalized this so deeply that Bojack never felt even an ounce of love from his mother his entire life instead she chastised him only giving him a atton when he would perform the lollipop song that type of attention from his mother LED Bojack to seek at other places through comedy he became a Jester which led to a standup career his stand-up career led to horsing around where he met Sarah Lynn he pushed that same craving for attention from an audience onto Sarah Lynn when she was a child and she also internalized it she didn't stop dancing her whole career even though she truly wanted to be an architect and the pain and pressure of being a superstar for her entire life led to terrible coping mechanisms just like Bojack and they enabled each other until it was too late the old Sugarman place is about properly dealing with grief but it's also about cycles of abuse if Joseph Sugarman hadn't been so inept so unequipped to help honey deal with the pain and grief of the loss of her son would anyone's life have turned out this way well there's also the truth that there's a good chance Bojack never would have been born if things had gone differently but there's also the chance that beatric wouldn't have perpetuated these same cycles of abuse she would have grown up with a mother who loved her instead of a Mindless husk and a demanding unempathetic father actions have consequences and sometimes those consequences outlive us all why I have half a mind time arrow is one of the most unique episodes in all of Bojack Horsemen and it gives us some much needed perspective on the life of beatric Horsemen explored through her own dementia riddled mind this episode showcases all of the most important and affecting events of Beatrice's life and pulls off the most effective twist in the entire series but beyond making one of the series most most antagonistic characters somewhat empathetic Time Zero is a heartbreaking look at the ways trauma can Echo across Generations as I mentioned this episode is explored through Beatrice's dementia which is an incredibly creative framing device the events of Beatrice's life occur out of order and scenes often cut back and forth Through Time One Moment beatric is at her debaton ball the next she's back at home getting ready sometimes the reality of the present with her son Bojack sneaks into the these memories other times we're seeing beat's battle with scarlet fever as a child the important pieces of these memories come through clearly while the less important details are sometimes not present at all nearly every non-important or background character is literally faceless some details are altered or changed based on her perception of those things at the time like this opening sequence from Beatrice's childhood the ladder to the slide that beatric climbs appears unbelievably tall with dangerous Crooks in the bars this must have been how the latter felt to beatric at this age and so her reing mind is adjusting her own memories to the reality of those emotions and fears but while this is an incredibly interesting way to tell the story it technically makes beatric an unreliable narrator we can't be certain what she remembers is truly accurate because her recollection cannot be fully trusted well I think they do seem to mostly tell an accurate Story the important thing about these moments even if they are altered or exaggerated in Beatrice's mind is that this is how she herself feels about these moments this is how they've affected her and it's how they've shaped beatric as a person and her worldview so while we can't be 100% confident that these events necessarily played out exactly this way or not we can be sure that beatric remembers them this way and that can tell us a lot about beatric [Music] herself time arrow in so many ways is a sequel to season 4's other Masterpiece the old Sugarman place and in order to fully understand Beatrice's trajectory it's important to look back at the events of that episode The devastating events of Beatrice's childhood in the 1940s had long lasting effects on her development and her relationships in 1944 beatric had a complete and loving family though Joseph was always abusive and problematic Beatrice's mother and crackerjack both shared a special bond with her they truly cared for each other by the following summer beatric had lost both of those relationships and was left with only her father Cracker Jack's death in World War II devastated honey who was later lobotomized in her grief there are some obvious ways that these events change the course of at's development promise me you'll never love anyone as much as I loved Cracker Jack but there are some less obvious as well understandably these events completely changed her views of her Father Joseph and her relationship with him in her late teens after beatric returned from college we see how the relationship has become more antagonistic but instead of a bachelor you returned home with a bachelor's degree and a mouthful of sass what a waste while beatric humors many of her father's wishes such as partaking in her own debutant ball she clearly doesn't respect his views your lifestyle I'm only doing this for my father who has very old-fashioned ideas about how a woman is to live her life the trauma of seeing her mother become a lifeless husk of a person clearly had a part in leading beatric to this attitude she wasn't willing to accept her father's ways because she had already seen where that could lead which is why somebody like butterscotch Horsemen ended up being so appealing to beatric butterscotch Horsemen Charmed I'm sure this was a man who represented a lifestyle completely opposite Joseph's he didn't live a lavish life in fact he had only snuck into her debutant ball for the free booze he had big dreams of being a famous writer and creativity clearly wasn't something Joseph sugerman understood or valued have your morning coffee or tea with sugar and creamerman but save some for these fellas butterscotch was attractive to beatric as a person yes but he also appealed to Beatrice's desires to defy her father you want me to leave my own party with you yeah but I suppose daddy wouldn't like that would he which led to the two spending the night together beatric disappearance from her debutant ball of course only angered Joseph further who demanded that beatric give her well to do Suitor Corbin creamerman one more chance this is an important event that changes Beatrice's perspective a bit more I got ideas too and I feel I never get to be anything other than what he expects me to be previously creamerman represented her father's lifestyle and therefore Corbin would have felt like a surrogate of her own father to beatric she falsely expected anyone Joseph wanted her to be with to be an extension of his own beliefs but when she actually got to know oring a bit more she realized that he experienced a lot of the same insecurities that she did and this was attractive to beatric of course at this point it was just barely too late it occurs to me that perhaps you and I aren't so oh dear after getting pregnant beatric and butterscotch alope with Big Dreams of success on the west coast he wrote his Great American novel while his wife took care of the baby but of course nothing goes as planned butter Scotch was ill equipped to follow his writing dreams and his failures slowly led beatric to fall back on some of the Tendencies instilled in her by her father she eventually shamed butterscotch into taking a job at Sugarman West giving them the more lavish lifestyle beatric was accustomed to this led to butterscotch resenting beatric and he formed a relationship with their young maid Henrietta who eventually became pregnant with his child we of course would later learn that this is Hol Hawk this leads to another heartbreaking event after butterscotch begs beatric to help him she manipulates Henrietta into giving the baby up for adoption this this initially comes across as Beatrice's way of helping butterscotch but It ultimately ends up being portrayed as beatric feeling as though she's actually helping henria don't throw away your dreams for this child don't let that man poison your life the way he did mine hey here's an interesting side note have y'all ever noticed that butterscotch Bojack and Holly Hawk all have the same nervous tick pretty cool detail beatric clearly blames her unhappiness in her life on butterscotch and Bojack and she truly believes that she's saving Henrietta from a lifetime of her own unhappiness and this added ude can all be traced back to Beatrice's childhood the final sequence of the flashback is beautifully haunting and it all goes back to the moment that the last of Beatrice's innocence was taken from her obviously the events surrounding Cracker Jack's death and Honey's labotomy played a major role but following these events beatric gets scarlet fever in the old Sugarman place we see three things bring beatric Comfort crackerjack honey and her horse baby doll two of these three things are taken from her in the events of that episode and in this one the final is burned in front of her this is obviously a play on the old story of the velvetine rabbit but in Beatrice's case the lack of empathy from her father in an incredibly trying period of her life was truly traumatic later in life when beatric is confronted with the idea of aborting Bojack she flashes back to the shot of her burning baby doll and decides that she can't do it essentially this childhood trauma is what led beatric into the life that she would later come to regret and it's why this final sequence is so impressive each of the three events showcased on screen represent three different eras of Beatrice's life and each event can be followed directly into the decision made in the subsequent event Beatrice's baby doll is taken and burned in front of her this trauma leads to beatric feeling the need to keep Bojack which in turn leads to her overwhelming resentment of her life with her husband and son and her forcing of Henrietta into rejecting the life that beatric herself had thus giving Holly Hawk up for adoption and this is just one example of the many ways generational drama trickled down from Joseph all the way to the characters we know and love in Bojack Horsemen tracking this AFF forementioned generational trauma is honestly pretty depressing but the ways these traumas can have lasting effects spanning decades is very important to explore so let's take a look at this family tree of generational trauma caused by the Sugarman family one thing we saw through be's childhood was an inordinate amount of importance placed on looks and weight as a child she wasn't allowed to eat pancakes cakes or ice cream like her father or brother you can sprinkle some sugar on a lemon that's a good healthy Girl snack this was clearly a societal issue but one that was echoed and reinforced by people like Joseph to his wife and daughter it clearly affected beatric long into her life in many ways when we see her in her late teens she asks her made for a pretty pill likely a weight loss supplement in her dementia riddled recollection of the late 9s bringing boj Jack a painting that belonged to Joseph we can see bojack's fridge is full of sugar and lemons which was the only treat she was allowed to eat as a child this shows that these ideas were internalized so deeply that it permeated her mind even in her old age but the way this trauma trickled down generationally actually was with Holly hawk in season 4 when beatric and Holly Hawk are living with Bojack beatric spikes Holly Hawk's coffee with chub beon another weight loss supplement in addition to perpetually making mean comments about her weight throughout their time together you are so beautiful you could be thin too she not only psychologically attacked Holly Hawk using similar tactics that were used against her for her entire childhood but she quite literally rugged hly Hawk to the point of Overdose which were of course the events that led to this episode Another theme of this ongoing trauma is motherhood there are a lot of ways the trauma surrounding motherhood showed itself the most obvious is honey sugarman's labotomy and Joseph sugarman's General treatment of that poor woman one of the most haunting moments is when Joseph chastises honey after beatric gets scarlet fever Joseph tells honey she is continually failing at keeping her children alive which is horrible for many reasons but it even implies that it was Honey's fault that crackerjack died in the war an insane accusation it's also truly infuriating that he blames anything on honey after he literally lobotomized her but Joseph's actions left beatric motherless for the vast majority of her childhood and it also led to Honey giving beatric this horrifying piece of advice promise me you'll never love anyone as much as I loved crackerjack which led to her General disdain for Bojack for his entire life which led him to seek out that validation elsewhere like in comedy and Performing but beatric also pushed that Ain for her own motherhood onto poor Henrietta and in turn Hol Hawk she cornered Henrietta into a situation where she was forced to give up her own child beatric acted like she was doing this as a kindness but it's clear that this was a manifestation of her own traumas continuing to affect her decision-making deep into her life and while Holly Hawk was ultimately raised by eight great fathers she still sought out her mother in her late teens and based on the fact that Henrietta had also sought out Holly Hawk it was clear that she was never at peace with the arrangement that beatric forced her into in addition to Beatrice's General disdain for Bojack she instilled in him an unhealthy need to perform nobody gives a damn what you feel you've got an audience out there and they want to hear you sing this was passed down from beatric to Bojack and then from Bojack to Sarah Lynn you don't stop dancing and you don't stop smiling and you give those people what they want the reaches of generational trauma extend even Beyond family sometimes to the other people we're close with and sadly we know how much sarin internalized this she didn't didn't stop dancing despite her true desires to become an architect and the unhealthy coping mechanisms that Bojack and sarin both partook in ultimately ended her life and while we can't blame everything Bojack ever did wrong on generational trauma because ultimately Bojack is a person that made his own decisions it's interesting to think about how Bojack may have treated people differently if he had been raised differently throughout the series Bojack has a general disregard for the feelings of the people he cares about the events of escape from La were absolutely traumatizing to both Charlotte and especially Penny and we see that they have lasting effects on Penny's psyche even years later we can't know for sure but it's possible that this trauma could be passed down generationally from her as well I tried to throw it out but I [Music] couldn't in the end there is truth to the phrase repeated by Joseph and beatric time Arrow neither stands still nor reverses it simply marches forward time doesn't stop for any of us no matter what kind of trauma or adversity we face no matter how much we might want to go back beatric marched forward her entire life enduring trauma after trauma and then inflicting some of her own and the only way that time Arrow was halted was through her own dementia and despite the Justified anger that Bojack feels towards beatric as he leaves her at this nursing home he decides to help her reverse time Arrow one final time can you taste the ice cream Mom oh Bo so delicious this would be the last time we see beatric hor man alive in the series one of the most incredible things about her story is that it makes the audience understand and empathize with even the most detestable of characters her story is absolutely tragic it doesn't justify her vitriolic and toxic attitude throughout the show but it makes us understand it and it also just makes the story even more tragic but I think it represents a larger lesson that we can all appreciate and one that the show really hammers home in its final few seasons people are shaped by the events in their lives the traumatic events in Beatrice's life were not her fault but they shaped who she would become while we can detest who and what she stands for it's important to recognize the complexities and nuances of life itself and beatric led one of the most complicated lives of all why I have half a m you don't want to end up like your mother now do you better be worth all this sing the lollipop no matter how much it hurts you don't stop dancing for your own please come back I need to hold her this close to falling off the deep end a bad Penny everybody loves you I but nobody likes like anything about her want to be an architect you could be thin too it goes away right sickness has infected everything the hard part is over Johnny I stay me watching Johnny toell he talks cartoons he's a really cool fellow he keeps you posted on adult cartoons if that's what you're into then grab a spoon and a very big bowl of your favorite cereal feels like Saturday morning cartoon material Johnny TOS watch him on YouTube now enjoy this groove and bust a move
Channel: Johnny 2 Cozy
Views: 209,024
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: BoJack Horseman, BoJack Horseman Sarah lynn, Complete Sarah Lynn timeline, That's Too Much Man explained, BoJack Horseman Old Sugarman Place, Old Sugarman Place Explained, I Will Always Think of You, BoJack Final Season, BoJack Finale, View from Halfway Down, Honey Sugarman, BoJack Lobotomy, BoJack Mom, Beatrice Horseman, BoJack Beatrice, bojack horseman ending, bojack beatrice mom, Old Sugarman Place Breakdown, Old Sugarman Place Analysis, Best BoJack Episode
Id: TsEwVVr7tYU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 64min 29sec (3869 seconds)
Published: Wed May 22 2024
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